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Reference code
AU ANUA 314-52
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Parlier, Jim & Judy, 1963. Managalasi phonology P/copy; Parlier, Judith, 1963? Managalasi verb suffixes. P/copy; Parlier, Jim, 1964. Managalasi verb inflection, Te Reo 7:28-35; Managalasi phonology [Notes taken from Jim & Judy Parlier’s paper, 1963]; Notes on the phonetic features of the Managalasi word list. Ts.; Notes on Managalsi grammar from my notes. Ts., List of vocab items taken from Parlier’s Managalasi primers 1 -5. ; Managalasi pronouns. Ts; Managalasi verb suffixes. MS [on card]; Managalasi phonology. MS [on card]; Differences between Managalasi and Koiari. Ts; Typological similarities between Managalasi and Koiari. Ts.; Managalasi – Koiari vocab cognates. MS.; Parlier, Jim & Judy. Grammatical check-list for New Guinea languages: Upper Managalasi & Kasaki. MS; Dekker, J., 1965. Sketch map showing languages and dialects recorded by GRI with Anglican Mission [in Northern District]. Ts., July 65; List of villages mentioned by MacDonnell (1913, 1914a, b, 1915) and Hooper (1916a, b) in the Managalasi, Barai, Bariji, Baruga, Pongani and Yareba language areas. Ts