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Tom Dutton's Pacific linguistics research papers
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Tom Dutton's Pacific linguistics research papers

  • AU ANUA 314
  • Series
  • 1952 - 2007

The material relates to linguistics research in Papua New Guinea and includes notebooks, articles, transcripts, and texts on Koiari, Koita, Mountain Koiari, Barai, Mangalasi, Aomie (Omie), Rigo, Police Motu (Hiri Motu) and Tok Pisin (New Guinea Pidgin English).

Dutton, Thomas Edward

Parlier materials on Managalasi

Parlier, Jim & Judy, 1963. Managalasi phonology P/copy; Parlier, Judith, 1963? Managalasi verb suffixes. P/copy; Parlier, Jim, 1964. Managalasi verb inflection, Te Reo 7:28-35; Managalasi phonology [Notes taken from Jim & Judy Parlier’s paper, 1963]; Notes on the phonetic features of the Managalasi word list. Ts.; Notes on Managalsi grammar from my notes. Ts., List of vocab items taken from Parlier’s Managalasi primers 1 -5. ; Managalasi pronouns. Ts; Managalasi verb suffixes. MS [on card]; Managalasi phonology. MS [on card]; Differences between Managalasi and Koiari. Ts; Typological similarities between Managalasi and Koiari. Ts.; Managalasi – Koiari vocab cognates. MS.; Parlier, Jim & Judy. Grammatical check-list for New Guinea languages: Upper Managalasi & Kasaki. MS; Dekker, J., 1965. Sketch map showing languages and dialects recorded by GRI with Anglican Mission [in Northern District]. Ts., July 65; List of villages mentioned by MacDonnell (1913, 1914a, b, 1915) and Hooper (1916a, b) in the Managalasi, Barai, Bariji, Baruga, Pongani and Yareba language areas. Ts

Koiari research materials

Binder marked "Unpublished seminar and other papers/notes"" - /y/ in Koiari, 11 May 1989; Have the adjectives all come back again? – adjectives in Koiari, Papua New Guinea, 23 Aug 1991; Reduplication in Koiari, 9 Apr 1991; Colour terms in Koiari Dec 1992; Koi /y/ - decisions, Jan 1994; Koiari negatives, 29 Aug 1994; Koiari copula constructions, 9 Sep 1994; Grammaticalisation against the grain: demonstratives as adverbs in Koiari and other languages of the Pacific basin, 9 Jun 1995; The origin of Motu dia ‘not’ in Motu, Papua New Guinea, 29 Oct 1996 (and correspondence about). Choosing citation forms for Koiari, 20 Jun 1997.

Palm Island Aboriginal English

Some aspects of Palm Island Aboriginal English. Mimeo. paper prepared for the First Conference of the Linguistic Circle of Canberra, 21 May 1964; Some phonological aspects of Palm Island Aboriginal English. Mimeo. paper presented to the SIL conference, Brisbane, December 1965. Incomplete copy, Dec 1965; Languages of the Port Moresby sub-district (Tentative statement), 24 Nov 1966.

Pidgin English Dictionary

`Pidgin English dictionary of common nouns and phrases used in conversation with natives in the Territory of New Guinea,' (No author but said to be by E. Haslett, 1937). Summary or judicial inquests involving Aborigines and PN (Polynesians, South Sea Islanders, Kanakas), 1857 -79.

Rigo and Police Motu research materials

`Rigo dala' (a translation of the Luksave publication Rigo road by Ron Lean in Hiri Motu), ANU, 1974; Speech by M E. Lalatute, counsellor, PNG High Commission on the occasion of the launching of the book “Police Motu – its story”, 18th May, 1987; Poster: Bia oi inua momo neganai do oi ogogoami. Office of Information , PNG, 1977.

Police Motu interviews

Folder of interviews, survey response about the history of Police Motu before and/or after World War II. By Robert A. Hall Jr., Percy Chatterton, Bill Tomasetti, Maynard Lock, J.B.C.Bramell, Peter Ryan, David Marsh, Edwin.G.Hicks, Harry Jackman, Kenneth Laycock]. MS | History of Police Motu: Transcripts & notes on Tape P1/79 – P12/79.

Motu research materials

Report (on the) study conference on Police Motu', 24-25 May, 1971. Port Moresby: Department of Information and Extension Services;A Primer of Police Motu,' by Percy Chatterton, 1950, Port Moresby: Department of Education. A primer of Police Motu, ' by Percy Chatterton, ca. 1960.A primer of Police Motu,' by Percy Chatterton, ca. 1968, Sydney: Pacific Publications. A survey of Motu and Police Motu,' by Brett Richard et al., 1962. The Summer Institute of Lintguistics and the Department of Information and Extension Services, Port Moresby.A dictionary of Police Motu,' by Richard Brett, et al., 1962, The Summer Institute of Linguistics and the Department of Information and Extension Services, Port Moresby; Police Motu: an introduction to the trade language of Papua (New Guinea) for anthropologists and other fieldworkers,' by S A Wurm and J.B. Harris eds, 1963, Canberra: Linguistic Circle of Canberra, Series B, 1.Motu and Police Motu, a study in typological contrasts, by SA Wurm, 1964 Canberra: Linguistic Circle of Canberra, Series A, 4. "

Hiri Motu - Research materials

Chatterton, Percy, 1971. Hiri Motu (Police Motu). UFM Press; Chatterton, Percy, 1975. Say it in Motu: an instant introduction to the common language of Papua. Sydney: Pacific Publications; Taravatu matamatana [The New Testament in Hiri Motu], The Bible Society of PNG, 1982; Genese bona esodo [The Book of Genesis and Exodus Chapters 1-24 in Hiri Motu, The Bible Society of PNG, 1973. Aposetolo edia kara [The Acts of the Apostles in Police Motu], The British and Foreigh Bible Society, 1970; Hanua kota [Village courts], Office of Information, PNG, 1974; Hanua kota PNG lalonai, Office of Information, PNG, 1974; Oi bona oi emu motuka [You and your vehicle in Police Motu], Department of Information and Extension Services, PNG, 1974; Eda tano, eda tanobada [Our land, our country in Police Motu], Department of Information, PNG, 1974; Oi emu Australia moni oi abia lao bank eiava moni office dekenai oi senisia kina bona toea [Change your money in Hiri Motu], Bank of PNG, ca. 1974; Gavara, Les, 1975. Gavamani bona sibona naria negana [Translation of the booklet Government and Independence] by Roy Gwyther-Jonmes, SIL, Ukarumpa, 1975; The dictionary and grammar of Hiri Motu. Port Moresby: Papua New Guinea Office of Information, 1976

Lexicostatistical comparisons word lists

Questionable items in SAW's TRIPP list and how I interpret them for lexicostatistics. Ts. - Koiari comparative word lists (compiled from individually recorded lists) - Mountain Koiari comparative word lists (compiled from individually recorded lists) - Vioripaiwa (Tape P 16) - Uberi (Tape P 16) - Xailogo (Tape P 11) - Enivilogo (Tape P 11) - Madilogo/Elologo (Tape P 16) - Motumotu (Varagadi) (Tape P 24) - Boridi (Tape P 11) - Bodinumu (Tape P 11) - Emo R. (Tape P 36 side 2) - Awomo (Eastern dialect) (Tape P 37) - Kovio (Lesser Eastern dialect) (Tape P 37) - Namanadza (Tape P 36 side 2) - Asafa (Tape P 38) - Bolo [Barai] (Tape P27) - Mimai [Barai] (Tape P 30) - Kokila – Baraika (Tape P27) - Doribisoro (Tape P 27 - 29) - Kaele (Tape P35) - Avuari/Isurava (Tape P 35) - Kovelo (Tape P35 side 2) - Doe [Barai] (Tape P 31) - Kwale (Tape P 31) - Lagume at Lonidairi (Unrecorded) - Kwena (Tape P34 side 2) - Ondoro (Tape P39) - Jorara (Tape P 40) - Dea (Tape P 40) - Numba (Tape P 39) - Toma [ Baridji – Yareban Family] (Tape P 39) - Kanga (Tape P 36) - Karukaru (Tape P 36) - Chirima (Gorowaku) (Tape P 35)

Research materials - Papua New Guinea language

Copies of Gori bona sene sivaraidia,' by Nigel Oram, 1974, Port Moresby: The Creative Arts Centre.Gori bona sene sivaraidia,' by Nigel Oram, 1974, Port Moresby: The Creative Arts Centre. Oral history, VII, 6, 1979 [Contains articles on Motu health concepts and traditons].`Motu senedia edia kara daladia sivaraidia,' by A V Price, 1975 Port Moresby: Institute of Papua New Guinea Studies.

Rigo research materials

Rigo informants at Subitana plantation', 1966.The linguistic relationship between Hula and Motu', 21 Feb 1966. Balawaia – Hula relationship', Mar 1966.Sinaugoro'. Ts Pre-history: The peopling of the Rigo sub-district.'List of villages in Rigo…sub-district mentioned in Government Patrol Reports, from 1900 to 1914' (unpublished). Notes on the languages of the Amazon Bay local government council area of the Central District of Papua', 30 Sep 1969.Notes on the languages of the Marshall Lagoon local government council area, Kupiano, Central District, Papua,' 12 Oct 1969. `Rest and work periods of the Sinaugolo (Rigo District, British New Guinea)', by Seligman CG, Man, XXVII (1927-8): 41-43.

Aomie research materials

Aomie phonemes' by A Tobitts, 1966 (handwritten notes taken from original held at SIL, Ukarumpa);Aomie grammar essentials' by J Austing, 1967 (handwritten copy of original held at SIL Ukarumpa); Aomie vocabulary', 20 Apr 2006;Omie vocabulary', by Austing and Upie, 1975; Aomie phonology' by J Austing;Aomie phonology' by TE Dutton; Aomie grammar', by TE Dutton, 1967;Ao mie grammar sketch' (John Austing's answers to questions given on green sheets), by Dutton/Austing; `Aomie: Broad transcription of "Toli" story told by Dick Lolu (with corrections by J Austing, Dec 1967); Survey word list, 20 Jul 1961, SIL

Mountain Koiari notebooks

Notebooks - Efogi – Manual, (Includes some analysis notes), 1966; Mountain Koiari – Efogi dialects, 1966; Koiari – Naoro notes (Herei and Eava dialects), 1966; Soundtrack with Motu translations to film Wokabaut bilong tonten. 27 Sep 1974.

Papua New Guinea research notes

Contains copies of Ethnological notes on the Motu, Koitapu and Koiari tribes of New Guinea', by WG Lawes, JRAI, VIII, pp. 369-377, 1878-79.The reminiscences of Ahuia Ova' by FE Williams. Notes on the social structure of some south-eastern New Guinea communities: Part II: Koita', by Raymond Firth, Man, 52, pp. 86-89, 1952.The ethnology of the Motu' by WY Turner, JRAI, 7, p 470-498, 1877-1878.

Koita language

Comments on the 37 words which differ between Koita villages; Koita dialects, 1966 (Pre-publicaton draft. Results published in Dutton,1969); Position of Koita when Europeans arrived, notes; Why Koita own all the land, notes; Koita conversation, Oct 1966; Koita-Motu loans; Koita phonology; Difference between Koita and Koiari; Koita - Kilakila : Extra material taken from original SAW’s lists (some collected by SAW himself); Koita –Kuliu extra material; Koita – Baruni extra material; Koita – Boteka extra material; Koita-Kido extra material; Koita – Gorohu extra material.

Koiari research materials and correspondence

Incomplete typescript of Koiari: Sogeri phonemics'; Copy ofOur pasts discovered' by Graeme Arman, Post Courier, Nov 6 1972, pp 12-13, includes old photos of Port Moresby and Koiari village scenes; A typescript of `Explanation of the rock art in the Grass Koiari area'; letter to the manager, ABC, Port Moresby enclosing Koiari stories for broadcast, 5 Oct 1966; Letter to A/DO, Port Moresby about Dubu's marriage to Ebure Biai, 22 May 1968

Correspondence and reseach materials

Includes copies of - Managalasi verb suffixes' by Judith Parlier, ca. 1963;Managalasi verb inflection' by Jim Parlier, 1964; Grammatical check-list for New Guinea languages: Upper Managalsi and Kasaki', by Jim and Judy Parlier. Notes on -Managalasi phonology' notes take from Jim and Judy Parlier's paer, 1964; Notes on the phonetic features of the Managalasi word list; Notes on Managalasi from my notes; List of vocab taken from Parlier's Managalasi primers, 1-5; Managalasi pronouns; Managalasi verb suffixes; Managalasi phonology; Differences between Managalasi and Koiari; Managalasi-Koiari vocab cognates; Sketch map showing languages and dialects recorded by GRI with Anglican Mission (in Northern District), Jul 1965; List of villages mentioned by MacDonnell (1913, 1914a, b, 1915 and Hooper (1916a, b) in the Managalasi, Barai, Bariji, Baruga, Pongani and Yareba language areas. Correspondence with A Healey, 1996-1997.

Pidgin research materials

Hall, Robert A. Jr. 1943. Melanesian Pidgin phrase-book and vocabulary. Linguistic Society of America; Stori bilong ol abus, #1, 1969. Kristen Press, Madang; Thomas, H.S., 1969. Learning Pidgin. Sydney: ABC; Browne, Bob, 1991. Grass Roots guide to Papua New Guinea Pidgin. Port Moresby: The Grass Roots Comic Company; Manki i pas long tais, 1971. SIL, PNG; Tokome, John Bili, 1973. Ol i kam paulim yumi. Creative Arts Centre, Uni. Of Papua New Guinea; The adventures of ‘Isuzu Lu’. Vol. 1 Post Courier. Isuzu Lu’ Namba 2 with glossary. Post Courier;Tryon, Darrell. (n.d.)Evri samting yu wantem save long Bislama be yu fraet tumas blong askem. [A traveller’s guide to Vanuatu Pidgin English]. A Media Masters (South Pacific) PIDGIN POST Publicaton.

Research papers on Motu

A grammar of the Motu language of Papua, by Lister-Turner, R. and J.B.Clark, (n.d. but pre 1959), 2nd edn edited by Percy Chatterton. Sydney: NSW Government Printer.A dictionary of the Motu language of Papua', by Lister-Turner, R. and J.B.Clark.(n.d. but pre 1959), 2nd edn edited by Percy Chatterton. Sydney: NSW Government Printer.