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Rigo research materials

'Rigo informants at Subitana plantation', 1966. 'The linguistic relationship between Hula and Motu', 21 Feb 1966. 'Balawaia – Hula relationship', Mar 1966. 'Sinaugoro'. Ts 'Pre-history: The peopling of the Rigo sub-district.' `'ist of villages in Rigo…sub-district mentioned in Government Patrol Reports, from 1900 to 1914' (unpublished). 'Notes on the languages of the Amazon Bay local government council area of the Central District of Papua', 30 Sep 1969. 'Notes on the languages of the Marshall Lagoon local government council area, Kupiano, Central District, Papua,' 12 Oct 1969. 'Rest and work periods of the Sinaugolo (Rigo District, British New Guinea)', by Seligman CG, Man, XXVII (1927-8): 41-43.

Motu research materials

'Report (on the) study conference on Police Motu', 24-25 May, 1971. Port Moresby: Department of Information and Extension Services; 'A Primer of Police Motu,' by Percy Chatterton, 1950, Port Moresby: Department of Education. 'A primer of Police Motu, ' by Percy Chatterton, ca. 1960. `A primer of Police Motu,' by Percy Chatterton, ca. 1968, Sydney: Pacific Publications. 'A survey of Motu and Police Motu,' by Brett Richard et al., 1962. The Summer Institute of Lintguistics and the Department of Information and Extension Services, Port Moresby. 'A dictionary of Police Motu,' by Richard Brett, et al., 1962, The Summer Institute of Linguistics and the Department of Information and Extension Services, Port Moresby; 'Police Motu: an introduction to the trade language of Papua (New Guinea) for anthropologists and other fieldworkers,' by S A Wurm and J.B. Harris eds, 1963, Canberra: Linguistic Circle of Canberra, Series B, 1.'Motu and Police Motu, a study in typological contrasts, by SA Wurm, 1964 Canberra: Linguistic Circle of Canberra, Series A, 4. "

Research materials - Papua New Guinea language

Copies of 'Gori bona sene sivaraidia,' by Nigel Oram, 1974, Port Moresby: The Creative Arts Centre. 'Gori bona sene sivaraidia,' by Nigel Oram, 1974, Port Moresby: The Creative Arts Centre. Oral history, VII, 6, 1979 [Contains articles on Motu health concepts and traditons].'Motu senedia edia kara daladia sivaraidia,' by A V Price, 1975 Port Moresby: Institute of Papua New Guinea Studies.

Research papers on Motu

'A grammar of the Motu language of Papua, by Lister-Turner, R. and J.B.Clark, (n.d. but pre 1959), 2nd edn edited by Percy Chatterton. Sydney: NSW Government Printer. 'A dictionary of the Motu language of Papua', by Lister-Turner, R. and J.B.Clark.(n.d. but pre 1959), 2nd edn edited by Percy Chatterton. Sydney: NSW Government Printer.

Aomie research materials

'Aomie phonemes' by A Tobitts, 1966 (handwritten notes taken from original held at SIL, Ukarumpa); 'Aomie grammar essentials' by J Austing, 1967 (handwritten copy of original held at SIL Ukarumpa); 'Aomie vocabulary', 20 Apr 2006; 'Omie vocabulary', by Austing and Upie, 1975; 'Aomie phonology' by J Austing; `Aomie phonology' by TE Dutton; 'Aomie grammar', by TE Dutton, 1967; 'Aomie grammar sketch' (John Austing's answers to questions given on green sheets), by Dutton/Austing; 'Aomie: Broad transcription of Toli story told by Dick Lolu (with corrections by J Austing, Dec 1967); Survey word list, 20 Jul 1961, SIL

Correspondence and reseach materials

Includes copies of - 'Managalasi verb suffixes' by Judith Parlier, ca. 1963; 'Managalasi verb inflection' by Jim Parlier, 1964; 'Grammatical check-list for New Guinea languages: Upper Managalsi and Kasaki', by Jim and Judy Parlier. Notes on - 'Managalasi phonology' notes take from Jim and Judy Parlier's paer, 1964; Notes on the phonetic features of the Managalasi word list; Notes on Managalasi from my notes; List of vocab taken from Parlier's Managalasi primers, 1-5; Managalasi pronouns; Managalasi verb suffixes; Managalasi phonology; Differences between Managalasi and Koiari; Managalasi-Koiari vocab cognates; Sketch map showing languages and dialects recorded by GRI with Anglican Mission (in Northern District), Jul 1965; List of villages mentioned by MacDonnell (1913, 1914a, b, 1915 and Hooper (1916a, b) in the Managalasi, Barai, Bariji, Baruga, Pongani and Yareba language areas. Correspondence with A Healey, 1996-1997.

Papua New Guinea research notes

Contains copies of 'Ethnological notes on the Motu, Koitapu and Koiari tribes of New Guinea', by WG Lawes, JRAI, VIII, pp. 369-377, 1878-79. 'The reminiscences of Ahuia Ova' by FE Williams. 'Notes on the social structure of some south-eastern New Guinea communities: Part II: Koita', by Raymond Firth, Man, 52, pp. 86-89, 1952. 'The ethnology of the Motu' by WY Turner, JRAI, 7, p 470-498, 1877-1878.

Koiari research materials and correspondence

Incomplete typescript of 'Koiari: Sogeri phonemics'; Copy of'Our pasts discovered' by Graeme Arman, Post Courier, Nov 6 1972, pp 12-13, includes old photos of Port Moresby and Koiari village scenes; A typescript of 'Explanation of the rock art in the Grass Koiari area'; letter to the manager, ABC, Port Moresby enclosing Koiari stories for broadcast, 5 Oct 1966; Letter to A/DO, Port Moresby about Dubu's marriage to Ebure Biai, 22 May 1968

Macquarie Textiles deposit

  • AU NBAC N455
  • Deposit
  • 1923 - 2003

Minute books and an audit report for Amalgamated Textiles Australia Ltd., Macquarie Worsteds Limited, and Ascot Investments Pty. Ltd. Copies of a wire bound brochure with wool and textile samples, and newspaper clippings for Macquarie Textiles and Macquarie Worsteds. Onkaparinga items include advertising photos, transparencies, illustrations and sketches, slides, film and film negatives, draft papers, and a fabric specification handbook. Some slides and illustrations are for Laconia blankets. Other items include Downs, Coulter & Co. financial records, a John Vicars & Co Limited centenary book, and a speech on the textile industry written by an unknown author for a Sir Robert Webster lecture.

Macquarie Textiles

Gowrie Scholarship minute book and index cards

  • AU ANUA 797
  • Deposit
  • 1944 - 2011

1 large volume containing copies of minutes from the foundation's annual meeting. Index cards covering recipients by surname A-O.

Gowrie Foundation

Tooth employees' accident register

Ledger relating to accidents with details including employees' names, occupations, dates, times, card numbers, nature of accident, weeks of absence, compensation paid, and remarks. The ledger appears to cover all Tooth employees including tradesmen, hotel employees, branch staff and clerical staff.

Family Planning Federation of Australia deposit

  • AU NBAC H4
  • Deposit
  • 1968 - 1992

Minutes of Federal Council (1972-1987) and sub-committees, annual reports, financial records, files of Executive Director Wendy McCarthy, office and research files, posters, educational videos and printed material. Includes material relating to Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) education programs, videotapes on family planning and sexually-transmitted diseases targeted at Pacific Island cultures, and video recordings of Pacific women.

Family Planning Federation of Australia

Correspondence files

  • AU ANUA 177
  • Series
  • 1960 -2005

Many of the files relate to the Library Committee, including minutes, agenda and working papers from 1960 to 1987. There are also files about significant events, ‘Library Archives’ and ‘Library History’ files, and files about the Asian Studies Division of the library. Single numbers have been imposed because many files bear the same alphanumeric number.

University Library

Art Forum recordings

  • AU ANUA 431
  • Series
  • 1983 - 2005

These sound recordings cover School of Art lectures and workshops given by various artists from 1983 to 2005.

Canberra School of Art

Scarlet Alliance deposit two

  • AU NBAC N399
  • Deposit
  • 1985 - 2015

Records relating to annual meetings, workshops and conferences, reports, funding submissions. Includes advocacy and lobbying material, such as submissions to proposed legislation and letter-writing campaigns. Also includes reports, copies of articles and conference papers, newspaper clippings, and printed material.

Extensive collection of serials, including from State and Territory and overseas sex worker organisations.

Scarlet Alliance

Scarlet Alliance deposit one

  • AU NBAC H15
  • Deposit
  • 1988 - 1993

Records relating to establishment, meetings, workshops and conferences, correspondence, reports, funding submissions, material from State sex worker organisations and overseas reports, copies of articles and conference papers, newspaper clippings, and printed material.

Scarlet Alliance

AIDS Society of Asia and the Pacific deposit

  • AU NBAC H17
  • Deposit
  • 1989 - 1992

Executive Committee correspondence, subject files and papers relating to the first four International Conferences on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific.

AIDS Society of Asia and the Pacific

Nigel Lendon papers and research materials

  • AU ANUA 809
  • Series
  • c. 1960 - 2021

Records of Nigel Lendon's research, teaching and art practice including diaries, research notes, photographs, slides, recordings, posters, reference works, correspondence and journal publications. The records relate to Lendon's own practice and exhibitions, curatorial work on the Wagilag Sisters and Afghan war rugs exhibitions, art theory and art history, and outsider artists including Slim Barrie. There are records of his association with the Art Workers' Union.

Lendon, Nigel

Bill Bowtell collection

  • AU NBAC H19
  • Deposit
  • 1984 - 1994

Files relating to Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) issues covering Bowtell's work with the National Advisory Committee on AIDS and the Australian National Council on AIDS, the National Campaign Against Drug Use, the AIDS Trust of Australia, the Working Party on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Intergovernmental Committee on AIDS, and as president of the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations, including correspondence, reports, minutes and agenda for meetings, local and international conference papers, speeches, press cuttings, videotape of 1993 interviews with Bowtell, Ita Buttrose and Senator Richardson and printed material.

Bowtell, William

Australian Forestry School photograph album

  • AU ANUA 800
  • Series
  • c. 1947-1949

This album contains photographs of campus and student life taken by Australian Forestry School student Brian Moore in the late 1940s.

Moore, Brian

Results 1 to 100 of 258866