Michael Young's Pacific and Southeast Asia working papers
- AU ANUA 685
- Series
- 1966 - ?
This series has not yet been processed.
Young, Michael Willis
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Michael Young's Pacific and Southeast Asia working papers
This series has not yet been processed.
Young, Michael Willis
Family Planning Federation of Australia deposit
Minutes of Federal Council (1972-1987) and sub-committees, annual reports, financial records, files of Executive Director Wendy McCarthy, office and research files, posters, educational videos and printed material. Includes material relating to Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) education programs, videotapes on family planning and sexually-transmitted diseases targeted at Pacific Island cultures, and video recordings of Pacific women.
Family Planning Federation of Australia
ANU Department of Linguistics records
Language maps, transcripts, 16 mm film reels re Pidgin dialogue, sound reel tapes re Gugadji language, departmental report, minutes, newsletters and material relating to Prof Stephen Wurm and Tom Dutton.
ANU Department of Linguistics
Annette O'Neill papers on social work in Papua New Guinea
O'Neill, Annette Frances
Tom Dutton's Pacific linguistics research papers
The material relates to linguistics research in Papua New Guinea and includes notebooks, articles, transcripts, and texts on Koiari, Koita, Mountain Koiari, Barai, Mangalasi, Aomie (Omie), Rigo, Police Motu (Hiri Motu) and Tok Pisin (New Guinea Pidgin English).
Dutton, Thomas Edward
Harold Brookfield papers, field diaries, photographs and aerial photographs
The collection includes fifty field notebooks, as well as research notes, correspondence, offprints, photographs, negatives and aerial photographs related to his research in the Pacific region, including the countries - Papua New Guinea and Bougainville, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides), New Caledonia, Fiji and The Philippines. The photographs in this collection have not been listed. They can be found in box 6 (1 Type 5 box) and in boxes 7 - 10 (4 grey albums).
Brookfield, Harold Chillingworth
Archaeology and Natural History collection
This collection was held by many years by Archaeology and Natural History, and listed and given numerical designations at least twice. Materials have been received from many individuals associated with the department over the years, and within those materials there may be the work of more scholars, as it seems academics shared their work widely. The list below is not meant to be exhaustive, but based on a preliminary survey of the materials, seems to be a list of those who gave their records to the department for safekeeping which are now at the archives:
Allen, Harry
Allen, Jim
Ambrose, Wallace R.
Antcliff, Peter
Anderson, Adholl
Baker, Richard
Barnett, Gary
Beaton, Jim
Beck, Wendy
Burton, John
Christensen, Ole
Clarke, Goeffrey R. [sic]
Coates, D.
Crosby, E.
Dunnett, Gary
Fredericksen, Clayton
Gillieson, D.
Glover, I.
Golland, Klim
Golson, Jack
Gooder, D. A.
Gosden, Chris
Gorecki, P.
Green, Mike
Groube, Les
Harris, J. B.
Hope, J.
Horton, David
Hughes, Philip
Irwin, Geoff
Isaac, Glynn
Johnson, Ian
Jones, Rhys
Lilley, Ian
Luebbers, Roger
Lampert, Ron
McArthur, Norma
McEldonwney, Holly
McElroy, S.
Mulvaney, D. J.
Packard, Paul
Penhold, M.
Poulsen, Jens
O'Connell, J.
Ottino, P.
Ranson, D.
Rhoads, J.
Roe, David
Rye, Owen
Specht, Jim
Spennemann, Dirk H. R.
Stockton, Jim
Thompson, J.
Thorne, A. G.
Vanderwal, Ron
Wahome, Ephraim
Webb, Stephen
White, J. P.
Williams, E.
Witter, Dan
Wurm, Stephen A.
Yen, Doug
College of Asia and the Pacific
Recordings of 'France in the Pacific' conference
22 sound cassettes recorded at the France in the Pacific conference at the Australian National University in 1991. Includes papers by Deryck Scarr; Colin Forster; Patrick Pillon & Francois Sodter; J.L Rallu; Dorothy Shineberg; Michael Panoff; Bronwen Douglas; Isabelle Merle; Hugh Laracy; Jean Chesneaux; Darrell Tryon; Karis Muller; Frederic Bobin; Alaine Chanter; Karin VonStrokirch; Bruno Saura; Honore Forster; Anton Ploeg; Donald Denoon, Stewart Firth, Robert Norton, Alan Ward, Stephen Henningham & Hank Nelson.
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
John Ballard's Pacific research papers
The papers cover John Ballard’s political research in the Pacific Islands of Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, New Caledonia, Micronesia and Fiji. The majority of the collection is focused on Papua New Guinea where John Ballard was involved with the development of the political system leading up to and following independence in 1975. The papers also concern the Public Service administration courses John Ballard taught at the University of Papua New Guinea. There are a number of government related papers for the Pacific Islands.
Ballard, John Addison
James Tedder Solomon Islands papers
Solomon Islands files collected and/or collated by subject by James Tedder. The files include the following subjects, bird life, census, national parks, the Moro Movement, land use and issues, the Solomon Islands museum, the Solomon Islands library, local government, education and broadcasting. Also includes two photograph albums on the Solomon Islands.
Tedder, James L O
Margaret Tedder Solomon Islands botanical index cards
Index cards on medicinal and other useful plants in the Solomon islands, A-Z, arranged by plant family. The cards record: Name; Family; Habitat; Constituents; Therapeutic activity; Local names; Sources of information; Preparation and use; Regions reporting use; Other locations reporting use. Most of the information has been obtained from Central and Makira /Ulawa Province. The main language groups include: Temotu, Malaita-San Cristobal, Gela-Guadalcanal and New Georgia.
Tedder, Margaret
Bill Clarke Pacific literature and poetry collection
Clarke, William Carey
Consisting of 26 canisters of film rushes on the 'Sambia' People (a pseudonym created by Herdt) of Papua New Guinea for Under the Sun (BBC), one box of associated notes and correspondence, and one box of VHS tapes featuring various versions of the final programme.
Herdt, Gilbert
Burns Philp and Company holding deposit
All types of company records including minutes, correspondence, reports, legal and financial records, staff records, investment registers, branch returns, subject files, strategic plans, photographs, plans, videotapes and audiotapes of interviews with company executives. Includes records of head office, branches and subsidiaries and associated companies such as Mauri Brothers and Thomson. This deposit includes many cartons which are not yet processed and listed.
Burns Philp and Company Limited
Hank Nelson Pacific research papers. Deposit 1
Research papers and correspondence by Professor Nelson on Pacific related topics, particularly the impact of World War Two on the Pacific Islands. Includes drafts of biographies, articles, book reviews and presentations written by Professor Nelson.
Nelson, Hyland Neil
Hank Nelson's research archive on Pacific history. Deposit 3
Nelson, Hyland Neil
Eves collection relating to health in the Pacific Islands
Includes, brochures, stickers, clothing and posters relating to the prevention HIV/AIDS and other health matters in the Pacific Islands, particularly Papua New Guinea. Includes reports from the Department of Health in Papua New Guinea. Also contains election posters from Papua New Guinea from the 2012 elections.
Eves, Richard
Elspeth Young Papua New Guinea papers
Field notebooks, correspondence, and photographic materials relating to Elspeth Young's activities in Papua New Guinea.
Young, Elspeth Anne
Richard Eves collection on health in the Pacific
Largely consists of material on HIV/AIDS in the Asia/Pacific region. Also contains materials on other health and governmental issues. See box list for more details.
Eves, Richard
Documents relating to McGrath's work as a land consultant, particularly regarding regions in Micronesia.
McGrath, William Adrian
Colebatch papers on Papua New Guinea
Includes materials about elections and the public service.
Colebatch, Peta
Specht pre-doctoral research and related materials
Items related to pre-doctoral research undertaken by Jim Specht at ANU, including correspondence, materials relating to the Department of Prehistory, materials relating to fieldwork including diaries, reports, data sheets, photographs, negatives, and slides.
Specht, James Richard
Edward Freeman Paton Memorial Hospital collection
Dr Edward (Ted) Freeman OAM served with his wife, Dorothy, as a medical missionary under the Presbyterian Board of Missions in the New Hebrides from 1963 - 1970. During this time he worked as a medical superintendent at the Paton Memorial Hospital, under difficult situations. He established a blood bank, updated anaesthetic procedures, taught family planning and supervised the training of many local and expatriate doctors and nurses while working in the New Hebrides. Collection includes correspondence, diaries, printed memorabilia, menus from the Compagnie des Messageries Maritimes, slides of the New Hebrides taken between 1963 - 1970 and slides of Papua New Guinea (Port Moresby) taken in 1963.
Freeman, Edward (Ted)
Published material and research papers, reports and statistics relating to Papua New Guinea.
May, Ronald James
Journal of Pacific History editorial files
Files created by the Executive Editor of the Journal of Pacific History. Contains financial documents, correspondence, materials related to editing/proofing, printing, distribution and publicity for the journal and also some of the JPH monographs. Also includes some copies of minutes of meetings.
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
Dorothy Shineberg research papers
The collection consists of research works and papers by Shineberg; files of general research material arranged by subject including Andrew Cheyne's Trading Voyages, cargo cults, decolonisation, Fiji, French Polynesia, Hawaii, Kiribati/Gilbert Islands, pacific labour trade, Marquesas Islands, Micronesia, New Guinea, New Caledonia, Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tahiti, Tonga, Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides); undergraduate teaching resources and lectures; correspondence (including with Bronwen Douglas), photographs, computer disks, microfilm prints, material related to Shineberg's career, copies of archival material dating from the 18th century, card indexes and miscellaneous reprints.
Shineberg, Dorothy
CSR Limited Archives deposit 1
The deposit consists of CSR Sydney Archives Section files containing correspondence, memoranda, extracts of minutes, legal documents, newspaper cuttings, reports, histories of the sugar industry, immigration and labour, bibliographies and papers re Knox family, publications, photographs, illustrations, and miscellaneous documents relating to CSR Limited, its officers, the Australian and international sugar industry. Also includes records relating to the Fiji sugar industry, pineapple activities in Fiji and Fiji tramways.
Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited
Sarah Walls, interviews with Jean-Marie Tjibaou
Sarah Walls, a journalist who covered New Caledonia for the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, conducted two interviews with Kanak independence leader Jean-Marie Tjibaou in the year before his assassination in 1989. Walls interviewed Tjibaou soon after the signing in June 1988 of the Matignon Accord, the peace plan for New Caledonia following the four-year conflict over independence. These interviews provide insights into Tjibaous's personal views on the peace plan, his hopes for the future of the Kanak people and his ideas relating to multiracial society 'one founded on recognition of Kanak sovereignty, and extending a welcome to those who came later'.
Walls, Sarah
Jim Specht's collection of Pacific publications
Publications and grey literature relating to Pacific culture and cultural collections in and about the Pacific Islands.
Specht, James Richard
CSR Limited microfilm deposit 1
Section A Reels 1-18 consist of microfilm copies of CSR Sydney Library Archive Section files (originals in NBAC N305) containing correspondence, memoranda, extracts of minutes, legal documents, newspaper cuttings, reports, histories, publications, photographs, illustrations, and miscellaneous documents relating to CSR Limited, its officers, the Australian and international sugar industry, immigration and labour.
Section B Reels 1-2 are closed.
Section C Reels 1-19 are microfilm copies of Raw Sugar Marketing Division documents relating to the International Sugar Council, international sugar matters and charter parties.
Section D Reel 1 consists of microfilm copies of Drug Master File 1324 containing information lodged with the Food and Drug Administration by CSR plus a microfilm reader index.
Section E Reels 1-737 consist of microfilm copies of Head Office correspondence exchanged between branches, mills and officers. These reels continue the various Head Office correspondence series found within deposit 142 and on occasion into the early 1970s some correspondence begin with the microfilm series.
Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited
James Sinclair Papua New Guinea Research Collection
The collection was made by James Sinclair in 1973 -1974 from files held by TPNG District Administration, Konedobu.The collection includes patrol reports, station journals and district annual reports (including selected memoranda), together with various other reports, reviews and studies with detailed indexes compiled by Bob Cole listing patrol number and date, patrol officer and area patrolled, photocopies and some original documents held in binders, departmental correspondence and reports and manuscripts and publications, collected by James Sinclair, together with some Department of District Administration confidential files, and Sinclair’s notes on various archives and secondary sources.
Includes documents given to James Sinclair by Sir John Gunther, J.K. McCarthy, Robert Cole and the family of Sir Donald Cleland.
Sinclair, James Patrick
McArthur papers relating to population in the Pacific Islands
Papers relate to McArthur’s work on population in the Pacific Islands, includes research notes and census data. Also includes copies of McArthur’s work 'Population of Pacific Islands' parts 1, 3, 6-9.
McArthur, Norma Ruth
Philip Hughes' Kuk research papers
Papers relating to fieldwork and research at Kuk.
Hughes, Philip
Jack Golson administrative files on Kuk and other papers
Administrative files, correspondence, maps, diagrams and other materials, largely related to excavations at Kuk.
Golson, Jack
This series has not yet been processed.
Ambrose, Wallace Raymond
Geoffrey Luck New Guinea collection
1 carton containing broadcast correspondence reports, scripts for TV reports, ABC memos, reports from West New Guinea, telegrams, and various documents collected in New Guinea; press clippings on New Guinea from 1962-1966; a black binder with photographic materials, including negatives and slides of New Guinea; 1 type 3 box of slides of the Kashmir region in 1977 by Marjorie Taylor (aunt).
Luck, Geoffrey
Christensen ethnographic films of Papua New Guinea
These films were recorded by Christensen in the area of the Wahgi Valley of Papua New Guinea, near the Department of PreHistory's excavations at Kuk, led by Dr Jack Golson. These films depict traditional methods of tool making, cooking, farming, and hunting, as well as funerary rites and other rituals.
Films were numbered and arranged according to information recorded on film boxes and cans. Since being digitised and being able to be viewed, the original order is no longer helpful, and films should be grouped as follows:
Axe making:
ANUA 695-2 (part 1)
ANUA 695-9 (part 2)
ANUA 695-18 (part 3)
ANUA 695-20 (part 4)
ANUA 695-11 (part 5)
ANUA 695-1 (part 6)
Axe use:
ANUA 695-22 (part 1)
ANUA 695-26 (part 2)
ANUA 695-19 (part 3)
ANUA 695-3 (part 4)
Bark cloth:
ANUA 695-4 (part 1)
ANUA 695-24 (part 2)
ANUA 695-23 (part 3)
Stone core:
ANUA 695-6 (part 1)
ANUA 695-28 (part 2)
ANUA 695-14 (part 1)
ANUA 695-10 (part 2)
ANUA 695-12 (part 1)
ANUA 695-27 (part 2)
John Doa's Funeral (pig killing)
ANUA 695-17 (part 1)
ANUA 695-15 (part 2)
ANUA 695-21 (part 1)
ANUA 695-29 (part 2)
Axe Socket:
ANUA 695-30 (part 1)
ANUA 695-25 (part 2)
Film items ANUA 695-5 and 13 are concerned with stone flakes, but are not specified as being a part of a series. Film items ANUA 695-7, 16, and 35 involve the use of stone axes, but are not specified as being a part of a series. Item ANUA 695-8 includes film of sewing a pandanus mat, trimming an axeblank, and collecting flaking stone.
Christensen, Ole A.
Contains items related to: Egloff's thesis research, excavation at Wanigela, Collingwood Bay and Trobiand Island research notes, Northern District research notes, Goodenough Island research notes (with Peter Lauer), Ubir language materials, Rainu kinship studies; papers related to the Tam Ting Caves, Laos (conservation project); and a collection of papers relating to Egloff's tenure at the Papua New Guinea Museum and Art Gallery.
Egloff, Brian J.
Golson-Spriggs offprint collection
This series has not yet been processed.
Golson, Jack
Della Torre photographic materials of Papua New Guinea
Photographic materials largely depicting Port Moresby and Rabaul.
Della Torre, Peter
This series has not yet been processed.
Hyndman, David Charles
Irwin papers on smallholder rubber production in Papua, 1968-1973
Maps, plans, diagrams, index cards, photographic materials (slides and negatives), notes and drafts.
Irwin, P
Ian Maddocks' Papua New Guinea research papers
Material relating mostly to Pari and Pari Village Study but also Papua New Guinea in general, particularly health and medical services. Includes research papers, photographs, genetics data, genealogical charts and notes, correspondence, notebooks, clinical data print-outs, serials, audio tapes, video tapes, CDs, index cards and maps. Material relates mostly to health of Pari people and medical services but includes material relating to a wide variety of subjects including genealogy, genetics, geography, Pari Church, anthropology, language, education, legends and stories, history, children and culture. Also includes material relating to Hiri, Motu and Koita people. Includes material in Pari and Motu languages.
Maddocks, Ian
Assessment of the impacts of frost and drought in Papua New Guinea; surveys and research
In 1997 Papua New Guinea was in the throes of a severe drought with frosts at high altitudes, which severely disrupted food and water supplies. Funded by AusAid, teams of researchers led by the authors, including Papua New Guineans and Papua New Guinea based agriculturalists, conducted field surveys to assess the impact of drought and frost on village food and water supply in all 19 provinces and most districts. The collection includes the field survey data sheets, the Excel database spreadsheet compiled by Joseph Viles, his BA Hons thesis and Bryant Allen's collection of research papers.
Allen, Bryant
Photographs of Papua New Guinea
Negatives, photographs, and contact sheets of areas in Papua New Guinea. Areas include: Western District, Nomad River, Great Papuan Plateau, Min of the Star Mountains, Southern Highlands District, Huri, and Nembi. The items are divided into 10 folders, dates (if not provided) are 1963-1965, with folder 1: Kiunga to Nomad River, including a patrol post and airstrip; folder 2 and 3: Biami villages on the plateau (Nomad River); folder 4: Lavani Valley Muller Range, Burnett River and other locations on journey from Tari; folder 5: The Min of Olsobip and the mountains; folder 6: Seltamin of Strickland River and the mountains; folder 7: The Min of Olsobip and the mountains; folder 8: Olsobip, Telefomin, the Men of Olsobip and the mountains; folder 9: Huri, Southern Highlands 1957-1962; folder 10: Nembi, Southern Highlands, 1961.
Hoad, Robert A.
Pacific cartoons and newsletters
Between 1989 and 1991 Macpherson drew the cartoons anonymously for the Samoa Observer. While working for the Department of Education, Western Samoa he created and edited Our World Too, a newsletter for young people in Samoa.
Macpherson, Colin Robert
Pacific Research Archives administration files
Active administration files.
Pacific Research Archives
This series contains field notebooks from AMRAD expeditions to Kaironk Valley, Papua New Guinea, slides, correspondence and photographs.
Gardner, Rhys Owen
Division of Pacific and Asian History Library printed material
Pacific and Asian History Library materials including governmental reports from Tonga, Western Samoa, Guam, Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony, New Zealand, East Timor and micronesia; parliamentary papers, proceedings, publications, printed material relating to Papua New Guinea.
ANU Division of Pacific and Asian History
Solomon Islands languages collection
The collection consists of manuscripts and old prints collected in Malaita by Fr Donatien Coicaud and Fr Christian Kamphuis. Includes Stories (Histoires) as language word lists, exercise books, prayer books, dictionaries, biblical material, and printed material.
Coicaud, Donatien
Mervyn Meggitt's Enga (Papua New Guinea) field materials
There are two sets of material ( 2 items) in the collection including:
(i) a ringbinder primarily containing a set of genealogical diagrams, and,
(ii) a set of worksheets primarily containing survey plots of garden land use and ownership
There is little or no descriptive documentation attached to either set of records. As far as is known, Meggitt never published the results of this land survey.
The garden land use and ownership survey was conducted in July-September 1960, with tabulation in 1961 (Meggitt 1978: 109-109, and monthly dating on the worksheets).
The survey covers gardens of the Kara clan (at least, and possibly others) at Sari, a location near Wabag, in what was then called the Upper Lai Census Division 12, Enga Province. The genealogical data also appears to be mainly of members of the Kara clan, and was collected and added to between the 1950s and c.1987.
Sari was Meggitt’s main field site between at least 1955 and the 1980s (Meggitt 1957: 161, and personal communication with P Wohlt, who visited Meggitt there in the 1980s-, and T Hays.
NB. These materials, as far as it known, are the only surviving raw field data from Meggitt’s Enga studies, as he destroyed the other materials before his death.
Meggitt, M J, 1957. “House building among the Mae Enga, Western Highlands, Territory of New Guinea”. Oceania, 27(3), 161-176.
Meggitt, M J, 1978. “Reflections occasioned by continuing anthropological field research among the Enga of Papua New Guinea”. In: Foster, G M. Scudder, T., Colson, E., and Kemper, R.V. ed. Long-term field research in social anthropology. New York, Academic Press, 107-125.
Meggitt, Mervyn John
Country subject files from the Division of Pacific and Asian History
Contains subject files and newsletters on countries kept by the Division of Pacific and Asian History: Cook Islands, Fiji, Gilbert and Ellis Island, Indonesia, Malaysia, Micronesia, New Caledonia, Papua/New Guinea, New Hebrides (now Vanuatu), New Zealand, Nauru, Philippines, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tahiti. Includes research papers and notes, governmental papers, publications, newspaper clippings, school readers and Cook Islands photostats.
ANU Division of Pacific and Asian History
This collection of documents and images relating to Gordon Thomas's time in Rabaul, Papua New Guinea includes correspondence with the Department of External Territories regarding persons lost on the Montevideo Maru and proclamations from the Chief of the Japanese Army during the Japanese occuptaion of Rabaul. Photographs from the 1910s and 1930s are of people and places in German New Guinea.
Thomas, Edward Llewellyn Gordon
Darrell Tryon Research Papers on Pacific linguistics
Collection includes language and research materials related to the Pacific, especially Vanuatu (previously New Hebrides), and the pidgin and creole languages of the Pacific region.
Tryon, Darrell T
Diaries and tape recordings – Research on oral traditions among the Enga of the New Guinea Highlands
Research material probably relating to Lacey’s 1975 PhD Thesis 'Oral traditions as history: an exploration of oral sources among the Enga of the New Guinea highlands'
118 tape recordings of oral histories, legends and genealogies. Compact cassettes C60, C90 and long play tapes.
19 field diaries and notebooks kept by Lacey, recording his research progress, process and details of interviews.
Lacey, Roderic John
Photographic prints showing Papua New Guinea by David Eastburn
Eastburn, David R.
Gerard Ward's Pacific research papers
Papers documenting Gerard Ward's research.
Ward, Ralph Gerard
Contains issues from 21 Jan 1983 - 17 May 1985 (gaps), and 24 March 1995 - 10 Nov 1995 (gaps).
Papua New Guinea University of Technology
Brij Lal papers on Fijian politics, society and the Constitution
Papers relating to the Fiji Constitution Inquiry and Advisory Committee held in 1988-1989 and the Fiji Constitution Review Commission (FCRC) held in 1995-1996. Papers include meeting agenda, minutes, submissions, correspondence and consultation reports. Professor Lal was the Commissioner for the FCRC. Papers added in 2013 include papers on politics in Fiji, in particular, political unrest, the Indian Diaspora in Fiji, personal correspondence, Fijian local and family histories. Of significance is a file on the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone (1996-2000) belonging to Graeme Dobell, Foreign Affairs Correspondent for ABC Radio until 2008.
Lal, Brij Vilash
Photographic prints from Papua New Guinea
This series has not yet been processed.
Eastburn, David R.
Slide Folders: Approximately 3,005 slides arranged in 10 countries.
Conner, James Rex
Notebooks relating to fieldwork with the Hegeso people of Papua New Guinea, and cassette tapes of recordings of music, Foi stories, stories in pidgin, meetings, arbitration cases, lectures, radio recordings, interviews, and discussions.
Weiner, James F
Photographs of Fiji from an employee of the Colonial Sugar Refinery at Labasa, Fiji, originally in two albums. Removed from the original albums for conservation purposes. Items 1-65 are photographs from a 'Postcard album' and most are printed to be postcards. Items 66-89 were in a separate photograph album.
Owen, Edward Adley
Charles Morris Woodford papers on the Solomon Islands and other Pacific countries
The collection was compiled by Charles Morris Woodford, naturalist and First Resident Commissioner of the British Solomon Islands Protectorate from 1896 - 1915. The collection includes diaries, photographs, correspondence, sketches and research notes related to the natural history, geography and ethnography of the Solomon Islands and other Pacific Islands from 1884 - 1915, as well as family papers and documents related to the administration of Solomon Islands Protectorate. There are documents about relations between the missionaries and the traders, matters associated with labour and the alienation of land, economic activity and tourism. The collection includes Woodford's 'Journal of a voyage from Suva Fiji to the Gilbert Group' from 4 March 1884 - 22 June 1884 ; Woodford's diaries from 1886 - 1889 ; 140 photographs taken on the voyage to and residence in the Solomon Islands in 1886 ; photographs of Rennell Island and inhabitants signed by Northcote Deck c1909. Of significance are ten large photographs of various scenes of the Solomon Islands, c1901, some published in The discovery of the Solomon Islands by Alvaro de Mendana in 1568, by Lord Amherst of Hackney and Basil Thomson (1901).
ANUA 481 is a consolidated collection of all four parts of the Woodford donation:
ANUA 481/1 is a photograph album containing 140 photographs taken in from April - October 1886 ;
ANUA 481/1 - 282 are items from 'bundles 1 - 30' ;
ANUA 481/ 283 - 317 relate to the second donation (ie PMB 1381) ;
ANUA 481/318 - 322 and 324 - 327 are eight large format photographs c1884 ;
ANUA 481/323 is a presentation plaque given to Woodford in 1905 ;
ANUA 481/329 is a collection of 126 photographs [ie PMB Photo 58]
Woodford, Charles Morris
Correspondence and unpublished manuscripts of Sione Latukefu
Correspondence, reports, press cuttings, research materials, contracts and employment documents, lecture notes and student essays, conference programs, manuscripts and publications, and interview tapes. Also includes records related to the Tongan History Association.
Latukefu, Sione
Marie Reay anthropology collection
Research papers and notes on PNG elections, Kuma, Aboriginal Australians and gender relations; fieldwork notebooks, correspondence, draft manuscripts and completed MA thesis, sketches of kinship diagrams, reports and publications, financial records, newspaper clippings, photographs, maps, sound cassettes and reel tapes. Includes material from the Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies (AIAS).
Reay, Marie Olive
Australian School of Pacific Administration records
The collection consists of reports, minutes of some ASOPA Council meetings, correspondence and internal documents relating to the School's administration, courses, staff, reviews and restructures. There are also documents relating to aspects of Australian administration in Papua New Guinea and the Northern Territory.
Australian School of Pacific Administration
Collection of administrative records 1966 - 1984, including applications for research grants, minutes of meetings, correspondence and the essays submitted, 1970 - 1984.
Te Rangi Hiroa Fund
Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association collection
Press clippings from Hawaiian and other US press on the Pacific Islands, articles and reports. The files are arranged by the following subjects: American Samoa, American Polynesia, Anglo-American Rivalry for Pacific Islands, Arno Atoll (Marshall Islands), the Bounty and genetics, Canton Island and Enderbury Island, Caroline Island, Christmas Island, Clipperton Island, Easter Island, Falcon Island, Fanning Island, Fiji, French Polynesia (Tahiti, Marquesas, Tuamotus, Australs), Gilbert and Ellice Islands, Guam, Hawaii, Hoorn Islands, Howland Island, Hull Island, Japanese Mandate Islands, Jarvis, Howland and Baker Islands, Johnston Island, Kapingamarangi Atoll, Kingman Reef, Lord Howe Island, Mangareva, Mariannas Island, Marquesas Islands, Marshall Islands (Kwajalein Island), Michener and the Pacific, Micronesia, Midway Island, Nauru and Ocean Island, New Caledonia, New Hebrides (now Vanuatu), New Zealand, Palau, Palmyra Island, Papua New Guinea, Pearl and Hermes Reef, Pitcairn Island, Ponape, Rose Island, Saipan and Tinian, Solomon Islands, Swains Island, Tonga, Torres Strait, US Trust Territory, Vostok Island, Wake Island, Washington Island, Western Samoa, World War II. Also loose press cuttings on Micronesia Independence, nuclear testing and strategic policy.
Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association
Hank Driessen's Pacific research papers
Driessen, Hendrick Anton Herbert
Records relating to excavations in Buang Merabak, New Ireland, Papua New Guinea. Includes field notebooks, correspondence, notes, reports, slides, photographs, negatives, audio cassettes, drawings and maps. Additional notes, photographs and reports by Jack Golson relating to Lasigi, New Ireland, Papua New Guinea.
Rosenfeld, Andrée Jeanne
Hitchcock slides of Papua New Guinea and Nauru
Hitchcock, Nancy Eva
Includes government, scientific, and medical reports and papers relating to Dr Scragg's work, mostly in Papua New Guinea, the majority circa 1950-1970. Contains files on medical staff in PNG serving under Dr Scragg which may be restricted. One box of photographs.
Scragg, Roy
Part 1 - These papers mainly relate to Gunther’s time as Vice-Chancellor of the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG), and include some papers relating to Gunther’s time as the Director of Public Health and Assistant Administrator in Papua New Guinea. The main subject categories are:
Part 2 - These papers document many aspects of Gunther’s administration of public health in Papua New Guinea (folders 137-239). They include Gunther’s files on various health issues, including malaria, leprosy, scrub typhus, nutrition, kuru and tuberculosis. Also includes papers on medical education, the Mount Lamington volcanic eruption and the South Pacific Commission.
Gunther, John Thomson
This deposit has not been processed. Collection largely consisting of materials on mining in Irian Jaya.
Mitton, Robert
Film and video received from the College of Asia and the Pacific
This collection of films was given to the ANU Archives by staff from the College of Asia and the Pacific in 2022. College staff found these films in a cupboard with no documentation so their context is not known as at 2022.
College of Asia and the Pacific
In addition to the Spriggs papers, this donation also contained the papers of Richard Shutler, Les Groube, and Aubrey Parke, which have been removed and are now ANUA 765, 766, and 767, respectively.
Spriggs, Matthew
Matthew Spriggs papers relating to the Bougainville crisis
Newspaper clippings, newspaper articles, correspondence, conference papers, and posters relating to the Bougainville crisis.
Spriggs, Matthew
The collection was formed during 1969 and 1970 by John R Baker, Economist to the Government of Tonga and resident in the capital of Nukualofa from August 1969 to May 1970. Baker was employed by the British Ministry of Overseas Development and was seconded to the Government of Tonga as an Economist to undertake the preparation and drafting of the Tonga Development Plan 1970 - 1975, which was Tonga's second development plan. He was employed partly on the strength of his having worked in the Solomon Islands in 1964 and 1965 under the Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) Scheme. He was the first economist employed by the Tonga Government to work on development planning.
Baker, John R
Department files and audiovisual material
Includes annual reports, correspondence, meeting minutes and other administrative papers relating to the Department of Human Geography. Also includes, interviews with Professor Oskar Spate.
ANU Department of Human Geography
Thomas Watson ephemera on Papua New Guinea
Pamphlets, leaflets, newsclippings and other ephemera related to Papua New Guinea circa 1970-1995.
Watson, Thomas
D'Arcy Ryan papers on the Mendi in the Southern Highlands of Papua New Guinea
Papers, photographs, slides, field notes made by D'Arcy Ryan in the Mendi Valley, Papua New Guinea, 1954 - 1964 and papers related to his role as a lecturer in anthropology at the University of Western Australia until 1988.
Ryan, D'Arcy James