Series 258 - Gerard Ward's Pacific research papers

Identity area

Reference code



Gerard Ward's Pacific research papers

Level of description


Extent and medium

24m (119 boxes)

Context area

Name of creator

(1933 - 2023)

Biographical history

Ralph Gerard Ward was born on 20 May 1933 in Taupo, New Zealand. He received a BA (1954) and MA in Geography (1956) from Auckland University College, and PhD from the University of London (1963). He worked as a Junior Lecturer in Geography 1956-1959; ... »

Content and structure area

Scope and content

Papers documenting Gerard Ward's research.

System of arrangement

Arranged by country, and then project and single number imposed.

Conditions of access and use area

Conditions governing access

Researchers must sign access agreement.

Finding aids

Item list

Allied materials area

Access points

Subject access points

Description control area

Dates of creation revision deletion

Prepared by Karina Taylor on 27 October 2007. Updated by C. Ziegler 1 March 2023.