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Sailors' Soldiers' and Airmen's Fathers' Association Co-op Housing Society deposit

  • AU NBAC N401
  • Deposit
  • 1946 - 1981

Cash books, composite registers, financial ledgers, valuator's reports, correspondence, meeting papers, general financial papers, minute books and printed material. Includes a large number of member files which include documents relating to home ownership such as house plans, insurance papers and building applications. Includes records relating to the Australian Bank Officials Association.

Sailors' Soldiers' and Airmen's Fathers' Association Co-operative Housing Society Limited

Professional Divers’ Association of Australasia deposit

  • AU NBAC N205
  • Deposit
  • 1969 - 1991

Minutes of meetings, industrial agreements, subject/correspondence files concerning industrial matters, diver training and workplace health and safety issues; also financial statements, membership receipt books, photographs and maps. Also Seamen's Union of Australia, Federal Office, minutes of meetings, 1977-1987 and Seamen's Union of Australia, Victorian Branch, minutes of meetings, 1977-1987

Professional Divers’ Association of Australasia

Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union Construction and General Division deposit 1

  • AU NBAC Z621
  • Deposit
  • 1915 - 2000

Minutes of Builders' Labourers' Federation Federal Council and Management Committee (1964-1993) and Federal Conference (1965-1979), of the Operative Plasterers' Federation of Australia/Building Workers' Industrial Union Building and Plasterers Division Executive (1924-1989), of the Operative Painters' and Decorators' Union Executive (1946-1979) and Management Committee (1951-1992), of the Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association Federal and State Council (1927-1991) and of the State Executive of the Construction and General Division of the Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union (1992-1995), membership records of the South Australian branch of the Operative Painters' and Decorators' Union (1950-1990), subject and arbitration files, photographs of FEDFA committee (1915), Cyclone Tracy cleanup 1975 and union tour of USSR in 1970s, and audiovisual material (Paul Robeson concert).

Building Workers' Industrial Union of Australia

Association of Employers of Waterside Labour Head Office deposit

  • AU NBAC Z430
  • Deposit
  • 1901 - 1992

Minutes, memoranda books, correspondence, file series, annual reports, posters, circulars and publications, Commonwealth Steamship Owners Association and Waterside Workers Federation industrial agreements and awards, Waterfront Industry Reform Authority port restructuring and bulk grain discussion records, and instructions to stevedores. Includes records of related body the Australasian/ Commonwealth Steamship Owners Association.

Association of Employers of Waterside Labour

Dunlop Rubber Company of Australia Limited deposit 2

  • AU NBAC Z407
  • Deposit
  • 1899-1981

This deposit includes ledgers, journals, share registers and financial accounts for the Dunlop Rubber Company of Australia, and its predecessors Barnet Glass Rubber Company Limited and Olympic Tyre and Rubber Company.

Dunlop Australia Limited

Bob Pringle collection

  • AU NBAC N279
  • Deposit
  • 1960 - 1974

Rough minute books of the NSW Branch of the Builders' Labourers' Federation.

Pringle, Bob

Australian Rail, Tram and Bus Industry Union, National Office deposit 1

  • AU NBAC Z570
  • Deposit
  • 1921 - 1996

Minutes, reports, arbitration and industrial material, financial records, correspondence, election of office bearers, rules, branch records, amalgamation papers, material re Australian National Railways and Rail Industry Council, historical material and publications. Includes records of predecessors Australian Railways Union and Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen.

Australian Railways Union

Australian Theatrical and Amusement Employees Association, NSW Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC Z333
  • Deposit
  • 1970 - 1989

Correspondence, industrial files re awards, disputes and industry matters, subject and work category folders including film processing and productions, Sydney Opera House and theatre productions, newspaper cuttings, financial and membership records.

Australian Theatrical and Amusement Employees Association

New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company London Office deposit

  • AU NBAC N19
  • Deposit
  • 1895 - 1963

Minutes of stockholders' meetings 1895-1921; minutes of meetings of Trustees of the 1st and 2nd mortgage Debenture Stocks; minutes of Board of Directors and annual general meetings of stock holders; including minutes of general, committee and board meetings of Dalgety and New Zealand Loan (London) Ltd; notes on the wool trade; and colored lithograph c. 1890.

New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company Limited

Law School Office Files

  • AU ANUA 347
  • Series
  • 1962 - 1987

This series has not been processed.

ANU Faculty of Law

Australian Historical Association deposit

  • AU NBAC Z130
  • Deposit
  • 1973 - 2006

Administrative records deposited by various Executive Officers including minutes and agenda of federal executive, rules and consititution, correspondence, reports, financial papers, conference records, prizes and awards, history theses, membership records, submissions and publications re AHA Bulletin and History Australia.

Australian Historical Association

Australian Manufacturing Workers Union South Australian Branch deposit 2

  • AU NBAC Z741
  • Deposit
  • 1911 - 1990

This deposit includes AMWU South Australian State Council minutes (1975 - 1986), Vehicle Builders Employees Federation South Australian Branch records and records from branches within South Australia such as the Whyalla Branch and the Electricity Trust of South Australia committee.

Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union

CSR Limited Macknade Mill deposit

  • AU NBAC N141
  • Deposit
  • 1905 - 1936

The deposit consists of Cane Inspector reports and returns, correspondence and a record of sugar cane farmers working for CSR 1905-1906.

Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited

States Trust and Investment Company deposit

  • AU NBAC N142
  • Deposit
  • 1931 - 1988

Minutes, financial records, share registers, incorporation records, correspondence and office files, and realia.

States Investments Proprietary Limited

Australian Federal Police Association deposit

  • AU NBAC N137
  • Deposit
  • 1933 - 1994

Records of the National Office 1927-1994, Australian Capital Territory Branch 1942-1982, New South Wales Branch 1964-1990, and Victorian Branch 1952-1984. Records of the National Office consist of minutes (copies) of national executive meetings, filing system, subject files, legal advice files, membership records, journals and manuals. Records of the ACT Branch include minutes and correspondence. Records of the New South Wales Branch consist of minutes (copies), correspondence, and subject files. Records of the Victorian Branch consist of minutes, correspondence, subject files, and membership files. Subject files in this deposit consist of correspondence, press cuttings, transcripts, memoranda and reports. Includes records of predecessors: the Commonwealth Police Officers Association (Federal, ACT, NSW and Victoria) and the Federal Police Officers and the AFPA Commonwealth Pistol Club.

Australian Federal Police Association

Bowen and Pomeroy Proprietary Limited deposit

  • AU NBAC N138
  • Deposit
  • 1905 - 1987

Certificate of incorporation, memorandum and articles of association, minutes, reports, financial records, correspondence, managing director's files, office files, wages and salary books, employee history cards and records, apprenticeship indentures, investment register, sales figures, printed material, maps and plans.

Bowen and Pomeroy Proprietary Limited

ANUTECH Publications

  • AU ANUA 164
  • Series
  • 1988 - 1999

These publications relate to ANUTECH Pty Ltd and include newsletters and annual reviews.

ANUTECH Proprietary Limited

Jack Dwyer Collection

  • AU NBAC Z296
  • Deposit
  • 1921 - 1980

Federated Miscellaneous Workers’ Union NSW Assistant Secretary's records: minutes of Federal Council (1958-1974), NSW Branch (1950-1974), Building Industry Congress of NSW (1940-1955), Builders’ Exchange of NSW Ltd (1964-1965), Watchmen’s Employment Committee (1949-1973), subject and correspondence files, financial records, arbitration material, photographs, newspaper cuttings, printed material, also Australian Labor Party material, Returned Services League records, personal diaries and correspondence, and financial records of the Federated Tanners and Leather Dressers Employees' Union of Australia NSW Branch (1921-1943).

Dwyer, John James

Federated Ship Painters' and Dockers' Union of Australia, Federal Office deposit

  • AU NBAC Z379
  • Deposit
  • 1901 - 1990

Minutes, industrial files re awards and agreements, arbitration material, demarcation files, correspondence, membership records, reports, balance sheets, NSW Branch files, photographs and publications. See also Maritime Union of Australia, WA Branch.

Federated Ship Painters' and Dockers' Union of Australia

Australasian Coal and Shale Employees' Federation deposit 3

  • AU NBAC Z586
  • Deposit
  • 1927 - 1989

Convention minutes (1928-1965) and general and industrial files (1945-1989) of the Australasian Coal and Shale Employees' Federation, minutes of District Board of Management meetings (1967-1985), minutes of Queensland Colliery Employees' Union Board of Management (1981-1988), records of United Collieries and the Union Coal Mining Company Pty Ltd relating to Nymboida Colliery (1975-1981), records of the Colliery Mechanics Mutual Protective Association, Hunter River District (1911-1930), records of the Federated Mining Mechanics Association of Australasia (1923-1987), minutes of the Broken Hill Mine Mechanics Association (1977-1979) and records of the Muswellbrook/Singleton Branch of the Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association (1982-1988).

Australasian Coal and Shale Employees' Federation

Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers, Federal Council and Sydney Branch deposit 3

  • AU NBAC Z211
  • Deposit
  • 1930 - 1994

The deposit includes both Federal Office and Sydney Branch records including subject files, financial and arbitration records, membership records including yellow cards, reports, rules, proposition forms, correspondence, submissions and transcript of the Interstate Commission on Waterfront Strategy c. 1982-1993, industry material including shipping and vessel files, printed material and publications.

Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers

Tooth and Company deposit 5

  • AU NBAC Z352
  • Deposit
  • 1888 - 1985

Minute books of Shareholders and Directors meetings of companies acquired by Tooth and Company Limited; Company Secretary's Department administration, operation, acquisition and mergers files; Company Secretary's Department, Courage Breweries Ltd/Tooths (Victoria) Ltd administrative and operations files including liquidation.

Includes minute books of subsidiary companies: Associated Foods Limited and subsidiaries; Penfolds Wines Australia Ltd and subsidiaries; Producers' Co-operative Distributing Society Ltd; The Adelaide Wine Saloon Ltd; Barossa Vineyards Ltd; Allowrie Products Pty Ltd; Auldana Limited; Australian Motel Industries Limited; Australian Motels (Management) Pty Ltd; Best Western Motels Pty Ltd; H S Bird & Company Pty Ltd; Georges Brewery Properties Limited (London)/Courlim Properties Ltd; Granite Belt Fruit Distributors; Guildford Ice & Cold Storage Company Pty Ltd and successors; Holidaywise Koala Pty Ltd; Kingsgate Hotel (Adelaide) Pty Ltd/Koala Motor Inn (Adelaide) Pty Ltd; Koala Holiday Inns Pty Ltd/Koala Motor Inns Pty Ltd; Koala Katering Ko Pty Ltd; Koala Motels Pty Ltd; Koala Motor Inn Pty Ltd/Peter Barry Tablelands Linen Service Pty Ltd; Koala Summit Motor Inn Pty Ltd/Koala Kingsgate Motor Inn Pty Ltd/Koala Motor Inn (Sydney) Pty Ltd; Lennons Toowoomba Hotel Limited/Koala Motor Inns Pty Ltd; Modbury Vineyards Limited; Motel Forbes Ltd; Motel Koala (Narrandera) Pty Ltd; Motel Nyngan Pty Ltd; Motor Inns Pty Ltd; Ophir Motel Limited; Oxford Motel Pty Ltd; Park Regis Motel Pty Ltd; PDS Granite Belt Pty Ltd; Buchanans PDS Pty Ltd/PDS Agriculture Pty Ltd; Tamar Valley Co-operative Society Ltd/Tasmanian Orchardists and Producers Ltd; Warringtons Wine Cafe Pty Ltd; E J Worsley (Transport) Pty Ltd and Worsley Foods Pty Ltd.

Tooth and Company Limited

Australian Association of National Advertisers deposit

  • AU NBAC Z169
  • Deposit
  • 1930 - 2001

This deposit includes minutes of meetings, annual reports, membership files, subject files, sound and video recordings, banners and printed material. Includes records of Building Products Advertisers' Association which merged with AANA in 1970.

Australian Association of National Advertisers

National Union of Railwaymen of Australia, Sydney Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC Z221
  • Deposit
  • 1922 - 1993

Minutes and agenda, correspondence files and registers, arbitration and financial records, industrial files, office files, membership and staff records, press cuttings and printed material. Includes correspondence with Tasmanian Branch and branch rules.

National Union of Rail Workers of Australia

Tooth and Company deposit 1

  • AU NBAC N20
  • Deposit
  • 1841 - 1970

The records relate to the Kent Brewery, Mittagong Maltings, Castlemaine Brewery, Maitland Brewery, Waverley Brewery, Irving Street Brewery and Blue Bow Aerated Waters and Cordials, and other Tooths business interests, including ledgers, journals and other financial records from 1840s to 1970s (items 1-377, 3897-8, 3922-4015), Mineral Water Department records (items 378-432, 3920-21), presscopy letterbooks of correspondence from 1840s to 1920s (items 433-602, 3896, 4001, 4040), several runs of correspondence and subject files of the Main Office, Secretary's Department, Property Office, Industrial Office and others (items 603-3738), travellers 'blue books' (items 3739-3895), volumes of press cuttings (items 3899-3919) and Tooths Brewery Band papers (items 4016-4038).

Tooth and Company Limited

ANU Department of Astronomy subject files and publications

  • AU ANUA 119
  • Series
  • 1940s - 1990s

These are unregistered files created by a number of staff relating to administration, activities, plans, equipment, site protection, promotion and the history of the Mt Stromlo site. There are also printed publications about both the Mt Stromlo and Siding Spring observatories.

ANU Department of Astronomy

Index cards relating to immigrants

  • AU ANUA 475
  • Series
  • 1963 - 1970

The index cards were used by Price and others in the Department of Demography in their research on immigrants: their origins and their place of settlement. They summarise information about immigrants sourced from the Department of Immigration including naturalisation files 1903-1970. There are two main groups of cards: non-Europeans (Chinese, Japanese and other Asian) in New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland sorted by province and district in their home countries, and European migrants by country of origin. Cards for Jewish people, Greeks, Italians and East Europeans are sorted by Australian place of residence at the time of naturalisation (state, then city or country); there are separate runs for Germans in South Australia and Italians in Griffith, New South Wales. Cards for other Europeans are sorted by country, then district or village of origin (including Germans, Austrians, Russians, Ukrainians, Czechs, Slovaks, Turks, Cypriots, Hungarians, Rumanians, Balts, Poles and immigrants from Denmark, Sweden, Finland, France, Holland, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Norway, United States, South America, Syria and Lebanon). Sampling was 1:1 for small groups and earlier years, reaching 1:4 when Germans and Greeks were numerous and 1:5 when Italians were numerous.

Price, Charles Archibald

Newcastle and County Mutual Building Land and Investment Company deposit

  • AU NBAC 20
  • Deposit
  • 1886 - 1959

Minute books, annual reports, share registers and material, financial records, maps, plans and specifications for properties in the Newcastle area, land auction posters, miscellaneous newspapers and journals.

Newcastle and County Mutual Building Land and Investment Company Limited

Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union, Latrobe Valley District Committee deposit

  • AU NBAC N242
  • Deposit
  • 1947 - 1998

Minutes, correspondence, reports, oil industry files, publications, demarcation and union related files, Includes records of predecessors Amalgamated Engineering Union and Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union; State Electricity Commission of Victoria files for Loy Yang, Hazelwood, Yallourn and Morwell; Brown Coal Liquification papers; asbestos removal papers and records of other companies.

Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union

Victorian Plasterers' Society

  • AU NBAC T9
  • Deposit
  • 1901 - 1951

Minute books, membership registers and dues cards, membership forms, arbitration records and a name banner.

Victorian Plasterers' Society

Australian Insurance Staffs' Federation Federal Office deposit 1

  • AU NBAC E98
  • Deposit
  • 1920 - 1960

This deposit includes minutes of meetings, correspondence and transcripts. There are also some minutes and correspondence from the Insurance Officials' Association from 1920 - 1921.

Australian Insurance Staffs' Federation

Australian Third Division Telegraphists' and Postal Clerks' Union deposit 2

  • AU NBAC E142
  • Deposit
  • 1925 - 1967

Minute books (1958-1964), correspondence including financial reports and membership lists, rules, proceedings of conferences (1952-1965), arbitration material, reports, circulars and printed material. Also includes copies of minutes of the High Council of Commonwealth Public Service Organisations (1952-1966).

Australian Third Division Telegraphists' and Postal Clerks' Union

Victorian Teachers' Union deposit 3

  • AU NBAC Z324
  • Deposit
  • 1895 - 1991

Minutes of the State Council (1980-1990) and Executive (1980-1987), correspondence, subject files, meetings with other unions files, and printed material. Minutes and other records of branches: Avoca, Bendigo, Bunyip, Traralgon, Yallourn, Women's, Head Teachers', High School, Infant Mistresses', Infant Teachers', Male Assistance, Metropolitan Technical Men's, Metropolitan Technical Teachers' (microfiche), Primary Men's, Primary Principals', Primary Women's, and Technical Women's Branches, and of affiliated organisations: the Association of Teachers of the Intellectually Handicapped, the Kindergarten Teachers' Association of Victoria, the State School Teachers' Union of Victoria (1895-1897, microfiche), the Technical Teachers' Association of Victoria (some microfiche), the Technical Teachers' Union of Victoria (some microfiche), the Victorian High School Principals' Association and the Victorian Secondary Teachers' Association.

Victorian Teachers' Union

New South Wales Teachers Federation branches

  • AU NBAC Z698
  • Deposit
  • 1972 - 2002

This deposit includes minutes and correspondence files of the Canterbury-Bankstown Teachers Association, The Port Macquarie Teachers Association, the Inner City Teachers Association and the Wagga Wagga Teachers Association.

New South Wales Teachers' Federation

Union of Australian Women Federal Office deposit

  • AU NBAC Z236
  • Deposit
  • 1955 - 1993

This deposit contains papers of inaugural meeting, national conferences (1951 - 1985), New South Wales Branch annual general meetings (1950 - 1964), national minutes (1968-1993), office files (1955 - 1989), records of state branches, correspondence (1973 - 1989), printed material (1975 - 1983), newsletters, photographs, posters, banners, and film about Vietnamese women.

Union of Australian Women

Victorian Teachers' Union deposit 4

  • AU NBAC Z663
  • Deposit
  • 1963 - 1995

This deposit contains state council minutes and executive minutes for the Technical Teachers' Union of Victoria, the Federated Teachers' Union of Victoria and the Victorian Teachers' Union.

Victorian Teachers' Union

Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia, Fremantle Branch deposit 3

  • AU NBAC Z633
  • Deposit
  • 1929 - 1998

Minutes of Fremantle Lumpers' Union and Waterside Workers' Federation Fremantle Branch, 1929-1938, 1957-1970, 1983-1997; correspondence and subject files, 1986-1997; membership records, 1965-1997; documents concerning arbitration and industrial matters including Royal Commission into alleged payments to maritime unions, 1974-1996; financial records, 1970-1996; and printed material, 1961-1995. Also includes minutes of Fremantle Tally Clerks' Union, 1953-1957; Seamen's Union of Australia, 1981-1992; Shipboard Committees, 1980s-2000s; Fremantle Port Authority Combined Unions Association, 1980-1992; records of the Federated Ship Painters' and Dockers' Union, WA Branch and the Amalgamated Seamen and Dockers' Union of Western Australia; and a MV Koolinda plaque.

Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia

The Bodalla Company Limited deposit 5

  • AU NBAC Z382
  • Deposit
  • 1888 - 1989

This deposit comprises maps, balance sheets and charts related to the Bodalla Estate as well as a few items from the Bodalla Co-operative Cheese Society Ltd.

The Bodalla Company Limited

Mauri Brothers and Thomson deposit

  • AU NBAC Z386
  • Deposit
  • 1896 - 1979

Minutes, articles of association, certificates of incorporation, correspondence and financial records for the parent companies, subsidiaries and related companies; shareholder records, directors' lists, agreements, registers, wages records, legal records, plans, conference records, company catalogues, recipes, printing blocks and photographs.

Mauri Brothers and Thomson Limited

Burns Philp and Company Head Office deposit

  • AU NBAC N145
  • Deposit
  • 1883 - 1983

All types of company records including minutes, correspondence, reports, legal and financial records, share records, shipping records, staff record cards and photographs. Includes records of head office, branches and subsidiaries.

Burns Philp and Company Limited

New South Wales Forest Products Association deposit

  • AU NBAC Z210
  • Deposit
  • 1905 - 1994

Office and subject files consisting of minutes; annual reports and financial records; circulars; membership register; press cuttings and press releases; historical and printed material. Includes records of predecessor the Associated Country Sawmillers of NSW, Divisions and Branches, and records related to the Timber Advisory Council and the Timber Development Association.

New South Wales Forest Products Association Limited

Australian Society of Archivists deposit 2

  • AU NBAC Z743
  • Deposit
  • 1975 - 2010

Records of Lindeberg Greivance files (Heiner Affairs); files of ASA office bearers including subject files and correspondence, 2010 conference satchel and programs, membership files, agenda and papers of the ASA Council and Executive; council files on proposed establishment of ICA Pacific Branch and Pacific conference, ASA Oral History Project file, portfolio holders' files; President's conference records 2006-2007, and member's handbook (1999).

Australian Society of Archivists Incorporated

New South Wales Farmers' Association deposit 1

  • AU NBAC Z453
  • Deposit
  • 1983 - 1987

Classified correspondence files (1983-1987) and publications (1918-1978) including memorandum and articles of association of the Farmers' and Settlers' Association of NSW and the United Farmers' and Woolgrowers' Association of NSW and the rules of the Graziers' Association of NSW and other associations.

Livestock and Grain Producers' Association of New South Wales

Australian Society of Archivists deposit 1

  • AU NBAC N187
  • Deposit
  • 1954 - 2010

Minutes of inaugural and annual general meetings, files of council and executive members, branches and committees records, editors' and managing editors' records, special interest groups records, records relating to the Lindeberg Grievance (Heiner Affair), conference papers, posters, banners, badge and publications. Includes records of predecessor the Archives Section of the Library Association of Australia.

Australian Society of Archivists Incorporated

William Adams and Company deposit

  • AU NBAC N258
  • Deposit
  • 1884 - 1984

Financial records, catalogues, photographs and publications

William Adams and Company Limited

Hairdressers and Wigmakers Employees' Union, New South Wales Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC Z687
  • Deposit
  • 1902 - 1977

Minutes, arbitration and financial records, membership records, contribution books, apprenticeship records, photographs, correspondence file, licensing records, presscuttings, printed material and publications.

Hairdressers and Wigmakers Employees' Union

Building Workers' Industrial Union Federal Office deposit

  • AU NBAC Z285
  • Deposit
  • 1913 - 1992

Minutes of Federal Executive (1947-1987), national and branch conferences (1946-1986) and branch management committees (1940s-1986), correspondence and subject files (1913-1991), Shipping Section files, arbitration files (1945-1987), rules, membership lists (1960), files of E Boatswain (including material on Asian and Pacific unions and Peace Committee papers and photographs), Pat Clancy and Tom McDonald, and printed material.

Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners of Australia

Transport Workers' Union New South Wales Branch deposit 2

  • AU NBAC Z277
  • Deposit
  • 1905 - 1987

Minutes of Trolley, Draymen and Carters'/Motor Drivers' Union and Transport Workers' Union New South Wales Branch (1917-1972), minutes of sub-branches: Sydney, Southern Districts, Newcastle, North Coast, general cartage, taxi cab/passenger, commercial and lorry owner drivers, office files, rules, financial records, arbitration material, photographs (from 1905), union badges and tickets and printed material. Minutes and other records of Motor Omnibus Employees' Association (1965-1972) and records of the Milk and Ice Carters' and Dairymen's Employees' Union of NSW (1958-1971).

Trolley, Draymen and Motor Drivers' Union of New South Wales

Nutrition Society of Australia deposit

  • AU NBAC N400
  • Deposit
  • 1974 - 2005

This deposit includes minutes of council meetings, the constitution, information about fellows of the association, brochures, correspondence, conference proceedings, newsletters, photographs, and other papers relating to the NSA and its history.

Nutrition Society of Australia

SCUNA [ANU Choral Society] records

  • AU ANUA 231
  • Series
  • 1966 - 2014

There are audiotape and cassette tape recordings of concerts performed by SCUNA, songbooks, programs, posters, Committee minutes (1983-2003 with gaps), correspondence and financial records, and SCUNA-branded items such as t-shirts.

ANU Choral Society

Queensland Coal Mining Industry Industrial Relations deposit

  • AU NBAC Z742
  • Deposit
  • 1916 - 2004

Hearing applications, transcripts of proceedings, case files, exhibits, decisions and orders from various tribunals including the Coal Reference Board, Coal Industry Tribunal, Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission, Australian Industrial Relations Commission, Board of Reference Queensland, Commonwealth Court, Local Reference Board (NSW), Local Industry Authority and Local Coal Authority. Hearings relate to a wide range of coal mining industry operators, employers, associations, unions and industry awards. Major cases include 35 hour week, National wage case, Workplace Relations Act 1996, enterprise bargaining, open cut and underground work models, staff work value, superannuation, leave entitlements, unfair dismissal and strikes. Includes 8 VHS video cassettes, 4 audio cassettes, several 3.5” floppy disks and a microfiche copy of Coal Industry Tribunal transcripts and index (summaries) 1956 - 1983.

Gillespie Consulting Services Proprietary Limited

Canberra Publishing Company deposit

  • AU NBAC 101
  • Deposit
  • 1936 - 1944

Articles of association, minutes, correspondence and financial records, lists of subscribers, copies of Australian National Review, and company stamps.

Canberra Publishing Company Limited

Musicians' Union of Australia, Federal Office deposit 1

  • AU NBAC E156
  • Deposit
  • 1910 - 1967

Rule books 1919-1953, general correspondence 1922-1967, financial papers 1911-1963, Federal Conference minutes 1914-1964, membership rolls, arbitration material 1919-1951, journal 1928-1929 and 1960-1962.

Musicians' Union of Australia

Maritime Industry Australia Limited deposit

  • AU NBAC N380
  • Deposit
  • 1902 - 2013

This deposit has been arranged into five series: Awards, Communications, Governance, Publications and Subject files.
Awards series contains copies of published awards, 1902 - 1991, and may be annotated (for logs of claims, disputes, renegotiations or amendments to awards, see Subject files).
Communications series contains circulars, memoranda and letters sent out to inform and update members on current topics. Often meeting notices and extracts from minutes are included. Commonwealth Steamship Owners Association (CSOA) circulars, 1960 - 1995; COSA memoranda, 1986 - 1989; CSOA letters, 1960 - 1987; Australasian Steamship Owners Federation (ASOF) circulars, 1960 - 1988; ASOF letters, 1960 - 1972; Tug Operators Committee (TOC) circulars, 1971 - 1995; TOC letters, memoranda and minutes, 1980 - 1995; Australian National Maritime Association (ANMA) circulars, 1986 - 1990; ANMA memoranda, 1987 - 1994; Australian Shipowners Industrial Association (ASIA) circulars, 1994 - 1995; ASIA memoranda and letters, 1994 - 1995; Australian Shipowners Association (ASA) memoranda, 1996 - 2001; ASA circulars, 1997; National Maritime Industry Training Council Inc. (NMITC) memoranda and letters, 1989 - 1992.
Governance series contains Board memoranda, meeting papers, membership, constitutions and annual reports for governing bodies and sub-committees. ASOF Federation Protection and Indemnity Scheme (FPIS) minute book no. 1, 1920 - 1930;
ASOF meeting papers, 1954 - 1985; ASOF membership, 1951 - 1988; ASOF minute book no. 38, 1983 - 1988; ASOF photograph album, c. 1897; CSOA minute books 1958 - 1967 and 1967 - 1977; CSOA annual reports, 1989 - 1993; CSOA rules and membership, 1952 - 1991; TOC meeting papers, 1971 - 1990; ANMA meeting papers and annual reports, 1986 - 1996; ASIA meeting papers, 1994-1995; ASA meeting papers, Board and Members memoranda, 1996 - 2002.
Publications series contains collected books and reports from the MIAL library, some published by MIAL or predecessors, related to the maritime industry, 1912 - 2000.
Subject files, the largest and broadest series, contains correspondence, circulars, memoranda, reports, drafts and rough notes and court or arbitration commission transcripts of proceedings related to numerous maritime topics. This series includes items originally referred to as Case Files. Topics include: awards, conferences, related unions and companies, disputes, Basic Wage Case, National Wage Case and Waterfront industry reform.

Maritime Industry Australia Limited

ANU Instructional Resources Unit Video Recordings

  • AU ANUA 423
  • Series
  • 1967 - 1996

Video material created and collected by the Instructional Resources Unit (IRU) for teaching and other ANU uses such as 1) promotional, e.g. University Open Days, student activities and campus life, facilities and study requirements for students, etc., 2) official visits and events, e.g. conferring of degrees ceremonies, the 14th Dalai Lama’s visit, etc., 3) interviews - Professor AD Hope; Professor Manning Clark; Dr HC Coombs; Emeritus Professor Oscar Spate; Sir John Eccles; British social anthropologist, Sir Edmund Leach, etc., 4) lectures and public addresses - Research School of Physical Sciences, Department of Zoology and a series of Twilight Lectures presented by the ANU and the National Aquarium, 5) commissions and contracts e.g. Questacon, Canberra College of Advanced Education, 1990 Floriade Festival, NSW Chamber of Mines Metals and Extractive Industries, Commonwealth Environment Protection Agency, etc., 6) commissions by ANU Departments, often recorded in the field, e.g. Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories; fossil locations in the Gogo area of the Kimberleys; Department of Forestry student field trips; the freshwater and wetland ecology of Iron Bark Creek, etc. At the time of the IRU’s closure, Departments were contacted and encouraged to claim any items which they considered to be of value and for which they had an ongoing use. This explains some of the gaps in the collection.

ANU Instructional Resources Unit

New South Wales Bottle Company deposit

  • AU NBAC N413
  • Deposit
  • 1908 - 1979

Minutes, correspondence and subject files, financial records, staff record and wages books, legal records, plans, advertising literature and papers. Includes material relating to Tooheys Ltd.

New South Wales Bottle Company Proprietary Limited

Marcus Clark and Company deposit 2

  • AU NBAC M30
  • Deposit
  • 1902 - 1953

Minutes of directors and shareholders meetings, notes and proceedings of shareholders meetings.

Marcus Clark and Company Limited

Marcus Clark and Company deposit 1

  • AU NBAC 74
  • Deposit
  • 1883 - 1958

Minutes, correspondence, financial and legal records, printed material, catalogues, photographs and book "Bound to Rise".

Marcus Clark and Company Limited

ANU Marketing photographs

  • AU ANUA 579
  • Series
  • 1960 - 2006

This series contains photographs, negatives and transparencies of the University campus, buildings, functions, events and people associated with the University: staff, students, Chancellors, Council members and visitors. They were taken by staff photographers between the 1960s and 2006.

ANU Marketing and Communications Division

Paterson, Reid and Bruce Limited deposit

  • AU NBAC N29
  • Deposit
  • 1861 - 1975

Correspondence, financial, stock and staff records of Sydney and Brisbane branches of Robert Reid and Company Limited, financial records of Paterson, Ray, Palmer and Company, trade mark registrations, stock and sales books, staff records, catalogues, house journal and memorabilia of Melbourne branch of Paterson, Laing and Bruce Limited, staff records and sales tax reports of Paterson, Reid and Bruce Limited. Some photographs of senior staff and buildings of Robert Reid and Company Limited and Paterson, Laing and Bruce Limited.

Paterson, Reid and Bruce Limited

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