- Deposit67 - Lake George Mines deposit 1
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- Item229-8 - Gunn's Commonwealth Income Tax Law and Practice, by JAL Gunn (joint author), Sydney
- Item229-9 - NSW Industrial Arbitration Law by Neville G McWilliam, Sydney
- Item229-10 - Mining and Quarry Engineering Table
- Item229-11 - Mining Year Book, London
- Item229-12 - Statistical tables on Aluminium
- Item229-13 - Personnel Management and Industrial Relations, by Dale Younder, New York
- Item229-14 - Copper, the cornerstone of civilisation, Copper and Brass Research Association, USA
- Item229-15 - The Fabulous Hill, by Alfred Heintz, Melbourne
- Item229-16 - Mine timber. Its selection, storage, treatment and use, US Department of the Interior, Washington
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