Identity area
Reference code
AU NBAC N242-289
Publications; The First Year, EG Whitlam; Critical Theory - Louis Althusser replies to criticism, Unions in business, education and democracy; Multi-nationals and the economic crisis in the 1970s; Swiss Review of World Affairs; Trade Unions Face the Multinationals; Queensland Dossier; Resolutions adopted at the 23rd congress of the International Metalworkers' Federation; Trade Unions in Australian Society, John Halfpenny; A Brief History of Australia's Basic Wage; The Labor Movement and Democracy, Geoff McDonald; Israel and the Middle East, RJ Hawke
- 1972 - 1977 (Creation)
Level of description
Extent and medium
Context area
Name of creator
(1973 - 1976, 1985 - 1991)
Name of creator
(1991 -1993)