- Series12 - Albums of photographs of the ANU campus
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- Item5 - Aerial photograph showing Vice-Chancellor's residence, Research School of Physical Sciences, Research Schools of Social Sciences and Pacific Studies, John Curtin School of Medical Research, University House, Canberra House
- Item6 - Construction of Physics Section
- Item7 - Erecting Temporary Storeroom, Physics Section, Laboratory and Synchrotron Site
- Item8 - Residences including Forrest and Kingston Flats in the suburbs of: Turner, Reid, Barton, Ainslie, Forrest, Griffith, O'Connor, Deakin
- Item9 - Dinner given for retiring members of Interim Council
- Item10 - Interior and exterior views of construction of Research School of Physical Sciences
- Item11 - Physics workshop, laboratory, synchrotron pit, homopolar generator, Geophysics building and power house
- Item12 - Various views of new construction of Menzies Library also showing existing buildings "Old Nursery School" and John Curtin School of Medical Research
- Item13 - Various views of new construction of Menzies Library also showing existing buildings "Old Nursery School", John Curtin School of Medical Research and University House
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