Identity area
Reference code
AU NBAC N115-520
Level of description
Extent and medium
2 volumes
Context area
Name of creator
Content and structure area
Scope and content
One album (green) of photographs of Papua New Guinea focusing on Burns Philp accommodations, offices, and amenities in Port Moresby and Rabaul.
One album (red) of photographs of multiple Pacific locations including Norfolk Island, Niue, Solomon Islands (Simba, Makambo, Tulagi, Malaita, Gizo), Kiribati (Gilbert Islands: Tarawa and Butaritari, Phoenix Islands: Sydney [Manra] and Hull [Orona]), Nauru, Cook Islands (Nassau), Wallis and Futuna, Tonga (Niuafoou), New Caledonia (Noumea), Papua New Guinea (Rabaul, Madang), and French Polynesia (Papeete), dating circa 1927 to 1947.
Despite notations in front of albums "Norfolk Is., Niue Is. Solomon Is's, Gilbert Is's, Phoenix Is's, New Hebrides, PNG, New Caldonia, Tonga" and "Photographs of Soraken, Bougainville, Lofung Estate, Shortland Island, Loeta, Tetere, Tetipari, Solomon Islands, Norfolk Island, Niue Island, Gilbert Island, Phoenix Islands, New Hebrides, Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia and Tonga" there appear to be no photographs of the New Hebrides in the albums. There are three unidentified photographs of birds at the end of the red-bound album.