- Series339 - William Clarke research papers on land use in Papua New Guinea
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- Item2 - Notebooks on agriculture and society - carbon book with notes by Clarke on agriculture, crops, environment and society in Papua New Guinea, book I of II
- Item3 - Notebooks on agriculture and society - carbon book with notes by Clarke on agriculture, crops, environment and society in Papua New Guinea, II
- Item4 - Notebooks on agriculture and society - loose pages from a carbon book with notes by Clarke on agriculture, crops, environment and society in Papua New Guinea
- Item5 - Notebooks on agriculture and society - carbon book with notes by Clarke on agriculture, crops, environment and society in Papua New Guinea, IV, V
- Item6 - Notebooks on agriculture and society - carbon book with notes by Clarke on agriculture, crops, environment and society in Papua New Guinea
- Item7 - Notebooks on agriculture and society - carbon book with notes by Clarke on agriculture, crops, environment and society in Papua New Guinea,
Marient - pg1',
Jimi pg41',Minjek',
Tinjipake' - Item8 - Notebooks on agriculture and society - carbon book with notes by Clarke on agriculture, crops, environment and society in Papua New Guinea, `Kandep/Mt Bosavi'
- Item9 - Notebooks on agriculture and society - carbon book with notes by Clarke on agriculture, crops, environment and society in Papua New Guinea,
Simbu' - Item10 - Notebooks on agriculture and society - contains, photographs and maps relating to Clarke's thesis `Place and People: An Ecology of a New Guinean Community'
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