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AU NBAC N455-5
- Apr 1999 - Jul 2003 (Creation)
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A black folder with the name "Macquarie Textiles Group" containing three newspaper articles:
April 20, 1999 - "Joint textiles venture" from The Border Mail discussing a new joint venture between Macquarie Textiles and HTG Australia Pty Ltd for manufacturing and marketing Macquarie blankets and rugs domestically and internationally. The new company formed was Jason Blankets Pty Ltd.
April 21, 1999 - "Jobs anger: Axe may fall on 30 workers" from The Border Mail discussing the closure of the Macquarie Textiles North St consumer products site, and transfer of finishing and packaging production to HTG Australia. A photograph of the North St employees is included in the article.
July 23, 2003 - "Chilly stock are calves in sheep's clothing" from The Weekly Times discussing a new non-woven wool fabric manufactured by Macquarie Textiles to be exported to Canada.