- AU NBAC 162-4161-84
- Item
- 1932
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London and Australian Offices deposit
22 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London and Australian Offices deposit
Map of Corona and Silsoe Holdings, County of Musgrave, Queensland
Part of Australian Agricultural Company (Australian Office) deposit 5
Shows named blocks and cost of bores and tanks.
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London and Australian Offices deposit
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London and Australian Offices deposit
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London and Australian Offices deposit
Corona Holding with Silsoe, Highfields, Alroy, Evesham and Maneroo Holdings.
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London and Australian Offices deposit
Series of 4 maps showing named paddocks, fences, stock routes and Darr River.
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London and Australian Offices deposit
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London and Australian Offices deposit
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London and Australian Offices deposit
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London and Australian Offices deposit
Map of Maneroo Station including JH Cox's Janamera
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London and Australian Offices deposit
Map of Maneroo Station including JH Cox's Janamera
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London and Australian Offices deposit
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London and Australian Offices deposit
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London and Australian Offices deposit
Map of Headingly and Highfields
Part of Warrah Station deposit
Part of Warrah Station deposit
Shows named paddocks, fences and Spring, Vergemont, Katherine and Shanco Creeks.
Part of Warrah Station deposit
Shows named blocks, creeks, fences and bores.
Part of Warrah Station deposit
Shows boundaries, named paddocks, dams, tanks, bore, creeks and fences and plan on reverse shows dog netting fence.
Part of Warrah Station deposit
Shows boundaries, named paddocks, dams, tanks, bore, creeks and fences.
Part of Warrah Station deposit
Shows boundaries, named paddocks, dams, tanks, bore, creeks and fences, freehold and leasehold areas to be exchanged and Silsoe 110 square miles shaded red.
Part of Warrah Station deposit
Shows boundaries, named paddocks, dams, tanks, bore, creeks and fences, and northern portion shaded.
Map of Corona and Silsoe Holdings, Queensland
Part of Australian Agricultural Company (Australian Office) deposit 5