Identity area
Reference code
AU NBAC N381-107
- 1941 - 1981 (Creation)
Level of description
Extent and medium
Context area
Name of creator
Name of creator
Content and structure area
Scope and content
Matters for discussion about Analite Sydney, Roger Sayers, and future plans, 1981; A brief history of Analite, Melbourne, 1962; Correspondence re building application – proposed additions to Artarmon factory, 1947 – 1948; Acquisition by Analite of Rauchfuss Instruments, 1978; Correspondence with Sydney County Council re restrictions on use of electricity, 1949-1950; Correspondence re purchase of shares, 1948-1951; Analite Pty Ltd: - consent to formate by Delegate of Treasurer, 1946; List of expenses incurred during building of 355 Pacific Highway, Artarmon, 1947; Correspondence with Delegate to the Treasury re 355 Pacific Highway, plus bribery allegation, 1947; Correspondence re shortage of building materials, 1947; Correspondence, newspaper clippings re planning permission, 1947; Correspondence from Jason Manufacturing Company, Production Engineers, 1950; Analite: minutes of Directors’ meeting , 1951; Purchase and sale of Layton St, Camperdown building, 1941.