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Cattle Council of Australia deposit

  • AU NBAC Z659
  • Deposit
  • 1972 - 2005

Minutes of the Council and Executive, correspondence and subject files, and records relating to Cattlecare.

Cattle Council of Australia

Technical Teachers' Union of Victoria deposit

  • AU NBAC Z740
  • Deposit
  • 1967 - 1992

This deposit includes council minutes and agenda papers, committee records, annual conference minutes and agenda papers, handbooks, transcripts and TAFE college agreements.

Technical Teachers' Union of Victoria

Australian Education Union deposit 1

  • AU NBAC Z219
  • Deposit
  • 1944 - 1998

This deposit includes minutes of Council and Executive meetings and conferences (1946 - 1980, 1990, 1992), Annual Conference reports of the Australian Teachers Federation (1944 - 1992), central files (1981 - 1990), and printed material.

Australian Teachers' Federation

Seamen’s Union of Australia, Victorian Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC Z263
  • Deposit
  • 1900-1985

Minutes of Victorian Branch meetings, 1909-1917; Committee of Management minutes, 1948-1965, minutes of Stopwork meetings, 1950s-1980s; Federal Office Secretary’s reports, 1948-1984, correspondence/subject files A-Z, 1948-1984; Shipboard Committees’ records, 1950-1984; reports, mainly concerning maritime matters, 1927-1981; arbitration and maritime enquiry records, 1940s-1970s; rules and awards, 1900-1996; photographs, 1911-1980s; sound recordings, 1963; drawings and plans, circa 1950s; press cuttings, 1950s-1980s; printed material, 1930s-1980s.

Seamen’s Union of Australia

Transport Workers' Union Canberra Branch deposit 2

  • AU NBAC Z269
  • Deposit
  • 1951 - 1990

Minutes of Canberra branch (1957-1980), copies of Federal Office minutes (1960-1985), reports, subject files, arbitration material, membership records (1976-1981), rules and printed material.

Transport Workers' Union of Australia

Australian Railways Union, Tasmanian Branch deposit 3

  • AU NBAC Z292
  • Deposit
  • 1953 - 1992

Office and industrial files re workers compensation appeal case, reports, correspondence, pamphlets and publications. Includes material relating to Launceston, Burnie, Devonport and Hobart Sub-Branches.

Australian Railways Union

Municipal Officers' Association of Australia deposit

  • AU NBAC Z298
  • Deposit
  • 1925 - 1993

Minutes of Federal Executive (1925-1991), Federal Council (1945-1989) and some Branch minutes, correspondence and membership records, administrative and subject files, arbitration material including State award files. Material dated after the 1991 amalgamation is created by the Australian Services Union.

Municipal Officers' Association of Australia

Peter Cullen Proprietary Limited deposit

  • AU NBAC Z301
  • Deposit
  • 1971 - 1987; 1991

Office and research files, election notes and press cuttings, subject files including Bionic Products Pty Ltd, Comalco Ltd, No Base Campaign and the Union of Christmas Island Workers. Includes published book by Peter Cullen (1991)

Peter Cullen Proprietary Limited

Australian Telecommunications Employees' Association deposit

  • AU NBAC Z314
  • Deposit
  • 1917 - 1993

Records of the Australian Telecommunications Employees' Association, New South Wales Branch: minutes (1958-1988), membership register (1917-1976), subject files including correspondence with General Secretary, sub-branches in New South Wales and Canberra, other State branches, other unions, Labor Councils and Telecom, incoming and outgoing telexes, reports, Federal circulars, copies of Federal Council and Executive minutes, files of Rod Parkinson, Marilyn Toni Brown and Colin Cooper, dispute files, arbitration files and reports, and printed material. Records of the Australian Telephone and Phonogram Officers' Association, New South Wales Branch: membership records (1960s-1970s), subject files (1980s) including arbitration material, Telecom Consultative Council material, files relating to working conditions and occupational health and safety issues. Joint ATEA/ATPOA material (1988-1992) includes subject files, copies of Federal Council minutes, outgoing correspondence and telexes, circulars, and branch reports. Also includes membership cards for the Amalgamated Postal Workers' Union of Australia/Australian Postal and Telecommunications Union (1940s-1970s).

Australian Telecommunications Employees' Association

New South Wales Fire Brigade Employees' Union deposit 2

  • AU NBAC Z332
  • Deposit
  • 1921 - 1993

NSW Fire Brigade Employees' Union minutes of State Council, Executive and general meetings (1948-1983) and other sections and committees, correspondence with register, subject files, arbitration material, circulars (1953-1993), transcripts of oral histories, reports and submissions, conference and seminar papers, Canberra branch files, discipline and grievance case files, newspaper cuttings, photographs (1964-1986), rules and printed material. NSW Fire Brigade Officers' Association minutes of Executive and general meetings (1944-1948) and NSW Fire Brigade Senior Officers' Association minutes (1954-1975), correspondence, industrial files, financial records and membership records.

New South Wales Fire Brigade Employees' Union

Humes Limited deposit 7

  • AU NBAC Z351
  • Deposit
  • 1919 - 1988

Humes Ltd correspondence files and financial papers, 1970s-80s.
Includes, also, Humes Ltd minutes 1940s-60s; Humes Ltd Board papers 1981-2; Humes Ltd Board papers and minutes 1983-4; Humes Ltd Board papers and minutes 1984-55; Humes Industries Board Minutes Index, undated; Steel Mains Pty Ltd Board papers 1978-83; Australian Tube Mills board papers 1985-6; Hume Industries (Far East) Directors reports 1979/80; Hume Industries (Far East) Board papers 1976-7, 1980-1; Hume Industries (Malaya) Board papers 1979-81; Hume Industries (New Zealand) Board papers 1975-6; Hume Industries (New Zealand) Board papers and report 1977-83; Hume Industries (New Zealand) Board papers 1984-6; Hume Pipe (UK) Board papers 1974-85; Vitaclay Pipes Board papers 1981-4; ARC Industries minutes 1951-76; ARC Engineering minutes 1931-47; ARC Engineering minutes 1946-51; ARC Engineering minutes 1951-8; ARC Engineering minutes 1958-63; ARC Engineering (VIC) minutes 1958-71; ARC Subsidiaries’ minutes, 1950s-60s.

Humes Limited

Australian Railways Union, South Australian Branch deposit 3

  • AU NBAC Z359
  • Deposit
  • 1951 - 1993

Minutes and subject files, correspondence, arbitration and financial records, copies of circulars, media releases, organisers files, workers compensation envelopes, membership and compensation records, records of Sub-Branches and Sections including Port August, Mile End Yard, Peterborough (includes minutes), Metropolitan Shunters section (includes minutes) and Metro Guards Section.

Australian Railways Union

Federated Miscellaneous Workers' Union Federal Office deposit 1

  • AU NBAC Z370
  • Deposit
  • 1913 - 1995

Federal Council minutes (1961-1973), copies of Branch minutes: NSW, Victorian, Queensland, South Australian, Western Australian, ACT, Watchmen's Employment Committee and Northern Australian Workers' Union Branches, correspondence and subject files, rule books, reports, financial records, Ray Gietzeldt's files as General Secretary, industrial files and printed material. Minute books of New South Wales Branch (1940-1980), Sydney Shipping Industry Section (1956-1980), Victorian Branch (1945-1963), Western Australian Branch (1963-1982), ACT Branch (1960), Queensland Branch (1930-1956), NSW and Tasmanian Branch correspondence, and industrial files. Includes miscellaneous records of the Australian Leather and Allied Trades Employees' Federation (1902-1966), minutes, membership records, files and financial records of the Pyrmont Sugar Works Employees' Union (1905-1973) and minutes of the Metropolitan Cleaners, Caretakers and Lift Attendants Industrial Union of Workers, Western Australia (1927-1930). Deposit received in 2002 consists of arbitration files (1940s-1980s), correspondence, printed material and copies of Branch minutes (1980s-1990s).

Federated Miscellaneous Workers' Union of Australia

Building Workers' Industrial Union Queensland Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC Z392
  • Deposit
  • 1912 - 1995

Minutes of Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners Queensland State Executive (1924-1934), BWIU State Executive (1949-1987), Brisbane Branch (1949-1987) and Building Trades Group of Unions (1941-1982), membership list (1961-1980), subject files, arbitration files, state delegates convention records (1954-1994). Minutes of Operative Painters' and Decorators' Union Queensland Branch (1917-1988) and sub-branches: Rockhampton, Bundaberg, Townsville, Maryborough, Ipswich, Toowoomba, Cairns and Mackay, minutes of Queensland Plasterers' Union, Gold Coast Branch (1978-1980) and membership list of Association of Self Employed Building Workers (1972-1982). Records from 1993 were created by the Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union.

Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners of Australia

Federated Miscellaneous Workers' Union Federal Office deposit 2

  • AU NBAC Z397
  • Deposit
  • 1948 - 1990

Federal Executive minutes (1960-1990), ballot papers, correspondence, Ray Gietzelt's files as General Secretary and numbered subject files which include Branch minutes, correspondence, arbitration material and printed material

Federated Miscellaneous Workers' Union of Australia

Australian Railways Union, National Office deposit 1

  • AU NBAC N5
  • Deposit
  • 1908 - 1976

Minutes and reports, correspondence, circulars, national convention files, election files, national rule files, branch rules, arbitration material, subject files, press cuttings and publications. Includes Victorian Railways Classification Board minutes.

Australian Railways Union

Federated Ironworkers' Association deposit 9

  • AU NBAC N14
  • Deposit
  • 1912 - 1979

Correspondence and subject files (1918-1979), arbitration files, rule books, copies of minutes of Metal Trades Federation (1944-1971), membership records for NSW Branch (1940), financial records, photographs (1959-1975), plans and printed material.

Federated Ironworkers' Association of Australia

Bank Officials' Association Federal Office deposit

  • AU NBAC N16
  • Deposit
  • 1914 - 1973

This deposit contains constitutions, rules, minutes of meetings, General Secretary's correspondence, conference materials and records from the Victorian, Tasmanian, South Australian and New South Wales Divisions.

Bank Officials' Association

Australian Farmers' Federation deposit 1

  • AU NBAC N18
  • Deposit
  • 1943 - 1979

Records of predecessors to the National Farmers' Federation: minutes of the Primary Producers' Council of Australia (1943-1949), the National Farmers' Union of Australia (1949-1969), Executive Meetings of the Australian Farmers' Federation (1969-1972), the Australian Vegetable Growers' Federation (1945-1965), the Australian Wheatgrowers' Federation (1969-1979) and the Australian Seed Producers' Federation (1974-1976), conference papers, correspondence and subject files, administrative files and printed material. Includes files of Alex Norquay as Secretary of various vegetable growers' organisations.

Australian Farmers' Federation

Federated Ironworkers' Association deposit 10

  • AU NBAC N63
  • Deposit
  • 1935 - 1982

Arbitration files, press cuttings, photographs of Gove project (1971), sound recordings of radio programs (1979-1982) and printed material.

Federated Ironworkers' Association of Australia

Australian Dental Association deposit

  • AU NBAC N70
  • Deposit
  • 1933 - 1979

The deposit consists of office files (subject), financial statements and publications. Office files include reports, minutes, correspondence, circulars, branch records, membership lists, registers and directories, congress files, financial records, records re government departments and other associations, photographs and printed material.

Australian Dental Association Incorporated

Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association New South Wales Branch deposit 1

  • AU NBAC N72
  • Deposit
  • 1909 - 1985

Minute files (1973-1984), correspondence and subject files, arbitration material, rule books, printed material, posters, banner, certificates (including Barrier Ranges Drivers' and Firemen's Association 1892) and photographs. Includes records of sub-branches: Lake Macquarie, Sydney, Power, Granville, Central Illawarra (membership records 1952-1979) and Canberra (membership records 1957-1970).

Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association of Australasia

Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association Coast District Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC N81
  • Deposit
  • 1915 - 1978

Minutes (1915-1927, 1938-1976), correspondence and subject files, financial records, some records of the Sydney, Canberra and Power sub-branches, photographs and printed material. Of significance is N81/39, an address by Bob Hawke to the Federated Engine Drivers and Firemans Association of Australia (NSW), State Council Meeting, 25 - 27 June 1969. Recorded in the minutes is the decision to support Hawke in the ballot for President of the ACTU.

Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association of Australasia

Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Teachers' Federation records

  • AU NBAC N85
  • Deposit
  • 1972 - 1986

This deposit contains minutes of meetings of the ACT Primary Teachers' Association 1972 - 1977 and the ACT Secondary Teachers' Association 1968 - 1972. Records of the ACT Teachers' Federation comprise office files, 1972 - 1976, newspaper clippings 1975 - 1984, meeting papers of the Interim ACT Schools Authority 1975 - 1976 and the ACT Schools Authority 1977 - 1985.

Australian Capital Territory Teachers' Federation

Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia, Port Adelaide Branch deposit 2

  • AU NBAC N90
  • Deposit
  • 1900 - 1983

Minutes of general, special and committee meetings, 1920-1922, 1933-1937; Port Adelaide Waterfront Employment Committee minutes, 1942-1946; office files, 1914-1983; accident reports, 1938-1950; financial records, 1926-1968; Social and Sports Club, 1963-1968; membership material, 1900-1969; statistical analysis of men employed on Port Adelaide wharves, 1931-1935; press and radio pick-up announcement notices, 1957-1968; printed material, 1935-1986.

Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia

Musicians' Union of Australia, Federal Office deposit 2

  • AU NBAC N93
  • Deposit
  • 1955 - 1980

This deposit consists of the records of the Federal Office of the Musicians' Union of Australia. The bulk of the records cover the 1950s to 1980s. Minutes of the Annual Conference can be found in this collection covering the years 1955 to 1977, as well as an extensive set of subject files documenting the Unions' activities from the 1960s. Further material includes import files detailing visits of overseas artists; arbitration transcripts, a transcript of an Inquiry into the Copyright Act 1982, rules of the Federal Office and MUA Branches, rules of other unions and of the Musicians' Club of Victoria, printed membership lists (1965-1981), miscellaneous printed material, stickers mainly produced as part of the Keep Music Alive campaign and badges.

Musicians' Union of Australia

South Australian Institute of Teachers deposit 1

  • AU NBAC N91
  • Deposit
  • 1891 - 1989

This deposit includes records from the South Australian Public Teachers' Union, Women Teachers' Guild, South Australian Institute of Teachers, Primary Teachers' Association, Male Assistants' Association, Southern Teachers' Association, High School Senior Mistresses and Assistants' Association and the Port Pirie Teachers' Association. Records include minutes of meetings, subject files, some photographs and annual reports.

South Australian Institute of Teachers

Goldsbrough Mort and Company Head Office, correspondence, client and station records

  • AU NBAC 2A
  • Deposit
  • 1852 - 1966

Registers of officers and staff (1852-1944), staff reports (1928-1962) and staff record cards (1962); Chairman's Board agenda papers (1951-1960); financial records including register of mortgages and share registers; clients' documents, Melbourne and Sydney offices (1886-1958); 'historical' material (1864-1977); legal case files; correspondence of G A Manning to Sydney, Perth and Adelaide offices (1939-1967); General Manager's and Secretary's correspondence with branch offices and London Office including presscopy letterbooks (1899-1962); correspondence with stations: Bunna Bunna, Canonbar, Corinda, Dumble, Eremeran, Manfred, Mulgawarrina, Weribone (1944-1955); Wool Department files, Stock Department files and Land Department files. Also includes records of the Melbourne Woolbrokers' Association and the Wool Selling Brokers Officers' Association of Australia (1914-1953) including minutes, financial records, arbitration material and press cuttings.

Goldsbrough Mort and Company

Lincoln Mills (Australia) Limited deposit 1

  • AU NBAC 71
  • Deposit
  • 1920 - 1962

Minutes (1922 - 1960), records of subsidiary companies Lincoln Knitting Mills Pty Ltd (1920-1940) and Lincoln Spinning Mills Pty Ltd (1920 - 1940), memorandum and articles of associations, financial records, share material, correspondence, secretary's files, general office files, sales records, ledgers and journals, material re Provident Fund and staff superannuation scheme, staff record cards, plans and specifications, books and photograph.

Lincoln Mills (Australia) Limited

William Cooper and Nephews (Australia) deposit 1

  • AU NBAC 72
  • Deposit
  • 1890 - 1960

Copies of minutes, annual reports, financial records, correspondence, printed materials and photographs, maps and plan, station records. Includes records of constituent Australasian Sheep Dip Company some records of the Ottery Mine (near Tenterfield, NSW) and Quambone and Mungrabambone Stations (Central Division, NSW).

William Cooper and Nephews (Australia) Proprietary Limited

Robert Reid and Company Limited deposit 1

  • AU NBAC 81
  • Deposit
  • 1879 - 1963

Records of the Melbourne and Sydney offices of Robert Reid and Company Limited: minutes, financial records, share registers, correspondence, stock and sale records, staff records, and records of subsidiaries Hustlers Pty Ltd and T Pickles and Son Ltd. Share records of Reid Murray Holdings Limited.

Robert Reid and Company Limited

Dalgety and Company Limited Geelong Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC 100-2
  • Deposit
  • 1884 - 1967

Correspondence, branch and managers' reports, financial records, salaries and wages records, conference reports and publications. Also includes records of Ballarat and Western District sub-branches (Camperdown, Colac, Terang) and records of Geelong Wool Brokers' Association.

Dalgety and Company Limited

Dalgety and Company Limited Perth Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC 100-3
  • Deposit
  • 1885 - 1969

All types of company records including minutes, staff and agents' conferences records, correspondence, financial records, ledgers and journals, Shipping Department accounts and records, manager's reports, merchandise stock lists, salaries and wages records, payroll records, staff pension fund returns, Accountant's and Administration department records, stations valuations, insurance papers, Auditor's reports, Stock department and Wool department records, instructional books and training notes, publications, pamphlets and posters, building plans, photographs and newspaper cuttings.

Dalgety and Company Limited

Dalgety and Company Limited Sydney Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC 100-4
  • Deposit
  • 1868 - 1965

All types of company records including deeds and papers re securities, stock and property sales, agreements, pastoral leases; correspondence; wool catalogues; calculating tables of wool yields, limits and prices; publications and charts.

Dalgety and Company Limited

Dalgety and Company Limited Rockhampton Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC 100-5
  • Deposit
  • 1898 - 1970

All types of company records including branch manager's reports, annual reports, correspondence, financial records, deeds and documents, salaries and wages books, stations valuations, Insurance department records, Shipping department records, registers, papers re Woolbrokers Staff Association, publications, pamphlets and photographs. Also includes records of subsidiary companies: Williams' Pty Ltd, Rockhampton (acquired in July 1943); Friends (Pty) Ltd, Gladstone (acquired February 1949); McKimmons (Pty) Ltd, Townsville; Dalgety Trading Company Pty Ltd.

Dalgety and Company Limited

Dalgety and Company Limited Adelaide Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC 100-7
  • Deposit
  • 1878 - 1966

This deposit consists of records of E W van Senden prior to and during his appointment as manager of Dalgety and Co Limited: Personal letters from his fiancee, banks, clients, the Hon George Riddoch, relatives etc; business letters, negotiations and documents re the transfer of his business concerns to Dalgetys, share certificates, company prospectus, diaries, receipts, cash books, legders and plans (1887-1917). Papers in French relating to his office as Consular Agent for France in Adelaide: correspondence with thte French Consul General in Sydney, letters and documents received re: shipping, passenger lists of French ships "Australien", "Ville de la Ciotat", and "Caledonieu" (1907-1908), trade, requests for information, letters from James Page former Consular Agent, and information on accounts (1907-08). Branch records: Minutes of Local Board of Advice (1906-17), letters recieved till 1912 and later correspondence of Adelaide managers (1897-1966), superintendent's monthly returns (1919-29), working papers for returns (1948-49), managers' reports to Head Office (1907-60), Stock Department reports (1931-41), financial documents (1897-1960), taxation returns records (1913-61), registers of properties, profits & loss, salaries, deeds, securities and signatures (1900-54), managers' diaries (1901-04), press cuttings (1928-33), annual reports of Dalgety and Co Ltd (1897, 1899, 1902-13), annual reports of other companies, and a small number of prints, photographs and plans.

Dalgety and Company Limited

New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company Rockhampton Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC 110-5
  • Deposit
  • 1884 - 1963

The deposit consists of manger's correspondence with other branches 1906-1963; correspondence files and papers concerning clients; copies of wages and payroll tax returns 1947-51; company leases 1887-1946; financial and insurance records; clients' documents 1891-1942; salaries book and sheets 1915-57; security registers 1895-1960; shipping information 1895-1903; Melbourne Branch conference minutes 1946; staff reports 1890-1927; printed material including annual reports 1882-1960; pamphlets 1882-1953; serials 1888-1954; plan, map 1912, and photographs c. 1924-1958.

New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company Limited

Dalgety and Company Limited Narrandera and Leeton Branches deposit

  • AU NBAC 141
  • Deposit
  • 1955 - 1974

The deposit consists of office files concerning the branches as stock and station agents, merchandise retailers, auctioneers and valuers, financiers etc. Also includes records of clients' and trade debtors' accounts, correspondence, financial and legal records.

Dalgety Australia Limited

Amalgamated Postal Workers' Union deposit 1

  • AU NBAC T35
  • Deposit
  • 1915 - 1956

Minutes of the Australian Letter Carriers' Association Executive Council (1923-1924) and conferences (1915-1924), minutes of the Postal Sorters' Union of Australia Federal Executive (1924-1925), correspondence of the Amalgamated Postal Workers' Union with branches, Public Service Board, Postmaster-General's Department, Superannuation Board, members of parliament and other unions, and information files including reports, press cuttings and printed material.

Australian Letter Carriers' Association

Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen, Federal Office deposit

  • AU NBAC T60
  • Deposit
  • 1895 - 1954

Minutes, reports, correspondence, financial and arbitration records, photographs and publications. Records re the State Instrumentality Unions Committee and the War Railways Committee, papers of State Divisions and of the Victorian Railways Classification Board. Includes records of predecessor the Federated Railway Locomotive Enginemen's Association.

Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen

Merchant Service Guild of Australia, Federal Office deposit 1

  • AU NBAC E85
  • Deposit
  • 1901 - 1960

Minutes and meeting papers, constitution and rules, registration papers, correspondence, reports, membership and financial records, ship files, arbitration and industrial files, diary, photographs, press cuttings, and printed material.

Merchant Service Guild of Australia

Clothing and Allied Trades Union of Australia, Federal Office and Branches deposit 1

  • AU NBAC E138
  • Deposit
  • 1870 - 1959

Tailors' Trade Protection Society registers, 1870-1899; minutes (with the Tailoresses' from 1905), 1903-1907; Tailoresses' strike book 1883, registers 1888-1893; Pressers' Union minutes 1888-1902; Victorian Clothing Operatives' Union records 1902-1907; Victorian Branch minutes 1908-1909; Tasmanian Branch balance sheets 1918-1938; Federal Council minutes 1907-1949; copies of branch minutes 1923-1949; Federal correspondence 1913-1956; arbitration material 1907-1959; financial papers 1921-1949.

Tailors' Trade Protection Society

Australian Woolgrowers' and Graziers' Council deposit 2

  • AU NBAC E266
  • Deposit
  • 1891 - 1979

Minutes of the Pastoralists' Federal Council of Australia, Graziers' Federal Council and Australian Woolgrowers' and Graziers' Council including annual convention and Executive Committee (1891-1976), minutes of the Australian Woolgrowers' Council (1956-1960) and annual meetings (1945-1960), papers of the Australian Wool Industry Conference (1962-1976), office files, and printed material.

Pastoralists' Federal Council of Australia

ANU Students' Association records

  • AU ANUA 529
  • Series
  • 1980 - 1985

Subject files on the ANU Students Association, Australian Union of Students and ANU Law School Action Group, including notes, correspondence, position papers, circulars and printed material.

Redpath, William

Eveleigh Loco Combined Unions Shop Stewards' Committee deposit

  • AU NBAC Z305
  • Deposit
  • 1940 - 1989

Minutes, correspondence, office files, arbitration, financial records, printed material, banners, press cuttings and photographs. Includes records of the Australasian Society of Engineers and the Amalgamated Engineering Union Combined Unions Shop Sub Committee and Eveleigh Carriage Workshop Shop Committee.

Eveleigh Loco Combined Unions Shop Stewards' Committee

Australian Mercantile Land and Finance Australian Office deposit 3

  • AU NBAC 133
  • Deposit
  • 1886 - 1961

The material in this deposit is divided into three sections:

  1. Records created at Head Office: correspondence with branch offices, 1937-50; balance papers for Australia, 1941-60; balance sheets for stations, 1905-57; records of clients' accounts, 1925-40; income tax returns, 1915-50; provident and pension fund records, 1899-1958; applications & correspondence with Lands Dept, c. 1897-1943; wool clip statistics, 1890-1928.

  2. Records created at stations: records for Charlton Station (including correspondence, 1902-41; financial records, 1881-1938; sheep and shearing records, 1891-1941); Dunumbral Station (merino stud book, 1905-1913); Milroy Station (ledgers, 1943-1954); Mogila Station (financial records, 1933-44); Mossgiel Station (financial books, 1891-2, 1906-35; stock books, 1886-9, 1931-48; and Summervale Station (ledgers, 1942-61).

  3. Records relating to subsidiary companies absorbed by AML&F Co Ltd and to clients: Paroo Pastoral Co; Australian Sheep Farms Ltd; Frank Watson & Co Pty Ltd; McPhie & Co Pty Ltd; Yeates Bros Pty Ltd; H P Veness & Co Pty Ltd; A McLean & Co Pty Ltd; E W Sparke Pty Ltd; Bovril Australian Estates Ltd & allied companies; G M Richmond (Mogila); G M Richmond & Son (Mogila);Includes some minutes, financial records, articles of association, share records and reports.

Australian Mercantile Land and Finance Company Limited

Miscellaneous printed material

  • AU NBAC P56
  • Deposit
  • 1850s - 1990s

Publications including pamphlets, serials, books, plans, rule books, posters, invitations and press cuttings donated to the Archives.

Noel Butlin Archives Centre

Humes Limited microfilm deposit

  • AU NBAC M55
  • Deposit
  • 1911 - 1923

Microfilm copy of:

  1. Memorandum and articles of association 1911
  2. Certificate of incorporation of a company 1912
  3. List of shareholders 1912 - 1913
  4. Shareholders’ resolutions 1914
  5. Additional articles of association 1914
  6. List of shareholders 1914 - 1915
  7. Shareholders’ resolutions 1915
  8. List of shareholders 1916 - 1919
  9. Agreement for sale and purchase of Hume Brothers Engineering works 1920
  10. Shareholders’ resolutions 1920
  11. Hume Company Limited list of shareholders 1920
  12. Hume Brothers Cement Iron Company Limited – notice to wind up voluntarily 1921
  13. Final meeting of shareholders and company liquidation 1923

Humes Limited

Golden Cob Products Proprietary Limited deposit

  • AU NBAC N45
  • Deposit
  • 1933 - 1973

Minutes, wages books, correspondence, company papers including memorandum and articles of association, newspaper cuttings and photographs, Victory Loan certificates, history of the company, and materials related to the company's sales and distribution of products to the Australian and American armed forces during World War II.

Golden Cob Products Proprietary Limited

British New Guinea Development Company deposit 1

  • AU NBAC M37
  • Deposit
  • 1910 - 1948

Prospectus (1910), memorandum and articles of association (1922), notices of meetings (1910 - 1942), Directors' reports and accounts (1910 - 1948), General Manager's reports (1914 - 1918) and reprints from the Financial Times and Investor's Chronicle (1911 - 1939).

British New Guinea Development Company Limited

Australian Timber Workers' Union, New South Wales Branch deposit 2

  • AU NBAC Z138
  • Deposit
  • 1905 - 1992

Minutes of general and Management Committee meetings, correspondence, subject files, cash books, membership records (1973-1982), contribution lists (1931-1989), rule books, press cuttings, photographs, printed material, J Weir broadcast transcripts (1948-1956), industrial files and training files. Includes records of predecessor NSW Saw Mill and Timber Yard Employees Association.

Amalgamated Timber Workers' Union of Australia

Australian Mercantile Land and Finance Australian Office deposit 1

  • AU NBAC 6
  • Deposit
  • 1855 - 1963

Ledgers; journals; cash books; station financial records and monthly returns (showing information re persons employed, stock, rainfall); reappraisement of rentals of some of the company's stations in the western division of New South Wales between 1890 and 1904; information re. income and working expenses of the company's stations between 1893 and 1943; contracts of sale, miscellaneous papers and maps relating to the company's stations.

Australian Mercantile Land and Finance Company Limited

National Deposit Insurance Corporation deposit

  • AU NBAC N361
  • Deposit
  • 1984 - 1992

Memorandum and articles of association, annual reports, minutes, working files, reports, printed material and ephemera.

National Deposit Insurance Corporation Limited

N G Butlin deposit 2

  • AU NBAC P110
  • Deposit
  • 1959 - 1969

Working papers for Butlin's publications 'Investment in Australian Economic Development 1861-1900' (Cambridge University Press 1964) and 'Australian Domestic Product, Investment and Foreign Borrowing 1861-1939' (Cambridge University Press 1962), working papers on New Zealand capital formation compiled by J A Dowie for his 1965 PhD thesis supervised by Butlin (items 148-207), records used for the publication 'The Cost of Collisions' by Butlin and Pat Troy, Chesire 1971 (items 208-220), draft articles, seminar papers and lecture notes.

Butlin, Noel George

George H Hazlehurst collection

  • AU NBAC Z428
  • Deposit
  • 1950 - 1970

Papers relating to work at RMIT as a part-time lecturer in advertising and client campaign creative material, personal papers and Christian writings and notes.

Hazlehurst, George Henry

ANU undergraduate prospectus master set

  • AU ANUA 190
  • Series
  • 1980 - 1998

The Undergraduate Prospectus set outs in detail the courses offered in the coming year.

Australian National University

ANU Board of the School of General Studies minutes and agenda papers

  • AU ANUA 192
  • Series
  • 1960 - 2004

These are original signed minutes and agenda papers in bound volumes. Minutes and agenda paper for the Board of the School of General Studies from 1960 - 1980, and Board of the Faculties from 1980 - 2004. The first volume of each year contains an index to the meetings.

Board of the ANU School of General Studies

ANU Finance Committee minutes and agenda papers

  • AU ANUA 194
  • Series
  • 1946 - 1996

The original signed and bound minutes and agenda papers of the Finance Committee of Council are in boxes 1-7. Duplicates are held for 1946-1963 and 1995-1996 in boxes 8-10.

Finance Committee

ANU Building and Grounds Committee minutes and agenda papers

  • AU ANUA 196
  • Series
  • 1947 - 1993

These are the original signed minutes and agenda papers of the Building and Grounds Committee (known as the Advisers on Buildings and Grounds from August 1951 to October 1960). There is a gap between 7 April 1989 and 20 March 1992 when the Committee is said to be ‘re-established’. There are duplicate copies for the period 1947–1970 and copies of minutes of joint meetings between the Advisers on Building and Grounds and the Board of Graduate Studies’ Site Development Committee 1954–1957 in boxes 4–5.

Building and Grounds Committee

Minutes of ANU Joint Faculty Board and Faculty meetings

  • AU ANUA 197
  • Series
  • 1951 - 1965

These are minutes of meetings of the Joint Faculty Board (1951-1960) and the Joint Faculty (1951-1965) of the two Research Schools.

Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies

Australian National University Council minutes

  • AU ANUA 198
  • Series
  • 1946 - 2008

The original signed minutes of both the Interim Council (1946–1951) and the Council (from 1951) are bound in dark blue hardback volumes. For the period 1946 to 1962 there are both originals (Box 1) and an unsigned duplicate set (Boxes 2 and 3).


ANU Advisers on Legislation Committee minutes

  • AU ANUA 200
  • Series
  • 1951 - 1990

The minutes are bound in dark blue hardback volumes. Original minutes are typed and signed and there are also duplicate copies of minutes for the period 1952 to 1963.

Advisers on Legislation

ANU Academic Advisory Committee minutes

  • AU ANUA 201
  • Series
  • 7 Aug 1947 - 8 Jun 1951

The Academic Advisory Committee was appointed by the Interim Council to provide advice on the establishment of the ANU. The initial members were Sir Howard Florey, Professor Keith Hancock (replaced by Professor KC Weare in 1949), Professor Mark Oliphant (till 1950) and Professor Raymond Firth and they met in Oxford. The original minutes are signed. A reference set of the minutes (Box 2) will be issued in the reading room.

Academic Advisory Committee

ANU Publications Committee minutes

  • AU ANUA 202
  • Series
  • 1955 - 1967

There are two volumes of original signed minutes of the Committee 1955–1967 (Box 1) and a one-volume duplicate set 1955–1963 (Box 2).

Publications Committee

ANU Editorial Committee minutes

  • AU ANUA 203
  • Series
  • 14 Dec 1967 - 4 Feb 1976

There is one volume of signed minutes of the Committee.

Editorial Committee

ANU Press Editorial Board minutes

  • AU ANUA 204
  • Series
  • 30 Apr 1976 - 27 Jun 1980

There is one volume of signed minutes of the Editorial Board.

ANU Press Editorial Board

Minutes of ANU Faculty Board and Faculty meetings

  • AU ANUA 206
  • Series
  • 1951 - 1963

There is a complete run of minutes from 1951 to 2000. Items 1–5 are signed originals. From 1961 joint minutes of Faculty and Faculty Board meetings were taken and bound together. Items 11 and 12 are duplicate bound sets and 13 and 14 are minutes of the School Committee and the Academic Matters Standing Committee not included in the bound set.

ANU Research School of Social Sciences

Minutes of the ANU Governing Board and Management Committee

  • AU ANUA 207
  • Series
  • 1953 - 1991

The original typed minutes of meetings of the Board, signed by the Master of University House as Chairman, are pasted into binders. From 16 December 1986, the minutes of the Management Committee are also included. There is one hard-bound volume of duplicate minutes for 1953-1958.

University House

Canberra School of Music correspondence files, annual single number series

  • AU ANUA 209
  • Series
  • 1974 - 1995

The earliest files in this series relate to the Canberra School of Music and the Canberra School of Art. From 1987 the files relate to the Canberra Institute of the Arts, an amalgamation of the Schools. In 1992 the Institute transferred from the ACT Government to become part of the Australian National University. The series includes minutes of meetings of the Councils or Boards for all these bodies and files about graduation ceremonies, celebrations and donations.

Canberra School of Music

Registers of ANU research protocols

  • AU ANUA 214
  • Series
  • 1997 - 2001

The series consists of research proposals by staff and students which are considered against established protocols by the Committee. There are separate registers for Psychology, Science Communications, Medical, and Sociology for 1997–1999, and registers for Archaeology and Anthropology, Legal, and the Institute of the Arts for 1999. The registers are contolled by an annual single number with alphabetical prefix indicating the subject, eg P=Psychology, SC=Science Communications. In 1999 a new consolidated annual single number system was introduced, eg 1999/25, irrespective of subject.

ANU Ethics in Human Experimentation Committee

ANU Chancellor Peter Baume's correspondence

  • AU ANUA 215
  • Series
  • 1997 - 2000

The Chancellor’s correspondence ranges over many subjects from administrative, political and educational issues to drop copies of documents and invitations.

Baume, Peter Erne

ANU Pro-Chancellor Annabelle Bennett's correspondence

  • AU ANUA 216
  • Series
  • 1998 - 1999

The Pro-Chancellor’s correspondence covers educational issues, administrative arrangements and invitations and dates from November 1998 to September 1999.

Bennett, Annabelle Claire

Greetings to other universities from the Australian National University

  • AU ANUA 217
  • Series
  • 1981 - 2000

These are copies of printed greetings sent to Australian and overseas universities on special occasions such as inauguration, installation of Chancellors and anniversaries. Some examples include special messages and appoint a representative of the University to deliver the greetings in person.

Office of the Registrar

Agenda, minutes and papers of the ANU Faculty Board

  • AU ANUA 218
  • Series
  • 1964 - 2003

The minutes and agenda papers date from 1964, when the Faculty Board was known as the School Committee. There is a gap from 1967 to 1973, then minutes of the Faculty Board from 1974 to 2003. The minutes and agenda papers of the Faculty meetings date from 1969 to 1997. They include papers from the Director’s office. The series also includes submissions, reports and reviews relating to the Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering from 1976 to 1997.

Research School of Physics and Engineering

ANU Degree Committee minutes and agenda papers

  • AU ANUA 219
  • Series
  • 1956 - 2003

These black binders contain copies of the minutes and agenda papers of the Degree Committee of the Board of Graduate Studies, from 1960 the Board of the Institute of Advanced Studies.

ANU Degree Committee

Heads of ANU Research Schools minutes and agenda papers

  • AU ANUA 220
  • Series
  • 1963 - 1989

These are copies of minutes and agenda papers in black binders of meetings of the Heads of Research Schools (known colloquially as HORS) within the Institute of Advanced Studies.

Heads of ANU Research Schools

ANU Kioloa Management Committee minutes and agenda papers

  • AU ANUA 222
  • Series
  • 1975 - 1990

These are original minutes and agenda papers in black binders of the committee responsible for the management of the University’s Kioloa campus on the south coast of New South Wales.

Kioloa Management Committee

ANU Department of Applied Mathematics papers and publications

  • AU ANUA 224
  • Series
  • 1937 - 2001

The series includes Cambridge lecture notes and thesis, correspondence and minutes from the Department of Applied Mathematics, material relating to the Yerkes Observatory, photographs of staff, glass plates of astronomical observations, and reprints of articles by Archibald Brown, notes for articles published in physics and mathematical journals. There are also several books in French, German and English.

ANU Department of Applied Mathematics, School of General Studies

Canberra University College calendars

  • AU ANUA 229
  • Series
  • 1930 - 1960

These books were printed annually for the year ahead and include information about the College including a calendar of dates, members of the Council and committees, members of staff, legislation affecting the College, information about prerequisites, enrolment, assessment, fees, and courses offered (such as syllabus, number of lectures and tutorials, and recommended reading). They also include a list of graduates, current students, scholarships and prizes (including past winners). This is a complete set from the first edition in 1930-1931 to 1960.

Canberra University College

ANU Department of Economic History administrative files, research material and publications

  • AU ANUA 230
  • Series
  • 1952 - 1997

There are administrative files maintained by the head of the department and files relating to seminars and conferences, research material of Professor Noel Butlin and Lloyd Robson, and publications including conference proceedings, Working Papers in Economic History nos. 1-197 (no. 72 is missing), and Source Papers in Economic History nos. 1-20.

ANU Department of Economic History, Research School of Social Sciences

Fred Barker papers and publications

  • AU ANUA 232
  • Series
  • 1947 - 2009

This small collection of papers includes the monthly Research School newsletter 1970–1974 and papers relating to ANZAAS conferences, and papers by Barker published in science journals 1947 - 2009.

Barker, Frederick Charles

Awards, publications and papers of Frank Fenner

  • AU ANUA 234
  • Series
  • 1926 - 2005

The awards range from primary and high school medals, war service medals, imperial and Australian honours, university degrees and honorary degrees, and science awards, such as the Copley Medal. There is a signed copy of each of the books Fenner authored or edited and two photograph albums presented to him. There is also a small collection of papers and publications relating to the John Curtin School of Medical Research, the Research School of Biological Sciences and the Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, which include original correspondence.

Fenner, Frank John

Research material for 50th anniversary history of University House

  • AU ANUA 235
  • Series
  • 2002 - 2005

This series includes original source material dating from 1949 as well as photocopies of published and unpublished material, photographs, and notes made by Waterhouse in researching and writing University House As They Experienced It: A History 1954–2004.

Waterhouse, Jill

Minutes and agenda papers of School Committee, later Faculty Board

  • AU ANUA 236
  • Series
  • 1957 - 2000

These are the minutes and agenda papers of meetings of the School Committee (1957–1967) which was later known as the Faculty Board. There are also the Director’s papers relating to Faculty meetings (1972–2000).

John Curtin School of Medical Research

Student assessment reports

  • AU ANUA 237
  • Series
  • 1964 - 1975

These annual folders contain student assessment reports for Australian History and Historiography and have been retained as a sample of assessment methods.

ANU Department of History

Eric Fry papers

  • AU ANUA 238
  • Series
  • 1936 - 2004

The papers range from school and university awards and photographs, to research notes and lectures over a thirty-year teaching career. There are also drafts of unpublished books, draft chapters of the book 'Tale of Two Trippers' (Items 22-33), and correspondence with colleagues and students. Includes cassette tapes of lectures (Items 111-114), research papers on Monty Miller (Items 117-126), lectures and research material for a book on Australian history 1949-72 (Items 127-147), draft history of the Australian National University (Items 148-160), ANU PhD bonnet and gown.

Fry, Eric Charles

Papers of TH Rigby

  • AU ANUA 241
  • Series
  • 1960 - 1990

Processing of this series is incomplete.

Rigby, Thomas Henry

Results 901 to 1000 of 3340