Glen Fingleton's report on a 1952 tour of the USSR
- AU NBAC N441
- Deposit
- 1952
Fingleton, Glen Harold James
216 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Glen Fingleton's report on a 1952 tour of the USSR
Fingleton, Glen Harold James
Minute books and an audit report for Amalgamated Textiles Australia Ltd., Macquarie Worsteds Limited, and Ascot Investments Pty. Ltd. Copies of a wire bound brochure with wool and textile samples, and newspaper clippings for Macquarie Textiles and Macquarie Worsteds. Onkaparinga items include advertising photos, transparencies, illustrations and sketches, slides, film and film negatives, draft papers, and a fabric specification handbook. Some slides and illustrations are for Laconia blankets. Other items include Downs, Coulter & Co. financial records, a John Vicars & Co Limited centenary book, and a speech on the textile industry written by an unknown author for a Sir Robert Webster lecture.
Macquarie Textiles
Gowrie Scholarship minute book and index cards
1 large volume containing copies of minutes from the foundation's annual meeting. Index cards covering recipients by surname A-O.
Gowrie Foundation
Michael Young's Pacific and Southeast Asia working papers
This series has not yet been processed.
Young, Michael Willis
John Curtin School of Medical Research collection
John Curtin School of Medical Research
Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association Federal Council deposit 3
Federal Council records including industrial files, legal files, subject and correspondence files, financial records and printed material.
Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association of Australasia
Family Planning Federation of Australia deposit
Minutes of Federal Council (1972-1987) and sub-committees, annual reports, financial records, files of Executive Director Wendy McCarthy, office and research files, posters, educational videos and printed material. Includes material relating to Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) education programs, videotapes on family planning and sexually-transmitted diseases targeted at Pacific Island cultures, and video recordings of Pacific women.
Family Planning Federation of Australia
Many of the files relate to the Library Committee, including minutes, agenda and working papers from 1960 to 1987. There are also files about significant events, ‘Library Archives’ and ‘Library History’ files, and files about the Asian Studies Division of the library. Single numbers have been imposed because many files bear the same alphanumeric number.
University Library
These sound recordings cover School of Art lectures and workshops given by various artists from 1983 to 2005.
Canberra School of Art
Records relating to annual meetings, workshops and conferences, reports, funding submissions. Includes advocacy and lobbying material, such as submissions to proposed legislation and letter-writing campaigns. Also includes reports, copies of articles and conference papers, newspaper clippings, and printed material.
Extensive collection of serials, including from State and Territory and overseas sex worker organisations.
Scarlet Alliance
Records relating to establishment, meetings, workshops and conferences, correspondence, reports, funding submissions, material from State sex worker organisations and overseas reports, copies of articles and conference papers, newspaper clippings, and printed material.
Scarlet Alliance
AIDS Society of Asia and the Pacific deposit
Executive Committee correspondence, subject files and papers relating to the first four International Conferences on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific.
AIDS Society of Asia and the Pacific
Nigel Lendon papers and research materials
Records of Nigel Lendon's research, teaching and art practice including diaries, research notes, photographs, slides, recordings, posters, reference works, correspondence and journal publications. The records relate to Lendon's own practice and exhibitions, curatorial work on the Wagilag Sisters and Afghan war rugs exhibitions, art theory and art history, and outsider artists including Slim Barrie. There are records of his association with the Art Workers' Union.
Lendon, Nigel
Files relating to Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) issues covering Bowtell's work with the National Advisory Committee on AIDS and the Australian National Council on AIDS, the National Campaign Against Drug Use, the AIDS Trust of Australia, the Working Party on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Intergovernmental Committee on AIDS, and as president of the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations, including correspondence, reports, minutes and agenda for meetings, local and international conference papers, speeches, press cuttings, videotape of 1993 interviews with Bowtell, Ita Buttrose and Senator Richardson and printed material.
Bowtell, William
Australian Forestry School photograph album
This album contains photographs of campus and student life taken by Australian Forestry School student Brian Moore in the late 1940s.
Moore, Brian
Examiners’ reports for higher degrees at ANU
The binders contain reports from examiners of PhD theses and their recommendations for awarding a degree and for prizes.
Office of the Registrar
National AIDS Archive Collection Commonwealth government material
Material relating to Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) produced by the Commonwealth Department of Community Services and Health (and successors), its policy advisory bodies (AIDS Task Force, National Advisory Committee on AIDS, Australian National Council on AIDS, Intergovernmental Committee on AIDS) and some other Commonwealth departments, including Ministerial statements, reports, booklets, bulletins, leaflets, advertisements, posters, discussion papers, conference proceedings, press clippings, media kits, audio and video cassettes, and marketing material (t-shirts, caps, stickers, postcards, balloons, condoms, frig magnets, badges, key-rings, coasters and frisbees).
Noel Butlin Archives Centre
ANU Department of Linguistics records
Language maps, transcripts, 16 mm film reels re Pidgin dialogue, sound reel tapes re Gugadji language, departmental report, minutes, newsletters and material relating to Prof Stephen Wurm and Tom Dutton.
ANU Department of Linguistics
Annette O'Neill papers on social work in Papua New Guinea
O'Neill, Annette Frances
Contents consist of files arranged chronologically relating to Dr Margaret Steven's early education, employment, university administration and research work. It includes correspondence relating to publications and exhibitions that Margaret Steven worked on including entries for the Australian Dictionary of Biography, the 'Great Australians' series, and publications on Merchant Campbell. Box 1 contents date from 1945 - 1998; box 2 contents date from 1996 - 2014. Testamurs for her Honours degree and Doctorate are included in box 2.
Steven, Margaret Jean Esther
Paradise – the in flight magazine of Air Niugini
One undated, unnumbered issue and one copy of Paradise Faces (1989). Contains issues 1 (July 1976), 7, 9-10, 13-17, 19-65, 67-96, 99-103, 105-111, 113-124, 127, 129, 132, 136-138, 142-144, 146-151, 153-156 (Mar/Apr 2003). Numbering system then changes, and continues with 2003 (vol 1 only); 2004 (vol 4-6); 2005 (vol 1-5); 2006 (vol 1-6); 2007 (1-2, 5-6); 2008 (1-3); 2009 (1-6); 2010 (vol 2-6); 2011 (vol 1-6); 2012 (vol 1-6); 2013 (vol 1-6); 2014 (vol 1-4); 2015 (vol 3-6); 2016 (vol 1-6); 2017 (vol 1-4, 6); 2018 (vol 2-6); 2019 (vol 1, 4-5)
*Issue 13 is missing the covers.
Air Niugini
Tom Dutton's Pacific linguistics research papers
The material relates to linguistics research in Papua New Guinea and includes notebooks, articles, transcripts, and texts on Koiari, Koita, Mountain Koiari, Barai, Mangalasi, Aomie (Omie), Rigo, Police Motu (Hiri Motu) and Tok Pisin (New Guinea Pidgin English).
Dutton, Thomas Edward
Harold Brookfield papers, field diaries, photographs and aerial photographs
The collection includes fifty field notebooks, as well as research notes, correspondence, offprints, photographs, negatives and aerial photographs related to his research in the Pacific region, including the countries - Papua New Guinea and Bougainville, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides), New Caledonia, Fiji and The Philippines. The photographs in this collection have not been listed. They can be found in box 6 (1 Type 5 box) and in boxes 7 - 10 (4 grey albums).
Brookfield, Harold Chillingworth
Australian National University staff files
The staff files record staff appointments, promotion, travel, conditions of service and resignation/retirement. Only files of senior academic and administrative staff are retained. Files of Chancellors and Creative Arts Fellows are also included. It is an artificial series bringing together staff files from an earlier single number series, the multiple number Central Files (ANUA 53) and the annual single number Central Files (ANUA 239). An alphabetical list by surname indicates the box in which the file is located. File suffixes include A=Annex and C=Confidential.
Office of the Registrar
Correspondence files, multiple number series
This was the main ANU correspondence file series from 1950 to 2000, usually known as ‘Central Files’. It contains some earlier material top-numbered from the first ANU file series (ANUA 18) as well as many files of the Canberra University College (ANUA 42) from 1930 to 1960. These files were incorporated in the series by the former Registrar of the Canberra University College Thomas Owen. The files were originally controlled by a card index and file register – the information contained in these was transferred to a computerised keyword index in 1975 and in 2006 to the current Central Records System. The multiple numbers consist of a primary subject often representing a Research School, Faculty or other organisational unit, a secondary number representing a function and then the next sequential number allocated to a particular file. The primary numbers (not all have extant files) are:
Office of the Registrar
Elder Smith and Company photographs
Includes photographs of staff who served in World War 1 and World War 2. Many photographs are unidentified.
Elder Smith and Company
Archaeology and Natural History collection
This collection was held by many years by Archaeology and Natural History, and listed and given numerical designations at least twice. Materials have been received from many individuals associated with the department over the years, and within those materials there may be the work of more scholars, as it seems academics shared their work widely. The list below is not meant to be exhaustive, but based on a preliminary survey of the materials, seems to be a list of those who gave their records to the department for safekeeping which are now at the archives:
Allen, Harry
Allen, Jim
Ambrose, Wallace R.
Antcliff, Peter
Anderson, Adholl
Baker, Richard
Barnett, Gary
Beaton, Jim
Beck, Wendy
Burton, John
Christensen, Ole
Clarke, Goeffrey R. [sic]
Coates, D.
Crosby, E.
Dunnett, Gary
Fredericksen, Clayton
Gillieson, D.
Glover, I.
Golland, Klim
Golson, Jack
Gooder, D. A.
Gosden, Chris
Gorecki, P.
Green, Mike
Groube, Les
Harris, J. B.
Hope, J.
Horton, David
Hughes, Philip
Irwin, Geoff
Isaac, Glynn
Johnson, Ian
Jones, Rhys
Lilley, Ian
Luebbers, Roger
Lampert, Ron
McArthur, Norma
McEldonwney, Holly
McElroy, S.
Mulvaney, D. J.
Packard, Paul
Penhold, M.
Poulsen, Jens
O'Connell, J.
Ottino, P.
Ranson, D.
Rhoads, J.
Roe, David
Rye, Owen
Specht, Jim
Spennemann, Dirk H. R.
Stockton, Jim
Thompson, J.
Thorne, A. G.
Vanderwal, Ron
Wahome, Ephraim
Webb, Stephen
White, J. P.
Williams, E.
Witter, Dan
Wurm, Stephen A.
Yen, Doug
College of Asia and the Pacific
Sydney. Monthly news bulletin of the Merchant Service Guild of Australia
Merchant Service Guild of Australia
Geneva. Published by the International Labour Office of the ILO
International Labour Office
Melbourne. The journal of the Australian National Line
Australian National Line
Sydney. Official organ of the Merchant Service Guild of Australasia. 1955-1964 (gaps).
Merchant Service Guild of Australia
Melbourne. Issued by the Federal Council of Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association of Australasia. July 1914-February 1919; June 1947- December 1952; March 1959- December 1964. Gaps.
Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association of Australasia
Recordings of 'France in the Pacific' conference
22 sound cassettes recorded at the France in the Pacific conference at the Australian National University in 1991. Includes papers by Deryck Scarr; Colin Forster; Patrick Pillon & Francois Sodter; J.L Rallu; Dorothy Shineberg; Michael Panoff; Bronwen Douglas; Isabelle Merle; Hugh Laracy; Jean Chesneaux; Darrell Tryon; Karis Muller; Frederic Bobin; Alaine Chanter; Karin VonStrokirch; Bruno Saura; Honore Forster; Anton Ploeg; Donald Denoon, Stewart Firth, Robert Norton, Alan Ward, Stephen Henningham & Hank Nelson.
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
Album of promotional photographs of the Australian National University
There are four copies of the album: one appears to be a file copy as it includes a list of photograph numbers in the back. Another is annotated to say that it was used in the London Office 1949-1952 (approx.). It is likely that the albums were compiled to show prospective staff members the facilities available at the University and in Canberra, as there are photographs of buildings, homes, churches, schools and recreational facilities. The 41 black and white photographs were taken by the Commonwealth Department of Information and are endorsed with a single number with L prefix so are closely related to a National Archives' series of photographs (CRS A1200).
Office of the Registrar
This series has not yet been processed.
Gunson, Walter Niel
John Ballard's Pacific research papers
The papers cover John Ballard’s political research in the Pacific Islands of Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, New Caledonia, Micronesia and Fiji. The majority of the collection is focused on Papua New Guinea where John Ballard was involved with the development of the political system leading up to and following independence in 1975. The papers also concern the Public Service administration courses John Ballard taught at the University of Papua New Guinea. There are a number of government related papers for the Pacific Islands.
Ballard, John Addison
James Tedder Solomon Islands papers
Solomon Islands files collected and/or collated by subject by James Tedder. The files include the following subjects, bird life, census, national parks, the Moro Movement, land use and issues, the Solomon Islands museum, the Solomon Islands library, local government, education and broadcasting. Also includes two photograph albums on the Solomon Islands.
Tedder, James L O
Margaret Tedder Solomon Islands botanical index cards
Index cards on medicinal and other useful plants in the Solomon islands, A-Z, arranged by plant family. The cards record: Name; Family; Habitat; Constituents; Therapeutic activity; Local names; Sources of information; Preparation and use; Regions reporting use; Other locations reporting use. Most of the information has been obtained from Central and Makira /Ulawa Province. The main language groups include: Temotu, Malaita-San Cristobal, Gela-Guadalcanal and New Georgia.
Tedder, Margaret
Bill Clarke Pacific literature and poetry collection
Clarke, William Carey
Consisting of 26 canisters of film rushes on the 'Sambia' People (a pseudonym created by Herdt) of Papua New Guinea for Under the Sun (BBC), one box of associated notes and correspondence, and one box of VHS tapes featuring various versions of the final programme.
Herdt, Gilbert
Burns Philp and Company holding deposit
All types of company records including minutes, correspondence, reports, legal and financial records, staff records, investment registers, branch returns, subject files, strategic plans, photographs, plans, videotapes and audiotapes of interviews with company executives. Includes records of head office, branches and subsidiaries and associated companies such as Mauri Brothers and Thomson. This deposit includes many cartons which are not yet processed and listed.
Burns Philp and Company Limited
Hank Nelson Pacific research papers. Deposit 1
Research papers and correspondence by Professor Nelson on Pacific related topics, particularly the impact of World War Two on the Pacific Islands. Includes drafts of biographies, articles, book reviews and presentations written by Professor Nelson.
Nelson, Hyland Neil
Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
Acts of incorporation, by-laws and regulations; tables of rates; prospectuses; agents' handbooks; reports; annual reports; financial records; brochures; pamphlets; advertisements; staff manuals; correspondence; circulars; staff guides; death registers; subject files; newspaper clippings; minute books; letter books; serials; publications; branch and office papers; scrapbooks; insurance policy certificates; Sydney 2000 Olympic Games memorabilia; AMP Land Development Scheme papers and photographs; National Mutual Life Association of Australasia papers; staff salary registers; staff record cards; badges and pins; promotional material; posters; certificates; calendars; photographs; buildings plans and drawings; audio-visual material.
Australian Mutual Provident Society
Hank Nelson's research archive on Pacific history. Deposit 3
Nelson, Hyland Neil
Eves collection relating to health in the Pacific Islands
Includes, brochures, stickers, clothing and posters relating to the prevention HIV/AIDS and other health matters in the Pacific Islands, particularly Papua New Guinea. Includes reports from the Department of Health in Papua New Guinea. Also contains election posters from Papua New Guinea from the 2012 elections.
Eves, Richard
2023 University House Photographic Archival Record
Photographic project by Sean Davey, comissioned by Ann-Marie Treweeke of Lovell Chen Architects to the bathroom features of nine bathrooms in University House before they were redeveloped in line with the rest of the building due to previous hail storm damage.
ANU Facilities and Services Division
Elspeth Young Papua New Guinea papers
Field notebooks, correspondence, and photographic materials relating to Elspeth Young's activities in Papua New Guinea.
Young, Elspeth Anne
Confederation of Australian Industry deposit 2
Associated Chamber of Manufactures minutes of annual meetings (1904-1978), annual conference (1906-1913), Executive Meetings (1917-1972), Federal Council (1972-1977) and committees, annual reports, subject files, the Canberra Letter (1939-1954) and printed material. Confederation of Australian Industry subject files including minutes and correspondence, annual reports, film (Indonesian President Suharto in Australia, 1972) and printed material. Records of the Australia-Japan Business Co-operation Committee (1963-1988), the Australia-China Business Co-operation Committee (1973-1987) and others including Indonesia and The Philippines. Also includes minutes of the Australian Council of Exporters, the Australian Plastic Sanitaryware Manufacturers Association, the Canvas Goods Association, the Dairy Equipment Manufacturers Association, the Food Equipment Manufacturers Association, the Drop Forging Association and the National Council of Environment Quality.
Associated Chambers of Manufactures of Australia
Australia Japan Business Co-operation Committee records
Australia Japan Business Co-operation Committee
Lindeman (Holdings) Limited audio-visual material
This deposit has not yet been processed.
Lindeman (Holdings) Limited
Stock Exchange of Melbourne meeting minutes and agenda
Meeting minutes and agenda from various committees including: Melbourne Stock Exchange Committee; Joint Committee; Board of Directors and other smaller committees.
Stock Exchange of Melbourne
Stock Exchange of Melbourne applications by companies for official listing
Four volumes of applications and correspondence relating to requests from companies to be listed on the official lists of the Stock Exchange of Melbourne.
Stock Exchange of Melbourne
Stock Exchange of Melbourne Official Record
Stock Exchange of Melbourne
Stock Exchange of Melbourne Guest Registers
Guest registers and signatures of visitors to the Stock Exchange of Melbourne, including Prime Ministers Earle Page and JB Chifley.
Stock Exchange of Melbourne
Sydney. Issued by the Graziers' Association of New South Wales and the Pastoralists' Association of West Darling
Graziers' Association of New South Wales
Encyclopaedia of the Australian People files
The collection contains material related to the compiling and publishing of the Encyclopaedia of the Australian People. It includes correspondence with the Australian Bicentennial Authority, the ANU Research School of Social Sciences, various immigration and ethnic groups, publishing and marketing arrangements, copyright clearances, Project & Management Committee minutes, annual reports, articles and information submitted by contributors.
Jupp, James
Australian Workers' Union Longreach and Charleville deposit 2
Minute books, letterbooks and some financial records of the Queensland Shearers' Union, Blackhall, the Queensland Labourers' Union, Barcaldine and Springsure, and the Amalgamated Workers' Union and Australian Workers' Union, Hughenden, Longreach and Charleville, including some records of the Australian Labor Federation, Barcaldine and the Workers' Political Organisation, Charleville and Warrego. AWU records of the 1956 shearers strike were microfilmed and then returned.
Queensland Shearers' Union
Richard Eves collection on health in the Pacific
Largely consists of material on HIV/AIDS in the Asia/Pacific region. Also contains materials on other health and governmental issues. See box list for more details.
Eves, Richard
Documents relating to McGrath's work as a land consultant, particularly regarding regions in Micronesia.
McGrath, William Adrian
Colebatch papers on Papua New Guinea
Includes materials about elections and the public service.
Colebatch, Peta
Specht pre-doctoral research and related materials
Items related to pre-doctoral research undertaken by Jim Specht at ANU, including correspondence, materials relating to the Department of Prehistory, materials relating to fieldwork including diaries, reports, data sheets, photographs, negatives, and slides.
Specht, James Richard
Edward Freeman Paton Memorial Hospital collection
Dr Edward (Ted) Freeman OAM served with his wife, Dorothy, as a medical missionary under the Presbyterian Board of Missions in the New Hebrides from 1963 - 1970. During this time he worked as a medical superintendent at the Paton Memorial Hospital, under difficult situations. He established a blood bank, updated anaesthetic procedures, taught family planning and supervised the training of many local and expatriate doctors and nurses while working in the New Hebrides. Collection includes correspondence, diaries, printed memorabilia, menus from the Compagnie des Messageries Maritimes, slides of the New Hebrides taken between 1963 - 1970 and slides of Papua New Guinea (Port Moresby) taken in 1963.
Freeman, Edward (Ted)
Published material and research papers, reports and statistics relating to Papua New Guinea.
May, Ronald James
Journal of Pacific History editorial files
Files created by the Executive Editor of the Journal of Pacific History. Contains financial documents, correspondence, materials related to editing/proofing, printing, distribution and publicity for the journal and also some of the JPH monographs. Also includes some copies of minutes of meetings.
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
Station records including correspondence re station management, letter books, diaries, financial records, wages books (including shearers), stud books, wool books, ration books, pastoral awards and printed materials, maps and plan
Foxlow Station
Dorothy Shineberg research papers
The collection consists of research works and papers by Shineberg; files of general research material arranged by subject including Andrew Cheyne's Trading Voyages, cargo cults, decolonisation, Fiji, French Polynesia, Hawaii, Kiribati/Gilbert Islands, pacific labour trade, Marquesas Islands, Micronesia, New Guinea, New Caledonia, Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tahiti, Tonga, Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides); undergraduate teaching resources and lectures; correspondence (including with Bronwen Douglas), photographs, computer disks, microfilm prints, material related to Shineberg's career, copies of archival material dating from the 18th century, card indexes and miscellaneous reprints.
Shineberg, Dorothy
CSR Limited Archives deposit 1
The deposit consists of CSR Sydney Archives Section files containing correspondence, memoranda, extracts of minutes, legal documents, newspaper cuttings, reports, histories of the sugar industry, immigration and labour, bibliographies and papers re Knox family, publications, photographs, illustrations, and miscellaneous documents relating to CSR Limited, its officers, the Australian and international sugar industry. Also includes records relating to the Fiji sugar industry, pineapple activities in Fiji and Fiji tramways.
Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited
Sarah Walls, interviews with Jean-Marie Tjibaou
Sarah Walls, a journalist who covered New Caledonia for the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, conducted two interviews with Kanak independence leader Jean-Marie Tjibaou in the year before his assassination in 1989. Walls interviewed Tjibaou soon after the signing in June 1988 of the Matignon Accord, the peace plan for New Caledonia following the four-year conflict over independence. These interviews provide insights into Tjibaous's personal views on the peace plan, his hopes for the future of the Kanak people and his ideas relating to multiracial society 'one founded on recognition of Kanak sovereignty, and extending a welcome to those who came later'.
Walls, Sarah
Minutes and agenda papers of the ANU Council
These are the agenda, minutes and agenda papers of both the Interim Council (1946–1951) and the Council (from 1951).
Jim Specht's collection of Pacific publications
Publications and grey literature relating to Pacific culture and cultural collections in and about the Pacific Islands.
Specht, James Richard
This deposit consists of photographic proofs arranged in 75 albums illustrating all types of company activities, personnel, social and sporting events, refineries and factories, Mount Newman opening, bulk sugar terminals, aerial views of mills and refineries, demolition of buildings; artwork used in publications and advertisements; mining operations and collieries; Fiji 1968-69; rail transport; research laboratories; Australian Estates; and copies of historical photos.
Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited
CSR Limited microfilm deposit 1
Section A Reels 1-18 consist of microfilm copies of CSR Sydney Library Archive Section files (originals in NBAC N305) containing correspondence, memoranda, extracts of minutes, legal documents, newspaper cuttings, reports, histories, publications, photographs, illustrations, and miscellaneous documents relating to CSR Limited, its officers, the Australian and international sugar industry, immigration and labour.
Section B Reels 1-2 are closed.
Section C Reels 1-19 are microfilm copies of Raw Sugar Marketing Division documents relating to the International Sugar Council, international sugar matters and charter parties.
Section D Reel 1 consists of microfilm copies of Drug Master File 1324 containing information lodged with the Food and Drug Administration by CSR plus a microfilm reader index.
Section E Reels 1-737 consist of microfilm copies of Head Office correspondence exchanged between branches, mills and officers. These reels continue the various Head Office correspondence series found within deposit 142 and on occasion into the early 1970s some correspondence begin with the microfilm series.
Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited
Elder Smith Goldsbrough Mort Ltd - Annual Reports (now Elders IXL Ltd)
Elder Smith and Company
Files on the affairs of the NSW Branch of the Builders' Labourers' Federation, notably green bans and Federal intervention; records of the Builders' Labourers for Democratic Control; personal correspondence, notes and diaries, drafts of an unfinished history of the Branch; papers relating to the Darling Harbour Construction Project; papers collected by Abe David; photographs, pamphlets, leaflets, posters and serials.
Owens, Joseph
A large collection of political pamphlets, serials and leaflets, together with papers relating to Langer’s own political activities, the anti-Vietnam War movement and organisations involved in radical politics, such as Students In Dissent, the Bakery, Monash University Labor Club, Worker Student Alliance, Eureka Youth League, People for Nuclear Disarmament, Jews Against Zionism, Software Liberation Campaign.
Langer, Albert
Barry McGowan photographic materials
This series has not yet been processed. A preliminary survey found materials relating to McGowan's early career, including photographic materials on New Caledonia and mining in regional Australia.
McGowan, Barry
Papers from David Buchanan's work on legal issues around HIV and AIDS including discrimination, health, and human rights.
Buchanan, David
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia audiovisual records deposit
Film reels (4), video reels (10), sound tape reels (3) received or produced by the Waterside Workers’ Federation and the MV Kanimbla Social Club
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
Adelaide Steamship Company deposit 1
Includes minutes, correspondence and office files, financial records, records of the company fleet, personnel records and photographs.
Adelaide Steamship Company
Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union ACT Branch
AAESDA ACT branch minutes 1945-1975, AAESDA Handbook 1959, AAESDA/ADSTE Annual General Meetings and reports 1972 - 1991, PIEUA and PKIU board of management and executive meetings 1961- 1988, PIEUA and PKIU minutes of ordinary meetings 1964-1979, AMWU attendance book 1995-2005, PIEUA and PKIU register of apprentices (1963-1980) and ACT membership book alphabetical with surnames (nd).
Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union
Flight Attendants Association of Australia Deposit
This deposit has not yet been processed.
Flight Attendants' Association of Australia
Maritime Industry Australia Limited deposit
Maritime Industry Australia Limited
This deposit has not yet been processed.
McDonald, Audrey
Liquor Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers Union records
Australian Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers' Union
Ancient Order of Foresters records
Member registers for courts across Victoria; meeting minutes, agendas and business papers; reports; rules; laws; ritual books;
papers relating to annual and official dinners; conference papers; social committee papers; fund management forms; financial papers; sick registers; investment registers; cash books; contribution books; registration books; trustees' ledgers; correspondence; circulars; memoranda; ceremonial ribbons and sashes; badges; assorted ceremonial items (horns, protractors, gavels, blocks, table cloths); metal and wooden storage boxes; certificates; photographs.
Ancient Order of Foresters
Harden and Johnston Limited minute book
Minute book of Harden and Johnston Limited, automobile and truck sales company based in Sydney. Meetings recorded date from establishment 29 May 1928 to 5 December 1948. The minutes detail establishment, share transactions, leases on premises, financial situation, and agreements with Dodge Brothers and Chrysler Corporation in the United States of America, and with Buckle Motors.
Harden and Johnston Limited
Includes station store ledgers, monthly returns, station returns, weekly reports, cash books, rough diaries, some staff records, shearing records, correspondence including letterbooks, rainfall records, and a small number of building plans.
Manfred Pastoral Holding