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ANU Union minutes

  • AU ANUA 713
  • Series

This series has not yet been processed.

ANU Union

Commonwealth Solar Observatory correspondence

  • AU ANUA 441
  • Series
  • 1927 - 1952

General correspondence files concerning instruments, optical munitions, war research and overseas visits.

Commonwealth Solar Observatory

Papers and recordings of Coralie Rockwell

  • AU ANUA 614
  • Series

Diaries, research notes and audio and cassette tapes relating to research on Korean vocal music and ninth century Chinese music including teaching material from the Canberra School of Music. This series is not processed.

Rockwell, Coralie Joy

Research papers

  • AU ANUA 490
  • Series

This series has not been processed yet.

Brown, Desmond Joseph

Transcripts and cassette tapes of interviews with senior public servants

  • AU ANUA 316
  • Series
  • 1988 - 2005

Most of the interviews were conducted by Colin Campbell and John Halligan as research for their book Political Leadership in an Age of Constraint: Bureaucratic Politics under Hawke and Keating, Allen and Unwin, 1992. They interviewed Senior Executive Service officers in Commonwealth government departments, identified as CA = Central Agency, L = Line department and S = Secretary. Most interviews were taped, transcribed and then summarised to extract information so the files hold both the transcripts and information summaries. The information and quotations were not attributed to particular interviewees in the 1992 publication under a confidentiality agreement. Later interviews from 1994 to 2001 were conducted by Campbell to keep abreast of changes and he also undertook the 2005 interviews with Department of Defence officers for a proposed study of the transformation of the military

Campbell, Colin

ANU Astronomy site testing records and log books

  • AU ANUA 118
  • Series
  • 1950s - 1991

There are site testing records from a number of locations including Mt Stromlo, Siding Spring, western New South Wales, South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory. The logbooks relate mainly to the Mt Stromlo and Siding Spring observatories.

ANU Department of Astronomy

Ethel Drus research papers on Fiji

  • AU ANUA 307
  • Series
  • 1823 - 1907, 1959

Copies of and notes about archival material on Fiji. Date(s) given are from research notes. Dispatches from the Colonial Office to the Governor; Secretariat correspondence; Royal Gazettes; Admiral’s in-letters; Minute papers; Dispatches between the Secretary of State and the Governor.

Drus, Ethel

Aerial and non standard photographs of ANU

  • AU ANUA 16
  • Series
  • 1920 - 1980

The photographs are mostly of the Australian National University campus, including Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring. There are aerial photographs of the Acton site at different times, and photographs of events and portraits. Many are mounted on board for display purposes.

Office of the Registrar

John White papers

  • AU ANUA 730
  • Series
  • early 1970s - 2014

Papers collected by John White in his various professional capacities, relating to: the Research School of Chemistry at the ANU, 1990-2008; the human cloning debate and legislation in the 1990s and again in the early 2000s; collaboration between Australian and overseas research facilities; a proposed Australian nuclear reactor, 1987-2000s; Australian and New Zealand antarctic research in the early 2000s; the Royal Australian Chemistry Institute, 1990s-2000s; the University Industry Chemistry program (UnIChe), 1997-2010; alphabetized correspondence with students and colleagues; Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE) 1990s-2000s; higher education policy in Australia 1980s-2010s; papers and correspondence collected at Oxford 1970s-1980s

White, John William

Published material relating to Indigenous Australians

  • AU ANUA 96
  • Series
  • 1957 - 1978

This folder of publications is part of the department's reference collection and includes government reports, the Australian Quarterly 1968, seminar and research papers, and art exhibition catalogues.

ANU Department of Anthropology and Sociology

ANU statistical handbooks and bulletins

  • AU ANUA 174
  • Series
  • 1971 - 1997

The annual handbooks contain statistical information on students, staff and finances of the University produced by the Planning Unit. The bulletins and summaries are selections from the handbooks

Australian National University

ANU Club for Women administrative records

  • AU ANUA 488
  • Series
  • 1961 - 2006

Minute books, membership lists, newsletters, financial statements and the constitution; includes, also, 'ANU Club for Women: A History 1961-2005'.

ANU Club for Women

Australian Forestry School papers, photographs and publications

  • AU ANUA 137
  • Series
  • 1926 - 2001

This collection of records includes minutes of the AFS Student Mess and later Student Union, material about student clubs and sports teams, yearbooks, calendars, newsletters and photographs. Many of the photographs were donated at the time of the 2000 ... »reunion of students and have been sorted into annual folders. There are also three large albums and several folders of unidentified photographs

Australian Forestry School

Dickson research on Papua New Guinea missionary history

  • AU ANUA 735
  • Series
  • 1950 - 1975

Box of index cards includes notes on missionary history and notes on oral history interviews conducted by Dickson with missionaries and church personnel (recordings have not survived). Two oral history interviews, one with GT Roscoe (31 Jan 1969) and Archbishop Strong (1 Feb 1969) on PNG missionary activity.

Dickson, Don

ANU information technology reviews

  • AU ANUA 175
  • Series
  • 1979 - 1993

The publications include reports of the Computing Policy Committee.

Australian National University

Michael Young's Papua New Guinea anthropological consultancy reports and research papers

  • AU ANUA 553
  • Series
  • 1981 - 1992

Contains anthropological research papers relating to four Papua New Guinea projects.

  1. Records of the Milne Bay Oil Palm social impact study are
    fieldwork papers (items 1-12),
    consultancy report papers (items 13-18),
    related technical reports (items 19-31)
    a map (item 32), and
    other correspondence (items 33-35).

  2. Records of the Wapolu Gold Mine, Fergusson Island : Socio-Economic Impact Study (SEIS) are
    fieldword papers (items 36-59)
    consultancy report papers (items 60-63)
    reference notes and reports (items 64-77)
    cassette recordings (items 78-88)
    colour kodachrome slides (items 89-148)
    colour prints (items 149-172)

  3. Records of the Woodlark (Muyuw) Island are
    forestry study (items 173-182)
    Kodachrome colour slides (items 182-246)

  4. Records of South Normanby Island
    fieldwork papers (items 247-267)
    maps (items 268-270)
    colour kodachrome slides (items 271-370)
    cassette recordings (items 371-372)

Young, Michael Willis

Administrative files

  • AU ANUA 686
  • Series
  • 1960s-1990s

This series contains the administrative files of the Australian Dictionary of Biography from 1960s-1990s. The files in this series span correspondence (editorial and research); research files; press cuttings and reviews; state and subject working party minutes and correspondence; staff files; Editorial Board files; Ellis dispute files; and copyright/form of signature of authors.

National Centre for Biography

ANU News master set

  • AU ANUA 151
  • Series
  • 1950 - 1975

This newsletter for staff and students of the University was published at irregular intervals but there were usually about three issues a year. There is a gap in the master set between July 1961 and October 1964 and it appears that it was not published during this time. A copy of the 1950 to 1958 issues and an incomplete set of later issues is held in the reading room. A complete bound set is held in the Rare Book Library.

Australian National University

Mount Stromlo Observatory papers and plans

  • AU ANUA 744
  • Series
  • 1915 - 2012

Includes correspondence, insurance papers, reports, financial papers, notebooks, photographs, slides, audio-visual material, publications, annual reports, visitor books, blueprints and architectural plans related to Mount Stromlo Observatory (and its predecessor the Commonwealth Solar Observatory. This includes blueprints and drawings related to the design and construction of various telescopes and equipment at the Mount Stromlo site. The collection includes a large number of records related to the 2003 fire which destroyed much of the observatory and the subsequent insurance claims.

Mount Stromlo Observatory

Viet Minh local cadre interviews

  • AU ANUA 712
  • Series

This series has not yet been processed.

These interviews were conducted in Vietnam between 2007 and 2011, with the focus on district and village Việt Minh cadres active during the First Indochina War, 1945-1954. David G. Marr (ANU) provided the initial questionnaire. Nguyễn Thị Hồng Hạnh and Đào Thế Đức organized the interviews. The Vietnam Historical Association co-sponsored the project and facilitated local contacts. It retained the original audio recordings. Interviewees were promised content confidentiality for five years. Funding for the project came from the Australian Research Council and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

Marr, David George

Roger Keesing teaching materials

  • AU ANUA 56
  • Series
  • 1982

This series includes an outline of the course 'Kinship and Social Organisation' which Professor Keesing taught in The Faculties, tutorial topics and reading lists, and copies of lectures which were available for short-term loan from the Chifley Library.

Keesing, Roger Martin

ANU visitors' guides master set

  • AU ANUA 116
  • Series
  • 1959 - 1995

The visitor’s guides were originally booklets but then became leaflets in which the campus map is the dominant feature. There are also some leaflets about artworks, buildings and trees on campus.

Australian National University

Grant of arms for the Australian National University

  • AU ANUA 301
  • Series
  • 1954

The grant of arms is addressed to the Vice-Chancellor Sir Douglas Copland and issued by the College of Heralds. It includes an illustration of the University’s coat of arms and a description of it in heraldic terms: ‘Per chevron Azure and Barry wavy of eight Argent and of the last a Boomerang chevronwise Or in sinister chief five Stars representing the Constellation of the Southern Cross also Argent’. It is dated 6 July 1954 and signed by the Garter Principal King of Arms, the Clarenceux King of Arms and the Norroy and Ulster King of Arms whose seals are attached and enclosed in metal cases.

Australian National University

History Department records

  • AU ANUA 50
  • Series
  • 1949 - 1992

Processing of this series has not been completed.

ANU Department of History

ANU faculty handbooks and rules master set

  • AU ANUA 143
  • Series
  • 1961 - 2011

These are annual printed copies of Faculty handbooks and rules, from 1994 published as the Undergraduate Handbook and the Undergraduate Rules Book. From 1998 they were published in one volume known as the Undergraduate Handbook. They give information about all courses offered such as prerequisites, number of lectures and tutorials, content, assessment and suggested reading.

Australian National University

ANU staff lists master set

  • AU ANUA 144
  • Series
  • 1979 - 2005

These are printed booklets listing University officers, Council members, Chairmen of Council committees, former Officers, Emeritus Professors, Honorary graduates, and academic and senior administrative staff by Research School, Faculty or other organisational unit. There are also printed booklets of experts and speakers which are more selective lists of staff considered expert in particular subject areas available to comment to the media or speak at events.

Australian National University

Allan Flinders Gow collection

  • AU ANUA 634
  • Series
  • 1927 - 1997

Personal records of Gow's life in Papua New Guinea including paper files, film (8mm, 9.5mm and 35mm), photographs and slides, transparencies, paintings and ephemera. Also includes family records. Description of film reels are based on frames at the beginning of each reel and not indicative of the entire content of the film.

Gow, Allan Flinders

Judy Davis unpublished manuscript for PhD in womens history, Papua New Guinea from 1874 - 1942

  • AU ANUA 512
  • Series
  • 1980s

Draft manuscript for a PhD on the cultural history of women in Papua New Guinea from 1874 to 1942. The work examines the actions of 'white' women in a country with divided administrations and divided cultural histories - women from Australia, China and the relationships between 'white' women and native women. Chapter headings include: Military occupation 1914 - 1921; The phoney colonies (British and German New Guinea); Women on plantations; Ruling societies in Australia and colonial New Guinea; Feminist/women's history; Men and women; Loneliness; Outside women (the wives of white employees in Papua New Guinea). Judy Davis notes that the thesis is 'not a conventional history' as the research was conducted with 'little reference to Official Documents' and traditional research resources. Instead she studied the lives of 'white' women through their own personal stories and experiences and other anecdotal information.

Davis, Judy

Correspondence between David Lake and other writers

  • AU ANUA 213
  • Series
  • 1969 - 1990

The correspondence is between David Lake and Robert Graves, AD Hope, Bob Brissenden, John Manifold, James McAuley, Judith Wright, Kingsley Amis, Gore Vidal and Dimitris Tsaloumas and mainly relates to poetry.

Lake, David John

Photographs of Papua New Guinea

  • AU ANUA 334
  • Series
  • 1895 - 1905

Black and white photographs of New Guineans, plantation workers, missionaries and buildings in Daru, Port Moresby, and Goaribari Island in Papua New Guinea


School flag

  • AU ANUA 541
  • Series
  • 1927

The flag has a white or bone background, green border, emblematic tree, and motto: mihi cura futuri, and the fabric shows signs of wear and tear. The flag was designed and made by Ruth Lane Poole.

Australian Forestry School

Mugford collection of photographs of Papua New Guinea

  • AU ANUA 743
  • Series
  • 1950 - 1979

164 photographic prints, slides, and negatives of people and places related to Papua New Guinea. Many were taken by the Information & Extension Services, Administration of Papua & New Guinea or Department of External Territories, Canberra.

Mugford, Marilyn

Papers of Don Gunn on the Fijian National Federation Party (NFP) Taukei Committee

  • AU ANUA 655
  • Series
  • 1970 - 1971

Papers relate to Fiji in the period following Fijian independence on 10 October 1970 and the Fijian trade union movement. Includes Minutes of the N.F.P. (National Federation Committee) Taukei, 1971 ; two photographs and issues of the Pacific Review, 22 December 1970 - 23 September 1971.

Gunn, Don

Central files, annual single number series

  • AU ANUA 239
  • Series
  • 2000

This is the main correspondence file series of the University so deals with many topics relating to administration, research, teaching and learning, student progress and student services. It replaced the former multiple number series (ANUA 53).

University Records

Student files

  • AU ANUA 78
  • Series
  • 1960 -

The files of students who have attained prominence in later life or whose files document a precedent are retained: they include Prime Ministers and other politicians, judges, business leaders and writers.

Office of the Registrar

Field notes and tapes on the Markham language group, Papua New Guinea

  • AU ANUA 520
  • Series
  • 1952 - 1987

Holzknecht studied languages of the Markham family of languages in Papua New Guinea, including the Wampar, Aribwaungg (Yalu), Musom, Labu and Aribwatsa (now extinct) language groups. The collection includes field notes and recordings of the languages including lexus, syntactic lists, grammar outlines, kinship charts and word lists, maps, publications and dictionaries of indigenous languages into German and English. Includes publications in German language.

Holzknecht, Susanne

Dorothy Crozier papers

  • AU ANUA 413
  • Series
  • 1872 - 1977

Research papers and essays on the Western Pacific, particularly Tonga and Fiji; correspondence, course, conference and teaching files, project and survey files, reports, Foreign Office confidential prints 1888-1890, British legislation concerning the Pacific Islands 1872-1953, archives administration files, WPHC shelf lists, inventories and calendars, publications and photographs.

Crozier, Dorothy Felice

Joyce Fildes papers

  • AU ANUA 609
  • Series
  • 1921 - 2006

Includes theses, published articles, research notes and references, photographs, correspondence, and materials relating to her involvement with the John Curtin School of Medical Research, Royal Australian Chemical Institute, Australian Federation of Graduate Women, the establishment of the Joyce Fildes scholarship, and her investiture with a Medal of the Order of Australia.

Fildes, Joyce Eleanor

Vietnam research papers

  • AU ANUA 642
  • Series
  • 1945 - 2017

This material was collected over the course of Marr's career. Some early material relates to his time in the United States Marine Corps. Some earlier material dates Marr's postgraduate studies and the Berkeley Free Speech movement in the 1960s. Most papers are related to Vietnam, including material collected while he was co-director of the Indochina Research Center in the 1970s and while editor of Vietnam Today,1978-1982. Some of this material was collected for the IRC by John Spragens.

Most papers related to Marr's academic work in the 1970s-2000s, including papers and material for his MA thesis, as well as monographs and books edited by Marr, including 'Southeast Asia in the 9th to 14th Centuries', 'Vietnamese Tradition on Trial, 1920-1945' and 'Vietnam: State, War, and Revolution (1945–1946)', and 'Vietnam 1945: The Quest for Power'.

Other material covers the Vietnamese Union Cataloguing Project and projects relating to Vietnamese scripts on computers in the 1980s-1990s, including the Vietnam Internet Project (VIP). Marr's involvement in Australian-Vietnamese scholarly exchanges in the same period also forms part of the collection.

Some material in this collection contains accounts of torture and/or images of injuries.

Marr, David George

Some problems of development in New Guinea by Oskar Spate, CS Belshaw and Professor Swan and related papers

  • AU ANUA 170
  • Series
  • 1951 - 1956

This file contains a report on the visit to New Guinea by Professor Raymond Firth, Professor Jim Davidson and Professor Oskar Spate in October-November 1951, a report ‘Some problems of development in New Guinea’ by Spate, CS Belshaw and Professor Swan, March 1953, and papers relating to PM Worsley a student in the Research School who was denied entry into New Guinea by the Department of Territories.

Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies

Stephen Wurm papers

  • AU ANUA 233
  • Series
  • 1922 - 2001

Correspondence, 1949–1987
Administrative papers, RSPAS, 1970–1994
Language journals, 1939–1966
Turkic language research notes, 1940s
Language research papers: Papua New Guinea, 1950s–90s, Solomon Islands, 1950s–90s, Pacific languages, Australian languages, 1950s–90s, languages – general, 1950s–90s
Atlases and maps, 1932–1980s
Index cards
Language recordings, 1950s–1990s: Papua New Guinea, 1956–1970,
Australian Aboriginal, 1957–1964, Solomon Islands, 1965–1970
Conferences and seminars, 1965–1970
Published articles by SA Wurm, 1940–2000
Periodicals, 1935–1981
Personal documents, 1922–1988
Awards, 1967–1988
Academic gown and large format material
Maps, 1940–1975

Some correspondence is in German and other languages, and many research materials are in other languages and scripts including short-hand. Most language recordings have not been copied for reference; some are available through Paradisec (

Wurm, Stephen Adolphe

Ric Shand research papers on Papua New Guinea and India

  • AU ANUA 261
  • Series
  • 1947 - 1992

Boxes 1-7 (Items 1 - 84) are Pacific research papers, unpublished papers, and publications on rural development, economics and labour in Papua New Guinea. Includes reports of Board of Inquiry on rural wages and related matters (1970), theses, and maps. A small number of publications on Fiji, Samoa and the Torres Strait.
Boxes 8 - 16 (Items 85 - 101) are objects from Ric Shand's collection.
Boxes 17 - 30 were added to the collection in 2017 and relate to Shand's work on the economic development of India. The archive was created for a publication but he died before it was written up. There are indexes to the contents of these boxes in the shared drive, and also a printed index in Box 17, but no item listing.

Shand, Richard Tregurtha

James Jupp's papers on Vanuatu

  • AU ANUA 270
  • Series
  • 1973 - 1984

Correspondence, 1978-1981
Articles, 1978-1986
Conference & workshop papers, 1980-1982
Press cuttings/reports, 1977-1982
Files on politics in Vanuatu, 1975-1980

Jupp, James

Life Celebrations: ANU Obituaries 2000 - 2021

  • AU ANUA 748
  • Series
  • 2021

A volume of obituaries of 192 ANU members 2000 - 2021. Compiled and edited by James J. Fox on behalf of the ANU Emeritus Faculty, for the 75th anniversary of the ANU.
The subjects of the obituaries are: Gordon Ada, David Adams, Antonio Alfonso, Heinz Arndt, Eric Bachelard, Donald Baker, Desmond Ball, John Ballard, John Banks, John Barnes, Allan Barton, Athelstan (Athel) Beckwith, Peter Bishop, Wilfred (Mick) Borrie, Howard Bradbury, Leonard Broom, Robert Brown, Christopher Bryant, Ian Buckley, John (Jack) Caldwell, Burgess Cameron, Ken Campbell, Denis Carr, Leslie (Les) Carron, John Carver, Ian Castles, Edward (Ted) Chapman, Bruce Chappell, John Chappell, Axel Clark, Michael Coper, David Craig, Keith Crook, Helen Cumpston, David Curtis, Charles Ian Donaldson, Audrey Donnithorne, Michael Dopita, Steve Dowrick, George Dracoulis, David (Noel) Dunbar, John Eddy, Ralph Elliott, Margaret Evans (née Newell), Thomas Faunce, Frank Fenner, Raymond Firth, Ernest (Fred) Fisk, Derek Freeman, John Frodsham, Eric Fry, Bryan Furnass, John Gage, Peter Gage, Kenneth Gardiner, Quentin Gibson, William (Bill) Ginnane, Robin (Bob) Gollan, Alan Gray, James Grieve, Colin Groves, Murray Groves, Charles Hamilton, Donald Hardman, Peter Herbst, Luise Hercus, Alison Hope Hewitt, Christopher Heyde, Barry Hindess, Ross Hohnen, Alec Derwent (A.D.) Hope, Diana Howlett, Helen Hughes, Thelma Hunter, Mehmet Mehdi Ilhan, Ken Inglis, Helen James, Richard (Dick) Johnson, Rhys Jones, Jan Willem de Jong, Joseph Jordens, Peter Karmel, Douglas Kelly, Hal Kendig, Eleanor Joan Kerr, Elizabeth Kingdon, Kailash Kumar, Kevin Lafferty, Ronald Lampert, William Graeme Laver, Kenneth Le Couteur, Godfrey Linge, Liu Ts’un-yan, Lo Hui-min, Helmut Loofs-Wissowa, Peter Loveday, Donald Low, Isobel Low (née Smails), Andrew Mack, James (Jamie) Mackie, Lewis Mander, Richard Mark, Allan Martin, Russell Mathews, Colin Mayrhofer, Jacqueline Mayrhofer, Oliver MacDonagh, Ian McDougall, Alan McIntosh, Tony McMichael, Leslie Melville, Peter Menzies, Geoffry Mercer, Robert (Bob) Meyer, J.D.B. (Bruce) Miller Klaus Moje, John Molony, Ann Moyal, Derek John Mulvaney, Noel Bede Nairn, Hyland Neil (Hank) Nelson, Bernhard Neumann, Graeme Max Neutze, Lawrence (Laurie) Nichol, Maev O’Collins, Marcus (Mark) Oliphant, Trevor Ophel, William (Bill) Packard, Robert Parker, John Passmore, Mervyn Paterson, Colin Plowman, Charles Price, Stephen Procter, Ian Proudfoot, Igor de Rachewiltz, William (Bill) Ramson, Michael (Mike) Raupach, Beryl Rawson, Marie Reay, Jack Richardson, James Richardson, Rodney (Rod) Rickards, Merle Calvin Ricklefs, Diana (Di) Riddell, Thomas Henry (Harry) Rigby John Ritchie, Derek Robinson, Deborah Bird Rose, Andrée Rosenfeld, Ian Gordon Ross, Geoffrey Rossiter, George Russell, Ladislav (Lado) Růžička, Pierre Ryckmans, Peter Sack, Alan Sargeson, Derek Scales, Jörg Schmeisser, Timothy Shopen, Marian Simms, Ralph Slatyer, John (Jack) Smart, Francis Barrymore, (Barry) Smith, Soepomo Soerjohoedojo, Oskar Spate, Ray Spear, Joseph (Joe) Starke, Nicholas (Nick) Tapp, Mike Taylor, Stuart (Ross) Taylor, Ian Templeman, Alan Thorne, Patrick Troy, Darrell Tryon, John Turner, Iwu Utomo, Andrzej Walicki, Alan Weatherley, Maurice Weidemann, Phillipa Weeks, Patricia (Pat) White, Wesley (Wes) Whitten, Gehan Wijeyewardene, Ian Wilson, Sofija (Sonya) Witheridge, Iain Wright, Derek Wrigley, Stephen Wurm, Elspeth Young, Leslie Zines, Jerzy (George) Zubrzycki.

ANU Emeritus Faculty

Acton site planning documents

  • AU ANUA 68
  • Series
  • 1955 - 1991

These printed and typescript papers and reports relate to planning of the Acton site.

ANU Property and Plans Division

ANU Facilities and Services maps and plans

  • AU ANUA 457
  • Series

Plans and maps of the University campus and buildings including University House, Research Centres and schools, lecture theatres, halls of residence, Old Canberra House, tennis courts, Mt Stromlo and Siding Springs and site drawings. Also includes plans of Fred Ward furniture, Canberra region and Papua New Guinea.

ANU Facilities and Services Division

Jean Chambers health posters

  • AU ANUA 496
  • Series
  • c. 1949 - 1960

Posters prepared for the Infant Welfare Section, Department of Public Health, Papua New Guinea.

Chambers, Jean

ANU Instructional Resources Unit Sound Recordings

  • AU ANUA 51
  • Series
  • 1967 - 1989

The recordings are of undergraduate lectures, public lectures and debates on current issues, addresses delivered at seminars and conferences, readings of literary works including plays and poetry, interviews, and radio programs produced for 2XX. Among the presenters are the 14th Dalai Lama, academics Professor R Johnson, Dr B Rawson, Dr H Kinloch, Professor R Elliot (reading Chaucer), Professor G Sawer, Professor Manning Clark, Professor Ted Ringwood, Professor G Zubrzycki, Professor Robin Gollan and Professor Derek Freeman, Vice-Chancellors Dr HC Coombs and Professor DA Low, politicians Gough Whitlam and Senator Susan Ryan, writers Patrick White and Xavier Herbert, and poets AD Hope, Bob Brissenden, and Rosemary Dobson. Most are on reel-to-reel tapes but some audio cassettes were produced in the period 1984-1986.

ANU Instructional Resources Unit

Archival recordings of ANU buildings

  • AU ANUA ANUA 659
  • Series
  • 2016 - 2017

Reports documenting some of the buildings on ANU campus demolished or altered between 2016 and 2017.

ANU Heritage

Copies of photographs and material provided by staff and students

  • AU ANUA 295
  • Series
  • 1971 - 1980

This is an artificial series consisting of digital copies of photographs provided by staff and students of the University to the Archives and other material such as programs, posters and visitors book.

Australian National University

Information booklets about the Australian National University

  • AU ANUA 152
  • Series
  • 1952 - 2007

These are general information booklets about the Australian National University. They appear to be written for a general audience with the exception of the 1987 publication which is directed at University staff.

Australian National University

Kirsty Hamilton interviews

  • AU ANUA 466
  • Series
  • c. 1980 - 1983

Recordings of Kirsty Hamilton's interviews with Ferdinand Marcos; Aga Shahi, Pakistan Foreign Minister; Sihanouk, King of Cambodia; Qazi Ghan, General Secretary Students Union SMA Law College Karachi; Philippine dissidents; Lahore dancing girls; Gunther Rossinus, Foreign Policy to Commander in Chief - Pacific, Reagan Administration; Mujahideen Commander; Noel Barker; Senator Alan Cranston; Thomas Enders, Assistant Secretary of State, Inter-American Affairs; Thomas Niles, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs. Also includes recordings of news reports.

Hamilton, Kirsty

Photographs of Library buildings and staff

  • AU ANUA 513
  • Series
  • 1950 - 1996

Photographs of R.G. Menzies Building, J.B. Chifley Building, W.K. Hancock Building, the Law Library and the branch libraries in the research schools. Also contains photographs of Wyselaskie Hall, University of Melbourne, the collection in the former Canberra Community Hospital buildings, visitors and presentations to the University Library, exhibitions in the McDonald Room and of staff functions and events.

University Library

Australian National University Annual Report master set

  • AU ANUA 101
  • Series
  • 1946 -

These are the published Annual Reports presented to the Commonwealth Parliament beginning with those of the Interim Council (1946–1951) and from 1 July 1951 those of the Council. There have been some changes in format: the reports up to 1962 are in foolscap size and for the period 1982–1986 the reports were issued in two volumes (the second containing the financial reports). In 1995-1996 a Research Report was included and for 1997-1999 there is a separate Annual Review.


ANU calendar master set

  • AU ANUA 141
  • Series
  • 1954 - 1980

The Calendar was published annually for the coming year. Apart from a calendar of principal dates, the contents include: a description of the University and the work of the Departments of the Research Schools, lists of Council and Committee members, academic staff, senior administrative staff, graduates, research students, and members of convocation, legislation, statutes and rules, benefactions, and a list of staff publications. For 1971 (Part 1) and 1973 the publication was called General Information. A duplicate set for general reference use is located in the reading room.

Australian National University

Papers of Enid Bishop

  • AU ANUA 469
  • Series
  • 1971 - 2010

Personal correspondence with library colleagues and academic staff, and copies of travel reports, articles and presentations.

Bishop, Enid

Helen Groger-Wurm papers

  • AU ANUA 260
  • Series
  • 1921 - 2005

Diaries, 1931-2002
Film and theatre albums, 1932-1990s
Personal papers, 1921-2001
Large format material, 1920s-1982
Correspondence, 1956-2005
University research material, 1940s-1950s
Research materials, 1950s-2000
MAGNT Aboriginal Art Collection, 1960s-1970s
National Museum of Australia catalogue, 1992
Sound recordings, 1960s
Indigenous photographs, 1950s-1960s
Photograph albums, 1923-2005
Slides, 1954-1970
Movie films, 1960-1974
Super 8 films, 1974-1988
Videos, 1990-2000
Obituaries and condolences (for SA Wurm), 2001-2002

Groger-Wurm, Helen

Australian National University 75th Anniversary Time Capsule

  • AU ANUA 761
  • Series
  • 2022 - ?

This series contains items symbolic of ANU during its 75th anniversary year. These include objects showing the impact of the 2020 hail storm and COVID 19 on the campus, teaching and research between 2020 and 2022, an updated paid parental leave scheme, the ANU First Nations Portfolio, cooperation with Indigenous communities, mementous discoveries in science and 75th anniversary events.

Australian National University

Woroni master set

  • AU ANUA 300
  • Series
  • 1954 - 2006

Woroni is a student publication that has appeared in different formats: as a roneoed newsletter, newspaper and magazine, and with varying regularity (fortnightly or monthly or irregularly) during term time. The master set is bound in mostly annual volumes.

Canberra University College Students' Association

Collection of miscellaneous issues of Pacific newsletters from Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides) and the Solomon Islands

  • AU ANUA 631
  • Series
  • 1970s - 1990s

Small collection of miscellaneous issues of Pacific newsletters, including: 'Vanuaaku Pati Seli Hoo' (5 issues, 1993-94) ; 'Solomons News' (1 issue, 15 May 1986) ; 'Tam Tam' (1 issue, 4 January 1982) ; 'Vanuaaku Viewpoints' (5 issues, 1978 - 83) ; 'Nabanga' (New Hebrides), 4 issues 1979, including a 'Special elections' issue ; 'Vanua Scope' (3 issues 1993) ; 'Seli Hoo' (Vanuatu), 7 issues, 1977 - 80 ; and 'Corail' (New Caledonia) I dependence issue 31 July 1980. Includes two political posters from the New Hebrides ('Major Key Policies', 1979) and the North Solomons Province (Representative Assembly Election, List of Candidates, 14 November 1979).

University Library

Lorraine and Michael Ovington collection

  • AU ANUA 480
  • Series
  • 1976 - 1992

Correspondence, personal diaries, copy of a calendar, newspaper clippings and photographs relating to the Ovingtons' time in New Caledonia and Vanuatu, 1978-1980, photographs of Independence celebrations, official invitations, course papers on human development, and publications. Includes sound recording ANUA 480/18: Traditional music of Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides) from the Cultural Centre Archives, recordings made by anthropologist Kirk Huffman in the 1970s. The recordings relate to cultural practices. Side 1: Aoba; Ambrym ; Mota Lava (Banks) ; Side 2: Pentecost ; Malekula ; Tanna ; Erromango ; Aneityum

Ovington, Lorraine

Music scores of Harold Allen's compositions

  • AU ANUA 266
  • Series
  • 1962 - 1982

The scores include choral works, including music for poetic works, and works for instrumental ensembles and solo instruments. There are some works written specifically for schools such as those for percussion bands. The music scores are manuscript, commonly on transparent sheets, with printed copies, spiral-bound photocopies, and some published copies.

Allen, Harold Wesley

Ann Curthoys papers

  • AU ANUA 762
  • Series
  • 1978 - 2000

This series contains various documents relating to Ann Curthoys' involvement in the Australian Bicentennial History Project and in teaching and researching Women's Studies at the Australian National University.

Curthoys, Ann

Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies photographs

  • AU ANUA 653
  • Series
  • 1994 - 2004

These photographs were taken by ANU photography staff, mainly Darren Boyd, to commemorate and publicise activitities, events and people in the Research School.

Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies

Early Australian maps

  • AU ANUA 289
  • Series
  • 1848 - 1947

This small collection of folded maps is attributed to Professor Spate who acquired them for the cartographic collection in the Department of Human Geography. Some are annotated with catalogue numbers. There is also a map of France and one of Lahore in India.

Spate, Oskar Hermann Khristian

Reminiscences on audio tape about Canberra University College

  • AU ANUA 20
  • Series
  • 1988 - 1997

The cassette tapes record Tom Owen reminiscing about his time as Registrar of Canberra University College. There are also copies of recordings of events such as the laying of the foundation stone for the Haydon-Allen building, and the opening of the RG Menzies Building and the Chemistry building, and tapes relating to his early life, the Richmond Hoyts Cinema, and oral histories recorded in the 1990s. Some tapes are annotated with file references (ANUA 53).

Owen, Thomas Miles

ANU Women's Studies Program audiovisual material and photographs

  • AU ANUA 22
  • Series
  • 1976 - 1982

The series includes cassette tapes of seminars and lectures, reel-to-reel tapes, reels of film, slides and photographs of staff, students and events.The photographs and slides have been placed in an archival album.

Women's Studies Program, Faculty of Arts

Audiotapes of Energy and Australia lectures

  • AU ANUA 250
  • Series
  • 1980

The tapes are of four evenings of lectures: Professor Sir Ernest Titterton and Dr SM Hamberger (26 March – including morning radio interview), Professor Ted Ringwood and Professor GHJ Taylor (2 April), Professor SF Harris and Dr TB Millar (9 April) and Dr B Selinger and Professor S Kaneff (16 April).

Hazlehurst, Cameron

Audio tapes of medical practice conference

  • AU ANUA 364
  • Series
  • 1968

The reel-to-reel audio tapes record the sessions of the international conference ‘Medical Practice and the Community’ held at the John Curtin School of Medical Research 26-30 August 1968. Among those who spoke at the conference were the Chancellor Dr HC Coombs and the Vice-Chancellor Professor JG Crawford.

John Curtin School of Medical Research

Department files and audiovisual material

  • AU ANUA 380
  • Series
  • 1957 - 2008

Includes annual reports, correspondence, meeting minutes and other administrative papers relating to the Department of Human Geography. Also includes, interviews with Professor Oskar Spate.

ANU Department of Human Geography

Audio tapes

  • AU ANUA 531
  • Series

This series has not been processed yet.

Australian National University

Asia behind the News recordings

  • AU ANUA 644
  • Series
  • 1979 - ?

A public affairs programme produced by the Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University at the Instructional Resources Unit, ANU.

Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies

Barry McGowan's research papers on Chinese in Australia

  • AU ANUA 721
  • Series

Research materials relating to Barry McGowan's research on the Chinese in Australia, especially in New South Wales. Includes correspondence, photographs, conference papers and articles by Barry McGowan and by others, conservation and heritage reports and plans, and photocopies of newspapers and archival material.

McGowan, Barry

ANU Emeritus Faculty Histories

  • AU ANUA 737
  • Series
  • 2021

This series consists of personal accounts of the University’s activities, developments and achievements. from members of the ANU Emeritus Faculty.

ANU Emeritus Faculty

John Baker Tongan Collection

  • AU ANUA 555
  • Series
  • 1955 - 1973

The collection was formed during 1969 and 1970 by John R Baker, Economist to the Government of Tonga and resident in the capital of Nukualofa from August 1969 to May 1970. Baker was employed by the British Ministry of Overseas Development and was seconded to the Government of Tonga as an Economist to undertake the preparation and drafting of the Tonga Development Plan 1970 - 1975, which was Tonga's second development plan. He was employed partly on the strength of his having worked in the Solomon Islands in 1964 and 1965 under the Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) Scheme. He was the first economist employed by the Tonga Government to work on development planning.

Baker, John R

Arthur Burns papers

  • AU ANUA 758
  • Series
  • 1927 - 1991

Correspondence, published and unpublished papers by Arthur Burns, papers by others

Burns, Arthur Lee

Partnership in Islamic Education Scheme (PIES) program records

  • AU ANUA 753
  • Series
  • 2003 - 2021

The Partnership in Islamic Education Scheme (PIES) program and its predecessors brought selected participants from the Indonesian higher education sector to the Australian National University for two semesters of study and skills training between 2004 and 2019. Records include a history of the establishment of the scheme by Emeritus Professor Virginia Hooker, early grant proposals, funding agreements, applications from successful cohorts of participants, evaluation and completion reports, books published by each cohort, copy of the PIES website, and administrative records.

The program was an initiative of Professor Virginia Hooker who worked with Professor Merle Ricklefs to develop the Partnership in Education and Training of Regional Islamic Institutions (PETRII) scheme, known as the ‘sandwich’ program. Funded by AusAID, the scheme ran from 2004-2006. It was followed by PIES which operated under the umbrella of the Australia-Indonesia Institute in collaboration with the Directorate of Higher Islamic Education and Indonesia’s Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA), with funding from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. PETRII and PIES were developed to provide opportunities for higher education teachers and academics to undertake overseas study, advance or complete their Indonesian degrees and build academic networks. The initial PIES program ran over two semesters 2008-2009 with Professor Hooker as Director. PIES II, PIES III and PIES IV operated under the Directorship of Associate Professor Greg Fealy with Dr Sally White continuing as academic mentor. A grant application for PIES V to operate from 2020, was unsuccessful and the scheme closed in 2021 with a final farewell event held on 8 September 2021 via zoom teleconference due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

College of Asia and the Pacific


  • AU ANUA 491
  • Series

This series is not processed yet.

ANU Marketing and Communications Division

Federal Capital Design Competition material

  • AU ANUA 129
  • Series
  • 1911 - 1923

This collection consists of a bound volume of papers and glass lantern slides and negatives. The volume includes instructions to competitors in the 1911 Federal Capital Design Competition, the report of the Federal Capital Designs Board and other parliamentary papers relating to Walter Burley Griffin’s winning design, including correspondence relating to AJ Macdonald’s temporary transfer ‘to assist Mr Griffin’, and reports of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works on ‘Dams for Ornamental Waters – Canberra’ and the erection of the Provisional Parliament House, Canberra. The lantern slides are of AJ Macdonald’s entry (no. 9) in the Federal Capital Design Competition which was one of the 46 short-listed designs (see The lantern slides (8 x 8 cm) are:
•Drawing 1, Map of Contour Survey of the Site
•Drawing 2, Perspective view overlooking the Administrative Centre
Two additional lantern slides labelled A and B relate to another project for a site south of the Flinders Street station in Melbourne. There are also two glass plate negatives (22 x 17 cm) of Drawings 1 and 2 with a label ‘AJ Macdonald’s design for Federal Capital, DW Crawford’s perspective view thereof’.

Macdonald, Alexander James

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