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David Moorhouse papers

  • AU ANUA 486
  • Series
  • 1955 - 1996

Papers documenting David Bruce Moorhouse's career in Papua New Guinea as a patrol officer, administrator, and land consultant. Includes patrol reports, field officer's journal, mining consultancy papers, correspondence, papers relating to border crossings and territory intelligence, newspaper articles re royal visit by Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, publications and maps.

Moorhouse, David Bruce

Papers of Arthur Braisby

  • AU ANUA 500
  • Series
  • 1922 - 1945

Correspondence, memoranda and report, evacuation lists, defence plans and notes.

Braisby, Arthur L

Papua New Guinea aerial photographs

  • AU ANUA 502
  • Series
  • 1942 - 1973

Aerial photographs of the Rabaul area, Papua New Guinea, including Sortie Works, defence areas, forests, Keravat, Kokopo, and Ataliklikun Bay.

Granger, Ken

Joe Barr's collection of Pacific disaster management publications and research material

  • AU ANUA 503
  • Series
  • 1970 - 2013

The collection consists of disaster and research reports, disaster preparedness workshop training manuals, seminar papers, consultancy management files, newspaper clippings, small publications and ephemera, a large number of SOPAC (Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission) and United Nations reports, and documents created when Joe Barr was engaged as a consultant in relation to disaster management in the Pacific Islands. Of particular significance are the photographs and slides taken immediately following disasters in Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Samoa and Cambodia, Turkey, Afghanistan, India and Indonesia.

Barr, Joseph

Nancy Lutton papers on John Alexander Kolia

  • AU ANUA 521
  • Series
  • 1978 - 1993

Correspondence, press cuttings, journal articles and reviews, unpublished verse, theatre programmes and poster, 1981; photograph and other documents; Thesis: Lyn Baer, In Between: Cultural Ambivalence in the Novels of John Kolia, 1982; audio recordings on cassette tape, duplicated typescripts, and publications.

Collier, John Alexander

Indenture research papers of K L Gillion

  • AU ANUA 522
  • Series
  • n.d.

Research papers of K L Gillion, publications re Fiji press, material relating to CSR, Methodist papers and miscellaneous papers (not yet processed).

Gillion, Kenneth L

Bronwen Douglas Pacific research papers

  • AU ANUA 524
  • Series
  • c. 1966 - 2012

Conference and seminar papers; PhD thesis; course material; field work tapes, notes and interview; correspondence; drafts; collection of articles and chapters on Pacific women, Christianity in Melanesia, Australian Aboriginal history and Aboriginal women, anthropological theory and miscellaneous theory, New Caledonia and Polynesia.

Douglas, Bronwen

Michael Monsell-Davis journals, diaries, fieldnotes and research files on the Roro

  • AU ANUA 545
  • Series
  • 1965 - 2000

The collection includes significant language and genealogical data. The records include research files, letters, journals and diaries compiled by Davis while working as a social anthropologist in Papua New Guinea :-
Items 1 - 59 - Journals (1965 - 2000)
Items 60 - 111 - Research Files
Items 112 - 115 - Publications

Monsell Davis, Michael Dunmore

John Gordon-Kirkby Papua New Guinea Field Officer's Journals

  • AU ANUA 559
  • Series
  • 1964 - 1972

Carbon copy of journal from the commencement of service on 1 June 1964 to or 14 February 1965, including stations at Rabaul, Kokopo, Messawa, Manus (Lorengau), Balluan and Rambutso. Also includes papers related to the creation of the Enga Cultural Centre and the story of the Enga Provincial Flag.

Gordon-Kirkby, John William

Frank Ryan's Papua New Guinea slide collection

  • AU ANUA 561
  • Series
  • 1956 - 1970

The series consists of 395 images of people, families, villages, social life and customs as well as images taken in the course of Frank Ryan's work as a District Agricultural Officer.

Ryan, Francis Xavier

David Henry Lewis papers on Pacific navigation

  • AU ANUA 563
  • Series

Collection includes field notes, newspaper clippings, research reports, photographs and maps:
Items 26 - 31: Field notebooks - Simpson Desert, Papunya, Indonesia.
Items 4 - 11: Map of the 1977-1978 voyage to Antartica in the 'Solo', including several photographs and newspaper clippings.
Items 1, 14, 17, 20: Details about the navigational techniques used by the Prahu Captains of Indonesia.
Item 21: Draft article on the Prahu Captains for 'Playboy'.
Items 22 - 24: Route-finding techniques of Aboriginal people in the Western Desert of Australia.

Lewis, David Henry

John Duffield's Papua New Guinea manuscript collection

  • AU ANUA 564
  • Series
  • 1962 - 1976

The collection covers the period 1962 to 1976, when John Duffield was a Patrol Officer, Political Education Officer and District Government Liaison Officer with the Australian Public Service in Papua New Guinea. Included are Field Officer Journals from 1972 to 1976; several Patrol Reports and a very large collection of letters, circulars, reports, telegrams, ephemera, patrol instructions and comments on patrol reports; declarations of Local Government Council elections; as well as many personal records including his appointment as a Local Government advisor; an acceptance letter to ASOPA (the Australian School of Pacific Studies); his appointment letter as a Cadet Patrol Officer and appointment as a Magistrate for Native Matters. There are copies of the 'Black and White Magazine' and posters and ephemera relating to self-government and Independence. Rare publications include: the Western Highlands District Agricultural Society Mount Hagen Show Handbook for the Fourth District Show, dated 1967; Recipe book - 'Entertaining in Papua and New Guinea', published by the Boroko Branch of the Country Women's Association, 2nd Edition, 1968; and the Third South Pacific Games Souvenir Cookery Book, c.1969.

Of particular significance are booklets produced for the Independence celebrations in Port Moresby in 1975, including booklets on the 'State Welcome & Flag Lowering', 'Sport & Culture', 'Royal Tour', 'Guriguri Hebou', 'Bikpela Lotu, 'Flag Raising', 'Installation & Constitutional Ceremonies', 'State opening of the First National Parliament', 16 September 1975, 'Official Programme'.

The collection includes one album of photographs covering the period.

Duffield, John

Personal papers of George Whittaker

  • AU ANUA 567
  • Series

Notes, newspaper articles, personal correspondence, letters by Whittaker, diaries, photographs, letters and documents in relation to his business as an optometrist in Papua New Guinea, documents relating to Awilunga Plantation Limited, legal and financial records.

Whittaker, George

Tok Pisin publications on the New Guinean dialect of English

  • AU ANUA 587
  • Series
  • 1955 - 1973

Eighty five publications by various Tok Pisin authors. Includes publications on agriculture, health, education and literacy, government, religious texts, children’s books, grammars and phrase books, etc. Also some publications in local indigenous languages (Tok Ples) such as Fore and Atzera, some English publications concerning Tok Pisin, and one short typescript manuscript in Tok Pisin on an account of a first time visit to Port Moresby.

Balint, Andras

Joanne Wodak collection of Ombisusu stories (folklore) from Papua New Guinea

  • AU ANUA 597
  • Series
  • 1968 - 1970

Ombisusu stories is a collection folk stories gathered through oral history and research conducted by Joanne Wodak in mid 1969 while a tutor in literature at the University of Papua New Guinea from 1968 - 1970. The collection consists of stories by inhabitants of Ombisusu that were mostly translated into English, some left in the original language and written down or typed by the researcher after recording them on tape. The aim of collecting stories was to keep them for the benefit of the children of Ombisusu villagers and for people in Papua New Guinea. The collection contains stories on history, origins and clans.

Wodak, Joanne

Report on coastwatching activity on Bougainville Island 1941 - 1943

  • AU ANUA 601
  • Series
  • 1941 - 1943

Photocopy of original transcript, Parts I-XI and appendices A-L, includes detailed contents list, 148pp. Part 1 Introduction: Australian administration in the northern (mandated) Solomons on the outbreak of war with Japan ; Part 2: The evacuation of Kieta - Read takes over civil administration - The Japanese bomb Buka Passage and Kieta ; Part 3: The Japanese invasion ; Part 4: Awaiting allied offensive ; Part 5: American attack in Solomons ; Part 6: Victory in Guadalcanal ; Part 7: Suspension of coastwatching on Bougainville Island ; Part 8: Evacuation ; Part 9: Recommendations ; Part 10: Techniques of coastwatching ; Part 11: Miscellaneous

Read, William John (Jack)

Minutes of meetings and related papers Wahgi Local Government Council, Papua New Guinea

  • AU ANUA 603
  • Series
  • 1962 - 1976

Nangamp [Nangamb] Native Local Government Council, Kerowil, minutes of meetings, Jan 1962-Feb 1965, in Pidgin;
Minj and Nangamp Local Government Councils, Kerowil, minutes of meetings, Apr-Aug 1965, in Pidgin;
Documents re amalgamation of Minj and Nangamp LGCs to form Wahgi LGC, 1965;
Wahgi Local Government Council, Kerowil, minutes of meetings, Jul 1966, Jul 1973-May 1976, in English;
Territory of Papua and New Guinea, Local Government Council Conference - Highlands Region, Mt. Hagen Council Chambers, 28-30 Mar 1967.
Wahgi Tuale Association, Aims and Policies; and other documents.

Wahgi Local Government Council, Papua New Guinea

Reverend Harry T. Williams, Megalithic art structures found on Normandy Island, Papua.

  • AU ANUA 606
  • Series
  • c1940

Reverend Henry Williams was a Methodist Missionary on Normandy Island 1930 - 1945. In December 1940, during a pastoral and medical patrol to Sewa Bay, the inhabitants spoke of strange stones with unusual markings, which prompted Reverend Williams to record the site and conduct further research. The paper is in three parts, with varying contents including: Introduction ; The site of the stones ; General observations on the site ; The story of the stones ; A curious cave terminal ; The engravers and their tools ; Features in the designs ; The builders from whence? ; Primitive engravers. Includes text, maps, plates and hand-drawn illustrations.

Williams, Harry T

Peter White archaeological research papers on Lake Kopiago, Papua New Guinea

  • AU ANUA 611
  • Series
  • 1964 - 2001

The collection includes papers, photographs, slides, negatives and contact prints relating to archaeological fieldwork in Papua New Guinea: in Lake Kopiago, Western Highlands District, Papua New Guinea (1967 and 1973) ; Kosipe, Central District (1964 and 1967) ; Irian-Jaya (May - June 1983) ; Brooker Island, Louisade Archipelago (1967) ; New Ireland (1969 - 1990) ; Balof 1 (1988) ; Balof 2 (1990) ; New Ireland (1988 - 1994) ; New Britain (2001).

White, J Peter

University of Papua New Guinea household baseline surveys of rising expectations 1986

  • AU ANUA 622
  • Series
  • 1986

1 large box of field data sheets, with codes and reports from a UPNG survey conducted by four teams of students on Normandy and Fergusson Islands in 1986. The survey was undertaken to identify the monetary needs of householders to 'live well' and to establish baseline data for future comparison.

University of Papua New Guinea

Jeff Doring collection of documentary material on the Bedamini people of Papua New Guinea

  • AU ANUA 632
  • Series
  • 1970s

The collection was created by Jeff and Su Doring in c1972. The film (videocassette) 'Tidikawa and Friends' is a 50 minute documentary of the daily lives of the Bedamini speakers of PNG through the eyes of Tidikawa, a spirit medium who communicate with ancestral spirits. The film was awarded the AFI Gold Award for Best Documentary ; the Australian Cinematographic Society, Best Documentary ; and the Gold Award for Best Documentary in the 15th American Film Festival, 1973. The collection also includes seven large folders of 35mm colour and black and white negatives, together with contact prints; three small files of 5.5cm Panchromatic black and white negatives, and Kodak colour 5.5cm negatives ; plus some field notes on the Bendamini.

Doring, Jeff

Suva House records

  • AU ANUA 701
  • Series


Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies

Kevin Kerley's papers on the Bougainville conflict and peace process

  • AU ANUA 600
  • Series
  • Nov 1988 - 1997

Diaries and documents (government notices, private letters, newspaper clippings) maintained by Father Kerley during the Bougainville crisis from November 1988 until 1997. The material was collected by Father Kerley at the time or added to later. The hand written diaries (Roman Catholic calendars or diaries used for recording the sacraments - births, deaths and marriages in the rural parishes) are written by him in a kind of code to avoid scrutiny, as he held a position of trust between the waring factions - the Bougainville Revolutionary Army, the 'rascals', the Papua New Guinea Police and external military forces. He has spent many years since transcribing his coded diaries out in full and adding other documents to support his notes.

Kerley, Kevin

John Eccles' correspondence files

  • AU ANUA 2
  • Series
  • 1952-1983

These correspondence files from the Physiology Department of the John Curtin School of Medical Research were originally maintained by Professor Eccles as head of the department 1952 to 1966 and then by his successor Professor Peter Bishop. They relate to staff and research students of the school, meetings and conferences of related scientific organisations and general administrative matters.

Eccles, John Carew

Papers of Val Plumwood

  • AU ANUA 322
  • Series
  • 1970 - 2006

The records include teaching and course material from philosophy courses taught by Val at various Australian and overseas universities, particularly Macquarie University; draft papers; correspondence; conference material; notes; reports; newspaper clippings.

Plumwood, Val

Robin Gollan papers

  • AU ANUA 91
  • Series
  • 1960 - 1980

This is a very miscellaneous collection of papers attributed to Professor Bob Gollan, including material sent to him 'for the Archives' such as Alex Dowling's draft history of the trade union movement in Newcastle and a transcript of an oral history session at a departmental seminar on The Depression.

Gollan, Robin Allenby

Joy London papers

  • AU ANUA 702
  • Series
  • 1874 - 1983

Correspondence and other papers relating to Kioloa, the Edith and Joy London Foundation and ANU; historical material, ledgers, journals, newspaper cuttings, printed material, transcripts of tape recordings, photographs, microfilm reels and slides.

London, Joy

Papers of Quentin Gibson

  • AU ANUA 4
  • Series
  • 1945

The folders include teaching material and departmental papers relating to the Philosophy Department in the Canberra University College and from 1960, the School of General Studies in the Australian National University.

Gibson, Quentin Boyce

Arthur Birch papers

  • AU ANUA 6
  • Series
  • 1965-1994

These papers include published articles and papers prepared by Birch on Research School of Chemistry matters, as well as manuscripts for a history of the Research School and an autobiography 'Against the Stream'.

Birch, Arthur John

Financial ledger from the Office of the Registrar

  • AU ANUA 9
  • Series
  • 1950 - 1967

The volume contains a number of accounts which are not consecutive but continue at other locations in the volume:
Cash receipts, Feb 1950-Mar 1954, pp. 1-129
Cash statements, 1954-1955, pp. 129-133
Trust fund receipts, Mar 1951-Oct 1963, pp. 201-259
Trust fund receipts, Oct 1963-Jun 1967, pp. 166-200 (in reverse)
Trust fund receipts, Jul 1967, p. 159
Prize funds accounts, Jun 1963-Jun 1964, p. 260
Prize funds accounts, Jul 1964-Jun 1967, pp. 160-164
Trust fund payments, Jun 1952-Jun 1963, pp. 261-279
Trust fund payments, Jul 1963-Jun 1967, pp. 134-151

There is a register of receipt books for 1949-1953 inside the front cover.

Office of the Registrar

Correspondence files of Mark Oliphant

  • AU ANUA 10
  • Series
  • 1949-1969

These correspondence files were maintained by Oliphant during the period he was head of the Department of Nuclear Physics and Director of the Research School of Physical Sciences, and deal with administrative matters, conferences, external organisations, projects and the Britannica Australia Awards. Some files have a multiple number with D prefix, but a single number has been imposed on all files.

Oliphant, Marcus Laurence Elwin

Florey exhibition material

  • AU ANUA 11
  • Series
  • 1969-1985

This material was collected together by Dr MRC Banyard primarily for the establishment of an exhibition to commemorate the work of Sir Howard Florey in the foundation of the John Curtin School of Medical Research. There are placards used in an earlier exhibition held in Oxford on the development of antibiotics, a tissue perfusion chamber, photographs of Florey, images which appeared in the exhibition, photographs of the exhibition, and correspondence relating to the exhibition which was opened by Senator Susan Ryan, Commonwealth Minister for Education and Youth Affairs, in March 1984.

John Curtin School of Medical Research

Florey Memorial Fund papers

  • AU ANUA 3
  • Series
  • 1968 - 1970

There are minutes and correspondence for both the national and ACT committees of the Florey Memorial Fund which was administered in conjunction with the Royal Society in London. The last item is a box of unsorted receipts and letters which accompanied donations.

Florey Memorial Fund Committee

Negatives and proof sheets of ANU

  • AU ANUA 14
  • Series
  • 1948 - 2002

The negatives of photographs from 1948 to 1969 are held in glassine bags with a similar-sized print (12 x 9 cm). From 1977, the negatives are held as strips in plastic sleeves, with proof sheets, in binders.

Office of the Registrar

Sir Jack Crawford papers, photographs and awards

  • AU ANUA 17
  • Series
  • 1922 - 1986

The papers include addresses made by Crawford from 1933 to 1982, including the Buntine Oration in 1968 and the Sir Robert Garran Oration in 1969. There are medals, degrees and certificates presented to Crawford, and photographs, including albums relating to official overseas visits as Secretary of the Commonwealth Department of Trade and later as adviser to the World Bank. There are also publications relating to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Some material relates to Crawford's family including personal papers and photographs.

Crawford, John Grenfell

Official ANU correspondence files

  • AU ANUA 18
  • Series
  • 1946 – 1951

This is the earliest ANU series of official ANU correspondence files. The extant files include the correspondence of Vice-Chancellor Douglas Copland, papers of the Interim Council and Academic Advisory Committee, files about the Easter Conference in 1948 and about individual visitors and staff.

Office of the Registrar

David Dexter Papers

  • AU ANUA 21
  • Series
  • 1947 - 1992

Some records relate to the Australian Universities Commission, including reports of visits to other universities and minutes 1959-1967. Most relate to the ANU campus, including submissions to the Australian Universities Commission, reports on site planning and development proposals, taffic and parking studies, and files relating to the preparation and publication of a 1991 history of the ANU campus.

Dexter, David St Alban

ANU Matriculation Committee minutes, agenda papers and reports

  • AU ANUA 23
  • Series
  • 1970 - 2000

The black binders contain copies of the agenda, minutes and agenda papers of the Matriculation Committee. At early meetings it was referred to as the Matriculation Board of the Board of Studies and from its 22 September 1970 meeting as the Admissions Committee. From the 1990s agenda papers were held in box files and have been placed in archival folders. There is one folder of Admissions Committee reports 1979-1998 to the Board of the School of General Studies, later the Board of The Faculties.

Admissions Committee

Index cards documenting research on early ANU history by Milton J Lewis

  • AU ANUA 24
  • Series
  • 1972

The index cards were prepared by Lewis during his research for a Master of Arts thesis on the early history of the Canberra University College and the Australian National University. There is a list of material he consulted at the Commonwealth Archives Office (now the National Archives) at the front of the first box which also indicates the original order in which the cards were maintained.

Lewis, Milton James

Papers on the establishment of an international observatory

  • AU ANUA 25
  • Series
  • 1959 - 1967

This series consists of six parts of a confidential file number 61/9 created by the Prime Minister's Department and from 1967 the Department of Education and Science. The file includes correspondence, cablegrams, briefings and reports on the proposed international observatory 'in the Southern Hemisphere'. By part 5 of the file the title is '150" telescope in Australia' and refers to the Siding Spring telescope.

Department of Education and Science

Minutes of the Board of Graduate Studies

  • AU ANUA 26
  • Series
  • 1950 - 1960

The original signed minutes are bound in three volumes and extend from 4 December 1950 to the last meeting on 23 September 1960. At the end of the third volume there are also minutes of the Board of the Institute of Advanced Studies from 28 October to 2 December 1960. There is a duplicate set of minutes in box 2 for issue to the reading room.

Board of Graduate Studies

Confidential papers of Hugh Ennor

  • AU ANUA 29
  • Series
  • 1965 - 1966

There is one folder of papers including drafts of Ennor's paper 'The Development of the Institute of Advanced Studies' and papers relating to a second directorship in the Research School of Physical Sciences and the policy on professorships in the Institute of Advanced Studies.

Ennor, Arnold Hughes

Papers relating to the Lyttelton-Taylor Collection

  • AU ANUA 30
  • Series
  • 1970 - 1983

The papers relate to the acquisition, valuation, management, sale and return of the furniture, paintings, works of art and decorative objects collected by Kathleen Lyttelton-Taylor, including correspondence with curators, comments by experts, lists of objects and some photographs of objects.

University Art Collection

'Basic Papers', reviews and reports

  • AU ANUA 31
  • Series
  • 1946 - 1995

This is an artificial series of significant papers relating to the development of the University. There are binders of 'Basic Papers', Interim Council records and the 1948 Conference papers, as well as later reviews of the School of General Studies and other reviews and reports.

Office of the Registrar

File register

  • AU ANUA 32
  • Series
  • 1946 - 1951

The register records file numbers and titles for early files in ANUA 18, most of which were subsequently top-numbered or destroyed. There are two volumes: 1. maroon springback binder: 101/1/1 to 120/6/2 and 2. Black springback binder (replaced by archival folder): 121/1/1 to 163/3/1. A note in the front of the volume explains the abbreviations used: A=consigned to Archives, D=destroyed, *=pruned of worthless material or combined file, though some files are marked both A and D. Many entries are crossed out and noted as 'Cancelled' with a new four-part number given.

Office of the Registrar

Canberra University College file register

  • AU ANUA 33
  • Series

The register records file numbers and titles for CUC files (ANUA 42), most of which were subsequently top-numbered or destroyed. There are two versions of the register: 1. Black springback binder: this is a working copy, heavily annotated with many handwritten entries, 2. Cardboard folder: this is a clean copy with all the file titles typed and has a cover sheet: 'Australian National University: School of General Studies: File Index'. Both versions are divided into primary headings from 1. Accounts to 17. Miscellaneous. The primary heading number (eg 2. Buildings and equipment) appears not to have been used as part of the file number, instead the secondary numbers (which appear randomly allocated) and a running number are used to identify files. For example, the first file listed under Buildings and equipment is 9/1. The file register allocates numbers from 8/1 through to 124/2 though not in order which may indicate that there was an earlier file register where the secondary numbers were allocated as required and this register was created to bring similar file titles together. Many file titles are crossed out and a new file number allocated, while others are stamped 'inactive', noted as 'destroyed' or 'PA' (put away). There is a note in the front of volume 1 referring to file (ANUA 53) for the disposal and retention of files.

Draft minutes of Council and its Committees

  • AU ANUA 34
  • Series
  • 1953 - 1977

These volumes contain rough handwritten minutes of Council and the Standing Committee, the Board of Graduate Studies, the Advisers on Legislation, the Professorial Board, and various other committees of Council. From 1953 to October 1962 these were recorded chronologically in the same run of minute books, then a separate run was used for 'miscellaneous' committees (items 20-22). The minutes are in note form and often indicate what was said by particular members. There is usually an index at the front of the volume.


Triennial submissions to the Australian Universities Commission

  • AU ANUA 35
  • Series
  • 1962 - 1986

The submissions by the ANU to the Australian Universities Commission, later the Commonwealth Tertiary Education Commission, for funding relate to the trienniums 1964-66, 1967-69, 1970-72, 1976-78 and 1988-90.


Images of Banaba (Ocean Island)

  • AU ANUA 296
  • Series
  • 1960 - 1975

Images are of Banaba (Ocean Island) in the Pacific near Kiribati. They show island scenes and views of the phosphate mining that occurred on Banaba.

Hardman, Lillian

Images of Banaba (Ocean Island) series 2

  • AU ANUA 297
  • Series
  • 1960 - 1974

Photographs compiled in an album on Banaba (Ocean Island) and Nauru including Island workers, company buildings and work areas, church and family photographs.

Edwards, Jack

Petrographic reports

  • AU ANUA 613
  • Series
  • 2016

Petrographic reports prepared as part of Dickinson's collaborative investigations with archaeologists working in the South Pacific.

Dickinson, William R (Bill)

Manuscript of an autobiography written by Des Pike, Crumbs from Memory's Table

  • AU ANUA 623
  • Series
  • 2016 - 2018

Volume 1 of his autobiography from the 1940s - 1960s includes: Early memories; Mount Barker 1940 - 1945; Melbourne 1946 - 1955; Melbourne The Australian School of Pacific Administration (ASOPA) 1956; Port Moresby 1956; Manus 1956 - 57; Australian School of Pacific Administration Long Course 1958; Milne Bay District 1959 - 1964.
Volume 2 of his autobiography covers the period from 1964 to his departure from Papua New Guinea in 1978

Pike, G D (Des)

Papers of Mick Dodson

  • AU ANUA 703
  • Series
  • 1970 - 2017

Not processed. Includes correspondence, reports, speech notes, conference material, publications and other papers relating to various aspects of Professor Dodson's career including his roles as Director of the National Centre for Indigenous Studies at the Australian National University (ANU) and Professor of Law at the ANU College of Law. There are also papers relating to Reconciliation Australia, the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS), the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indenous Issues.

Dodson, Michael

Friends of the ANU Classics Museum records

  • AU ANUA 715
  • Series
  • 1985 - 2019

This series consists of minutes of annual general meetings, notices of lectures and events including the 50th anniversary of the ANU Classics Museum in 2012, fundraising notices, membership lists, and Presidents’ reports.

Friends of the ANU Classics Museum

ANU COVID-19 digital archive of University publications and records

  • AU ANUA 722
  • Series
  • 2020-

This is an artificial series consisting of digital items created by the ANU during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. It includes official newsletters, COVID-19 health and safety promotional material, and contributions from ANU staff and students. The ANU COVID-19 digital archive webpage also includes links to external web resources.

Australian National University

ANU COVID-19 community contributed digital archive

  • AU ANUA ANUA 723
  • Series
  • 2020-

This is a formed series consisting of digital files submitted by ANU staff and students in response to a call for submissions about experiences of the COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) pandemic.

Australian National University

Hans Pillig's papers

  • AU ANUA 714
  • Series
  • 1949 - 2013

This series contains various cetificates of Hans Pillig's qualifications, drawings from projects he worked on, photographs of him, his colleagues and some of their designs, and correspondence.

Pillig, Hans

Vic Faulkner's collection of Lae, Papua New Guinea community and local government papers

  • AU ANUA 598
  • Series
  • 1959 - 1974

The collection is the personal collection of Vic Faulkner who was a councillor on the Lae Town Council from the inaugural meeting in 1971 until 1974. The collection includes the Lae Town Council inaugural election political material for 1971 ; Lae Town Council, Standing Orders Committee - references and resources for 1971 ; Inaugural meeting, Lae Town Council, 1971 and Minutes (including some Executive Finance Minutes) from April 1971 - 7 August 1974 ; the 15th and 17th Morobe District Councils Conferences, Lae ; Minutes of the Lae Chamber of Commerce, 26 January - 9 February 1971 ; Establishment of Area Authority - Morobe District Area (Province), 21 December 1972 - 13 December 1972.

Faulkner, Victor

Institute of the Arts assessment results

  • AU ANUA 498
  • Series
  • 1976 - 2001

Student exam and assessment results for the School of Music, School of Art, Australian Centre for the Arts and Technology; reports, media releases and publications. Institute of the Arts study programs, Canberra School of Art council meetings minutes, agenda and papers. Also includes minutes of the Board of Studies 1976-1980.

Canberra Institute of the Arts

Matriculation roll

  • AU ANUA 436
  • Series
  • 1960 - 1971

A register showing the student's signature, course, qualification for entry to the university and date of matriculation.

ANU School of General Studies

Oxford Companion to Aboriginal Art files

  • AU ANUA 379
  • Series
  • 1971 - 2000

Please note: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are advised that this series may contain images and names of deceased persons in photographs or printed material.

This is a series of files containing photocopies of sources, catalogues, newspaper cuttings and photographs used as background research for the Oxford Companion of Aboriginal Art. The files relate to the artists, their work, exhibitions, or life experiences, as well as places of interest, and terms which are used in the Aboriginal art and cultural arena.

ANU Research School of Humanities

Submissions, correspondence and reports

  • AU ANUA 382
  • Series
  • 1986 - 1988

The records consist of submissions made by Australian tertiary institutions involved in the teaching of the discipline of engineering, employers of engineers, and members of the public; correspondence relating to submissions and to surveys of employers, students and graduates; and reports by independent assessors on visits to tertiary institutions.

Review of the Discipline of Engineering at the ANU

Peter Sack land court decisions in Papua New Guinea

  • AU ANUA 385
  • Series
  • 1930 - 1974

Copies of judgements from the Land Titles Commission, Native Land Commission and New Guinea Central Court relating to Dr Sack’s work on land tenure in Papua New Guinea. Includes copies of transcripts of evidence before the Land Titles Commission on the matter of DA1 and DA 180 [Items 1-25]; copies of judgements of the Central Court of New Guinea (became the Supreme Court of the Territory of New Guinea in 1934) [Items 26-33]; copies of the Supreme Court of the Territory of Papua and New Guinea - Papua New Guinea Law Reports (PNGLR); copies of Unreported Judgements - PNG Central Court, PNG Supreme Court and PNG National Courts, and background notes.

Sack, Peter Georg

Basham collection of photographic slides

  • AU ANUA 682
  • Series

This archive of images was put together by the late Professor A. L. Basham (1914-1986) during his tenure as professor and head of the department of Oriental (later Asian) civilizations at ANU (1965-1979). He helped set up the Faculty of Oriental (later Asian) Studies at ANU and played a pioneering role in teaching and research in this area. His book The Wonder that Was India (London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1954) became a signal study in the field. Basham undertook extensive fieldwork in India and studied several classical Indian languages.

Upon his retirement, the erstwhile Department of Art History at ANU inherited his extensive collection of 35-mm slides, each slide accompanied by an index card with Basham’s typewritten (and sometimes handwritten) notes on the image. As the archive reveals, Basham had a deep interest in art and visual culture as an essential aspect of historical study, and was an accomplished photographer. These images represent an important ingredient in the historiography of ‘classical’ civilization in Asia, variously carried out by scholars working within and outside the region in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Basham, Arthur Llewellyn

Pacific Research Archives estrays

  • AU ANUA 724
  • Series

This series is a collection of Pacific-related material donated by various students and staff.

Pacific Research Archives

Examiners' reports for Masters Degrees

  • AU ANUA 333
  • Series
  • 1975 - 2004

The binders contain reports from examiners of Masters degrees and their recommendations for awarding a degree and for prizes.

Office of the Registrar

File movement cards

  • AU ANUA 343
  • Series
  • 1960 - 1977

Cards documenting the receipt and movement of some staff and student records. Contain name, file number and date of action. These cards can also show the date at which a person was appointed to a position.

Central Records

Employee salary records

  • AU ANUA 344
  • Series
  • 1977 - 1985

Cards summarising some individual employees’ salary and leave. Contain employee name, address, date of birth, annual salary, reasons for salary changes and leave entitlements.

Office of the Registrar

Visitors books

  • AU ANUA 319
  • Series
  • 1963 - 2001

Two visitors’ books used in the RG Menzies Library from March 1963. The first commences with the signatures of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh and others present at the Library's official opening ceremony. The second records visiting ambassadors and dignitaries from other libraries.

University Library

ANU history project research files

  • AU ANUA 249
  • Series
  • 1989 - 1996

These research files were compiled by project staff preparing the 50th anniversary history of the University. There is a run of ‘person’ files, source files and general files containing original records, notes and drafts, as well as notebooks, working files for each chapter and files about the publication.

ANU History Project

Minutes of Professorial Board meetings

  • AU ANUA 255
  • Series
  • 1960 - 1989

This volume contains the original signed minutes of the Professorial Board from its first meeting on 30 September 1969 until 12 April 1989.

Professorial Board

Correspondence files from the Canberra School of Art and the Canberra School of Music

  • AU ANUA 277
  • Series
  • 1976 - 1987

These files relate to the Canberra School of Music and the Canberra School of Art including the appointment of Directors, their Councils and building requirements and predate their administration by the ACT Government and the Australian National University. Includes Canberra Art School (old Canberra High School) plans and planning brief.

ACT Further Education Branch, Department of Education

Publications of George Mackaness

  • AU ANUA 243
  • Series
  • 1952 - 1998

This collection contains Mackaness’ publications including his thesis and reprints of articles published in scientific journals.

Mackaness, George

The Press Opposition to the Site of Canberra and related papers

  • AU ANUA 130
  • Series
  • 1955

The volume contains a paper ‘The Press Opposition to the Site of Canberra’ presented to the Canberra and District Historical Society in 1955 and copies of related press articles, poems and cartoons (1899-1910) which form an appendix to the paper.

Green, Francis Clifton

Documents for the design competition for the Federal Capital City

  • AU ANUA 140
  • Series
  • 1911 - ?

This set of printed documents, drawings and maps is one of many distributed by the Commonwealth Government for the information of competitors in the Federal Capital Design Competition in 1911.

Department of Home Affairs

Geoffrey Hope collection of papers on population and the environment in Papua New Guinea

  • AU ANUA 552
  • Series
  • 1980 - 1995

Research collection collected by Geoffrey Hope during fieldwork in Papua (Irian Jaya) and Papua New Guinea (1980 - 1995). Collection consists of reprinted articles, unpublished reports, one field notebook, one closed ANU file (5-17-2) on the Mount Wilhelm Research Station, photographs, newspaper clippings, expedition equipment shipping lists and associated paperwork.

Hope, Geoffrey Scotford

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