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Only top-level descriptions Noel Butlin Archives Centre Corona Station (Queensland)
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Australian Agricultural Company (Australian Office) deposit 1

  • AU NBAC 1
  • Deposit
  • 1824 - 1958; 1992

All types of company records including minutes, correspondence, despatches, annual reports, financial and legal records, employment and employee records; colliery stores books, records for Warrah, Corona, Bladensburg, Caldervale and Brewon stations; miscellaneous material relating to land, wool, railways, cultivation of silk and agriculture; maps and plans; photographs and posters.

Australian Agricultural Company

Corona Station (Queensland) deposit

  • AU NBAC 68
  • Deposit
  • 1918 - 1945

'Some experiences of a Queensland station manager' and other articles in The Pastoral Review (1943-1945), written by Mr Thomas L Armstrong as manager, Corona Station, 1917-1941, and photographs of the Armstrong family members and various station activities over the same period. The photographs show the homestead, family pets, horse-riding, swimming in the creek, family holidays at Manly, station jackeroos, Aboriginal stockmen, the Chinese cook, a governess, the dog-trapper, race meetings, horse sales, cattle, drought feeding sheep, lamb marking, bullock teams (1919), Mitchell grass after rain, loading 'bush hay', travelling to Headingly by car, a storm-damaged windmill, and other facets of station life, mainly during the 1920s and 1930s.

Corona Station (Queensland)