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Macquarie Textiles deposit

  • AU NBAC N455
  • Deposit
  • 1923 - 2003

Minute books and an audit report for Amalgamated Textiles Australia Ltd., Macquarie Worsteds Limited, and Ascot Investments Pty. Ltd. Copies of a wire bound brochure with wool and textile samples, and newspaper clippings for Macquarie Textiles and Macquarie Worsteds. Onkaparinga items include advertising photos, transparencies, illustrations and sketches, slides, film and film negatives, draft papers, and a fabric specification handbook. Some slides and illustrations are for Laconia blankets. Other items include Downs, Coulter & Co. financial records, a John Vicars & Co Limited centenary book, and a speech on the textile industry written by an unknown author for a Sir Robert Webster lecture.

Macquarie Textiles

Family Planning Federation of Australia deposit

  • AU NBAC H4
  • Deposit
  • 1968 - 1992

Minutes of Federal Council (1972-1987) and sub-committees, annual reports, financial records, files of Executive Director Wendy McCarthy, office and research files, posters, educational videos and printed material. Includes material relating to Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) education programs, videotapes on family planning and sexually-transmitted diseases targeted at Pacific Island cultures, and video recordings of Pacific women.

Family Planning Federation of Australia

Scarlet Alliance deposit two

  • AU NBAC N399
  • Deposit
  • 1985 - 2015

Records relating to annual meetings, workshops and conferences, reports, funding submissions. Includes advocacy and lobbying material, such as submissions to proposed legislation and letter-writing campaigns. Also includes reports, copies of articles and conference papers, newspaper clippings, and printed material.

Extensive collection of serials, including from State and Territory and overseas sex worker organisations.

Scarlet Alliance

Scarlet Alliance deposit one

  • AU NBAC H15
  • Deposit
  • 1988 - 1993

Records relating to establishment, meetings, workshops and conferences, correspondence, reports, funding submissions, material from State sex worker organisations and overseas reports, copies of articles and conference papers, newspaper clippings, and printed material.

Scarlet Alliance

AIDS Society of Asia and the Pacific deposit

  • AU NBAC H17
  • Deposit
  • 1989 - 1992

Executive Committee correspondence, subject files and papers relating to the first four International Conferences on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific.

AIDS Society of Asia and the Pacific

Bill Bowtell collection

  • AU NBAC H19
  • Deposit
  • 1984 - 1994

Files relating to Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) issues covering Bowtell's work with the National Advisory Committee on AIDS and the Australian National Council on AIDS, the National Campaign Against Drug Use, the AIDS Trust of Australia, the Working Party on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Intergovernmental Committee on AIDS, and as president of the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations, including correspondence, reports, minutes and agenda for meetings, local and international conference papers, speeches, press cuttings, videotape of 1993 interviews with Bowtell, Ita Buttrose and Senator Richardson and printed material.

Bowtell, William

National AIDS Archive Collection Commonwealth government material

  • AU NBAC H2
  • Deposit
  • 1985 - 2008

Material relating to Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) produced by the Commonwealth Department of Community Services and Health (and successors), its policy advisory bodies (AIDS Task Force, National Advisory Committee on AIDS, Australian National Council on AIDS, Intergovernmental Committee on AIDS) and some other Commonwealth departments, including Ministerial statements, reports, booklets, bulletins, leaflets, advertisements, posters, discussion papers, conference proceedings, press clippings, media kits, audio and video cassettes, and marketing material (t-shirts, caps, stickers, postcards, balloons, condoms, frig magnets, badges, key-rings, coasters and frisbees).

Noel Butlin Archives Centre

Paradise – the in flight magazine of Air Niugini

  • AU NBAC S1195
  • Serial
  • Jul 1976- Oct 2019

One undated, unnumbered issue and one copy of Paradise Faces (1989). Contains issues 1 (July 1976), 7, 9-10, 13-17, 19-65, 67-96, 99-103, 105-111, 113-124, 127, 129, 132, 136-138, 142-144, 146-151, 153-156 (Mar/Apr 2003). Numbering system then changes, and continues with 2003 (vol 1 only); 2004 (vol 4-6); 2005 (vol 1-5); 2006 (vol 1-6); 2007 (1-2, 5-6); 2008 (1-3); 2009 (1-6); 2010 (vol 2-6); 2011 (vol 1-6); 2012 (vol 1-6); 2013 (vol 1-6); 2014 (vol 1-4); 2015 (vol 3-6); 2016 (vol 1-6); 2017 (vol 1-4, 6); 2018 (vol 2-6); 2019 (vol 1, 4-5)
*Issue 13 is missing the covers.

Air Niugini

Elder Smith and Company photographs

  • AU NBAC N273
  • Deposit
  • 1914 - 1945

Includes photographs of staff who served in World War 1 and World War 2. Many photographs are unidentified.

Elder Smith and Company

Marine Engineers Review

  • AU NBAC S700
  • Serial
  • 1975

Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers

Guild Log

  • AU NBAC S703
  • Serial
  • 1972 - 1976

Sydney. Monthly news bulletin of the Merchant Service Guild of Australia

Merchant Service Guild of Australia

ILO Information

  • AU NBAC S702
  • Serial
  • 1965 - 1974

Geneva. Published by the International Labour Office of the ILO

International Labour Office

All Hands

  • AU NBAC S701
  • Serial
  • 1955 - 1973

Melbourne. The journal of the Australian National Line

Australian National Line

Guild News

  • AU NBAC S714
  • Serial
  • 1955 - 1964

Sydney. Official organ of the Merchant Service Guild of Australasia. 1955-1964 (gaps).

Merchant Service Guild of Australia

The Safety Valve

  • AU NBAC S805
  • Serial
  • 1914 - 1952

Melbourne. Issued by the Federal Council of Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association of Australasia. July 1914-February 1919; June 1947- December 1952; March 1959- December 1964. Gaps.

Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association of Australasia

Burns Philp and Company holding deposit

  • AU NBAC Z385
  • Deposit
  • 1883 - 1996

All types of company records including minutes, correspondence, reports, legal and financial records, staff records, investment registers, branch returns, subject files, strategic plans, photographs, plans, videotapes and audiotapes of interviews with company executives. Includes records of head office, branches and subsidiaries and associated companies such as Mauri Brothers and Thomson. This deposit includes many cartons which are not yet processed and listed.

Burns Philp and Company Limited

Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records

  • AU NBAC N434
  • Deposit
  • 1773, 1849 - 2011

Acts of incorporation, by-laws and regulations; tables of rates; prospectuses; agents' handbooks; reports; annual reports; financial records; brochures; pamphlets; advertisements; staff manuals; correspondence; circulars; staff guides; death registers; subject files; newspaper clippings; minute books; letter books; serials; publications; branch and office papers; scrapbooks; insurance policy certificates; Sydney 2000 Olympic Games memorabilia; AMP Land Development Scheme papers and photographs; National Mutual Life Association of Australasia papers; staff salary registers; staff record cards; badges and pins; promotional material; posters; certificates; calendars; photographs; buildings plans and drawings; audio-visual material.

Australian Mutual Provident Society

Confederation of Australian Industry deposit 2

  • AU NBAC Z196
  • Deposit
  • 1904 - 1988

Associated Chamber of Manufactures minutes of annual meetings (1904-1978), annual conference (1906-1913), Executive Meetings (1917-1972), Federal Council (1972-1977) and committees, annual reports, subject files, the Canberra Letter (1939-1954) and printed material. Confederation of Australian Industry subject files including minutes and correspondence, annual reports, film (Indonesian President Suharto in Australia, 1972) and printed material. Records of the Australia-Japan Business Co-operation Committee (1963-1988), the Australia-China Business Co-operation Committee (1973-1987) and others including Indonesia and The Philippines. Also includes minutes of the Australian Council of Exporters, the Australian Plastic Sanitaryware Manufacturers Association, the Canvas Goods Association, the Dairy Equipment Manufacturers Association, the Food Equipment Manufacturers Association, the Drop Forging Association and the National Council of Environment Quality.

Associated Chambers of Manufactures of Australia

Stock Exchange of Melbourne meeting minutes and agenda

  • AU NBAC N201
  • Deposit
  • 1884 - 2001

Meeting minutes and agenda from various committees including: Melbourne Stock Exchange Committee; Joint Committee; Board of Directors and other smaller committees.

Stock Exchange of Melbourne

Stock Exchange of Melbourne Guest Registers

  • AU NBAC N222
  • Deposit
  • 1925 - 1990

Guest registers and signatures of visitors to the Stock Exchange of Melbourne, including Prime Ministers Earle Page and JB Chifley.

Stock Exchange of Melbourne

The Graziers' Annual (NSW)

  • AU NBAC S264
  • Serial
  • 1915 - 1968

Sydney. Issued by the Graziers' Association of New South Wales and the Pastoralists' Association of West Darling

Graziers' Association of New South Wales

Australian Workers' Union Longreach and Charleville deposit 2

  • AU NBAC E161A
  • Deposit
  • 1888 - 1956

Minute books, letterbooks and some financial records of the Queensland Shearers' Union, Blackhall, the Queensland Labourers' Union, Barcaldine and Springsure, and the Amalgamated Workers' Union and Australian Workers' Union, Hughenden, Longreach and Charleville, including some records of the Australian Labor Federation, Barcaldine and the Workers' Political Organisation, Charleville and Warrego. AWU records of the 1956 shearers strike were microfilmed and then returned.

Queensland Shearers' Union

Foxlow Station deposit

  • AU NBAC 107
  • Deposit
  • 1886 - 1959

Station records including correspondence re station management, letter books, diaries, financial records, wages books (including shearers), stud books, wool books, ration books, pastoral awards and printed materials, maps and plan

Foxlow Station

CSR Limited Archives deposit 1

  • AU NBAC N305
  • Deposit
  • 1791 - 1986

The deposit consists of CSR Sydney Archives Section files containing correspondence, memoranda, extracts of minutes, legal documents, newspaper cuttings, reports, histories of the sugar industry, immigration and labour, bibliographies and papers re Knox family, publications, photographs, illustrations, and miscellaneous documents relating to CSR Limited, its officers, the Australian and international sugar industry. Also includes records relating to the Fiji sugar industry, pineapple activities in Fiji and Fiji tramways.

Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited

CSR Limited photo albums

  • AU NBAC Z638
  • Deposit
  • c. 1840 - 1987

This deposit consists of photographic proofs arranged in 75 albums illustrating all types of company activities, personnel, social and sporting events, refineries and factories, Mount Newman opening, bulk sugar terminals, aerial views of mills and refineries, demolition of buildings; artwork used in publications and advertisements; mining operations and collieries; Fiji 1968-69; rail transport; research laboratories; Australian Estates; and copies of historical photos.

Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited

CSR Limited microfilm deposit 1

  • AU NBAC M85
  • Deposit
  • 1653; 1804 - 1974

Section A Reels 1-18 consist of microfilm copies of CSR Sydney Library Archive Section files (originals in NBAC N305) containing correspondence, memoranda, extracts of minutes, legal documents, newspaper cuttings, reports, histories, publications, photographs, illustrations, and miscellaneous documents relating to CSR Limited, its officers, the Australian and international sugar industry, immigration and labour.

Section B Reels 1-2 are closed.

Section C Reels 1-19 are microfilm copies of Raw Sugar Marketing Division documents relating to the International Sugar Council, international sugar matters and charter parties.

Section D Reel 1 consists of microfilm copies of Drug Master File 1324 containing information lodged with the Food and Drug Administration by CSR plus a microfilm reader index.

Section E Reels 1-737 consist of microfilm copies of Head Office correspondence exchanged between branches, mills and officers. These reels continue the various Head Office correspondence series found within deposit 142 and on occasion into the early 1970s some correspondence begin with the microfilm series.

Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited

Joe Owens collection

  • AU NBAC Z235
  • Deposit
  • 1960 - 1992

Files on the affairs of the NSW Branch of the Builders' Labourers' Federation, notably green bans and Federal intervention; records of the Builders' Labourers for Democratic Control; personal correspondence, notes and diaries, drafts of an unfinished history of the Branch; papers relating to the Darling Harbour Construction Project; papers collected by Abe David; photographs, pamphlets, leaflets, posters and serials.

Owens, Joseph

Albert Langer collection

  • AU NBAC Z457
  • Deposit
  • 1930 - 1985

A large collection of political pamphlets, serials and leaflets, together with papers relating to Langer’s own political activities, the anti-Vietnam War movement and organisations involved in radical politics, such as Students In Dissent, the Bakery, Monash University Labor Club, Worker Student Alliance, Eureka Youth League, People for Nuclear Disarmament, Jews Against Zionism, Software Liberation Campaign.

Langer, Albert

Papers of David Buchanan SC

  • AU NBAC H26
  • Deposit
  • 1981 - 2006

Papers from David Buchanan's work on legal issues around HIV and AIDS including discrimination, health, and human rights.

Buchanan, David

Adelaide Steamship Company deposit 1

  • AU NBAC N46
  • Deposit
  • 1875 - 1982

Includes minutes, correspondence and office files, financial records, records of the company fleet, personnel records and photographs.

Adelaide Steamship Company

Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union ACT Branch

  • AU NBAC Z775
  • Deposit
  • 1945 - 2005

AAESDA ACT branch minutes 1945-1975, AAESDA Handbook 1959, AAESDA/ADSTE Annual General Meetings and reports 1972 - 1991, PIEUA and PKIU board of management and executive meetings 1961- 1988, PIEUA and PKIU minutes of ordinary meetings 1964-1979, AMWU attendance book 1995-2005, PIEUA and PKIU register of apprentices (1963-1980) and ACT membership book alphabetical with surnames (nd).

Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union

Audrey McDonald papers

  • AU NBAC N444
  • Deposit

This deposit has not yet been processed.

McDonald, Audrey

Ancient Order of Foresters records

  • AU NBAC N428
  • Deposit
  • circa 1856 - circa 2001

Member registers for courts across Victoria; meeting minutes, agendas and business papers; reports; rules; laws; ritual books;
papers relating to annual and official dinners; conference papers; social committee papers; fund management forms; financial papers; sick registers; investment registers; cash books; contribution books; registration books; trustees' ledgers; correspondence; circulars; memoranda; ceremonial ribbons and sashes; badges; assorted ceremonial items (horns, protractors, gavels, blocks, table cloths); metal and wooden storage boxes; certificates; photographs.

Ancient Order of Foresters

Harden and Johnston Limited minute book

  • AU NBAC N429
  • Deposit
  • 1928 - 1948

Minute book of Harden and Johnston Limited, automobile and truck sales company based in Sydney. Meetings recorded date from establishment 29 May 1928 to 5 December 1948. The minutes detail establishment, share transactions, leases on premises, financial situation, and agreements with Dodge Brothers and Chrysler Corporation in the United States of America, and with Buckle Motors.

Harden and Johnston Limited

Manfred Station records

  • AU NBAC N431
  • Deposit
  • circa 1908 - 1950s

Includes station store ledgers, monthly returns, station returns, weekly reports, cash books, rough diaries, some staff records, shearing records, correspondence including letterbooks, rainfall records, and a small number of building plans.

Manfred Pastoral Holding

Lindeman (Holdings) Limited deposit

  • AU NBAC Z418
  • Deposit
  • 1847 - 1987

All types of company records from the many divisions of the organisation which include administration, corporate affairs, finance, legal, marketing, personnel, technical, export and planning. Includes records of subsidiaries, advertising material, wine labels, photographs, label specification books, staff records, awards, slides, audiotapes and videos.

Lindeman (Holdings) Limited

Manchester Unity records

  • AU NBAC 803
  • Deposit

This deposit has not yet been processed.

Manchester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows

Norm Docker Collection

  • AU NBAC N378
  • Deposit
  • 1915 - 1954

This collection contains Norm Docker’s private notes and publications collected by him as a Communist Party member and activist. It does not contain records about his activities as the Waterside Workers’ Federation official.

Docker, Norm

Australian Economic Association deposit

  • AU NBAC N377
  • Deposit
  • 1887 - 1944

Minute books, office files, correspondence re records of and about the Association, and journals of the Australian Economic Association, The Australian Economist (1888-1898).

Australian Economic Association

Edna Ryan and Sylvia Winters papers

  • AU NBAC N390
  • Deposit
  • 1981 - 1993

Papers relating to the Women’s Electoral Lobby campaign on enterprise bargaining; miscellaneous personal papers. Includes files, press clippings, correspondence, pamphlets, leaflets, serials and arbitration case files.

Ryan, Edna Minna

Nick Origlass papers

  • AU NBAC N391
  • Deposit
  • 1914 - 1965

Records relating to the Balmain Ironworkers’ Dispute, including minutes of the rebel Balmain branch of the Federated Ironworkers Association, correspondence, financial records, newspaper clippings and printed material.

Origlass, Nicholas

Australian Agricultural Company Annual Reports

  • AU NBAC S301
  • Serial
  • 1825 - 1994

London. Issued by the Directors of the AACo. Includes copy of publication: Emigration to Australia (1849)

Australian Agricultural Company

Unilever (Australia) Pty Ltd deposit

  • AU NBAC N163
  • Deposit
  • 1873 - 2002

Records of Unilever (Australia) Pty Ltd, Lever Brothers Pty Ltd, Burford & Sons Ltd, J Kitchen & Sons Ltd and Lever & Kitchen Pty Ltd and some of their associated/ subsidiary companies - Commonwealth Copra Company, Eugene (Australia), Eugene (New Zealand), Hillcastle (New Zealand), J & E Atkinson, Lever Associated Enterprises, Neptune Oil Company, Rexona Pty Ltd, Soap Distributors Ltd and Sydney Soap and Candle Company. Includes various minute books, correspondence files, company journals, reports, formulae books, photographs and factory plans. The History of J Kitchen & Sons Pty Ltd, a manuscript compiled by Arnold Riches, The Story of Rexona Pty Ltd by Ken Washington and Rosella: celebrating 100 years of care, a Rosella Public Relations/Promotional Program publication, are useful sources of historical information that complement the business records of these companies. Photographs in the collection depict the many facets of Lever Brothers Pty Ltd/Lever & Kitchen Pty Ltd operations at Balmain - the factory buildings, machinery, manufacturing processes, products, staff and employees as well as J Kitchen & Sons Ltd factories at Port Melbourne and Alexandria, Rexona Pty Ltd product launches and promotions, and ‘Good Rexona Town’ signs that appeared throughout NSW and Victoria in the 1930s and 1940s.

Unilever (Australia) Pty Ltd

Phil Thorne Collection

  • AU NBAC P15
  • Deposit
  • 1922 - 1985

Records of the Spanish Relief Committee, including minutes, correspondence, circulars, extracts from the diary of Una Wilson, a volunteer nurse sent to Spain by the SRC, photographs and printed material; case files of the legal firm Christian Jollie Smith & Co relating to the Rothbury Miners’ Riot Case, 1930, and the Newtown and Glebe Eviction Riot Case, 1931. Jollie Smith, a founding member of the Communist Party of Australia, was acting for the International Class War Prisoners Aid in these cases.

Thorne, Phillip T

Watermark deposit

  • AU NBAC N447
  • Deposit
  • 1863 - 2004

Includes information about Edward Waters and his estate, examples of client paperwork, and information about the development of intellectual property law in Victoria.


Australian Council of Trade Unions deposit 5

  • AU NBAC N160
  • Deposit
  • 1946 - 2005

Executive meetings files (1958-2004), arbitration files (1945-2005) including GC [Greg Combet] files (1995-2004), D annual single number files (1989-1997), speeches (1991-2005), congress papers (1979-1997), general submissions (1986-2005), papers relating to Ansett Australia (2000-2004), and speeches and photographs relating to Clyde Cameron College (1976).

Australian Council of Trade Unions

ACTU Bulletin

  • AU NBAC S18
  • Serial
  • 1954 - 1970; 1977 -1990

1954 (vol. 1 nos. 1-3), 1955 (vol. 2 nos. 1-2 plus 2 supplements), 1956-1957 (vol. 3 nos. 1-5), 1958-1961 (vol. 4 nos. 1-12), 1962-1967 (vol. 5 nos. 1-12), 1968-1970 (vol. 6 nos. 1-5), 1977-1979 (vol. 1 nos. 1-13), 1980 (vol. 2 nos. 1-3), 1981-1982 (vol. 3 nos. 1-4), 1983 (vol. 4 nos. 1-2), 1984 (vol. 5 nos. 1-2), 1985-1990.

Australian Council of Trade Unions

Resch's Limited microfilm deposit 1

  • AU NBAC M88
  • Deposit
  • 1888 - 1930

Microfilm copy of financial records, cash books, certificates issued, brewing manual, stock and order books. Includes ledgers of Allt's Brewery and Wine and Spirit Company (1888 - 1895), Resch's Waverley Brewery and Resch's Ltd.

Resch's Limited

Trades and Labour Council of the Australian Capital Territory deposit 2

  • AU NBAC Z537
  • Deposit
  • 1982 - 1993

Records of the Workwatch Occupational Health and Safety Training Centre including minutes,reports, correspondence, financial records, training course material and printed material.

Trades and Labour Council of the Australian Capital Territory

Trades and Labour Council of the Australian Capital Territory deposit 1

  • AU NBAC Z147
  • Deposit
  • 1931 - 1995

Minutes of general meetings (1931-1993), Executive Committee (1973-1988) and committees, reports, correspondence with registers, financial records, subject files, records of Charles McDonald relating to his role as Secretary and also to the Australian Labor Party (ACT Branch), the Association of Architects, Engineers, Surveyors and Draughtsmen of Australia (ACT Division) and the Amalgamated Metal Workers' and Shipwrights' Union (ACT), posters, newspaper cuttings and printed material.

Trades and Labour Council of the Australian Capital Territory

ACTU Congress Papers

  • AU NBAC S784
  • Serial
  • 1927 - 1991

Australian Council of Trade Unions

Des Hanlon papers

  • AU NBAC Z821
  • Deposit

This deposit has not yet been processed. Contents include college trainers’ meeting minutes, correspondence, reports by TUTA state directors, flyers, course materials, newsletters made by course participants, and material relevant to union education.

Hanlon, Des

Jack Kavanagh collection deposit 1

  • AU NBAC P12
  • Deposit
  • 1909 - 1943, 1980

Political and personal papers, correspondence (including with Edna Ryan), diaries, note books, minutes, press cuttings, and printed material.

Kavanagh, John Patrick Marcus

South African Typographical Journal

  • AU NBAC S838
  • Serial

South Africa. Published by the South African Typographical Union. Holding issues: Jun 1930, Nov 1930, Feb 1955, 1965-1969 (gaps), May 1971- Nov 1973 (gaps).

South African Typographical Union

Chinese Chamber of Commerce of New South Wales deposit

  • AU NBAC 111
  • Deposit
  • 1890 - 1950

Minutes, correspondence, financial records, and list of officer bearers. Includes minutes of predecessors and of Chinese societies in Sydney and Melbourne including the New South Wales Chinese Empire Reform Association, the Chinese Debating Society (Sydney), the committee for the collection of donations to help the struggle against Japanese invasion, the Self-Protection Society of Sydney, and the Kong Chew Society. Records are mostly in Chinese.

Chinese Chamber of Commerce of New South Wales

The Commonwealth Professional

  • AU NBAC S551
  • Serial
  • 1970 - 1980


Professional Officers' Association, Australian Public Service

Clarke and Barwood Lawyers deposit

  • AU NBAC 69
  • Deposit
  • 1879 - 1930; 2000

Clients' documents, and a copy of of the firm's history (2000).

Clarke and Barwood Lawyers

Australian Agricultural Company (Australian Office) deposit 9

  • AU NBAC Z629
  • Deposit
  • 1912 - 1996

This deposit consists of all types of company records for the Australian Agricultural Company, for its stations and subsidiary companies: AA & P Joint Holdings Pty Ltd; Austcattle Holdings Pty Ltd; Blythe Brothers pty Ltd; Brighton Downs; Brunette Downs; Connor Doherty & Durack Pty Ltd; Cooper River Pastoral Co Pty Ltd; D K Gordon Pty Ltd; Fielder Downs (WA) Pty Limited; Goonoo Goonoo; Gregory Downs; Hann River Pastoral Co Pty Ltd; Headingly; James McLeish Estates Pty Ltd; Mount House Pastoral Company; Mount House and Glenroy Stations; Muttama; Naroo Pastoral Co Pty Ltd; NT Pastoral Co Pty Limited; Rockhampton Downs; The Gulf Cattle Company Pty Ltd; Tullin Tulla; Union Pastoral Investments Pty Ltd; Waxahachie Pty Ltd; Windy; Wondoola; Woodhouse and Wrotham Park. The records include financial records, wage summaries, minutes, annual reports, superannuation plan records, station records and monthly reports, correspondence, deeds, memoranda and articles of association, share certificates, statutory accounts, wage records and group certificates.

Australian Agricultural Company

Australian Wheatgrowers' Federation deposit

  • AU NBAC Z83
  • Deposit
  • 1931 - 1981

Minutes and meeting papers, correspondence, subject files, committee records, conference papers, financial and administrative records, reports, surveys, press cuttings and files of the AWF Economic Research Unit.

Australian Wheatgrowers' Federation

Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia, Sydney Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC Z248
  • Deposit
  • 1890 - 1994

Minutes of meetings - Sydney Wharf Labourers’ Union, 1889-1922, WWF Sydney Branch, 1922-1991, Federal Council, 1944-1964, Federal Committee of Management, 1942-1954, Sydney Port Committee, 1991-1993, Stop Work meetings, 1944-1992; Disciplinary Committee minutes and other papers, 1910-1990; Australian Stevedoring Industry Authority files, 1942-1978; membership records, 1891-1952; letter books, 1902-1916; subject/correspondence files, 1917-1992; arbitration material, 1902-1992; elections, 1930-1987; Ron Maxwell’s papers, 1952-1972; conference minutes and reports, 1914-1965; WWF rules and awards, 1890-1991; other unions’ rule books and membership cards, 1910-1957; photographs, 1880s-1960s, 1994; ephemera, 1992, audiovisual material, 1992; clubs’, groups’ and committees’ files, printed material, newspapers and journals. Includes, also, records of the Sydney Mechanical Branch, 1950-1983.

Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia

Phil Carswell collection 1

  • AU NBAC H9
  • Deposit
  • 1983 - 1992

Correspondence files relating to Phil Carswell's involvement in the Victorian Council on AIDS, the National Advisory Council on AIDS, later the Australian National Council on AIDS, and its committees and working groups including the Education Committee and the Churches Working Group, the AIDS Trust of Australia, the Gay Men's Community Health Centre and other AIDS-related organisations, papers relating to the first three National Conferences on AIDS (1985-1988), conference papers and articles written by Carswell, and reports and papers from international conferences. Also includes copies of official papers relating to Victorian government and community liaison on AIDS education, including papers of the government Victorian AIDS Committee and about various AIDS-related projects.

Carswell, Phillip James

Phil Carswell collection 2

  • AU NBAC H18
  • Deposit
  • 1985 - 1993

Personal correspondence and project files relating to Phil Carswell's work as liaison officer in the AIDS/STD Unit of the Victorian Department of Health, including speeches, conference papers, material about the AIDS Trust of Australia, the Victorian AIDS Council and the Victorian AIDS Advisory Council and printed material.

Carswell, Phillip James

Dalgety and Company Limited Melbourne Branch deposit 1

  • AU NBAC 100-1
  • Deposit
  • 1843 - 1967

All types of company records including memorandum and articles of association, financial records, correspondence, branch and conference reports, legal documents, staff records, annual wool reviews, clients' private account books, ledgers and journals, newspaper cuttings, registers and share materials.

Dalgety and Company Limited

The Australian Engineer, then Australasian Society of Engineers Journal Victorian Branch

  • AU NBAC S192
  • Serial
  • Mar 1950 - Dec 1984 (with gaps)

Issued monthly by the Victorian Branch of the Australasian Society of Engineers, for which some issues held from 1950 (vol 2, no. 11 and vol. 3 no. 6), 1951 (vol. 3 no. 11, vol 4 no. 1, 4, and 5), and July 1955 (vol. 7 no. 8). Then renamed Australasian Society of Engineers Journal Victorian Branch. Most issues held from Feb/Mar 1963 - Oct/Nov 1971. Many issues held from Jul/Aug 1975 - Nov/Dec 1984 with some gaps.

Australasian Society of Engineers

Brunette Downs Station deposit

  • AU NBAC Z354
  • Deposit
  • 1948 - 1976

Subject files, station diaries, financial records, records of wages, bore maintenance records, maps and plans.
Includes records relating to Aboriginal people - Box 2 includes records of attendance of Aboriginal children at Brunette Downs School (no names included) and reference to the employment of Aboriginal teaching assistants.

Brunette Downs Station

Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union, New South Wales Branch (Frank Bollins) deposit

  • AU NBAC N386
  • Deposit
  • 1914 - 1983

The deposit consists of records of Frank Bollins, NSW Branch President, on his retirement on 5 July 1983. Includes minutes of national and state conferences, branch committee and council meetings, rules, conference and seminar papers, demarcation agreements, NSW Railways papers, correspondence, general union files and publications.

Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union

Jon Belmonte Collection

  • AU NBAC N183
  • Deposit
  • 1997 - 1998

Documents relating to employment by Fynwest and PCS Training Resources during 1998 Maritime Dispute.

Belmonte, Jonathan Stuart

Maritime Dispute (1997-1998) collection

  • AU NBAC Z592
  • Deposit
  • 1891; 1960 - 2000

The collection includes records of the MUA Dispute Archive Project consisting of union records and correspondence; Australian Council of Trade Unions and Victorian Trades Hall Council minutes; Trade Union Training Authority speaker notes and fact sheets; Australian Services Union fliers and administrative documents; Finance Sector Union correspondence and administrative documents; Health and Community Services Union flier and newsletter; Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance flier and minutes; National Tertiary Education Union correspondence and NSW Branch information kit; police association correspondence and newsletter; Transport Workers Union NSW flier and minutes; Victorian Independent Education Union newsletters and fliers; Australian Manufacturing Workers Union leaflet, newsletter and newspapers; Community and Public Sector Union ACT journals and flier; correspondence, leaflets and posters produced by non-union groups; official documents, legal and parliamentary records including speeches, transcripts, minutes; fliers, posters, booklets, electronic communications, film, photographs, artwork, music, poetry and media releases. Files of Lindsay Tanner gathered by the MUA Dispute Archive Project consists of media clippings, transcripts of electronic media interviews, Hansard extracts, notes and correspondence, and documents relating to legislation. The deposit also includes papers of the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History, the NSW Fire Brigade Employees’ Union, and unionist Carmel Shute, media releases and circulars, printed material, video and audio tapes; research files consisting of legal documents, reports, newsletters and documents relating to the Dubai stevedoring venture, news clippings, and leaflets; Maritime Union of Australia files, speeches and news reports.

Australian Society for the Study of Labour History

Bundure Station deposit

  • AU NBAC N172
  • Deposit
  • 1877 - 1973

Station records including photographs and maps. Also includes photographs of other New Zealand and Australian Land Company properties - Marathon (Qld), Maxwelton (Qld), Canobie (Qld), Wurung (Qld), Eddington (Qld), Dalgonally (Qld), Beringarra (WA), Wingadee (NSW), Tootra (WA), Drompre (NSW), Yathroo (WA), Bangate (NSW), Midkin (NSW), Bogeralla (Qld), Goondoobluie (NSW), Boatman (Qld), Oakwood (Qld), Wellshot (Qld).
. N172/17 includes photographs of Aboriginal workers and their families at Bundure Station c. 1930s and Beringarra Station (WA) c. 1920s.

Bundure Station

Liston Carnie business legders

  • AU NBAC Z812
  • Deposit

Ledgers giving details of Liston Carnie's customers, contact, details, types of jobs undertakes, dates and charges.

Carnie, Liston

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