- AU NBAC Z204
- Deposit
- 1949 - 1983
Contains subject files from the General Manager's and Manager of Corporate Affairs.
Tooth and Company Limited
Contains subject files from the General Manager's and Manager of Corporate Affairs.
Tooth and Company Limited
Country hotel files from the Country Manager's Office, managerial, property and valuation files (city and country), 'historical' files, Security Officer's files, property registers and securities books.
Tooth and Company Limited
Minute books of Shareholders and Directors meetings of companies acquired by Tooth and Company Limited; Company Secretary's Department administration, operation, acquisition and mergers files; Company Secretary's Department, Courage Breweries Ltd/Tooths (Victoria) Ltd administrative and operations files including liquidation.
Includes minute books of subsidiary companies: Associated Foods Limited and subsidiaries; Penfolds Wines Australia Ltd and subsidiaries; Producers' Co-operative Distributing Society Ltd; The Adelaide Wine Saloon Ltd; Barossa Vineyards Ltd; Allowrie Products Pty Ltd; Auldana Limited; Australian Motel Industries Limited; Australian Motels (Management) Pty Ltd; Best Western Motels Pty Ltd; H S Bird & Company Pty Ltd; Georges Brewery Properties Limited (London)/Courlim Properties Ltd; Granite Belt Fruit Distributors; Guildford Ice & Cold Storage Company Pty Ltd and successors; Holidaywise Koala Pty Ltd; Kingsgate Hotel (Adelaide) Pty Ltd/Koala Motor Inn (Adelaide) Pty Ltd; Koala Holiday Inns Pty Ltd/Koala Motor Inns Pty Ltd; Koala Katering Ko Pty Ltd; Koala Motels Pty Ltd; Koala Motor Inn Pty Ltd/Peter Barry Tablelands Linen Service Pty Ltd; Koala Summit Motor Inn Pty Ltd/Koala Kingsgate Motor Inn Pty Ltd/Koala Motor Inn (Sydney) Pty Ltd; Lennons Toowoomba Hotel Limited/Koala Motor Inns Pty Ltd; Modbury Vineyards Limited; Motel Forbes Ltd; Motel Koala (Narrandera) Pty Ltd; Motel Nyngan Pty Ltd; Motor Inns Pty Ltd; Ophir Motel Limited; Oxford Motel Pty Ltd; Park Regis Motel Pty Ltd; PDS Granite Belt Pty Ltd; Buchanans PDS Pty Ltd/PDS Agriculture Pty Ltd; Tamar Valley Co-operative Society Ltd/Tasmanian Orchardists and Producers Ltd; Warringtons Wine Cafe Pty Ltd; E J Worsley (Transport) Pty Ltd and Worsley Foods Pty Ltd.
Tooth and Company Limited