- DepositH1 - National AIDS Archive Collection general library reference material
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- ItemR4 - Aids in Australia: Facts and Figures. Includes number of cases, government programs and funding up to 1988.
- ItemR5 - National Aids Education Campaign 1991. Includes outline of target groups.
- ItemR6 - Appraisal of National AIDS Education Campaigns. Crawford, J. Kippax, S. & Tulloch, J. Published by the Commonwealth Department of Health, Housing and Community Services, Canberra.
- ItemR7 - Bibliography of Australian HIV/AIDS Publications. Compiled by Edith Monger. Published by the Commonwealth Department of Health, Housing and Community Services, Canberra.
- ItemR8 - Homosexuality and HIV/AIDS: A New South Wales Chronology, 1969-91. Paul van Reyk
- ItemR9 - Chronology of Events: Educational Activities for Those of Non -English Speaking Backgrounds. Includes the final report of the AIDS and Ethnic Community Education Working Group and correspondence.
- ItemR10 - National AIDS Archive Collection Preserving Education Material in Australia (Postcard and Stickers). Commonwealth Department of Health, Housing and Community Services, Canberra.
- ItemR11 - Be a Partner in the Search for AIDS Education Material (Pamphlet) Commonwealth Department of Health, Housing and Community Services, Canberra.
- ItemR12 - Education AIDS Catalogue Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations Inc., Melbourne.
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