- AU ANUA 790-294
- Item
- no date
Scope note(s)
Source note(s)
Display note(s)
Hierarchical terms
Equivalent terms
Associated terms
199 archival descriptions results for audio-visual
199 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
- AU ANUA 790-296
- Item
- no date
- AU ANUA 790-293
- Item
- no date
- AU ANUA 790-295
- Item
- no date
- AU ANUA 790-297
- Item
- no date
- AU ANUA 790-287
- Item
- no date
Cassette tape 'Discovery week 13, 27 March 1997'
- AU ANUA 790-285
- Item
- 1997
- AU ANUA 790-290
- Item
- no date
- AU ANUA 790-292
- Item
- no date
Cassette tape '2BL World Today, 12 May 1995'
- AU ANUA 790-286
- Item
- 1995
- AU ANUA 790-289
- Item
- no date
- AU ANUA 790-291
- Item
- no date
- AU ANUA 790-288
- Item
- no date
Cassette tape 'Discovery week 13, 1997'
- AU ANUA 790-284
- Item
- 1997
Cassette tape 'Florey - blue room'
- AU ANUA 790-279
- Item
- no date
Cassette tape 'Florey - blue room'
- AU ANUA 790-278
- Item
- no date
Cassette tape 'Stephen Foster talk on the history of the John Curtin School of Medical Research'
- AU ANUA 790-280
- Item
- no date
Cassette tape 'Florey interview, Hazel De Burgh, John Curtin School of Medical Research'
- AU ANUA 790-281
- Item
- no date
Cassette tape 'Dr Kevin Lafferty ANU public lecture'
- AU ANUA 790-282
- Item
- no date
Cassette tape 'Getting the academic and scientific'
- AU ANUA 790-276
- Item
- no date
Cassette tape 'David Hubel and Geoff Henry school lecture'
- AU ANUA 790-277
- Item
- no date
Cassette tape 'Interview with Amy Bernston on 666 ABC Canberra, 16 October 2003'
- AU ANUA 790-275
- Item
- 2003
Digital video cassette 'Caryl HICC neuro raw footage'
- AU ANUA 790-269
- Item
- no date
Digital video cassette - unidentified
- AU ANUA 790-272
- Item
- no date
Digital video cassette 'Fenner immunology history'
- AU ANUA 790-270
- Item
- no date
Digital video cassette 'Retreat 2007'
- AU ANUA 790-271
- Item
- 2007
Cassette tape 'Dr Madelaine Nichol interview with Mark Vale of ABC South East'
- AU ANUA 790-273
- Item
- no date
Cassette tape 'Interview with Klaus Matthaei on 666 ABC Canberra, 31 July 2001'
- AU ANUA 790-274
- Item
- 2001
Digital video cassette 'Fenner, Ada, Whitworth , 2 February 2005'
- AU ANUA 790-268
- Item
- 2005
Digital video cassette 'Gordon Ada - vaccines, 20 July 2004'
- AU ANUA 790-266
- Item
- 2004
Digital video cassette 'Frances Shanon - biosciences'
- AU ANUA 790-267
- Item
- no date
- AU ANUA 790-260
- Item
- 2002
- AU ANUA 790-258
- Item
- 2001
- AU ANUA 790-259
- Item
- 2002
CD 'Neuroscapes - image legends'
- AU ANUA 790-253
- Item
- no date
- AU ANUA 790-256
- Item
- no date
- AU ANUA 790-257
- Item
- 2001
CD 'Eccles Symposium, 22 October 2002'
- AU ANUA 790-254
- Item
- 2002
CD 'Cancerians Cocktail Party, 30 May 2005'
- AU ANUA 790-255
- Item
- 2005
CD 'John Curtin School of Medical Research short CSA video'
- AU ANUA 790-251
- Item
- no date
Running time - 10 mins.
CD 'John Curtin School of Medical Research animation'
- AU ANUA 790-252
- Item
- no date
- AU ANUA 790-245
- Item
- no date
CD 'Songs played at tribute for Jools'
- AU ANUA 790-248
- Item
- no date
CD 'Cosmocaixa, 18 October 2006 back-up'
- AU ANUA 790-242
- Item
- 2006
CD 'Posters, adverts and flyers'
- AU ANUA 790-243
- Item
- no date
CD 'John Curtin School of Medical Research history PDF files, November 2001'
- AU ANUA 790-250
- Item
- 2001
CD 'Kevin Rudd at John Curtin School of Medical Research launch'
- AU ANUA 790-244
- Item
- no date
- AU ANUA 790-246
- Item
- 2007
CD 'John Curtin School of Medical Research NRS'
- AU ANUA 790-247
- Item
- no date
CD 'John Curtin School of Medical Research redevelopment flythrough'
- AU ANUA 790-249
- Item
- 2005
CD 'John Curtin School of Medical Research aerial photos'
- AU ANUA 790-238
- Item
- 2003
- AU ANUA 790-239
- Item
- 2007
- AU ANUA 790-233
- Item
- no date
- AU ANUA 790-237
- Item
- no date
CD 'Coughing the Distance: Paris to Istanbul with Cystic Fibrosis - Conference Edition'
- AU ANUA 790-240
- Item
- 2008
- AU ANUA 790-236
- Item
- no date
CD 'John Curtin School of Medical Research virtual tour'
- AU ANUA 790-241
- Item
- no date
- AU ANUA 790-234
- Item
- 2006
CD 'John Curtin School of Medical Research flythrough'
- AU ANUA 790-235
- Item
- no date
CD 'Mark's back-up files disk 2'
- AU ANUA 790-230
- Item
- no date
- AU ANUA 790-226
- Item
- 2011
CD 'John Curtin School of Medical Research brain bee'
- AU ANUA 790-225
- Item
- no date
CD 'John Curtin School of Medical Research Building Handbook - first copy'
- AU ANUA 790-227
- Item
- no date
CD 'John Curtin School of Medical Research Annual Review 2005 pages and cover'
- AU ANUA 790-228
- Item
- 2005
CD 'Mark's back-up files disk 1'
- AU ANUA 790-229
- Item
- no date
CD 'John Curtin School of Medical Research virtual tour'
- AU ANUA 790-224
- Item
- no date
CD 'Visit by Singaporean Prime Minister, 14 June 2006'
- AU ANUA 790-231
- Item
- 2006
CD 'Doherty, Eccles, Florey and Zinkernagel images'
- AU ANUA 790-232
- Item
- no date
- AU ANUA 790-217
- Item
- no date
CD 'John Curtin School of Medical Research Annual Review 2007 and cover file'
- AU ANUA 790-219
- Item
- 2007
CD 'Jackie Chan Science Centre proposed artwork'
- AU ANUA 790-218
- Item
- no date
CD 'John Curtin School of Medical Research animation - final edit for v/o'
- AU ANUA 790-223
- Item
- no date
CD 'John Curtin School of Medical Research Review 2001'
- AU ANUA 790-220
- Item
- 2001
CD 'Back-up safety pages, 23 September 2005'
- AU ANUA 790-221
- Item
- 2005
CD 'John Curtin School of Medical Research Curtin Call May 2002 pics'
- AU ANUA 790-206
- Item
- 2002
CD 'John Curtin School of Medical Research highlights'
- AU ANUA 790-209
- Item
- 2012
- AU ANUA 790-212
- Item
- no date
CD 'Pictures from 2002 Expo courtesy of Marc Fenning'
- AU ANUA 790-207
- Item
- 2002
CD 'Frank Fenner interview no 1, 31 March 1992'
- AU ANUA 790-210
- Item
- 1992
CD 'Julie Macklin's backup, October 2006'
- AU ANUA 790-213
- Item
- 2006
CD 'Shots for John Curtin School of Medical Research video - NRS'
- AU ANUA 790-214
- Item
- no date
- AU ANUA 790-215
- Item
- 2008
- AU ANUA 790-204
- Item
- no date
CD 'John Curtin School of Medical Research soccer final'
- AU ANUA 790-205
- Item
- no date
CD '2012 Annual Review artwork from Marketing Office'
- AU ANUA 790-208
- Item
- 2012
CD 'Frank Fenner interview no 2, 13 September 1993'
- AU ANUA 790-211
- Item
- 1993
CD 'November International Conference on ? Medicine'
- AU ANUA 790-198
- Item
- no date
CD 'Video files for YouTube - Bernard Lerer, Chris Parish, Michal Schwartz, Simon Easteal'
- AU ANUA 790-199
- Item
- no date
- AU ANUA 790-202
- Item
- no date
CD 'Ageing well - A time to reflect, featuring Frank Fenner, 23 September 2003'
- AU ANUA 790-201
- Item
- 2003
CD 'John Curtin School of Medical Research video for PowerPoint'
- AU ANUA 790-203
- Item
- no date