- Series423 - ANU Instructional Resources Unit Video Recordings
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- Item160 - ANU Twilight Lectures, presented by the ANU and the National Aquarium. 1. Parasites: their world and ours, Professor C Byrant -- 2. Aboriginal colonisation of Australia using new dating methods, Dr R Jones -- 3. Australian saltlakes: their history, chemistry, biota and scientific value, Dr P Dedeccker
- Item161 - ANU Twilight Lectures, presented by the ANU and the National Aquarium: Lungfish: an Australian evolutionary phenomenon, Professor K Campbell
- Item162 - ANU Twilight Lectures, presented by the ANU and the National Aquarium: Evolving views about the transition of vertebrates to land, Dr P Pridmore
- Item163 - ANU Twilight Lectures, presented by the ANU and the National Aquarium: What happened to the animals when the climate changed? Professor D Ride
- Item164 - ANU Twilight Lectures, presented by the ANU and the National Aquarium: Is rainforest fragile? Dr J Ash
- Item165 - TOPAS animation sequences - Drive of Week, WIN
- Item166 - Biosphere (recut). Department: Research School of Biological Sciences.
- Item167 - News story (recut). ANUTECH.
- Item168 - Art students projects (compile)
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