Identity area
Reference code
AU ANUA 411-314
- 2001 (Creation)
Level of description
Extent and medium
Context area
Name of creator
Content and structure area
Scope and content
Includes various papers from The University of Papua New Guinea: "The UPNG Student Charter"; Office of Pro Vice Chancellor Planning and Development, Memorandum, "Major Works Completed, in Progress and Planned", March 21, 2001; The Registrar, Memorandum, "Conferring of Honorary Degree in Economics", 22 March, 2001; Order of Proceedings for Graduation Ceremony [no date]; papers from The University of Papua New Guinea Council Meeting No. 1/2001, "Formal Establishment of Office of the Chancellor and Office of the Executive Officer to Council", March 22, 2001; Bursar's Report to Council, Qualified Audit Report 1995 and 1996, 22 March 2001; The University of Papua new Guinea, University Finance Committee Meeting No. 1/2001, 20 March 2001.