- Series52 - Urban Research Unit papers and publications
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- Item231 - Lambooy, Jan G. (University of Amsterdam); Seminar Presentation: ‘Dilemmas in Regional Policy’ Attached Paper: Lambooy, J. G., 'Regional economic policy: An institutional - economic approach', in A. Kuklinski & J. G. Lambooy, Dilemmas in Regional Policy, Mouton, Berlin, nd
- Item232 - Sanders, Will; Aboriginal Town Camping: Institutional Practices and Local Politics
- Item233 - Watson, Sophie; Housing and the Family: The Marginalisation of Single Households in Britain, 14 May 1984 & Housing and the Family: The Marginalisation of Non-Family Households in Britain, June 1984
- Item234 - Milnor, Andrew (Visiting Fellow, from State University of New York); Poverty and the Poor: Implications for Policy
- Item235 - Wilmoth, David (NSW Dept of Environment and Planning); The Formation of National Urban Policy in the USA, 1976-1980
- Item236 - Zagorski, Krzysztof (Dept of Sociology, RSSS); Typology of Polish Towns and Social Mobility
- Item237 - Cass, Bettina (Dept of Social Work, University of Sydney); Unemployment in the Western Region of Sydney: Local Labour Market, Transport and Housing Issues
- Item238 - McLoughlin, Peter (Monash); Small firms: implications for urban economic development
- Item239 - Botham, Ron (Liverpool Polytechnic); Training, Job Creation and Spatial Policy: The Potential Role of a Marginal Employment Subsidy
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