- Deposit128 - Peel River Land & Mineral Company (Australian Office) deposit 3
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- Item33-4 - Inventory of homestead furnishings
- Item34 - Report on Avon Downs, Barkly Tablelands Lessees Co?operative Development Company material, and reports of the Northern Territory Administration 1944 and Northern Territory Investigation Committee 1937
- Item35-1 - Coloured map of the Barrington Tops District in the Counties of Gloucester and Durham
- Item35-2 - Goonoo Goonoo war service land settlement, closer settlement leases in County of Parry - sketch giving land description
- Item35-3 - Sketch of Block 4 Goonoo Goonoo
- Item35-4 - Sketch of part of Peel River estate, part resumed and subdivided for closer settlement
- Item35-5 - Plan of part of the company's estate being part of the land in Conveyance Regd No. 509 Block 32
- Item35-6 - Maps of town of Tamworth: Field Notes Alignment Tamworth South, presented to PG King, first Mayor, Borough of Tamworth, Superintendent of the AA Company's estate, by the District Surveyor, Tamworth
- Item36 - GB Gidley King's Tamworth Copper Mining Company voucher book, including statements of accounts and some correspondence
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