- Deposit68 - Corona Station (Queensland) deposit
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- Item209 - Photograph: T L Armstrong in paddock inspecting grass growth after heavy rain
- Item210 - Photograph: regrowth of Mitchell grass and summer herbage after heavy rain
- Item211 - Photograph: driving through Mitchell grass after heavy rain
- Item212 - Photograph: T L Armstrong and station hand Jack Burns jetting sheep
- Item213 - Photograph: lorries lined up for loading food for sheep during drought
- Item214 - Photograph: feeding lucerne to sheep in drought - Bob and David McLaren on lorry, T L Armstrong in car and 10-year-old Donald Armstrong driving
- Item215 - Photograph: feeding sheep corn and hay in the drought
- Item216 - Photograph: fleet of cars ready to start out to feed sheep
- Item217 - Photograph: fire fighting equipment on lorry
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