- Series639 - David Eastburn collection of posters and publications on Papua New Guinea Independence
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- Item11 - Poster 43cm x 33cm: Only one more step Wanpela Step Moa Haus Independence 1975 / 1973 Self Government / 1964 House of Assembly / 1950 Local Government / 1949 Papua New Guinea Act
- Item12 - Poster 50cm x 35cm: Kantri Bilong Yumi - Wan Pipel / Iseda Tanobada - Taunimanima Tamona / Our country - one people, [Port Moresby], Office of Information, 1974
- Item13 - Poster 50cm x 35cm: Independence / Yumi yet sanap/ Sibona ita gini. At Independence PNG will be like the Bird of Paradise. It will be free. Port Moresby, Office of Information, 1974 (six copies)
- Item14 - Joint declaration of principles guiding relations between Papua New Guinea and Australia, signed at Canberra, this ninth day of December 1987 [by] Paias Wingti, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea and R. J. L. Hawke, Prime Minister of Australia, 1987
- Item15 - Papua New Guinea Post Courier, Tuesday September 15, 1975. Special issue 'It's our day' [Independence]
- Item16 - Papua New Guinea Post Courier, September 16, 1975. 'Independence souvenir issue'
- Item17 - Papua New Guinea Post Courier, September 1976. Special issue 'Independence First Birthday Souvenir issue'