- DepositE203 - Australasian Steamship Owner's Federation Sydney Branch deposit
- Item1 - Minutes of the general and special meetings of the Australasian Steamship Owners' Association, indexed
- Item2 - Minutes of the general and special meetings of the Australasian Steamship Owners' Association
- Item3 - Minutes of the general and special meetings of the Australasian Steamship Owners' Association
- Item4 - Minutes of the general and special meetings of the NSW Inter-State Steamship Owners' Association
- Item5 - Minutes of the general and special meetings of the NSW Inter-State Steamship Owners' Association, indexed
- Item6 - Minutes of the general and special meetings of the NSW Inter-State Steamship Owners' Association, indexed
- Item7 - Minutes of the general and special meetings of the NSW Inter-State Steamship Owners' Association, indexed
- Item8 - Minutes of the general and special meetings of the NSW Inter-State Steamship Owners' Association, indexed
- Item9 - Minutes of the meetings of Sydney Inter-State sub-committee, indexed
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