- DepositN102 - Elder Smith and Company Head Office deposit 3
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- Item309 - Reports of Annual General Meetings and Half-Yearly General Meetings of Shareholders giving the Chairman's address
- Item310 - Letter received from J J Moore & Co Inc, Importers and Exporters, San Francisco, relating to changes in cable code words
- Item311 - Summary of a Supreme Court Case No.943 of 1935 R J Finlayson Limited and Others v Elder Smith & Company Limited
- Item312 - Subject File "Geelong Geo Hague & Co Pty Ltd" relating to the Amalgamation of the Company with Elders
- Item313 - Lists of Elder Smith & Co Ltd staff who served with the forces during World War II
- Item314 - Subdivision of Shares (Includes correspondence, working papers and printed notices)
- Item315 - Memo to staff relating to the leakage of information as to movements of vessels and troops (Three copies of this memo circulated and signed by Elder's staff is included)
- Item316 - Items relating to the completion and opening of Elder House in Adelaide (Included is a 1939 Christmas card showing a photograph of an etching by J C Goodchild; an invitation to the opening of Elder House on Friday 5 April 1940 and two newspaper cuttings re
- Item317 - Typewritten copy of Captain K M Oliphant's war diary relating the Greek campaign (Captain Oliphant was a member of the 2/3 Fd. Regt. He was later made Major)
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