- DepositN46 - Adelaide Steamship Company deposit 1
- 1108 more...
- Item1230 - ASSC and Lovering and Langford Ltd correspondence and papers relating to ASC investments in Lovering and Langford, subsidiary of Coast Steamships Ltd
- Item1231 - File re South Australian stamp duties
- Item1232 - Papers relating to payment of directors fees, annual returns to the Registry of Companies and information supplied to the Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics
- Item1233 - Ledgers, 1 vol (indexed)
- Item1234 - Ledgers, 1 vol (indexed)
- Item1235 - Details of registration and description of vessels in fleet (indexed). Includes papers on Company history
- Item1236 - Agreement between Gebr. Van Diepen, N.V. (Shipbuilders) and Coast Steamships Ltd
- Item1237 - Federal Wharf Co Ltd register of shareholders and transfers
- Item1238 - Federal Wharf Co Ltd minutes of the Board of Directors (signed)
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