- Deposit128 - Peel River Land & Mineral Company (Australian Office) deposit 3
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- Item32 - Statistical returns: copies of New South Wales Land Settlement, Agricultural and Pastoral Schedules and Wheat Statistics Returns for Goonoo Goonoo and Eagle Grange
- Item33-1 - Schedules detailing leases and lands occupied, carrying capacity, stock records, shearing and rainfall figures and internal arrangements for Goonoo Goonoo, Moorlands, Currawillinghi and Eagle Grange
- Item33-2 - Land records for grazing suburban and town allotments
- Item33-3 - Bore records for Goonoo Goonoo and Avon Downs, giving erection, maintenance and replacement costs
- Item33-4 - Inventory of homestead furnishings
- Item34 - Report on Avon Downs, Barkly Tablelands Lessees Co?operative Development Company material, and reports of the Northern Territory Administration 1944 and Northern Territory Investigation Committee 1937
- Item35-1 - Coloured map of the Barrington Tops District in the Counties of Gloucester and Durham
- Item35-2 - Goonoo Goonoo war service land settlement, closer settlement leases in County of Parry - sketch giving land description
- Item35-3 - Sketch of Block 4 Goonoo Goonoo
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