Glen Fingleton's report on a 1952 tour of the USSR
- AU NBAC N441
- Deposit
- 1952
Fingleton, Glen Harold James
197 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Glen Fingleton's report on a 1952 tour of the USSR
Fingleton, Glen Harold James
Minute books and an audit report for Amalgamated Textiles Australia Ltd., Macquarie Worsteds Limited, and Ascot Investments Pty. Ltd. Copies of a wire bound brochure with wool and textile samples, and newspaper clippings for Macquarie Textiles and Macquarie Worsteds. Onkaparinga items include advertising photos, transparencies, illustrations and sketches, slides, film and film negatives, draft papers, and a fabric specification handbook. Some slides and illustrations are for Laconia blankets. Other items include Downs, Coulter & Co. financial records, a John Vicars & Co Limited centenary book, and a speech on the textile industry written by an unknown author for a Sir Robert Webster lecture.
Macquarie Textiles
Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association Federal Council deposit 3
Federal Council records including industrial files, legal files, subject and correspondence files, financial records and printed material.
Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association of Australasia
Tooth employees' accident register
Part of Tooth and Company Deposit 3
Ledger relating to accidents with details including employees' names, occupations, dates, times, card numbers, nature of accident, weeks of absence, compensation paid, and remarks. The ledger appears to cover all Tooth employees including tradesmen, hotel employees, branch staff and clerical staff.
Family Planning Federation of Australia deposit
Minutes of Federal Council (1972-1987) and sub-committees, annual reports, financial records, files of Executive Director Wendy McCarthy, office and research files, posters, educational videos and printed material. Includes material relating to Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) education programs, videotapes on family planning and sexually-transmitted diseases targeted at Pacific Island cultures, and video recordings of Pacific women.
Family Planning Federation of Australia
Records relating to annual meetings, workshops and conferences, reports, funding submissions. Includes advocacy and lobbying material, such as submissions to proposed legislation and letter-writing campaigns. Also includes reports, copies of articles and conference papers, newspaper clippings, and printed material.
Extensive collection of serials, including from State and Territory and overseas sex worker organisations.
Scarlet Alliance
Records relating to establishment, meetings, workshops and conferences, correspondence, reports, funding submissions, material from State sex worker organisations and overseas reports, copies of articles and conference papers, newspaper clippings, and printed material.
Scarlet Alliance
AIDS Society of Asia and the Pacific deposit
Executive Committee correspondence, subject files and papers relating to the first four International Conferences on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific.
AIDS Society of Asia and the Pacific
Files relating to Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) issues covering Bowtell's work with the National Advisory Committee on AIDS and the Australian National Council on AIDS, the National Campaign Against Drug Use, the AIDS Trust of Australia, the Working Party on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Intergovernmental Committee on AIDS, and as president of the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations, including correspondence, reports, minutes and agenda for meetings, local and international conference papers, speeches, press cuttings, videotape of 1993 interviews with Bowtell, Ita Buttrose and Senator Richardson and printed material.
Bowtell, William
National AIDS Archive Collection Commonwealth government material
Material relating to Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) produced by the Commonwealth Department of Community Services and Health (and successors), its policy advisory bodies (AIDS Task Force, National Advisory Committee on AIDS, Australian National Council on AIDS, Intergovernmental Committee on AIDS) and some other Commonwealth departments, including Ministerial statements, reports, booklets, bulletins, leaflets, advertisements, posters, discussion papers, conference proceedings, press clippings, media kits, audio and video cassettes, and marketing material (t-shirts, caps, stickers, postcards, balloons, condoms, frig magnets, badges, key-rings, coasters and frisbees).
Noel Butlin Archives Centre
Microfiche of indexes to AMP Board minutes
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
Includes Principal Board minutes and Committee of Investigation minutes.
Paradise – the in flight magazine of Air Niugini
One undated, unnumbered issue and one copy of Paradise Faces (1989). Contains issues 1 (July 1976), 7, 9-10, 13-17, 19-65, 67-96, 99-103, 105-111, 113-124, 127, 129, 132, 136-138, 142-144, 146-151, 153-156 (Mar/Apr 2003). Numbering system then changes, and continues with 2003 (vol 1 only); 2004 (vol 4-6); 2005 (vol 1-5); 2006 (vol 1-6); 2007 (1-2, 5-6); 2008 (1-3); 2009 (1-6); 2010 (vol 2-6); 2011 (vol 1-6); 2012 (vol 1-6); 2013 (vol 1-6); 2014 (vol 1-4); 2015 (vol 3-6); 2016 (vol 1-6); 2017 (vol 1-4, 6); 2018 (vol 2-6); 2019 (vol 1, 4-5)
*Issue 13 is missing the covers.
Air Niugini
Million Dollar Round Table proceedings of annual meeting
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
Million Dollar Round Table proceedings of annual meeting
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
Million Dollar Round Table proceedings of annual meeting
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
Million Dollar Round Table proceedings of annual meeting
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
Million Dollar Round Table proceedings of annual meeting
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
Million Dollar Round Table proceedings of annual meeting
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
Million Dollar Round Table proceedings of annual meeting
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
Million Dollar Round Table proceedings of annual meeting
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
Million Dollar Round Table proceedings of annual meeting
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
Million Dollar Round Table proceedings of annual meeting
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
Million Dollar Round Table proceedings of annual meeting
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
Million Dollar Round Table proceedings of annual meeting
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
Million Dollar Round Table proceedings of annual meeting
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
Book - A Treatise on the Principles and Practice of Life Insurance by Nathan Willey
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association staff salaries
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
Includes names of staff, dates joined, and annual salaries.
National Mutual Life Association new business figures
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
Temperance and General Mutual Life Industrial Department table
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association legal agreement regarding Henry Alfred Wood
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association newspaper clippings
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association invitations to social events
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association South Australia Branch papers and correspondence
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
Australian Mutual Provident Society tables of whole-life and endowment assurance compared
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association correspondence regarding house purchase loan scheme
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
Stone & Cox Ordinary Branch insurance tables
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
New York Life Insurance Company premium rates and guaranteed values
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association memorandum and articles of association (revised)
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association memorandum and articles of association
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association almanac and prospectus
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association prospectus
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association rates of instalment for 20 year debenture bonds
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association rates of instalment for 20 year debenture bonds
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association tables of rates
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association tables of rates and guarantees for 20 year debenture bonds
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association Head Office correspondence
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association tables of rates
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association tables of rates
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association notebook of new business
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association agents' cashbook
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
Includes lists of quarterly and annual business.
National Mutual Life Association notebook of annual business
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
Includes lists of annual sums assured and business generated by each agent.
Australasian Life Assurance Year Book
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association memorandum and articles of association
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association classification of rates of premium for selected tables
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association classification of occupations
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
Temperance and General Mutual Life South Australia Branch correspondence
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association Head Office correspondence
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association Head Office South Australia Branch correspondence
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
Includes correspondence; particulars of policies; staff salaries; papers relating to lighting.
National Mutual Life Association Head Office letters out
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association Head Office letters out
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association Head Office letters out
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association Head Office letters out
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association Head Office letters in
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association Head Office letters in
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association Head Office letters in
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
National Mutual Life Association Head Office letters in
Part of Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) Limited records
Unidentified man in military uniform
Unidentified man in military uniform
Unidentified man in military uniform
Elder Smith and Company photographs
Includes photographs of staff who served in World War 1 and World War 2. Many photographs are unidentified.
Elder Smith and Company
Unidentified man in military uniform
Unidentified man in military uniform
Unidentified man in military uniform
Unidentified man in military uniform
Unidentified man in military uniform
Unidentified man in military uniform
Unidentified man in military uniform
Unidentified man in military uniform
Unidentified man in military uniform
Unidentified man in military uniform
Unidentified man in military uniform
Unidentified man in military uniform
Unidentified man in military uniform
Unidentified man in military uniform
Unidentified man in military uniform
Unidentified man in military uniform
Unidentified man in military uniform
Unidentified man in military uniform
Unidentified man in military uniform
Unidentified man in military uniform
Unidentified man in military uniform