David Eastburn collection of posters and publications on Papua New Guinea Independence
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Posters and publications on Papua New Guinea Independence
Eastburn, David R.
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David Eastburn collection of posters and publications on Papua New Guinea Independence
Posters and publications on Papua New Guinea Independence
Eastburn, David R.
Stephen Henningham's research papers relating to France in the Pacific
Research papers and newspaper clippings mainly relating to France's role in the Pacific Islands. Countries include New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna, French Polynesia and Tahiti.
Henningham, Stephen Charles
Alan Ward research papers on Pacific Island land matters
Almost half of this record group is concerned with PNG. These papers were gathered when Ward was Lecturer in History at the University of Papua New Guinea and adviser to the Land Evaluation and Demarcation Project Study (LEAD). The collection includes ... »
Ward, Alan Dudley
Documents and research notes relating to the Methodist Church in Papua New Guinea and Reverend Threlfall’s research on Papua New Guinea.
Items 1 - 14 : Methodist Mission Papers: Minutes and reports of New Britain District Synods, 1896 to 1941; ... »
Threlfall, Neville A
Richard Gilson Pacific Research papers on Samoa
Research papers, drafts and notes on the Pacific Islands, with particular focus on the Cook Islands and Samoa relating to the publications Samoa 1830-1900, 1970 and The Cook Islands 1820-1950, 1980. Including material on Fiji, French Polynesia, Gilbert ... »
Gilson, Richard
Brian William Brogan papers relating to development programs
Most of the papers are proposals and reports on particular development programs from Brogan’s role as Director of the Asia Program in the National Centre for Development Studies and the National Graduate School of Management. They relate to projects in ... »
Brogan, Brian
Pacific research papers on human geography including research materials on population, agriculture and natural resources in the Pacific Islands. Includes census data and government reports for Kiribati, Samoa, Vanuatu and Niue; newspaper articles, ... »
Howlett, Diana Rosemary
This series has not been processed.
Groves, Murray Charles
William Clarke research papers on land use in Papua New Guinea
The research papers include notebooks and photographs relating to Clarke's work on land use in Papua New Guinea, particularly with the Bomagai-Angoiang people.
Clarke, William Carey
Cookbook of the New Guinea Lutheran Mission
This series has not been processed
Stewart, Christine
This series has not been processed.
Recordings of language data (narratives, myths, wordlists, conversation) and of music from Papua New Guinea, the North Moluccas (Indonesia) and the Solomon Islands.
Voorhoeve, Clemens Lambertus
This series has not been processed
Laycock, Donald Clarence
Marion Ward papers relating to transport systems in Papua New Guinea
Items 1 - 31: Research papers and research data on transport systems in Papua New Guinea, includes sea, air and road transport systems. While conducting this research Marion Ward was the Field Director of the New Guinea Research Unit, Australian National ... »
Ward, Marion Wybourn
Peter Sack collection on land and related matters in Papua New Guinea
These reports were gathered by Dr Peter Sack as part of his research on land ownership systems and cultural patterns of inheritance and ownership which effect land tenure in Papua New Guinea. Includes Magistrates Land Law Survey 1968; reports on land ... »
Sack, Peter Georg
Papua New Guinea newspaper cuttings
The collection forms part of the newspaper cutting service run by the Political Science Program, Research School of Social Sciences and consists of cuttings from various Australian and Papua New Guinean newspapers, relating to government and politics in ... »
ANU Department of Political Science
Robert Crittenden papers relating to land management in Papua New Guinea
Crittenden, Robert
Pacific History Records Room collection
Printed material and copies of historical publications on the South Pacific, Micronesia, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Hawaii, Samoan Islands, Philippine Islands; copies of correspondence, photocopies of ship logs, maps, thesis material, ... »
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
Maps and aerial photographs of Papua New Guinea and other Pacific countries
Printed maps of Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Western Samoa, New Caledonia (Noumea), Vanuatu and Fiji. The aerial photographs are of Papua New Guinea and Fiji only.
ANU Department of Human Geography
Hank Nelson papers on Kuru Disease in New Guinea. Deposit 2
The collection contains published and unpublished papers on Kuru disease.
Nelson, Hyland Neil
Australian School of Pacific Administration printed material
Printed material including course materials, Territory of Papua New Guinea education curriculum and syllabus materials, school readers and magazines, research papers and other rare publications relating to education in Papua New Guinea.
Australian School of Pacific Administration
Australian Broadcasting Commission, Papua New Guinea Branch, Territory News Bulletins
74 files of transcripts of radio news bulletins from the Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC), Papua New Guinea branch. The bulletins report on all aspects of the Australian administration as well as reflecting the beginnings of the shift towards independence.
Luck, Geoffrey
Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Collected papers on Papua New Guinea history, mining, and independence including interviews with spokesmen of the Highlands Liberation Front, research papers and reports. Includes papers relating to the University of Papua New Guinea Council, transcripts ... »
Denoon, Donald John Noble
Reports and papers relating to educational policy, TPNG Department of Education curricula, publications of the Manpower Planning Unit, Apprenticeships Board of PNG and University of PNG.
Hossack, Ian
Papers and publications relating to population studies in the Pacific Islands
Contains research papers, census and statistical reports, correspondence, published and unpublished reports relating to population studies in the Pacific Islands. Includes material on American Samoa, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, ... »
Booth, Heather
Files relating to the administration of the Division of Pacific and Asian History
Administration and general staffing of the Division, annual reports, correspondence, minutes, funding and conference papers. Includes records of predecessors the Department of Pacific History, Department of Pacific and Southeast Asian History, and ... »
ANU Division of Pacific and Asian History
Contains files relating to publications and films the Division of Pacific and Asian History were involved with, theses and monograph series, correspondence, bibliographies, newspaper clippings, and material relating to the film Angels of War.
ANU Division of Pacific and Asian History
Basil Shaw's research papers for a biography of Sir Michael Somare
The collection contains research files compiled by Basil Shaw to write a biography on the former Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, Michael Somare. Includes correspondence, interview material, drawings by Captain Yukio Shibata, photographs, press ... »
Shaw, Basil John
1 album of 40 black and white photographs taken by a miner associated with the Astrolable mineral field and the Laloki and Dubuna Mines near Port Moresby. The photographs were taken between 1918 and 1924 and include images of mining operations, storage ... »
Gosson, Francis John
The archive comprises correspondence, lectures, notebooks, papers and other research records relating to the economic development and industrialisation in Papua New Guinea from 1961-1974. The documents cover such subjects as building and construction, ... »
Wilson, Robert Kent
George Gadbois papers relating to a Papua New Guinea House of Assembly research project.
This series contains interview recordings, transcripts and research papers. They include transcripts of interviews with backbenchers in the Papua New Guinea House of Assembly, 1974; a code book interview schedule and research committee paper; lists of ... »
Gadbois, George Harold Jr
Teacher training material for the Papua New Guinea 'E' Course
Post World War II the need for education in Papua New Guinea was listed as essential in the Provisional Administration Bill of 1945. In the late 1950s, W C Grove, as Director of Papua New Guinea Education, saw that education for local students was ... »
Houston, Bernard W
New Guinea Society, Canberra Branch papers
The records comprise New Guinea Society papers presented at meetings in Canberra, records relating to membership and activities, correspondence, constitution, minutes and notices of meetings. The collection also includes some documents relating to the ... »
New Guinea Society
Reprints of academic papers by Margaret Mead, newsclippings and copies of publications, correspondence, and a copy of biographer Jane Howard's CV and talk 'Flyovers, Quiddities, Pledges'.
Bull, Marjorie
Papers documenting David Bruce Moorhouse's career in Papua New Guinea as a patrol officer, administrator, and land consultant. Includes patrol reports, field officer's journal, mining consultancy papers, correspondence, papers relating to border ... »
Moorhouse, David Bruce
Papua New Guinea aerial photographs
Aerial photographs of the Rabaul area, Papua New Guinea, including Sortie Works, defence areas, forests, Keravat, Kokopo, and Ataliklikun Bay.
Granger, Ken
Joe Barr's collection of Pacific disaster management publications and research material
The collection consists of disaster and research reports, disaster preparedness workshop training manuals, seminar papers, consultancy management files, newspaper clippings, small publications and ephemera, a large number of SOPAC (Pacific Islands ... »
Barr, Joseph
Nancy Lutton papers on John Alexander Kolia
Correspondence, press cuttings, journal articles and reviews, unpublished verse, theatre programmes and poster, 1981; photograph and other documents; Thesis: Lyn Baer, In Between: Cultural Ambivalence in the Novels of John Kolia, 1982; audio recordings ... »
Collier, John Alexander
Bronwen Douglas Pacific research papers
Conference and seminar papers; PhD thesis; course material; field work tapes, notes and interview; correspondence; drafts; collection of articles and chapters on Pacific women, Christianity in Melanesia, Australian Aboriginal history and Aboriginal women,... »
Douglas, Bronwen
Michael Monsell-Davis journals, diaries, fieldnotes and research files on the Roro
The collection includes significant language and genealogical data. The records include research files, letters, journals and diaries compiled by Davis while working as a social anthropologist in Papua New Guinea :-
Items 1 - 59 - Journals (1965 - 2000)
... »
Monsell Davis, Michael Dunmore
John Gordon-Kirkby Papua New Guinea Field Officer's Journals
Carbon copy of journal from the commencement of service on 1 June 1964 to or 14 February 1965, including stations at Rabaul, Kokopo, Messawa, Manus (Lorengau), Balluan and Rambutso. Also includes papers related to the creation of the Enga Cultural Centre ... »
Gordon-Kirkby, John William
Frank Ryan's Papua New Guinea slide collection
The series consists of 395 images of people, families, villages, social life and customs as well as images taken in the course of Frank Ryan's work as a District Agricultural Officer.
Ryan, Francis Xavier
John Duffield's Papua New Guinea manuscript collection
The collection covers the period 1962 to 1976, when John Duffield was a Patrol Officer, Political Education Officer and District Government Liaison Officer with the Australian Public Service in Papua New Guinea. Included are Field Officer Journals from 19... »
Duffield, John
Personal papers of George Whittaker
Notes, newspaper articles, personal correspondence, letters by Whittaker, diaries, photographs, letters and documents in relation to his business as an optometrist in Papua New Guinea, documents relating to Awilunga Plantation Limited, legal and financial records.
Whittaker, George
Tok Pisin publications on the New Guinean dialect of English
Eighty five publications by various Tok Pisin authors. Includes publications on agriculture, health, education and literacy, government, religious texts, children’s books, grammars and phrase books, etc. Also some publications in local indigenous ... »
Balint, Andras
David Hegarty archive on governance and political change in the Pacific
Hegarty, David
Joanne Wodak collection of Ombisusu stories (folklore) from Papua New Guinea
Ombisusu stories is a collection folk stories gathered through oral history and research conducted by Joanne Wodak in mid 1969 while a tutor in literature at the University of Papua New Guinea from 1968 - 1970. The collection consists of stories by ... »
Wodak, Joanne
Report on coastwatching activity on Bougainville Island 1941 - 1943
Photocopy of original transcript, Parts I-XI and appendices A-L, includes detailed contents list, 148pp. Part 1 Introduction: Australian administration in the northern (mandated) Solomons on the outbreak of war with Japan ; Part 2: The evacuation of ... »
Read, William John (Jack)
Minutes of meetings and related papers Wahgi Local Government Council, Papua New Guinea
Nangamp [Nangamb] Native Local Government Council, Kerowil, minutes of meetings, Jan 1962-Feb 1965, in Pidgin;
Minj and Nangamp Local Government Councils, Kerowil, minutes of meetings, Apr-Aug 1965, in Pidgin;
Documents re amalgamation of Minj and Nangamp ... »
Wahgi Local Government Council, Papua New Guinea
1 poster
Roots, G
Reverend Harry T. Williams, Megalithic art structures found on Normandy Island, Papua.
Reverend Henry Williams was a Methodist Missionary on Normandy Island 1930 - 1945. In December 1940, during a pastoral and medical patrol to Sewa Bay, the inhabitants spoke of strange stones with unusual markings, which prompted Reverend Williams to ... »
Williams, Harry T
Peter White archaeological research papers on Lake Kopiago, Papua New Guinea
The collection includes papers, photographs, slides, negatives and contact prints relating to archaeological fieldwork in Papua New Guinea: in Lake Kopiago, Western Highlands District, Papua New Guinea (1967 and 1973) ; Kosipe, Central District (1964 and ... »
White, J Peter
University of Papua New Guinea household baseline surveys of rising expectations 1986
1 large box of field data sheets, with codes and reports from a UPNG survey conducted by four teams of students on Normandy and Fergusson Islands in 1986. The survey was undertaken to identify the monetary needs of householders to 'live well' and to ... »
University of Papua New Guinea
Jeff Doring collection of documentary material on the Bedamini people of Papua New Guinea
The collection was created by Jeff and Su Doring in c1972. The film (videocassette) 'Tidikawa and Friends' is a 50 minute documentary of the daily lives of the Bedamini speakers of PNG through the eyes of Tidikawa, a spirit medium who communicate with ... »
Doring, Jeff
Kevin Kerley's papers on the Bougainville conflict and peace process
Diaries and documents (government notices, private letters, newspaper clippings) maintained by Father Kerley during the Bougainville crisis from November 1988 until 1997. The material was collected by Father Kerley at the time or added to later. The hand ... »
Kerley, Kevin
Petrographic reports prepared as part of Dickinson's collaborative investigations with archaeologists working in the South Pacific.
Dickinson, William R (Bill)
Manuscript of an autobiography written by Des Pike, Crumbs from Memory's Table
Volume 1 of his autobiography from the 1940s - 1960s includes: Early memories; Mount Barker 1940 - 1945; Melbourne 1946 - 1955; Melbourne The Australian School of Pacific Administration (ASOPA) 1956; Port Moresby 1956; Manus 1956 - 57; Australian School ... »
Pike, G D (Des)
Vic Faulkner's collection of Lae, Papua New Guinea community and local government papers
The collection is the personal collection of Vic Faulkner who was a councillor on the Lae Town Council from the inaugural meeting in 1971 until 1974. The collection includes the Lae Town Council inaugural election political material for 1971 ; Lae Town ... »
Faulkner, Victor
Kenneth Read papers relating to teaching Australian School of Pacific Administration (ASOPA) courses
The collection consists of typed copies of Dr Read’s anthropology lecture notes for the Australian School of Pacific Administration (ASOPA). Also, contains the lecture notes of other academics for ASOPA courses including Marie Reay, Camilla Wedgwood and June Watkins.
Read, Kenneth E
Papers relating to the translation of The Bible into Kiriwina
This series has not been processed
Lawton, Ralph
Peter Sack land court decisions in Papua New Guinea
Copies of judgements from the Land Titles Commission, Native Land Commission and New Guinea Central Court relating to Dr Sack’s work on land tenure in Papua New Guinea. Includes copies of transcripts of evidence before the Land Titles Commission on the ... »
Sack, Peter Georg
Pacific Research Archives estrays
This series is a collection of Pacific-related material donated by various students and staff.
Pacific Research Archives
Geoffrey Hope collection of papers on population and the environment in Papua New Guinea
Research collection collected by Geoffrey Hope during fieldwork in Papua (Irian Jaya) and Papua New Guinea (1980 - 1995). Collection consists of reprinted articles, unpublished reports, one field notebook, one closed ANU file (5-17-2) on the Mount ... »
Hope, Geoffrey Scotford
Fry collection on politics in the Pacific Islands
Fry, Gregory Ernest
Papua New Guinea aerial photographs
Martha Macintyre and Simon Foale photographic prints of Lihir, Papua New Guinea
15 colour photographic prints on backing board. The photos are of people, landscape and mining activities in Lihir, Papua New Guinea. The photos were taken by Dr Martha Macintyre and Dr Simon Foale.
Macintyre, Martha
Dickson research on Papua New Guinea missionary history
Box of index cards includes notes on missionary history and notes on oral history interviews conducted by Dickson with missionaries and church personnel (recordings have not survived). Two oral history interviews, one with GT Roscoe (31 Jan 1969) and ... »
Dickson, Don
Michael Young's Papua New Guinea anthropological consultancy reports and research papers
Contains anthropological research papers relating to four Papua New Guinea projects.
Records of the Milne Bay Oil Palm social impact study are
fieldwork papers (items 1-12),
consultancy report papers (items 13-18),
related technical reports (items 19-31)
Young, Michael Willis
Personal records of Gow's life in Papua New Guinea including paper files, film (8mm, 9.5mm and 35mm), photographs and slides, transparencies, paintings and ephemera. Also includes family records. Description of film reels are based on frames at the ... »
Gow, Allan Flinders
Judy Davis unpublished manuscript for PhD in womens history, Papua New Guinea from 1874 - 1942
Draft manuscript for a PhD on the cultural history of women in Papua New Guinea from 1874 to 1942. The work examines the actions of 'white' women in a country with divided administrations and divided cultural histories - women from Australia, China ... »
Davis, Judy
Photographs of Papua New Guinea
Black and white photographs of New Guineans, plantation workers, missionaries and buildings in Daru, Port Moresby, and Goaribari Island in Papua New Guinea
Stinear photographs of Papua New Guinea
104 photographic prints
Stinear, Bruce H
Mugford collection of photographs of Papua New Guinea
164 photographic prints, slides, and negatives of people and places related to Papua New Guinea. Many were taken by the Information & Extension Services, Administration of Papua & New Guinea or Department of External Territories, Canberra.
Mugford, Marilyn
Field notes and tapes on the Markham language group, Papua New Guinea
Holzknecht studied languages of the Markham family of languages in Papua New Guinea, including the Wampar, Aribwaungg (Yalu), Musom, Labu and Aribwatsa (now extinct) language groups. The collection includes field notes and recordings of the languages ... »
Holzknecht, Susanne
Research papers and essays on the Western Pacific, particularly Tonga and Fiji; correspondence, course, conference and teaching files, project and survey files, reports, Foreign Office confidential prints 1888-1890, British legislation concerning the ... »
Crozier, Dorothy Felice
This file contains a report on the visit to New Guinea by Professor Raymond Firth, Professor Jim Davidson and Professor Oskar Spate in October-November 1951, a report ‘Some problems of development in New Guinea’ by Spate, CS Belshaw and Professor Swan, ... »
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
Correspondence, 1949–1987
Administrative papers, RSPAS, 1970–1994
Language journals, 1939–1966
Turkic language research notes, 1940s
Language research papers: Papua New Guinea, 1950s–90s, Solomon Islands, 1950s–90s, Pacific languages, Australian languages, 19... »
Wurm, Stephen Adolphe
Ric Shand research papers on Papua New Guinea and India
Boxes 1-7 (Items 1 - 84) are Pacific research papers, unpublished papers, and publications on rural development, economics and labour in Papua New Guinea. Includes reports of Board of Inquiry on rural wages and related matters (1970), theses, and maps. A ... »
Shand, Richard Tregurtha
James Jupp's papers on Vanuatu
Correspondence, 1978-1981
Articles, 1978-1986
Conference & workshop papers, 1980-1982
Press cuttings/reports, 1977-1982
Files on politics in Vanuatu, 1975-1980
Jupp, James
Posters prepared for the Infant Welfare Section, Department of Public Health, Papua New Guinea.
Chambers, Jean
Diaries, 1931-2002
Film and theatre albums, 1932-1990s
Personal papers, 1921-2001
Large format material, 1920s-1982
Correspondence, 1956-2005
University research material, 1940s-1950s
Research materials, 1950s-2000
MAGNT Aboriginal Art Collection, 1960s-1970... »
Groger-Wurm, Helen
Carol Jenkins research collection on sexually transmitted diseases in the Asia-Pacific region
The collection has a strong emphasis on Papua New Guinea and Myanmar, but includes other countries - Thailand, Cambodia, China and Africa. Photographs of people, family groups, villages with some place names - Goilala, Baruni, Eastern Highlands, Kimbe.
Jenkins, Carol
D'Arcy Ryan papers on the Mendi in the Southern Highlands of Papua New Guinea
Papers, photographs, slides, field notes made by D'Arcy Ryan in the Mendi Valley, Papua New Guinea, 1954 - 1964 and papers related to his role as a lecturer in anthropology at the University of Western Australia until 1988.
Ryan, D'Arcy James
Thomas Watson ephemera on Papua New Guinea
Pamphlets, leaflets, newsclippings and other ephemera related to Papua New Guinea circa 1970-1995.
Watson, Thomas
Department files and audiovisual material
Includes annual reports, correspondence, meeting minutes and other administrative papers relating to the Department of Human Geography. Also includes, interviews with Professor Oskar Spate.
ANU Department of Human Geography
The collection was formed during 1969 and 1970 by John R Baker, Economist to the Government of Tonga and resident in the capital of Nukualofa from August 1969 to May 1970. Baker was employed by the British Ministry of Overseas Development and was ... »
Baker, John R
Matthew Spriggs papers relating to the Bougainville crisis
Newspaper clippings, newspaper articles, correspondence, conference papers, and posters relating to the Bougainville crisis.
Spriggs, Matthew
This deposit has not been processed. Collection largely consisting of materials on mining in Irian Jaya.
Mitton, Robert
Part 1 - These papers mainly relate to Gunther’s time as Vice-Chancellor of the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG), and include some papers relating to Gunther’s time as the Director of Public Health and Assistant Administrator in Papua New Guinea. ... »
Gunther, John Thomson
Includes government, scientific, and medical reports and papers relating to Dr Scragg's work, mostly in Papua New Guinea, the majority circa 1950-1970. Contains files on medical staff in PNG serving under Dr Scragg which may be restricted. One box of photographs.
Scragg, Roy
Hitchcock slides of Papua New Guinea and Nauru
Hitchcock, Nancy Eva
Records relating to excavations in Buang Merabak, New Ireland, Papua New Guinea. Includes field notebooks, correspondence, notes, reports, slides, photographs, negatives, audio cassettes, drawings and maps. Additional notes, photographs and reports by ... »
Rosenfeld, Andrée Jeanne
Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association collection
Press clippings from Hawaiian and other US press on the Pacific Islands, articles and reports. The files are arranged by the following subjects: American Samoa, American Polynesia, Anglo-American Rivalry for Pacific Islands, Arno Atoll (Marshall Islands),... »
Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association
Collection of administrative records 1966 - 1984, including applications for research grants, minutes of meetings, correspondence and the essays submitted, 1970 - 1984.
Te Rangi Hiroa Fund
Australian School of Pacific Administration records
The collection consists of reports, minutes of some ASOPA Council meetings, correspondence and internal documents relating to the School's administration, courses, staff, reviews and restructures. There are also documents relating to aspects of ... »
Australian School of Pacific Administration
Marie Reay anthropology collection
Research papers and notes on PNG elections, Kuma, Aboriginal Australians and gender relations; fieldwork notebooks, correspondence, draft manuscripts and completed MA thesis, sketches of kinship diagrams, reports and publications, financial records, ... »
Reay, Marie Olive