- AU NBAC S820
- Serial
- 1977, 1982
Hobart. Official organ of the Federated Liquor and Allied Industries Employees' Union of Australia. Three issues held
Federated Liquor and Allied Industries Employees' Union of Australia
216 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Hobart. Official organ of the Federated Liquor and Allied Industries Employees' Union of Australia. Three issues held
Federated Liquor and Allied Industries Employees' Union of Australia
Carpenters and Joiners of Australia Monthly Journal
Sydney. Published by the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners
Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners of Australia
Melbourne. Published by the Technical Teachers' Union of Victoria
Technical Teachers' Union of Victoria
Melbourne. A weekly newspaper of the Victorian Teachers' Association
Victorian Secondary Teachers' Association
Perth. Official publication of the State School Teachers' Union of WA
State School Teachers' Union of Western Australia
The Tasmanian Teacher, then Teacher
Hobart. Published by the Tasmanian Teachers' Federation
Tasmanian Teachers' Federation
Queensland Teachers Union Professional Magazine
Brisbane. Magazine published by the Queensland Teachers' Union. See also Queensland Teachers Journal (S59)
Queensland Teachers' Union
Sydney. Official organ of the Central Council of Railway Shop Committees, circulation throughout the rail transport industry of New South Wales
Central Council of Railway Shop Committees New South Wales
Published by the Refractory Girl Collective, Sydney. A Womens studies journal, then a Journal of radical feminist thought
Sydney. Published by the Australian Transport Officers' Federation, Airlines Division
Australian Transport Officers' Federation
Unemployment (General Newsletters, Broadsheets etc)
3 unemployment-related newsletters: Unemployment News, pubilshed by Work for Today Coalition, Carlton, Vic (issues 4-6, 15 held for 1979); Unemployment Action, published by Melbourne Unemployment Action Group, Fitzroy, Vic (issue 1 + minutes held, 1978); Unemployment Broadsheet, published by the Brotherhood of St Laurence (8 issues held, 1978-1980)
Melbourne. Published by the Australian Council of Trade Unions. Ceased publication at end of 1983. Issues from August 1978 to December 1983.
Australian Council of Trade Unions
Sydney. Official publication of the Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association (NSW Branch). Incorporates FED News (S804)
Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association of Australasia
Sydney. Official publication of the Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association (NSW Branch). Now incorporated in The Operator (S806)
Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association of Australasia
Sydney. Official organ of the Transport Workers Union of Australia
Transport Workers' Union of Australia
Melbourne. Official publication of the Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association (Victorian Branch)
Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association of Australasia
Sydney. Building Workers Industrial Union of Australia and the Operative Plasterers' and Plaster Workers' Federation of Australia. From May 1987 became Amalgamated News (S823). Incorporates BWIU Review and the Engine Driver. Some gaps in holdings.
Building Workers' Industrial Union of Australia
Canberra. Official journal of the BWIU of Australia, ACT Branch, Painters Union, ACT Branch, Plasterers Union and the Plumbers Union. Some gaps in holdings. Also includes Award reference book, 1976; one issue of Yulinga, official journal of the Phillip Community Club (Apr 1977)
Building Workers' Industrial Union of Australia
Melbourne. Newsletter of the Australian Corporate History Programme, University of Melbourne
Blackburn, Victoria. Official journal of the Victorian Sawmillers Association
Victorian Sawmillers Association
Union of Australian Women - National Circular
Sydney. Published by the Union of Australian Women. Also titled UAW Ink. Also includes 30th anniversary publication (1980).
Union of Australian Women
Melbourne. Published by the Australian Wheat Board
Australian Wheat Board
Sydney. Official organ of the Australian Forestry, Forest Products, Research, Sawmilling and Timber Marketing as represented by the Timber Development Association of Australia and its State Divisions.
The Australian Technical Teacher
Melbourne. Official journal of the Technical Teachers' Association of Australia
Technical and Further Education Teachers' Association of Australia
Melbourne. Official publication of the Vehicle Builders Employees Federation of Australia. One issue held
Vehicle Builders Employees' Federation of Australia
Information Bulletin and Prologue Notes (New South Wales Forest Products Association)
Sydney. Newspaper for the Sawmilling Industry of NSW, then NSW Forest Products Association Ltd
Australian Forest Industries Journal
Sydney. Published by the Australian Forest Industries
Sydney. Official organ of Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association of Australasia. From May 1987 became Amalgamated News (S823). Incorporates The Engine Driver and BWIU Review
Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association of Australasia
The Australian Sugar Journal & Australian Sugar Producers Annual Report
Brisbane. Issued by the Australian Sugar Producers' Association Limited. Includes 1984 annual report
Australian Sugar Producers' Association
Sydney. Trade journal published for the information of members of the Printing and Kindred Industries Union, New South Wales branch
Printing and Kindred Industries Union
Sydney. Published by the New South Wales District of the Australian Journalists' Association
Australian Journalists' Association
Sydney. National magazine of he Australian Hotels Association
Australian Hotels Association
Sydney. 1. Monthly Theoretical organ of the Workers' Party (Left Opposition) 2. Official organ of the Workers' Party for the Fourth International
Sydney. House journal of Dalgety Farmers Limited for staff and for private circulation
Dalgety Farmers Limited
Melbourne. Official organ of the Woolclassers' Association of Australia
Woolclassers' Association of Australia
Sydney. Published for and on behalf of Tooth Hotels Pty Ltd
Tooth and Company Limited
Research Bulletin - FIA of Australia
Sydney. Published by the Research Department of the FIA of Australia. Includes some reports of the Research Department to the Annual National Conference
Federated Ironworkers' Association of Australia
Newcastle. Monthly bulletin of the Society of Iron Shipbuilders and Structural Iron and Steel Workers of Australia
Boilermakers' Society of Australia
Melbourne. Published jointly by the NSW Teachers Federation, Victorian Secondary Teachers Association, Technical Teachers Union of Victoria, Northern Territory Teachers Federation, South Australian Institute of Teachers and ACT Teachers Federation in collaboration with the Australian Teachers' Federation
Australian Teachers' Federation
Melbourne. Official organ of the Plumbers' and Gasfitters' Employees Union of Australia
Plumbers and Gasfitters Employees' Union of Australia
SA News and CSIRO Bulletin, also Wavelength
Melbourne. Journal of the CSIRO Officers' Association
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Officers' Association
Melbourne. Official publication of the Australian Timber Workers' Union
Australian Timber Workers' Union
Sydney. Official journal of the Technical and Further Education Teachers' Association of the Australian Teachers' Federation
Technical and Further Education Teachers' Association of Australia
Adelaide Steamship Co. Ltd - Annual Report
Adelaide Steamship Company
Sydney. Published by Old Mole Workers' Council. The Union, University of Sydney
Sydney. Published by Tooth's Brewery Recreation Association
Tooth and Company Limited
Adelaide Steamship Co. Ltd - Newsletter
Adelaide. Published by the Adelaide Steamship Co Ltd as a communication to the staff
Adelaide Steamship Company
Sydney. A magazine of the New South Wales Nurses' Association
New South Wales Nurses and Midwives' Association
Melbourne. A journal of Marxism-Leninism
Communist Party of Australia
The NSW Timber Worker, then The Timber Worker
Sydney. Official journal of the Australian Timber Workers' Union, NSW Branch
Australian Timber Workers' Union
Liquor Trades Review (South Australian Branch)
Adelaide. Official organ of the Federated Liquor and Allied Industries Employees' Union of Australia, South Australian Branch
Federated Liquor and Allied Industries Employees' Union of Australia
Canberra. Journal of the ACT Teachers Federation
Australian Capital Territory Teachers' Federation
Sydney. Published monthly by Thomson Publications Pty Ltd
Western Australia Employers Federation/Industrial Commission - Exhibits and Transcripts
Perth. Published by the Western Australian Employers' Federation / Industrial Commission
New South Wales Industrial Commission - Transcripts
Industrial Commission of New South Wales
Sydney. Published by Actors' and Announcers' Equity Association of Australia
Actors' Equity of Australia
Adelaide. Official organ of the Musicians' Union of Australia (Adelaide Branch). Two issues held
Musicians' Union of Australia
The Australian Sugar Year Book
Brisbane. Published by Strand Publishing and officially ensorsed by the Australian Cane Growers' Association and the Australian Sugar Producers' Association Ltd. Most issues held 1945-1980
Australian Sugar Producers' Association
The Timber Worker (South Australian Branch)
Official magazine of the Australian Timber Workers' Union, South Australian branch. Three issues held for 1983, and a summary of financial account for the branch for the year ended 30 June 1987
Australian Timber Workers' Union
Melbourne. Official publication of the Australian Pharmaceutical Chemists Association
Melbourne. Dalgety-New Zealand Melbourne Branch Staff Bulletin
Dalgety and New Zealand Loan Limited
World Federation of Trade Unions and Indo China (was Vietnam)
Prague. Published by the World Federation of Trade Unions
Transport Workers of the World
Prague, Budapest. Quarterly review of the Trade Unions International of Transport Workers
News Bulletin, then Information Bulletin, then Special Information
Prague, Budapest. Published by the Trade Unions International Budapest (Trade Department of World Federation of Trade Unions)
London. Joint monthly journal of the International Federation of Trade Unions and the International Trade Secretariats
Sydney. Monthly digest of trends in the Soviet Union and other socialist countries
Tokyo, Japan. Published by the General Council of Trade Unions of Japan
Sydney. Organ of the Central Committee of the Socialist Party of Australia
Socialist Party of Australia
Shipbuilding - Ship Repair and Services
Sydney. Published by Marine Press Pty Ltd
Seamen's Journal (New Zealand)
Wellington. New Zealand. Official organ of the Seamen's Union of New Zealand. Some gaps in holdings
Melbourne, Sydney. Official organ of the Federated Seamen's Union of Australasia. Some gaps in holdings. Jun 1913 issue is a photocopy
Seamen’s Union of Australia
Prague, Czechoslovakia. Published by the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU)
World Federation of Trade Unions
Sydney. Official publication of the Australian Peace Committee for Detente, Disarmament and Development
Helsinki, Finland. Publication of the World Peace Council
World Peace Council
Sydney. Published by the NSW Peace Committee for International Cooperation and Disarmament
Bombay, India. Maritime magazine of India, for the Maritime Union of India
Maritime Union of India
New York. Published by the National Maritime Union of America
National Maritime Union of America
Prague, Czechoslovakia. Published by the World Federation of Trade Unions. Published in French, English, Spanish and Russian
World Federation of Trade Unions
Helsinki, Finland. Published by the Information Centre of the World Peace Council
World Peace Council
Sydney. Official journal of the Trade Union Information and Research Centre
Sydney. Printed and published by Shipping Newspapers Limited. Supplement to 'Daily Commercial News and Shipping List'
Sydney. Journal of the Association of Foremen and Supervisors
Association of Foremen and Supervisors
Prague, Czechoslovakia. Published weekly in English, French, Spanish, Russian and Arabic by the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU)
World Federation of Trade Unions
Ship to Shore, then Door to Door
Melbourne. Published by Associated Steamships Pty Ltd as the Staff Journal. Vol 1 no 1 June 1967. To Dec 1970 as Ship and Shore then incorporated in Door to Door in Jan 1971. Vol 1 No 1 - Issue No 18 held, with gaps
San Francisco. Published by the International Longshoremens' and Warehousemens' Union. Holdings: 1956 - 1990 (incomplete)
International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union
Melbourne. Published by the Law Book Co of Australia Pty Ltd. Industrial Arbitration Service detailing various variations in Federal and State awards and rulings
Ballarat Trades and Labor Council deposit
This deposit was transferred to the custody of the Ballarat Trades and Labour Council in 2016.
Copies of a draft scheme of Federation by the Australasian Federation of Labour, submitted by the seventh Intercolonial Trades and Labour Congress to the Labor Councils and Labour Unions of Australasia 1891 and posters relating to Eight-Hour Day celebrations. Other records of the Ballarat Trades and Labour Council including minutes, correspondence and records of Ballarat branches of trade unions now held by the Ballarat Trades and Labour Council.
Ballarat Trades and Labor Council
Catalogues of exhibitions at the Drill Hall Gallery
These are printed copies of catalogues for exhibitions held in the Drill Hall Gallery.
University Art Collection
The BHP Review, then BHP Journal
Melbourne. Published by the Public Affairs Department of BHP Co Ltd. To 1968 as The BHP Review
Broken Hill Proprietary Company
Australian Foremen Stevedores Association Review
Sydney. Published for the Australian Foremen Stevedores' Association
Australian Foremen Stevedores' Association
Bulletin for Asia and South Pacific Region, published by the World Federation of Trade Unions
World Federation of Trade Unions