- Deposit
- 1902 - 1956
Political pamphlets, serials and books.
Lewis, Milton James
197 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Political pamphlets, serials and books.
Lewis, Milton James
F H Gruen Collection deposit 1
A collection of transcripts of minutes related to the Inquiry into Trade in Wool 1958–1959 and the Wool Marketing Committee of Inquiry 1961.
Gruen, Fred Henry George
This is a xeroxed copy of Jensen's manuscript, Reminiscences of a Geologist, written about 1957. The original was kept in Dr Jensen's possession.
Jensen, Harald Ingemann
Research papers, correspondence and drafts of his, A World History of Sheep and Wool, published in 1957. Also includes material on pioneering families in Victoria and the Riverina, periodicals, pamphlets, newspaper cuttings and books.
Guthrie, James Francis
Geoff McDonald Collection deposit 1
Roneoed Building Workers' Industrial Union of Australia (BWIU) and Australian Council of Trade Union (ACTU) Congress minutes and printed material.
McDonald, Geoff
Minutes, correspondence, arbitration material, circulars, balance sheets, pamphlets, serials, press cuttings and posters of the Australian Journalists Association, the Australia-China Society, the Melbourne University Labor Club, the Communist Party of Australia and a number of trading enterprises, including Wallaby Recordings.
Gott, Ken D
Papers on public service unionism, in particular the Tracy v. Bradley Case and subsequent related events; includes correspondence, petitions, reports, newspaper cuttings, papers read at the Postmasters’ Conference in Brisbane 1938; records re the Bailey Committee on Appointments and Promotions in the Commonwealth Public Service; printed material re Catholic Action, the Democratic Labor Party (DLP), the National Civic Council (NCC) and 'Grouper' material.
Tracy, Augustine Joseph
Various papers, including prospectus of the Australian Gas Light Company, 1836; transcript of the Royal Commission on Espionage, 1954–1955; papers relating to taxation matters including the Royal Commission on Taxation 1921–1963 and the Co-operative movement, 1924–1962. The collection includes reports, correspondence, newspaper cuttings, printed matter, papers and notes re theory and practice of taxation in Australia.
Jefferies, Charles S
Joe Harris Collection deposit 1
Records of the Queensland Building Trades Group (1928-1965) including rules and copies of minutes, of the United Operative Bricklayers' Society of Queensland including rules and correspondence (1926-1946), copies of minutes of the Trades and Labour Council of Queensland Council and Congress, arbitration material relating to Queensland awards, rules, reports and printed material of various unions, early socialist publications (1897-1912).
Harris, William Julius Henry
Australian Chamber of Shipping press releases
Press releases.
Australian Chamber of Shipping
Copies of circulars, newssheets, letters, and ephemera distributed to Victorian secondary teachers by the Victorian Secondary Teachers' Association, the Victorian Teachers' Union, the Victorian Education Department, and local high school teachers' associations.
Dowling, Austin
A collection of political pamphlets and leaflets, material from the Communist Parties of Australia, Great Britain, New Zealand and Soviet Union. Also includes periodicals and photographs.
Gollan, Robin Allenby
Research material for Ivan Southall’s novel, The Weaver from Meltham.
Andersen, Le Clerc
This material was collected by F D Mercer and includes business records, correspondence, memoranda, mortgages and bills of sales, notes and printed material about shipping based in Albany, Western Australia and the Albany fruit export trade.
Mercer, F D
Graziers' Association of New South Wales deposit 2
Annual reports and proceedings of Pastoralists' Union of New South Wales and Graziers' Association of New South Wales.
Graziers' Association of New South Wales
Copies of pamphlets relating to politics and the labour movement.
Saffin, Norman William
History of Cobb and Co manuscript
Typescript of the manuscript for the booklet 'Cobb and Co.' by Joan Rutherford. A copy of the 1971 published booklet is also included.
Rutherford, Joan Edith Lorraine
Australian Workers’ Union publications and reports, together with Williams’ book: Yellow, Green and Red.
Williams, Cecil Wallace Edgar
A history of the Boilermakers Society of Australia compiled from roneoed extracts and notes taken from the Society's journal. This volume of notes was compiled by John Egerton, as President of the Queensland Trades & Labour Council.
Egerton, John Afred Roy
John Playford Collection deposit 2
Research collection of minutes, circulars, leaflets, pamphlets, books, serials, posters and press cuttings relating to the peace movement, the Vietnam War, university student organisations, feminism, public administration, political parties and elections, Australian and overseas Jewish organisations, Rhodesia, Australian Journalists’ Association, Australia’s immigration policy and new Australians, German Democratic Republic and other matters. The deposit also includes miscellaneous books.
Playford, John Drysdale
Brigadier General Evan Wisdom records
Correspondence, photographs, press cuttings and printed material about the mandated Territory of New Guinea.
Wisdom, Evan Alexander
State government loan prospectuses
This is a small collection of loan prospectuses for State government bodies organised by State.
Noel Butlin Archives Centre
Mining News of Australia deposit
Issues held from Dec 1971 to Sep 1972 (vol. 1, no. 1 - no. 20), then renamed Mining and Exploration News with issues held from Sep 1972 to Jan 1974, vols. 1 - 8, 12 - 17.
Graber and Associates Proprietary Limited
Letters from Robert H Adams to J H Vagg
Outletters from Robert H Adams to J H Vagg, dairy farmer of Cobden, re survey and sale of land blocks owned by Adams, 20 June 1888 - 13 March 1893
Adams, Robert H
Mount Isa Trades and Labor Council deposit
Printed material - pamphlets, circulars and newspaper cuttings - relating to the Mount Isa Mines strike.
Mount Isa Trades and Labor Council
Publications of various companies
A small collection of publications from Australian and Malaysian companies.
Noel Butlin Archives Centre
A typescript copy of Leila Thomas' original Master of Arts thesis at the University of Sydney from 1919, 'The Development of the Labour Movement in the Sydney District of New South Wales: being a discussion of the relation between the Labour Movement and current politics from 1788 to 1848'. It was published by the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History in 1962 with an introduction by Dr Michael Roe.
Australian Society for the Study of Labour History
Trades and Labor Council of Queensland printed material
Printed indexes to Queensland Trade Union Congress decisions (1910-1968) and printed material relating to congresses (1967-1975).
Trades and Labor Council of Queensland
Xerox copy of a diary recording one of his trips through Queensland in search of work during the depression, 28 June - 31 October 1931.
Combey, Tom
A small collection of company prospectuses including Finance Corporation of Australia, General Motors Acceptance Corporation, General Credits Limited.
Noel Butlin Archives Centre
Investment circulars from stockbrokers to clients.
Noel Butlin Archives Centre
Various company publications including BHP review 1958-1971, Carlton United Breweries 'What's brewing' 1950-1956, Olympic Group's 'Discobolus' 1966-1971 and Vacuum Oil Company Review 1956-1970.
Noel Butlin Archives Centre
Memoir written by George Ashton of the events of his life in New Zealand and Australia (including near Braidwood, New South Wales), before and during the First World War and later in the Commonwealth Public Service of Australia.
Ashton, George
A small collection of printed material relating to the history of regional areas in New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland.
Noel Butlin Archives Centre
Manuscript of an unpublished autobiography, personal correspondence, subject files, photographs, and printed material re the Waterside Workers Federation of Australia.
Fitzgibbon, Charles Henry
Amalgamated Engineering Union membership and contribution cards, award and printed material.
Edwards, H R
Transcripts and audio recordings of oral history interviews donated to the Archives.
Noel Butlin Archives Centre
Printed material relating to the 1975 Federal election including newsletters, leaflets, press releases, speeches, how-to-vote cards, cartoons, and posters from the Australian Labor Party, the Liberal and National Country Party, the Socialist Workers' League, the Australia Party and other organisations.
Noel Butlin Archives Centre
Publications relating to employment by CSR, agriculture and the sugar industry, and Indian residents in Fiji. Includes language publications and historical publications.
Freeman, Walter Frank Harcourt
Australian Council of Salaried and Professional Associations deposit 2
Minutes of Federal Executive (1956-1967), conference reports, correspondence and files of Melbourne office and Victorian Division, arbitration material, and printed material. Also includes one bundle of ACSPA material sent to Australian Bank Officials Association (1961-1965) and several files of the Federation of Scientific and Technical Workers (1946-1953). A McD Richardson, ACSPA Assistant Federal Secretary was also General Secretary of the Federation of Scientific and Technical Workers.
Australian Council of Salaried and Professional Associations
Labor Council of New South Wales Building Trades Group deposit
Records of the Building Trades Group of New South Wales including minutes, subject files, site and dispute files, site agreements, and framed life membership certificate from Operative Painters' and Decorators' Union, NSW Branch issued to A de Vere (1929).
Labor Council of New South Wales
Maps, plans and working files of Cessnock No.1 and No.2 Colleries, Neath Colliery, Stanford Main No.2 Colliery and Stanford Colliery. Also includes correspondence, reports, drawings of equipment and returns of work stoppages.
Mol, Gerardus S
Australian Council of Professions deposit
Minutes, agenda and position papers of meetings and teleconferences, policy issue files re competition policy files, files of the Education Sub-Committee and Professional Liability Committee, subject files, correspondence files, reports of constituent bodies, Master & Day files, and printed material. Also includes meeting papers of the Telecom Small Enterprise Policy Panel.
Australian Council of Professions
Federated Mining Mechanics' Association of Australasia NSW Branch deposit
Membership and financial records, rule books, branch and sub-branch minutes (Southern Sub Branch and Federated Mining Mechanics and Surfacemen’s Mutual Protective Association, Lithgow Branch), industrial records, case files and transcripts. Includes records of predecessor the Colliery Mechanics Mutual Protective Association, Hunter River District.
Federated Mining Mechanics' Association of Australasia
Federated Marine Stewards and Pantrymen’s Association of Australasia, Victorian Branch deposit
General office files, 1956-1988
Federated Marine Stewards and Pantrymen’s Association of Australasia
Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association New South Wales Branch deposit 3
Subject files and unlisted material.
Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association of Australasia
Building Workers' Industrial Union South Australian Branch deposit
Records of the South Australian Branch of the Builders' Labourers' Federation and the Building Workers' Industrial Union: minutes of general, Executive and shops' stewards meetings (1974-2001), membership registers (1948-1984), newscuttings (1970-1992), arbitration files and workplace agreement files, files relating to CFMEU amalgamation, circulars, photographs and printed material including building trade journals, histories, awards and rules. Also includes members' contribution book of Operative Bricklayers' Tilers' and Tuckpointers' Society of South Australia (1958-1961).
Building Workers' Industrial Union of Australia
The deposit consists of records covering Barbara Reed's involvement with the IT 21 committees, teaching at Monash University's School of Librarianship Archives and Records, and other professional development. Includes teaching materials, workshop papers and reading materials, and committee records.
Reed, Barbara
Plumbers and Gasfitters Employees' Union Victorian Branch deposit 3
Victorian Branch Committee of Management minutes (1986-1989), arbitration material and printed material. This deposit is not yet processed.
Plumbers and Gasfitters Employees' Union of Australia
Public Health Association of Australia deposit 2
This deposit includes corporate files, correspondence and records about public health campaigns.
Public Health Association of Australia
CSR Limited Pyrmont Engineering Workshops plans
34 plans of CSR buildings, processing plants, vehicles and vehicle parts.
Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited
Australian Telephone and Phonogram Officers' Association New South Wales Branch deposit
Records of the New South Wales Branch: minutes (1943-1985), copies of Federal Council minutes, subject files including minutes, Telecom Consultative Council material, occupational health and safety issues, files for all NSW town exchanges, outwards correspondence, incoming and outgoing telexes, questionnaires, circulars, arbitration material, photographs, and gadgets to assist Repetition Stain Injury sufferers.
Australian Telephone and Phonogram Officers' Association
Intercolonial Investment, Land and Building Company deposit
Annual reports, financial records, correspondence, ledgers, journals, wages journals, building accounts, register of properties offered for sale, agreements for sale of land, loans applications book, paid out securities, real estate maps (Sydney and Perth), photographs, posters, illustrations and press cuttings from newspapers, pamphlets and printed materials.
Intercolonial Investment, Land and Building Company Limited
Rules of the Sydney Stock Exchange
Rules of the Sydney Stock Exchange including drafts and amendments.
Sydney Stock Exchange
The journal dates from 2 June 1924 when the property of Gunnible was acquired by RA Staughton from Thomas and Percival Willsallen and ends on 30 June 1930.
Gunnible Station
Superannuated Commonwealth Officers' Association Victoria deposit
Minutes of Executive and general meetings, rules, records of incorporation, correspondence with members, incoming and outgoing correspondence and newsletters.
Superannuated Commonwealth Officers' Association
Annual reports of TAL Holdings Limited and IPEC Holdings Limited and publications of the Federal Hotels Group collected during research for Blueprint for the casino industry: Federal Hotels and Wrest Point. Sutton’s publication was commissioned by the Federal Pacific Hotels and Casinos, and explores the history of the legislative development of its casino at Wrest Point, Tasmania and the history of the company since its formation in 1885.
Sutton, Keith Ashley
Correspondence, minutes, notebooks, cash & expenditure books, transcript of interview, and printed material relating to the Australian Labor Party (Vic Branch), Australian Workers’ Union (Mildura Branch), and Trades Hall Council (Mildura).
Robertson, Malcolm
History of the relationship between the Orient Line and Australian National Airways, typescript extracts and summaries of documents in the records of the Orient Line concerning its interests in ANA (later Ansett), and correspondence.
Sudlow, Richard
Salmond and Spraggon (Australia) deposit
Minutes of meetings of directors, certificate of incorporation, register of use of the common seal. The deposit includes minutes of Alberto Culver (Australia) Pty Ltd from 22 February 1990.
Salmond and Spraggon (Australia) Proprietary Limited
Stock Exchange of Adelaide records
This deposit contains the Official Record from 1922 - 1971, circulars from 1969 to 1989 and official lists from 1952 - 1954.
Stock Exchange of Adelaide
A collection of international publications relating to Communism including material published in Australia, China, Ceylon and the USSR. Includes a 1964 publication by Daphne Gollan.
Gollan, Daphne Eileen
Diaries and superannuation files relating mainly to the amalgamation of OT Lempriere and Company Ltd with HH Webb and Company Ltd. Papers relating to subsidiaries and related companies included: Balcomb Industries Pty Ltd, Associated Tin Smelters Pty Ltd, Midmetals Pty Ltd, Labor Funerals Ltd, Motor Funerals Ltd and Waratah Memorial Parks Ltd. Diaries include press clippings, correspondence, reports and extracts from Board minutes.
Roby, Alexander
Institute of Public Affairs deposit 1
Industrial Committee minutes (1944-1947), Director's correspondence files, Secretary's correspondence files, completed questionnaires (1943), distribution lists, speeches, press clippings, reports and printed material.
Institute of Public Affairs
Records relating to the proposal for an Undergraduate Medical School at the Australian National University and of a National Institute of the History of Medicine; papers relating to an adjudication by Dr F B Smith in reference to Indentured Labour in the British Empire, 1834–1920 [published by Croom Helm Ltd, 1984].
Smith, Francis Barrymore (Barry)
Draft chapters of, and sources for, Conciliation Can Work: A History of the Commonwealth Bank Officers’ Association; manuscript of Commonwealth Bank of Australia in the Second World War.
Mobbs, Charles Louis
Papers relating to her professional life. Working files re Australian Society of Archivists, Business Archives Council, Records Management Association of Australia (Victoria), Melbourne University Records Management Papers, cassette tapes on appraisal.
Jennings, Margaret Jean
Barbara Reed professional papers and teaching notes
The deposit consists of records covering Barbara Reed's involvement with the IT 21 committees, teaching at Monash University's School of Librarianship Archives and Records, and other professional development. Includes teaching materials, workshop papers and reading materials, and committee records.
Reed, Barbara
Sydney Stock Exchange index portfolio reports
ASX index portfolio reports.
Sydney Stock Exchange
Federated Coopers of Australia Victorian Branch deposit 2
Financial records and membership address books of the Victorian Society of Coopers and the Victorian Branch of the Federated Coopers of Australia.
Victorian Society of Coopers
Stock Exchange of Perth records
Committee and Annual General Meeting minutes and agenda papers, newspaper clippings and financial papers.
Stock Exchange of Perth
Audio tapes with biographical interviews of Fred Paterson. The Fred Paterson Story [sound recording]: Rhodes scholar, theologian, atheist, town councillor, first Communist to be elected to an Australian parliament: a life of service, East Perth : Grand Specialities - Round & Round Cassettes
Paterson, Frederick Woolnough
Publications of the Builders' Labourers' Federation
Chronological set of publications including notices, leaflets, posters and newsletters printed by the Builders' Labourers' Federation, many authorised by Norm Gallagher, General Secretary.
Australian Building Construction Employees' and Builders' Labourers' Federation
Photographs of the Tooth and Company brass band which operated from 1927 to 1932 at the Kent Brewery in Sydney.
Tooth and Company Limited
Digital recordings on compact disc of ABC radio program, The Week in Business. The program started in 1969 and was presented by Geoffrey Luck from 1972-1976. A number of ABC journalists, both local and overseas correspondents, presented segments on the program including Paul Lyneham, Ben Sandilands, Shane O'Connor, Terry Brown, Neville Petersen, Roger Allebone, Warwick Blood, Peter Barnett, Colin Rudd, Jeff McMullen and Des Power. Includes a 2007 index to the recordings.
Luck, Geoffrey
South Pacific and Oceanic Council of Trade Unions
Correspondence and reports of steering committees, conference and projects files, country files including correspondence with national unions and projects carried out in those countries, correspondence with affiliated organisations, issue files and media files.
South Pacific and Oceanic Council of Trade Unions
CSR Limited maps and plans deposit
Aperture cards, maps and plans of CSR properties and machinery. Includes plan indexes for Pyrmont Refinery. All maps and plans are catalogued using CSR Limited's original cataloguing numbers.
Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited
Copy of the diary of R McGregor Watson re settlement of the Gulf Country, 1873; and Charles Edward Flinders, 45 Years in the Great Nor-West of Western Australia, 1933.
Bauer, Francis Henry
Printed prospectuses and some reports of Australian companies including gold and oil mining companies in Australia, Papua New Guinea and Fiji. Most of the prospectuses are from the 1930s-1950s.
J B Were and Son
Depression Interviews - Modern Australia Oral History Project
Transcripts of oral history interviews.
Knott, John William
Records relating to the dispute concerning the non-payment of untaken sick leave to ex-employees of the Sydney County Council by the Electricity Commission of NSW as collected by Ron McGann. Includes correspondence, notes and transcripts of legal cases.
McGann, Ron
Stock Exchange of Hobart records
This deposit contains member files and an incomplete set of circulars to members from 1974 - 1988.
Stock Exchange of Hobart
Clerk of Works Institute of Australia deposit
The collection includes the Memorandum and Articles of Association, an early minute book, a membership list and various publications, including some of the Institute of Clerks of Works of Great Britain on which the Australian equivalents were based. Records of Jack Roberts include a memoir and correspondence relating to the Sydney Opera House project.
Clerk of Works Institute of Australia
Notes made by Terry Goulden during his work at St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney.
Goulden, Terry
Minute Book of the Factory Employees Union of Australasia
Minute Book of the Factory Employees Union of Australasia December 1909 - December 1910; also containing letters and notices of meetings, ballot count for election of officers January 1908 (pp 114), newspaper cuttings and photographs of Alf Carter, General Secretary (pp 111-113), pamphlet and postcard.
Factory Employees' Union of Australasia
Files on media companies including prospectuses, annual reports and investment reports prepared by Dobrijevic while working for stockbroking companies including BZW Australia Limited, ABN AMRO Australia Limited, BNP Equities Australia Limited and Salomon Smith Barney, later Citigroup Global Markets Australia
Dobrijevic, Peter
Financial and legal records, including wage books and motel bookings.
Alaric Holdings Proprietary Limited
Bruce Mitchell research papers
Material used in the preparation of the book Teachers Education and Politics by Dr Bruce Mitchell (1975). Includes file of the National Association of Labor Teachers.
Mitchell, Bruce Arthur
The prescription books are registers recording medications dispensed by the pharmacy on a daily basis. The details recorded include date dispensed, name and address of customer, and the pharmaceutical preparation or drugs dispensed. There are name indexes in the front of each volume. From 1952 to 1963 there is a second run of registers for medications dispensed under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Act.
Woodlands Pharmacy
Brisbane Stock Exchange Limited records
Includes minutes, Brisbane Stock Exchange Official Lists, quote sheets, circulars, correspondence files circulars and member firm files.
Brisbane Stock Exchange Limited
Sydney Stock Exchange member files
Member files
Sydney Stock Exchange
Burns Philp Washington Island Trading Station records
One file containing maps, correspondence, leases and court documents.
Burns Philp and Company Limited
Australian Association of Scientific Workers New South Wales Division deposit 2
Records of the NSW Division including minutes, circulars, reports and printed material.
Australian Association of Scientific Workers
Sydney Stock Exchange non-member partner personal files
Non-member partner files.
Sydney Stock Exchange
Australian Council of Trade Unions deposit 3
Subject and correspondence files including files for Executive meetings, trades and labor councils, affiliated unions, committees, outside bodies, Secretary's files (see also N21 and N68), minutes files 1927-1979, files of President Cliff Dolan 1980-1985 (items 347-365, 436-467) and President Simon Crean 1985-1991 (items 468-485, 670-751), Research Officer Rod Overall's files (items 418-435) and Art in Working Life project files (items 627-669).
Australian Council of Trade Unions
Graziers' Association of New South Wales deposit 1
Minutes of the Executive Committee, District Councils (Canonbar, Central Tablelands, Dubbo, Hunter, Lachlan, Mudgee, Monaro, Narrandera, New England, North Coast, North West, Southern Tablelands, South West and Tamworth), branches (Angeldool - Young) and committees, correspondence with indexes, subject files, circulars, financial records and printed material including 1890s publications of the Pastoralists' Union of NSW, other State pastoralists' organisations, the Machine Shearers' and Shed Employees' Union and other unions.
Pastoralists' Union of New South Wales
Professional Radio and Electronics Institute of Australasia deposit 2
This deposit contains correspondence files, circulars, arbitration material and some membership and financial records. It includes both Head Office and New South Wales Division records.
Professional Radio and Electronics Institute of Australasia
Australian Teachers' Federation deposit 5
This deposit includes circulars, subject files and office manager files.
Australian Teachers' Federation
Seamen’s Union of Australia, Sydney Branch deposit
Federated Seamen’s Union/Seamen’s Union of Australia Sydney Branch records, 1907-1980; Seamen’s Union of Australia Shipboard Committees papers, 1952-1990; financial records, 1958-1970; industrial awards, 1950-1982; minutes of stopwork meetings, 1957-1969; arbitration records, 1969-1976; industrial files, 1930-1967; Sydney Branch membership records, 1932-1987; correspondence/subject files, 1950-1985; Sydney Branch minute books, 1955-1980; Newcastle Branch minute book, 1933-1947; other branch minute books, 1967-1979; Maritime 100 Club financial records, 1972-1975; Firemen and Deckhands’ Union of NSW industrial awards and agreements, rules, newsletters and circulars, 1922-1980; Marine Drivers’ and Motor Coxswains’ Association of NSW correspondence, 1940-1967; NSW Dredge and Maritime Services Board Employees’ Association minute books, membership records, correspondence/subject files, 1918-1972; photographs, 1950s-1970s.
Seamen’s Union of Australia
Association of Draughting Supervisory and Technical Employees, ACT Branch deposit
Minutes and reports, correspondence files, financial and membership records, wages book, annual federal conference material, arbitration material, industrial files, amalgamation files, office files, newsletters and bulletins.
Association of Architects, Engineers, Surveyors and Draughtsmen of Australia