Australian Agricultural Company microfilm deposit 7
- Deposit
- 1850 - 1854
Microfilm copy of two bundles of original records of the Australian Agricultural Company.
Australian Agricultural Company
197 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Australian Agricultural Company microfilm deposit 7
Microfilm copy of two bundles of original records of the Australian Agricultural Company.
Australian Agricultural Company
Microfilm copy of Port Denison Times
Microfilm copy of Port Denison Times and Kennedy District Advertiser, Bowen, Queensland.
Noel Butlin Archives Centre
Elder Smith Goldsbrough Mort ledgers on microfilm
These are microfilm copies of general ledgers, 'B' ledgers and ledgers of 'Companies Own Properties' from Goldsbrough Mort and Company's Melbourne office.
Goldsbrough Mort and Company
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia microfilm deposit 2
Microfilm copy of The Maritime Worker : the official organ of the Waterside Workers' Federation of Australia. vol. 1 (Apr 1938) - vol. 67 (Dec 1983).
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
Microfilm copy of Communist publications
Microfilm copy of publications of the Communist Party of Australia from the collections of Ian Turner and Les Barnes:
Barnes, Les
Microfilm of 'Kanaka Maratta: A History of Melanesian Mackay'
Microfilm copy of James Cook University PhD thesis by Clive Moore, based on research of CSR Ltd records.
Moore, Clive
Microfilm copy of Harvester Case transcript
Microfilm copy of the transcript of proceedings in the application of HV McKay for an order under the Excise and Tariff Act (Harvester Case) to the Commonwealth Court of Conciliation and Arbitration.
Commonwealth Court of Conciliation and Arbitration Principal Registry
The Bodalla Company Limited deposit 2
The records in this deposit were collected from the Bodalla Office in 1978. They consist of minutes and annual reports from the head office in Sydney, as well as correspondence, financial and general records from Bodalla relating to the running of the Estate and farms, land sales, the Bodalla Co-operative Cheese Society and some records from All Saints Church of England.
The Bodalla Company Limited
Victorian Operative Bricklayers' Society deposit
Minutes of general and Executive meetings (1911-1952), of Melbourne Lodge (1856-1946), Prahran Lodge (1925-1943) and Richmond Lodge (1922-1932), rule book, delegate's diary (1860), correspondence, membership records, financial records, photographs of centenary celebrations (1956) and printed material. Includes minutes of the Lock-Out Committee, Eastern Market Works (1878).
Victorian Operative Bricklayers' Society
New South Wales Public School Teachers' Federation deposit
This deposit contains records from a variety of teacher unions in New South Wales including the New South Wales Public School Teachers' Federation, the NSW Public School Assistant Teachers' Association, the Public School and Ex-student Teachers' Association, the Singleton District Teachers' Association, and the Hunter River District Secondary Teachers' Association. Records include minutes, correspondence files and photographs.
New South Wales Public School Teachers' Federation
Associated Chambers of Commerce of Australia deposit
Reports of proceedings of annual conferences (1946-1965) and eight group photographs (1933-1952).
Associated Chambers of Commerce of Australia
Adelaide Chamber of Commerce deposit 2
Annual general meeting minutes, 1937-1972; Council meeting minutes, 1965-1972; Executive Committee meeting minutes, 1971-1973; certificate of membership of Philadelphia Commercial Museum, nd; Commission of appointment to Victorian Goldfields Jubilee Exhibit, 1901; copies of, and replies to, Loyal Addresses, 1920-1954 (with gaps).
Adelaide Chamber of Commerce Incorporated
Adelaide Chamber of Commerce deposit 1
Minute books of meetings including executive committee, sectional committees and council (1865-1971); cash book (1939-1948); annual and other reports, including congress and conference reports (1891-1972).
Adelaide Chamber of Commerce Incorporated
Federated Miscellaneous Workers' Union New South Wales Branch deposit 1
Minutes of NSW Branch (1920-1940) and Newcastle Branch (1928-1950), financial records, rule books, membership records (1916-1944), award files, photographs and medallion presented to Joe Coote (1912).
Federated Miscellaneous Workers' Union of Australia
Graziers' Association of New South Wales deposit 4
Publications particularly of New South Wales Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works relating to proposed railways, also reports of grading and marketing of beef and Nelungaloo Pty Ltd appeal book.
Graziers' Association of New South Wales
Graziers' Association of New South Wales deposit 5
Printed material particularly relating to World War II, meat and wool.
Graziers' Association of New South Wales
Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union, Victorian Branch deposit
Rule books, photographs, printed material, posters, pamphlets, and notices of meetings. Also includes records of predecessor the Australasian Federated Butchers Employees’ Union.
Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union
Seamen’s Union of Australia, West Australian Branch deposit
Minutes of Shipboard Committees and Port Committee meetings,1960-1984; correspondence/subject files, 1958-1986; press clippings, 1958-1978.
Seamen’s Union of Australia
Victorian Teachers' Union deposit 1
This deposit includes secretary's correspondence 1929 - 1944, a cash book (1931 - 1936), draft articles on education matters (1943 - 1949), photographs (1926 - 1931) and printed materials (1937 - 1968).
Victorian Teachers' Union
Australian Third Division Telegraphists' and Postal Clerks' Union deposit 1
Minute books (1945-1967), proceedings of conferences (1927-1952), arbitration material, three photographs and printed material.
Australian Third Division Telegraphists' and Postal Clerks' Union
Minute books, correspondence re formation of the union and its Federal Council, general correspondence, contribution books, membership cards, mortuary levies book, financial records, reports, rule books, press cuttings, photographs and ephemera. Includes records of Victorian Branch and predecessors the Undertakers Assistants' Union of Victoria.
Undertakers Assistants' Union of Victoria
Amalgamated Engineering Union, Geelong Branch deposit
Minutes, donation and benefit books, clearance forms and certificate.
Amalgamated Engineering Union
Federated Liquor and Allied Industries Employees' Union South Australian Branch deposit
Minutes of the SA Liquor Trades Employees' Union and the Federated Liquor and Allied Industries Employees' Union of Australia SA Branch (1907- 1912, 1918-1948), correspondence, financial records, membership lists for SA, Victoria, Queensland and New South Wales (1907-1911), arbitration files, photographs, lapel badges and rosettes. Minutes (1920-1958), financial records and membership records of the Port Pirie Branch of the Hotel, Club, Restaurant and Caterers' Employees' Union of South Australia.
Federated Liquor and Allied Industries Employees' Union of Australia
Australian Hairdressers Wigmakers and Hairworkers Employees' Union, South Australian Branch deposit
Minutes, petitions, financial records, registers and board determinations of the South Australian Hairdressers' Board, photographs and publications.
Australian Hairdressers Wigmakers and Hairworkers Employees' Federation
Federated Storemen and Packers' Union of Australia, Victorian Branch deposit
This deposit consists of 67 photographs of Federal Councillors, office bearers, organisers and members.
Federated Storemen and Packers' Union of Australia
Transport Workers' Union Victorian Branch deposit
United Carters' and Drivers' contribution book (1890-1892), Federated Carters' and Drivers' Industrial Union: minutes (1908-1912) and contributions book (1908-1910), Transport Workers' Union minutes (1926-1948), financial records, membership records including Geelong and Western District sub-branch, correspondence, abitration material, printed material and photograph of LC Balton, Geelong and Western District sub-branch.
Transport Workers' Union of Australia
Australian Boot Trade Employees Federation South Australian Branch deposit 1
Minutes of meetings of the Board of Conciliation composed of members of employers and employees in the boot trade, 1886-1892, minutes of general special and committee meetings of the South Australian branch of the Australian Boot Trade Employees' Federation, 1920-1954, minutes of management committee meetings 1927-1939, other minutes relating to the boot trade in South Australia 1905-1948, correspondence received and copies of replies sent by the Secretary of the South Australian branch from all branches and Federal Council and other miscellaneous correspondence 1905-1930, Secretary's cash book 1919-1924, claims for mortality allowances 1941-1960, roll of members 1906-1953, transfer arbitration material 1904-1944, miscellaneous rule books, printed material and photographs.
Australian Boot Trade Employees' Federation
Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association South Australian Branch deposit
Minutes (1915-1933), correspondence, financial records, arbitration material, rule books, leaflets and one photograph (1913).
Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association of Australasia
Australian Boot Trade Employees Federation Federal Council deposit 2
Australian Boot Trade Employees' Federation
Amalgamated Engineering Union, Commonwealth Council deposit 2
Financial records, Commonwealth Council material re conferences and meetings, membership records, reports, journals and photographs. Includes financial and membership records of Queensland branches: Ipswich Branch, Innisfail Branch, Mt Isa Branch, Woolongabba Branch; New South Wales branches: Ashfield Branch, Bankstown Branch, Belmont Branch, Civic Branch, Hurstville Branch, Mayfield Branch, Newcastle Branch, Portland Branch, Rockdale Branch; Victorian branches: Melbourne No.7 Branch, Preston No.2 Branch, Ringwood Branch, Yarraville Branch; Tasmanian branches: Launceston Branch, Tamar Branch.
Amalgamated Engineering Union
Amalgamated Postal Workers' Union Queensland Branch deposit
Correspondence with other branches, Australian Labor Party, Director of Posts and Telegraphs (includes photographs of machinery), Postmaster-General, members of parliament, and printed material. Copies of material from the Australian Council of Trade Unions and the Australian Labor Party including rules and conference reports.
Amalgamated Postal Workers' Union of Australia
Australian Workers' Union deposit 4
Books of newspaper cuttings relating to awards and agreements, wool sales, rural industries, shearing industry strike 1945, basic wage enquiry and arbitration matters.
Australian Workers' Union
Geelong Trades Hall Council deposit
Copies of nine photographs of the Geelong Eight Hours Anniversary Committee (and associated activities) and Trades Hall Council delegates.
Geelong Trades Hall Council
Peel River Land & Mineral Company (Australian Office) deposit 2
All types of records relating to the company including memoranda and articles of association, certificates of registration, summaries of capital and stock, annual reports, financial records, despatches and correspondence. Includes station records for Goonoo Goonoo, Eagle Grange, Currawillinghi, Moorlands, Avon Downs, Mount Alfred, and Mount Margaret consisting of financial records, stock returns, shearing and wool records, land sales records, rent books, correspondence, salary and wages records, ledgers and day books, and maps.
Peel River Land and Mineral Company
Pastrycooks and Biscuit Makers Union deposit
Copies of photographs of Directors and Federal Council members originally held by the Victorian branch of the Union.
Federated Pastrycooks Employees, Biscuit Makers Employees and Flour and Sugar Goods Workers Union of Ausralia
Australian Agricultural Company (London Office) deposit 3
Australian Agricultural Company (AACo) records including minutes of meetings of the Courts of Directors, reports, financial records, share and shareholders' ledgers, stock and share registers, share and stock transfer certificates, correspondence; deeds, agreements and other legal documents between AACo and the Peel River Land and Mineral Company Ltd; records and working papers of subsidiary companies; records of Dark's Ice & Cold Storage Ltd including annual reports, balance sheets and accounts; station records including livestock returns and rainfall; and maps of Newcastle and surrounding district. The deposit also includes minutes, annual reports, auditors' reports and financial records of AA & P Joint Holdings Limited and Union Pastoral Investments Limited.
Australian Agricultural Company
Papers relating to the ACT Branch of the Builders Labourers Federation and personal papers. Includes rules, minutes, report, correspondence, printed material and posters.
McHugh, Don
Files and loose papers relating to the Victorian Branch and Federal Executive of the ALP, including ALP Socialist Left; some Plumbers’ Union records and printed material. Includes a copy of The George Crawford Papers 1940 -1990.
Crawford, George Robert
Working papers for a PhD thesis on the Australian plastics industry. Includes files, punch cards, printed material and chapter drafts.
Marsden, John S
Research papers on the munitions industry in Australia, 1897–1985, and for Knight's unpublished history of the industry, Explosives in Australia; professional papers of J L Knight including addresses, reports, notes and notebooks, correspondence, maps, photographs, printed material, Quadripartite Ammunition Conference papers, 1968-1984; material relating to the proposed arsenal at Tuggeranong, ACT; and papers of A E Leighton, 1903 -1956.
Knight, John Langford
Newspaper cuttings (organised by subject), Research paper re Papua New Guinea and New Zealand including pamphlets, circulars, correspondence, newspaper cuttings, articles, course notes, manuscripts and published material.
Martin, Ross Murdoch
Research papers, including notes on interviews, for Juddery's history of the Administrative and Clerical Officers Association published as White Collar Power: a History of the ACOA (Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 1980). The contents include photocopies of publications, copies of extracts from ACOA office files and minutes, printed material and correspondence.
Juddery, Bruce
Personal correspondence; business and academic papers relating to urban planning and management; papers relating to the University of Melbourne Student Representative Council, John Paterson Urban Systems, NSW Planning & Environment Commission and the Hunter District Water Board. Includes address books, desk diaries, reports and appointments books.
Paterson, John Pryde
Records of Dr K R Makinson relating to the activities of the Australian Association of Scientific Workers’ Sub-Committee on the Status of Women Employed in Science and related equal pay matters. Includes correspondence and reports.
Makinson, Kathleen Rachel
Air Pilots' Guild of Australia deposit
Papers of Frank Stevens, Industrial Officer for the Air Pilots' Guild of Australia. These papers were gathered by Stevens in preparation for and during the hearing and appeal of the Federal Court case to deregister the Guild.
Air Pilots' Guild of Australia
This deposit is an artificial collection made up of material relating to East Timor. The collection includes:
Papers of Anne Pickering relating to her involvements with the Australian East Timor Association (ACT) and other similar organisations.
Newspaper clippings from 1975
Reports from East Timor by Rick Collins and Jill Jolliffe (1975)
A small collection of East Timorese revolutionary poetry collected by Jill Jolliffe.
Pickering, Anne
Correspondence, press cuttings, printed material and photographs re John Alexander Gunn, his interests in rabbit control and anthrax, and articles relating to his wife Jessie Maria Gunn (nee Turner) and their sons Alexander and Angus.
Gunn, John Alexander
R J Morris (Australian Foremen Stevedores Association) papers
Personal and work diaries, correspondence, notes, invitations, press cuttings re the Australian Foremen Stevedores Association and the Catholic Action Movement, printed material and photographs.
Morris, Richard Joseph
Drafts of his biography of Sir Gordon Chalk; copies of papers of ANU administrative bodies; Commonwealth Government publications and press releases; press cuttings.
Hazlehurst, Cameron
Material collected by Plowman during his study of wage determination, employer associations, trade unions and Australian industrial relations. Includes constitution and rules of Trade and Labour Councils and trade unions, industrial awards and agreements, reports, conference papers, subject files, newspaper clippings, trade union journals and songbooks, and printed material. The records formed part of the research material used by Plowman to compile Australian industrial relations (Sydney : McGraw-Hill, 1980).
Plowman, David Henry
Research papers of John Simms Baker and G Sorrell relating to the preparation for Baker's book, Communicators and Their First Trade Unions, 1980. Includes draft chapters, chronologies with supporting documentation, photocopied extracts of union journals and Government publications on specific topics, pamphlets, press cuttings, etc relating to the history of the union, contributions from the public, and some correspondence relating to the history.
Baker, John Simms
F H Gruen collection deposit 4
Material relating to the 1986 Review of the Customs Tariff (Anti-Dumping) Act (1975), including the final report (March 1986), draft reports, submissions, printed material and miscellaneous working papers.
In February 1986 Senator Button (then Minister for Industry, Technology & Commerce) requested Professor Gruen, as as an economic advisor to the Federal Government, to conduct a review of the Customs Tariff (Anti-Dumping) Act 1975. Gruen's brief was to examine the Act and its administration in order to determine the need for improvements and suggest appropriate changes. Professor Gruen was also instructed to examine the merits of the inclusion of a National Interest Clause into the Act.
Gruen, Fred Henry George
F H Gruen collection deposit 5
Material related to the 1984 Panel of Review of the proposed Income and Assets Test comprising documents circulated to panel members, miscellaneous working papers and printed material, some with annotations. Professor Gruen served as chairman for the Panel of Review. It also contains a Transcript of Evidence (Draft) and Submissions made to the Panel's supervising body, The Senate Standing Committee.
Gruen, Fred Henry George
Patrick Troy collection deposit 2
Survey documents, press cuttings and printed material relating to land use studies carried out in Sydney by the Urban Research Unit, Australian National University, and in Melbourne by the University of Melbourne; reports and submissions, household interview and survey returns; correspondence; and papers relating to State Land Councils.
Troy, Patrick (Pat) Nicol
Herbert William Burkitt Collection
Slides and film of Mackay Bulk Sugar Terminals, flood at Mackay, and bulk sugar terminals in Hawaii.
Burkitt, Herbert William
Printing Industry Employees' Union of Australia, Western Australian Branch deposit
Minute books, correspondence, financial records, membership records, awards and arbitration material, reports and rule books. Includes records of predecessors the Western Australian Typographical Industrial Union of Workers, the Metropolitan Female Printing Employees' Union of Workers of Western Australia, and the Newspaper Industry Union of Workers.
Printing Industry Employees' Union of Australia
Printing Industry Employees' Union of Australia, Western Australian Branch microfilm deposit
Microfilm copy of minutes and rough minutes of the Western Australian Branch 1920 -1941, and record of attendances at Board meetings of the Western Australian Typographical Union of Workers, 1920 - 1921.
Western Australian Typographical Industrial Union of Workers
Victorian Printers Operatives' Union deposit 1
Minute books, annual reports, membership records, financial records, agreements, Silver Jubilee report and printing blocks.
Victorian Printers Operatives' Union
Printing Industry Employees' Union of Australia, Barrier Sub-Branch (Broken Hill) deposit
Minute books, balance sheets (includes register of members, mortality fee level and registration record), subscription and levy books. Includes records of predecessor the Barrier Typographical Society.
Printing Industry Employees' Union of Australia
Printing and Kindred Industries Union, South Australian Branch deposit 1
Office files including Secretary's correspondence, circulars, minutes of various organisations, reports, membership lists, Federal Executive minutes, agenda and reports for council meetings, industry material, pamphlets and publications; membership cards, 1963-67 and 1967-71; and address book.
Printing Industry Employees' Union of Australia
Gulson Proprietary Limited deposit
General file including photograph, photocopy of Gulson family tree, catalogue and price lists, correspondence, newspaper cutting and articles. Financial records, staff records and wages books.
Gulson Proprietary Limited
Sydney Stevedores Association deposit
Minute book. Includes the Sydney Stevedores’ Wool Dumping and Lighterage Association (Industrial Union of Employers) Rules adopted at a special general meeting held on 12 December 1902, pasted on the page after the minutes of that meeting.
Sydney Stevedores Association
Papers relating to Macfarlane’s activities in the Maritime Branches of the Communist Party of Australia and Socialist Party of Australia. Includes a biography, correspondence and printed material.
MacFarlane, Merv
Goldsbrough Mort and Company minutes, annual reports, balance sheet books and letterbooks
Minutes of Board meetings 1893 - 1965, annual reports 1882 - 1962, balance sheet books 1893 - 1956 and letter books 1944 - 1963. Includes annual reports of Australasian Agency and Banking Corporation 1879 - 1880.
Goldsbrough Mort and Company
Australian Services Union deposit 1
Municipal Officers' Association: 'history' files, rules, arbitration files, amalgamation files, photographs and printed material
Technical Service Guild: rules, arbitration files, photograph album and printed material
Australian Shipping and Travel Officers' Association: rules, arbitration material, amalgamation files and printed material
Australian Services Union: National Executive minutes (1991-1993), material relating to amalgamations, subject files, arbitration material and printed material.
Municipal Officers' Association of Australia
Correspondence received from Pete Thomas discussing social and political events between 1974 and 1988. Pete Thomas was editor (1973-1979) of the Australian Coal and Shale Employees' Federation (Miners' Federation) weekly Common Cause. Includes attachments to letters, which include copies of newspaper clippings, photographs, pamphlets, transcripts of speeches, and copies of other letters. See also deposit N324 Pete Thomas Collection.
Gillett, Judy Carol
Research files created by Burgmann during the writing of Green Bans, Red Union: Environmental Activism and the NSW Builders Labourers' Federation. Includes correspondence, minutes, newspaper clippings, including records of NSW Branch of the Australian Building Construction Employees & Builders Labourers Federation.
Burgmann, Meredith Anne
Australian Liquor Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers Union Australian Capital Territory deposit
This deposit contains awards and subject files on enterprise bargaining.
Australian Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers' Union
National Public Administration Industry Training Advisory Board deposit
Statutory records of the company, minutes of executive and board meetings, classified filing system re competency based training and standards, and general filing system.
National Public Administration Industry Training Advisory Body Limited
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Staff Association deposit
Constitution, minutes, annual reports, membership records and state branch records from the CSIRO Officers' Association; minutes, constitution, correspondence, membership records, and state branch records of the CSIRO Technical Association; and minutes, membership records and publications from the CSIRO Staff Association.
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Staff Association
Australian Foremen Stevedores' Association, National Office and branches deposit
Records of the New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria and Fremantle branches consisting of minutes, membership lists, memoranda and circulars, financial records, correspondence, rules, reports, awards, photographs, wage book, registration certificate and ephemera.
Australian Foremen Stevedores' Association
National AIDS Archive Collection non-Commonwealth government material
Material relating to Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) produced by non-Commonwealth organisations including State governments, non-governmental organisations, community groups and professional organisations, particularly relating to AIDS education and prevention including reports, booklets, bulletins, leaflets, advertisements, posters, discussion papers, conference proceedings, media kits, audio and video cassettes, and marketing material (t-shirts, postcards, stickers etc). The audiovisual material includes training material for prison officers and inmates, hospital nursing staff, medical officers; material targetted at Aboriginal women, Pacific women, young adults and non-English speaking people; recordings of conference proceedings, advertisements and radio programs.
Noel Butlin Archives Centre
Institute of Foresters of Australia newsletters
Newsletter Jun 1973, Mar 1980 - Dec 2013. Gaps: Issues before Mar 1980 (except Jun 1973), Sep 1984, Jun 1985, Jun 2002. Some annual reports and other newsletters.
Institute of Foresters of Australia
William Cooper and Nephews (Australia) deposit 2
Memorandum and articles of association, photographs, plan, minutes, copy of an industrial agreement and unpublished typescripts of company history.
William Cooper and Nephews (Australia) Proprietary Limited
Union of Postal Clerks and Telegraphists Victorian Branch deposit 1
Minutes of the Victorian Branch of the Fourth Division Postmasters, Postal Clerks and Telegraphists' Union (1959-1967) and of the Victorian Branch of the Union of Postal Clerks and Telegraphists (1967-1980), minutes of annual general meetings of the Australian Third Division Telegraphists' and Postal Workers' Union, then Union of Postal Clerks and Telegraphists (1950-1970), minutes of the Victorian State Committee of Management (1980-1990), copies of meeting agendas, conference papers, Victorian Branch newsletters and printed material.
Fourth Division Postmasters', Postal Clerks' and Telegraphists' Union
Correspondence, circulars, pamphlets, leaflets, photographs and documents related to TW Wright, Secretary of the New South Wales Branch and Federal President of the Sheet Metal Workers Union, various national and international organisations.
Sheet Metal Working Agricultural Implement and Stovemaking Industrial Union of Australia
Minutes of general, special and management committees, rules, correspondence, financial records and printed material re wage and award conditions. Includes records of predecessors the Federated Agricultural Implement, Machinery and Ironworkers' Association of Australia.
Sheet Metal Working Agricultural Implement and Stovemaking Industrial Union of Australia
Membership and financial records. Includes records of predecessor the Victorian Agricultural Implement and Machine Makers Society.
Federated Agricultural Implement Machinery and Ironworkers' Association of Australia
This deposit consists of office files that appear to have come from the office of Aden Oliver (Albert) Amos, Assistant Secretary of the NSW Branch of the Sheet Metal Workers Union. Minutes and agenda papers, office files including constitution and rules, financial records, certificates of registration, correspondence, amalgamation records, agreements, reports, industrial and arbitration material, pamphlets, booklets and banners. Includes records of predecessors the NSW Amalgamated Tinsmiths, Sheet Iron Workers & Meter Makers Trade Society, the NSW Amalgamated Sheet Metal Workers Society, the NSW Amalgamated Tinsmiths & Sheet Metal Workers Society, the Tin Canister Makers Employees Union of NSW, and the Sheet Metal Working Industrial Union of Australia.
Sheet Metal Working Agricultural Implement and Stovemaking Industrial Union of Australia
Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union, South Australian Branches deposit 2
Minute books of South Australian branches of the Amalgamated Engineering Union, Boilermakers' & Blacksmiths' Society of Australia, and the Sheet Metal Working Agricultural Implement and Stovemaking Industrial Union of Australia; membership roll and contribution books of predecessors Federated Agricultural Implement, Machinery & Ironworkers Association of Australia, South Australia Branch and the Sheet Metal Workers' Industrial Union, South Australia Branch.
Amalgamated Engineering Union
Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union, South Australian Branches deposit 3
Minutes of the South Australian State Committee of the Boilermakers' & Blacksmiths' Society of Australia; registration books and proposition and entrance book of the Amalgamated Engineering Union (South Australian Branches).
Boilermakers' and Blacksmiths' Society of Australia
Correspondence, circulars, minutes, receipt book registers and printed material. Includes records of TW Wright, Secretary of the NSW Branch from February 1936 and Federal President from 1942-1972.
Sheet Metal Working Agricultural Implement and Stovemaking Industrial Union of Australia
Amalgamated Metal Workers' and Shipwrights' Union (Tom Wright's records) deposit
Minutes and correspondence, administrative papers, reports, membership and financial papers, NSW State Branch papers of Tom Wright, and printed material. Includes administrative files relating to the amalgamation of the Amalgamated Engineering Union, Boilermakers and Blacksmiths Society and the Sheet Metal Workers Union including circulars, rules and procedures, pamphlets, conference material, discussion papers and publicity statements.
Amalgamated Metal Workers and Shipwrights Union
Tooth and Company share registers
This deposit contains share registers of Tooth and Company Limited, brewers and hotel owners, from their beginnings as a public company in June 1888. The bulk of this collection, in five series, consists of the Ordinary Share Register from 1888 to 1976. It also includes a share register for Castlemaine Brewery and Wood Brothers and Company 1897-1960.
Tooth and Company Limited
National AIDS Archive Collection general library reference material
General reference material relating to Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) including policy documents, education resource guides, chronologies, directories, media guides, glossaries, bibliographies, registers and articles, published by the Commonwealth Department of Community Services and Health (and successors), the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations Incorporated, State departments, universities and other institutions and organisations.
Noel Butlin Archives Centre
Magnet : Official Organ of Council of Railway Shop Committees microfilm deposit
Microfilm copy of newspaper editions from July 1937 to September 1963 (with gaps).
Central Council of Railway Shop Committees New South Wales
J S McClelland Proprietary Limited deposit
Financial records, wage records, client records, certificates, examples of printed material produced by the company, photographs, printing manuals including books on type faces.
J S McClelland Proprietary Limited
Adelaide Steamship Company deposit 2
Includes minutes of annual general meetings and board of directors, deed book, financial records, subject files with correspondence and photographs, press cuttings and printed material.
Adelaide Steamship Company
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia, Melbourne Branch deposit
Minutes of Branch meetings, 1924-1979; correspondence and industrial files, 1947-1973; membership records, 1939-1953; reports, some from Australian Stevedoring Industry Board, 1945-1962; press cuttings, 1937-1952; historical material (photocopies of notices, press cuttings, handbills, members’ licences, etc.), 1908-1953; Job Delegates and Gang Leaders Association minutes and correspondence, 1956-1975; Branch Disciplinary Sub-Committee records, 1945-1954.
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
Australian Boot Trade Employees' Federation South Australian Branch deposit 2
Minutes of Federal Council and Executive meetings 1926 - 1983, Federal Council Interstate conference 1932, 1935, Clarks Shoe Council 1973-1975, minutes of South Australian Branch meetings 1955-1986, and balance sheets 1916-1975
Australian Boot Trade Employees' Federation
United Mineworkers' Federation National Research Unit deposit
Policy and research files of the National Research Unit on the United Mineworkers' Federation relating to environment policy including representation on ACTU Environment Committee, the National Greenhouse Advisory Panel and at United Nations conferences in Rio de Janeiro and Kyoto.
United Mineworkers' Federation of Australia
Industrial Relations Society of Australia deposit
Minutes, correspondence, reports, financial records and transcripts of committee proceedings, published material, newspaper clippings and pamphlets.
Industrial Relations Society of Australia
Pitt, Son and Badgery Limited deposit 2
Annual reports, share register, printed material 'Rising Sun', employees ledgers, minute books, financial records, wool and produce records and property accounts ledger.
Pitt, Son and Badgery Limited
Goldsbrough Mort and Company Head Office records
Records include ledgers, board records, records of Canonbar, Corinda, Mulgawarrina and Dumble Stations and correspondence.
Goldsbrough Mort and Company
National Tertiary Education Union deposit
National Tertiary Education Union
Merchant Service Guild of Australia, New South Wales Branch deposit
Classified office files including minutes, correspondence, reports, policy documents, industry awards and agreements, and port services award files.
Merchant Service Guild of Australia
The Australian Estates Company Australian Office microfilm deposit 2
Microfilm copy of records held by the company in Melbourne:
The Australian Estates Company Limited
The Australian Estates Company Australian Office deposit 2
Records of the company, and its predecessors, held in this deposit include letter books; Wool Department records; reports; Pastoral Department records including minutes, budget, reports and maps 1919-1949; station annual reports; pastoral and sugar accounts; ledger cards, journal sheets and cash books. Records of the following subsidiary companies are held in this deposit and consist of financial records, working papers, wages book, native wages books, maintenance and child endowment records 1961-1968: Estates Buildings Pty Ltd; Barkley Transport Co; Eva Downs Pastoral Co; Walhallow Pastoral Co; Meredith Menzies and Co (Milllungra station); Creswell Downs Pastoral Co; a time book of the Seaforth (sugar) Estate; and photographs of stud sheep are also included.
The Australian Estates Company Limited
The Australian Estates Company Australian Office deposit 1
The deposit consists of station accounts and annual reports (for the following stations: Boolcarrol; Brookong; Cambridge Downs; Currango; Elderslie; Kilcummin; Manuka; Mount Margaret; Normanby; The Overflow; Panjee; Piangobla; Springfield;Thackaringa; Tiltagara; Tindarey; and Wambrook).
The station papers for Boolcarrol; Brookong; Kilcummin; Manuka; Normanby; Piangobla; and Thackaringa stations are a miscellaneous collection of letters, memos and notes, often including statistical comparisons between various stations, or between various years on the one station. Includes photographs and a map of "Terrick Terrick" station and extracts from "The Central Queensland Herald" re Blackall Centenary 1946. The material in this deposit was held at the Australian Head Office in Melbourne.
The Australian Estates Company Limited