- AU NBAC S1192
- Serial
- 1939 - 1982
The official newsletter of the Federated Ironworkers' Association of Australia.
Federated Ironworkers' Association of Australia
216 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
The official newsletter of the Federated Ironworkers' Association of Australia.
Federated Ironworkers' Association of Australia
Canberra. A monthly bulletin of events, information and reviews
Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations
Liquor Trades Review (Tasmanian Branch)
Liquor, Hospitality Gaming Review
NSW Farmers Association Annual Reports
New South Wales Farmers' Association
Photocopy of the originals in the Archives Office of NSW. The Returns of the Colony ('Blue Books'), NRS 1286 consist of sets of statistical returns of the Colony of New South Wales and of areas under its jurisdiction compiled annually from 1822 to 1857 by the Colonial Secretary for transmission to the Secretary of State for the Colonies in London. New South Wales Census - 1851 held with 1853 volume.
Colonial Secretary's Office (New South Wales)
Statistical Register of New South Wales
Registrar General's Office of New South Wales
The Australian Aboriginal Call: The Voice of the Aborigines
Sydney. Official organ of the original old-age and invalid pensioners association of NSW. Combined Pensioners' Association of NSW. Vol 1 No 1 to October 1976 held, with many gaps in later years.
Combined Pensioners' Association of New South Wales
Ergonomics Society of Australia and New Zealand Victorian Branch Newsletter, then Vic News
Ergonomics Society of Australia
Engineers News: An official organ of the Australian Airline Flight Engineers' Association
Australasian Airline Flight Engineers' Association
News Sheet: An official organ of the Flight Stewards' Association of Australia
Flight Stewards' Association of Australia
Federated Ship Painters & Dockers Union Sydney Branch Bulletin
Federated Ship Painters' and Dockers' Union of Australia
Discussion journal on the documents for the 21st National Congress of the CPA held in Sydney June 1967
Communist Party of Australia
Professional Officers' Association Newsletter
Professional Officers' Association, Australian Public Service
Newsletter of the Ergonomics Society of Australia and New Zealand
Ergonomics Society of Australia
Association of Professional Scientists of Australia
Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers Australia
Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee Development Bulletin
Australian Vice-Chancellors’ Committee
Journal of Tertiary Educational Administration
Association for Tertiary Education Management Incorporated
Also AITEA National Bulletin, AITEA Newsletter
Association for Tertiary Education Management Incorporated
AITEA New South Wales Branch Newsletter
Association for Tertiary Education Management Incorporated
Stevedoring Industry Statistics
Association of Employers of Waterside Labour
Stevedoring Industry Statistics
Association of Employers of Waterside Labour
ASIA Monthly Report on Industrial Stoppages and Delays
Published by Australian Stevedoring Industry Authority, Sydney
Published by Department of Transport, Canberra
Sea Transport Statistics: Manhours Worked by Waterside Workers by Employment Status at Each Port
Published by Department of Transport, Canberra
Stevedoring Statistics: Stevedoring Labour Review
Published quarterly by Department of Transport and Communications, Canberra
Stevedoring Statistics: Labour and Industrial Disputes
Published annually by Department of Transport and Communications, Canberra
Stevedoring Industrial Disputes - Nature of Issue and Extent; Industrial Disputes - Operational Employees of Stevedoring Companies. Published by Department of Transport, Canberra
Brisbane. Official publication of the Queensland Branch Administrative & Clerical Officers' Association Commonwealth Public Service.
Administrative and Clerical Officers' Association, Commonwealth Public Service
ACO SA Branch. Later, official journal of ACOA and APSA, SA
Administrative and Clerical Officers' Association, Commonwealth Public Service
ACOA WA Branch
Administrative and Clerical Officers' Association, Commonwealth Public Service
Perth. ACOA WA Branch
Administrative and Clerical Officers' Association, Commonwealth Public Service
Sydney. Former titles: Labor News; Daily Mail. Later title: Daily News
Australian Labor Party
Jolimont. Newsletter of the Institute of Public Affairs
Institute of Public Affairs
North Richmond, Victoria. Anarcho-Syndicalist Transport Workers Paper. No 1 - 5, May - December 1986. Regular paper (newsletter) produced by the Public Transport Workers Association, a federated member group of the Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation, No 7 - 19, May 1987 - Spring 1989
Trend : Queensland's hard hitting news magazine
Journal of the Australian Labor Party, Queensland Branch
Australian Labor Party
Australian Labor Party. Western Australian Branch
Australian Labor Party
The Hairdressers and Beauty Culture Trade Journal
Sydney. Official organ of NSW Hairdressers and Wigmakers Employees' Union. Incomplete holdings
Hairdressers and Wigmakers Employees' Union
Association of Professional Scientists of Australia
Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers Australia
Sydney. Official Journal of the Gas Industry Salaried Officers' Federation
Gas Industry Salaried Officers' Federation
Newssheet - Issued by Supporters of the Policies of the ALP
ALP Members of WWF, Published by Campaign Committee
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
ALP: To members and supporters of the ALP in the WWF
WWF Melbourne
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
Publication by rank and file members of WWF, Melbourne. First published in 1965 in support of militant policies advocated by Ted Bull then a candidate for Branch Secretary.
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
Published by Wharfies supporting Ted Bull, Melbourne, 1965
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
WWF Melbourne Branch. Incomplete holdings
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
Support the members who are carrying the struggle. Published by the Rank and File Hostages Committee, WWF, Melbourne Branch, 1963.
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
A Communist Publication, CPA, GMH Unit (?) Melb. One issue held (no 79)
Communist Party of Australia
Policy Federation WWF Melbourne Branch. Editor Geoff Swayn. One issue held.
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
A journal published in the interests of waterfront workers. Published PJ Gleeson, Industrial Printing and Publicity Co Ltd, Melbourne. Incomplete holdings
Published by ALP members on the WWF Executive
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
Issued by Fitzgibbon Campaign Committee, Melbourne Branch who support sound industrial leadership and the ideals and policies of the ALP (WWF, Melbourne Branch)
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
Sponsored by Supporters of the Victorian State Executive of the ALP. Published by members of WWF (Melb) for 1965 By Election of Branch.
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
Supporters of Official ALP Policy, Waterfront Melbourne. Published by ALP Members of the Melbourne Branch of WWF?
Waterside Workers Women's Committee, WWF, Melbourne Branch. 2 issues held: Sep 1965 and Dec 1967
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
Working Women's Information Service
Melbourne. The Working Women's Centre, then the ACTU Working Women's Centre
International Communist Front Organisations
A survey compiled from the press, radio and various publications. Compiled monthly. Holdings 1964 - 1978 (incomplete). Includes related title at S1091A
Australian Government Employment Newsletter
Issues from February 1978 to July 1979 (gaps).
Australian Council of Trade Unions
Women and Labour Conference Papers
Published by the Conveners, Women and Labour Conference. Macquarie University and La Trobe University
Women and Labour Conference. Various publishers: Macquarie University, La Trobe University, Salisbury College of Advanced Education, Talk Back Collective.
Australian Population Association Minutes
Saint Lucia, Queensland. One set of AGM minutes held
Australian Population Assocation
Includes circulars etc from Queensland AIDS Council
Queensland AIDS Council
Mont Albert, Victoria. Produced quarterly by The Australian Bisexual Men's Association Incorporated
AIDS Resource & Reference Centre Newsletter
Australian Catholic Bishops
Sydney. Official Publication of the Chamber of Automotive Industries of NSW
Chamber of Automotive Industries of New South Wales Incorporated
Resistance. A magazine for radical youth incorporating Young Socialist
J West and E Whelahan, Haymarket, NSW
The paper that unites unemployed and migrant youth, students and young workers. Young Socialists, Marrickville NSW
New York. Marxist Weekly of the Working Class of the Spartacist League of the USA
Reform (National Farmers' Federation)
A quarterly publication of the National Farmers' Federation
National Farmers' Federation
Official Journal of the NSW Fire Brigade Employees' Union. Issues from 1997 - 2001 (gaps).
New South Wales Fire Brigade Employees' Union
Published by Bryan Thompson and Richard Hall 1965 - 1968. Published by Maxwell Newton Pty Ltd 1969 -
Official organ of the Federated Storemen and Packers Union, Victorian Branch
Federated Storemen and Packers' Union of Australia
Family Planning Australia: Annual Report
Three issues held (1992/1993, 1994/1995, 1995/1996)
Family Planning Federation of Australia
Metropolitan Board of Water Supply and Sewage Employees' Association, Sydney
Metropolitan Board of Water Supply and Sewerage Employees Association
The Transport Worker (South Australian Branch)
Adelaide. Official Organ of the Transport Workers' Union of Australia, SA Branch. Two issues held
Transport Workers' Union of Australia
Transnews (New South Wales Division)
Official Newsletter of the Australian Transport Officers' Federation, NSW Division
Australian Transport Officers' Federation
Brisbane. Official Journal of the Queensland Professional Officers' Association
Queensland Professional Officers' Association
The Timber Worker (South Australian Branch)
Adelaide. South Australian Branch of the Australian Timber Workers' Union
Australian Timber Workers' Union
Publication of the AWU Victoria-Riverina Branch
Australian Workers' Union
Australian Health Industry Development Forum
Sydney. Publication of the Australian Health Industry Development Forum. Issues 2 - 7 held
Institute & Guild of Brewing Asia Pacific Section Newsletter
South Australia. Some gaps in holdings. Also includes "Keeping a Head? The Institute & Guild of Brewing - Asia Pacific Section 1952 - 2002" by John Harvey
The Institute of Brewing - Asia Pacific Section
London. Publication of the African National Congress
African National Congress