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Sir John Gunther papers

  • AU ANUA 321
  • Series
  • 1947 - 1984

Part 1 - These papers mainly relate to Gunther’s time as Vice-Chancellor of the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG), and include some papers relating to Gunther’s time as the Director of Public Health and Assistant Administrator in Papua New Guinea. The main subject categories are:

  1. Political papers dealing with the period before independence in Papua New Guinea (folders 1-13)
  2. Political papers pertaining to independence (folders 14-17)
  3. Economic papers – Waigani papers (folders 18-20)
  4. Economic papers – Bougainville papers (folders 32-34)
  5. Education papers (folders 35-110)
  6. Personal papers (folders 112-118)
  7. Administrative papers (folders 119-136)

Part 2 - These papers document many aspects of Gunther’s administration of public health in Papua New Guinea (folders 137-239). They include Gunther’s files on various health issues, including malaria, leprosy, scrub typhus, nutrition, kuru and tuberculosis. Also includes papers on medical education, the Mount Lamington volcanic eruption and the South Pacific Commission.

Gunther, John Thomson

Goldsbrough Mort and Company Head Office and station records

  • AU NBAC 2
  • Deposit
  • 1855 - 1955

This deposit contains records of head office and of various station properties connected with the company. Records from head office include board minutes, correspondence, acount books, papers relating to shares, legal papers and press cuttings. Records from stations include correspondence, returns, reports of stations, acount books, papers relating to land matters and maps. A small sub-group consists of papers relating to property owned by the company in the Northern Territory from which a live cattle business was carried on between Darwin, Batavia and Singapore in the 1880s and 1890s.

Goldsbrough Mort and Company

Hope Hewitt's teaching material and correspondence

  • AU ANUA 662
  • Series
  • 1954 - 2007

Typescript copies of lectures relating to the teaching of English literature particularly drama. These are arranged in folders by author with notes and reviews of books and theatre productions. There is also correspondence with academic staff including Alec Hope and Dorothy Green, students and others, and references provided for students.

Hewitt, Alison Hope

Robert Mitton papers

  • AU ANUA 620
  • Series

This deposit has not been processed. Collection largely consisting of materials on mining in Irian Jaya.

Mitton, Robert

Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London and Australian Offices deposit

  • AU NBAC 162
  • Deposit
  • 1863 - 1977

This deposit consists of records from the London Office; the Department of the General Manager for Australia; the Sydney Office; Bligh Development (Sydney) Ltd; Bligh Management (Sydney) Ltd and J Manning Pty Ltd. Records of the Department of the General Manager for Australia comprise of minutes; annual reports; reports from branches; general ledgers; records re Pension Fund for London staff 1934-1971; correpondence; office files; financial records; station records re wool clip returns and stock returns; registers re employee superannuation plan; and trust deeds for pension and provident fund. AML&F Sydney office records comprise of Local Board meeting minutes; correspondence; financial records; records relating to staff pension and provident funds 1901-1956; security registers and documents; photographs c. 1921-1971; maps 1891-1969; miscellaneous records re Bligh Street buildings; working file of Sydney Office Manager, James Kidd 1918; staff training notes 1965-1971 and printed material. Records of Bligh Development (Sydney) Ltd include office files 1962-1972, specifications and architect plans, photographs and newspaper clippings. Bligh Management (Sydney) Ltd records comprise of office files 1963-1971. Records of J Manning Pty Ltd comprise of minutes 1949-1962, share register and financial records. Also includes records of Gyra River Pastoral Company Pty Ltd.

Australian Mercantile Land and Finance Company Limited

Papers of Robert Parker

  • AU ANUA 327
  • Series
  • 1951 - 1976

The files relate to Professor Parker’s membership of the Board of the Institute for Advanced Studies and his administration of the Department of Political Science in the Research School of Social Sciences. The files have been divided into two sequences on this basis as ANU or RSSS files. The files contain correspondence and memos, copies of minutes and comments by other staff on various proposals.

Parker, Robert Stewart

News and views (ARU Tasmania)

  • AU NBAC S34
  • Serial
  • 1957 - 1967

Launceston. Australian Railways Union, Tasmanian branch. ARU News issues held for 1957 to 1959. Renamed the News Letter in 1959, issues held for years 1959 to 1960. In 1961 it was retitled 'News and Views', issues held for 1961 (nos. 2 - 9), and vol. 1 no. 1 (c. 1967) of the newly designed journal.

Australian Railways Union

Mavis and Alec Robertson papers

  • AU NBAC N437
  • Deposit
  • c. 1900 - 2019

Papers of Mavis and Alec Robertson relating to their work, activism and interests in journalism, communism, women’s liberation, the anti-Vietnam war movement, Papua New Guinea independence, the peace and anti-nuclear movement, Chile, and superannuation. Material includes correspondence, diaries, notebooks and travel diaries, photographs, speeches, grey literature such as reports and travel ephemera. Also includes some papers of Alec Robertson (Senior) and some family history material.

Some books and pamphlets are unprocessed (as at Oct 2022).

Robertson, Mavis

Dalgety's Review

  • AU NBAC S55
  • Serial
  • 1894 - 1916

Issues for Dec 1914, Oct & Nov 1915 and Jul & Sep 1916 are held in S56 (Dalgety's Wool Review), being bound into the volume for 1915-1922 of that publication. Issues for the period Jan to Sep 1916 are also held in one bound volume.

Dalgety and Company Limited

Dalgety Staff and Management News

  • AU NBAC S54
  • Serial
  • 1968

Titled Dalgety Staff and Management News 1968 - 1983. From Dec 1983 to Jun 1991 was Dalgety Farmers Staff News (see S54A)

Dalgety and Company Limited

Dalgety Farmers Staff News

  • AU NBAC S54A
  • Serial
  • 1984 - 1991

1968 - 1983 was titled Dalgety Staff and Management News (see S54). From Dec 1983 to Jun 1991 was Dalgety Farmers Staff News.

Dalgety and Company Limited

Dalgety News

  • AU NBAC S53
  • Serial
  • 1960 - 1980

Dalgety and Company Limited

Albums of photographs of the ANU campus

  • AU ANUA 12
  • Series
  • 1948-1961

There are four albums of black and white photographs, and additional album pages of photographs in 11 folders, starting with the 1948 Easter Conference and showing the construction of early buildings on campus (such as University House, the Physics building, and the Menzies Library) and residential housing.

Office of the Registrar

ANU photographs (envelope series)

  • AU ANUA 15
  • Series
  • 1948 - 1974

The black and white photographs document the early development of the University: the Easter Conference of 1948, the laying of foundation stones in 1949, the opening of buildings, the conferring of degrees, and visits by dignatories. Throughout the 1950s and 1960s many staff and buildings were photographed as well as visitors, Creative Arts Fellows, exhibitions and other events. Most of the photographs were taken by the Commonwealth Department of Information, then the Commonwealth News and Information Bureau, and bear a number with a UN (University) prefix. The photographs were originally held in numbered manila envelopes and have now been placed in archival albums. Some envelopes were top-numbered into the later series, photographs of people and subjects (ANUA 225 and ANUA 226).

Office of the Registrar

Aircraft Engineer

  • AU NBAC S51
  • Serial
  • 1965 - 1967 (incomplete)

Sydney. Official journal of the Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association

Annual Report, Monthly Report, and Monthly Journal

  • AU NBAC S44
  • Serial
  • 1851 - 1967

Annual reports 1851 - 1857, 1861 - 1866, 1896 - 1897 (box 1), Monthly Report 1851 - 1886, 1890 - 1896 (boxes 1 - 5). From 1897 to 1902 the ASE published the Engineers Journal and Monthly Record of Facts, Figures, and Fancy relating to the Engineering Trade, Unionism and Industrialism generally (boxes 5 - 6), but from c. 1905 the were two publications, the 'Report and Monthly Record' (1905 - 1912, boxes 6 - 7) and the 'Monthly Journal' (1908 - 1912, boxes 7 - 8). Between 1913 and 1921 these two separate publications were renamed the 'Monthly Journal and Report' (boxes 8 - 9), before the name changed to the Monthly Journal in May 1921 (when the ASE joined with other unions to become the Amalgamated Engineering Union), issues held from 1921 - 1964, and 1966 - 1967 (boxes 9 - 17). There is also a set of unbound duplicate Monthly Journals covering the years 1921 - 1933 (boxes 17 - 18), 1948 - 1959 and 1961 (boxes 19 - 20).

Amalgamated Society of Engineers, Machinists, Millwrights, Smiths, and Pattern Makers

Sheet Metal Working, Agricultural Implement & Stovemaking Industrial Union of Australia, New South Wales Branch deposit 1

  • AU NBAC E196
  • Deposit
  • 1888 - 1972

Rule books, minutes, correspondence files, financial records, membership records, arbitration material, printed material and photographs. Includes records of predecessors the Stove & Piano Frame Moulders' & Stovemakers Employees' Union; Federated Agricultural Implement & Stovemakers' Porcelain Enamellers' & Ironworkers' Association of Australia; Federated Stovemakers' & Porcelain Enamellers Association of Australia; and the NSW Amalgamated Tinsmith, Sheet Iron Workers and Meter Makers Trade Society.

Sheet Metal Working Agricultural Implement and Stovemaking Industrial Union of Australia

Corona Station (Queensland) deposit

  • AU NBAC 68
  • Deposit
  • 1918 - 1945

'Some experiences of a Queensland station manager' and other articles in The Pastoral Review (1943-1945), written by Mr Thomas L Armstrong as manager, Corona Station, 1917-1941, and photographs of the Armstrong family members and various station activities over the same period. The photographs show the homestead, family pets, horse-riding, swimming in the creek, family holidays at Manly, station jackeroos, Aboriginal stockmen, the Chinese cook, a governess, the dog-trapper, race meetings, horse sales, cattle, drought feeding sheep, lamb marking, bullock teams (1919), Mitchell grass after rain, loading 'bush hay', travelling to Headingly by car, a storm-damaged windmill, and other facets of station life, mainly during the 1920s and 1930s.

Corona Station (Queensland)

Australian Timber Workers' Union, New South Wales Branch deposit 1

  • AU NBAC N78
  • Deposit
  • 1909 - 1986

Photographs, certificates and other display items from the NSW Branch's Board Room in the Sydney Trades Hall on the retirement of J A Weir as Secretary in March 1986. Includes one photograph of Saw Mill and Timber Yard Employees' Union 1909.

Australian Timber Workers' Union

Raymond O'Dea Collection deposit 2

  • AU NBAC P113
  • Deposit
  • 1914 - 1973

Arbitration case files and legal opinions on industrial matters, personal memorabilia, Law School notes, published papers, photographs of the 1967 Journalists' Strike and printed material.

O'Dea, Raymond John

National Union of Railwaymen of Australia, Head Office deposit 1

  • AU NBAC E80
  • Deposit
  • 1887 - 1949

Rules, minutes, arbitration and financial records, correspondence, benefit fund records, registration and amalgamation material, membership records, reports, parliamentary papers, press cuttings, printed material and photographs. Includes records of predecessors the NSW Railway Permanent Way Association, NSW Mechanical Branch Association, Department of Main Roads Employees' Union, Government Tramways Electrical Branch Workers' Association.

National Union of Rail Workers of Australia

Film and video received from the College of Asia and the Pacific

  • AU ANUA 760
  • Series

This collection of films was given to the ANU Archives by staff from the College of Asia and the Pacific in 2022. College staff found these films in a cupboard with no documentation so their context is not known as at 2022.

College of Asia and the Pacific

Matthew Spriggs papers

  • AU ANUA 742
  • Series
  • 1954 - 2021

In addition to the Spriggs papers, this donation also contained the papers of Richard Shutler, Les Groube, and Aubrey Parke, which have been removed and are now ANUA 765, 766, and 767, respectively.

Spriggs, Matthew

Jill Matthews papers

  • AU ANUA 424
  • Series
  • 1966 - 2018

The records include teaching and course material from history and women’s studies courses at ANU and other universities; correspondence; conference material; publications on feminism and sexuality; recorded lectures on audio cassettes and posters. Later additions contain research notebooks of research undertaken in libraries and archives to support Jill Matthews publications; transcripts of interviews with Lois Quarrel Hendry and Olga Varonas; research notes and manuscript for chapter in 'The thing she loves' ed. Kerry Greenwood; research notes and newsclippings for research on women and sport, women in film.

Matthews, Jill Julius

The Clarion

  • AU NBAC S116
  • Serial
  • 1955 - 1980

Australian Journalists' Association

Australian Securities Exchange deposit

  • AU NBAC Z718
  • Deposit
  • 1875 - 1998

This deposit has not been processed. It is an accession from the ASX that will gradually be converted into deposits. It contains publications, minutes, reports, financial records, member files and correspondence. Includes material from the Sydney Stock Exchange, Stock Exchange of Melbourne, Stock Exchange of Perth, Brisbane Stock Exchange, Stock Exchange of Adelaide, and the Australian Associated Stock Exchanges. Most records for Stock Exchanges other than Sydney have been moved to separate deposits.

Australian Securities Exchange

Papers of Geoffrey Brennan

  • AU ANUA 765
  • Series
  • 1977 - 1997

This series consists of speeches and articles on philosophy and economics by Professor Brennan. One exam paper is included.

Brennan, Geoffrey

Health Inspectors' Association of Australia, Federal Office deposit

  • AU NBAC A10
  • Deposit
  • 1918 - 1958

Rules, minute books, agenda and meeting papers (federal conference), correspondence, financial and membership records, arbitration material, reports, annual reports of Federal executive and branches, printed and roneoed material and photographs.

Health Inspectors' Association of Australia

Federal Capital Design Competition material

  • AU ANUA 129
  • Series
  • 1911 - 1923

This collection consists of a bound volume of papers and glass lantern slides and negatives. The volume includes instructions to competitors in the 1911 Federal Capital Design Competition, the report of the Federal Capital Designs Board and other parliamentary papers relating to Walter Burley Griffin’s winning design, including correspondence relating to AJ Macdonald’s temporary transfer ‘to assist Mr Griffin’, and reports of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works on ‘Dams for Ornamental Waters – Canberra’ and the erection of the Provisional Parliament House, Canberra. The lantern slides are of AJ Macdonald’s entry (no. 9) in the Federal Capital Design Competition which was one of the 46 short-listed designs (see The lantern slides (8 x 8 cm) are:
•Drawing 1, Map of Contour Survey of the Site
•Drawing 2, Perspective view overlooking the Administrative Centre
Two additional lantern slides labelled A and B relate to another project for a site south of the Flinders Street station in Melbourne. There are also two glass plate negatives (22 x 17 cm) of Drawings 1 and 2 with a label ‘AJ Macdonald’s design for Federal Capital, DW Crawford’s perspective view thereof’.

Macdonald, Alexander James


  • AU ANUA 491
  • Series

This series is not processed yet.

ANU Marketing and Communications Division

Now and then : journal of the National Museum of Labour

  • AU NBAC S17
  • Serial
  • 2010 - 2014

To celebrate a history of working people in Australia it was proposed that a museum might be built in Canberra where historical items and iconography from all around the country could be displayed, in one central location. The journal 'Now and Then' was developed in 2010 to support the campaign, launched by UnionsACT in 2009, for the establishment of this National Museum of Labour. The museum never eventuated. The journal ceased in 2014.


Partnership in Islamic Education Scheme (PIES) program records

  • AU ANUA 753
  • Series
  • 2003 - 2021

The Partnership in Islamic Education Scheme (PIES) program and its predecessors brought selected participants from the Indonesian higher education sector to the Australian National University for two semesters of study and skills training between 2004 and 2019. Records include a history of the establishment of the scheme by Emeritus Professor Virginia Hooker, early grant proposals, funding agreements, applications from successful cohorts of participants, evaluation and completion reports, books published by each cohort, copy of the PIES website, and administrative records.

The program was an initiative of Professor Virginia Hooker who worked with Professor Merle Ricklefs to develop the Partnership in Education and Training of Regional Islamic Institutions (PETRII) scheme, known as the ‘sandwich’ program. Funded by AusAID, the scheme ran from 2004-2006. It was followed by PIES which operated under the umbrella of the Australia-Indonesia Institute in collaboration with the Directorate of Higher Islamic Education and Indonesia’s Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA), with funding from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. PETRII and PIES were developed to provide opportunities for higher education teachers and academics to undertake overseas study, advance or complete their Indonesian degrees and build academic networks. The initial PIES program ran over two semesters 2008-2009 with Professor Hooker as Director. PIES II, PIES III and PIES IV operated under the Directorship of Associate Professor Greg Fealy with Dr Sally White continuing as academic mentor. A grant application for PIES V to operate from 2020, was unsuccessful and the scheme closed in 2021 with a final farewell event held on 8 September 2021 via zoom teleconference due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

College of Asia and the Pacific

The Push

  • AU NBAC S1083
  • Serial
  • 1978 - 1992

University of New England, Armidale; Australian National University; Monash University. A bulletin of social history devoted to the year of grace, 1838. Also titled 'The Push from the bush'. Nos 1 - 3, 5 - 30 held.

New Times

  • AU NBAC S328
  • Serial
  • 1947 - 1980 (incomplete)

Moscow. A Soviet weekly journal of world affairs, appearing in Russian, English, French, German, Spanish, Polish, Czech, Rumanian and Swedish

Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia, Federal Office deposit 6

  • AU NBAC Z432
  • Deposit
  • 1890s - 1991

Federal Council and All-Ports meetings, 1967-1981; financial statements (Branches and Federal Office), 1964-1987; ACTU Executive meetings, 1985-1987; ACTU Congress, 1979-1985; correspondence/subject files, 1947-1983; sound recordings, 1950s; newspaper clippings, miscellaneous ACTU bulletins and newsletters, 1980s; printed material, 1903-1916; photographs, 1899-1989; reports of the Australian Stevedoring Industry Board (later the Australian Stevedoring Industry Authority), 1980s; Port News, 1970-1981; Australian Foremen Stevedores' Association Review, 1981-1984

Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia

Arthur Burns papers

  • AU ANUA 758
  • Series
  • 1927 - 1991

Correspondence, published and unpublished papers by Arthur Burns, papers by others

Burns, Arthur Lee

Voice of the Transport Worker

  • AU NBAC S448
  • Serial
  • Nov 1947 - Mar 1993 (incomplete)

Sydney. Published by the Transport Workers' Union of Australia, NSW Branch. New series No 1 - Vol 25 No 1 held, with gaps

Transport Workers' Union of Australia

A.P.O. : the Australian Post Office magazine

  • AU NBAC S174
  • Serial
  • 1954 - 1970 (incomplete)

Melbourne. Official journal of the Postal Institute. Issues held: Vol. 1 No. 2 Aug-Sept 1954; Vol. 1 No. 6 Apr-May 1955; Vol. 2 No. 2 Aug-Sept 1955; Vol. 2 No. 3 Oct-Nov 1955; Vol. 2 No. 4 Dec 1955-Jan 1956; Vol. 2 No. 5 Feb-Mar 1956; Vol. 2 No. 6 Apr-May 1956; Vol. 5 No. 5 Feb-Mar 1959; Vol. 5 No. 6 Apr-May 1959; Special Royal Visit Issue Apr-May 1963; 50th Anniversary Issue Feb-Mar 1968; Vol. 15 No. 1 Jun-Jul 1968; Vol. 15 No. 2 Aug-Sept 1968; Vol. 16 No. 4 Dec 1969-Jan 1970; Vol. 17 No. 2 Aug-Sept 1970

Australian Postal Institute

CSR Limited Pilbara Iron Ltd deposit

  • AU NBAC N425
  • Deposit
  • 1964 - 1985

The deposit consists of board papers, reports, correspondence, legal documents, plans and drawings, reports from the Pilbara Iron Technical Group Office, printed material, agreements and deeds, and records re employee housing scheme.

Pilbara Iron Limited

John Baker Tongan Collection

  • AU ANUA 555
  • Series
  • 1955 - 1973

The collection was formed during 1969 and 1970 by John R Baker, Economist to the Government of Tonga and resident in the capital of Nukualofa from August 1969 to May 1970. Baker was employed by the British Ministry of Overseas Development and was seconded to the Government of Tonga as an Economist to undertake the preparation and drafting of the Tonga Development Plan 1970 - 1975, which was Tonga's second development plan. He was employed partly on the strength of his having worked in the Solomon Islands in 1964 and 1965 under the Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) Scheme. He was the first economist employed by the Tonga Government to work on development planning.

Baker, John R

ANU Emeritus Faculty Histories

  • AU ANUA 737
  • Series
  • 2021

This series consists of personal accounts of the University’s activities, developments and achievements. from members of the ANU Emeritus Faculty.

ANU Emeritus Faculty

Barry McGowan's research papers on Chinese in Australia

  • AU ANUA 721
  • Series

Research materials relating to Barry McGowan's research on the Chinese in Australia, especially in New South Wales. Includes correspondence, photographs, conference papers and articles by Barry McGowan and by others, conservation and heritage reports and plans, and photocopies of newspapers and archival material.

McGowan, Barry

The Institute of Brewing - Asia Pacific Section deposit

  • AU NBAC Z547
  • Deposit
  • 1952 - 1995

Minutes, subject and convention files, convention proceedings, membership records, brewery books, printed material, photographs, and audiovisual material.

The Institute of Brewing - Asia Pacific Section

Justice Paul Munro papers - second consignment

  • AU NBAC N435
  • Deposit
  • circa 1974 to circa 2003

This deposit contains speeches, addresses and records of public commentay. It also contains decisions of Justice PR Munro as a single member, decisions of Full Benches of which Justice Paul Munro was a member. Documents relate to the Conciliation and Arbitration Commission, Australian Industrial Relations Commission, Industrial Relations Society, Australian Institute of Employment Rights and the Papua New Guinea Association of Australia. Other documents are personal. Justice Munro included in his donation information about the papers of Francis Norman Wellford (Norm) Ross that were donated to the Fryer Library at the University of Queensland.

Munro, Paul Robert

Asia behind the News recordings

  • AU ANUA 644
  • Series
  • 1979 - ?

A public affairs programme produced by the Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University at the Instructional Resources Unit, ANU.

Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies

Audio tapes

  • AU ANUA 531
  • Series

This series has not been processed yet.

Australian National University

Department files and audiovisual material

  • AU ANUA 380
  • Series
  • 1957 - 2008

Includes annual reports, correspondence, meeting minutes and other administrative papers relating to the Department of Human Geography. Also includes, interviews with Professor Oskar Spate.

ANU Department of Human Geography

Audio tapes of medical practice conference

  • AU ANUA 364
  • Series
  • 1968

The reel-to-reel audio tapes record the sessions of the international conference ‘Medical Practice and the Community’ held at the John Curtin School of Medical Research 26-30 August 1968. Among those who spoke at the conference were the Chancellor Dr HC Coombs and the Vice-Chancellor Professor JG Crawford.

John Curtin School of Medical Research

Audiotapes of Energy and Australia lectures

  • AU ANUA 250
  • Series
  • 1980

The tapes are of four evenings of lectures: Professor Sir Ernest Titterton and Dr SM Hamberger (26 March – including morning radio interview), Professor Ted Ringwood and Professor GHJ Taylor (2 April), Professor SF Harris and Dr TB Millar (9 April) and Dr B Selinger and Professor S Kaneff (16 April).

Hazlehurst, Cameron

ANU Women's Studies Program audiovisual material and photographs

  • AU ANUA 22
  • Series
  • 1976 - 1982

The series includes cassette tapes of seminars and lectures, reel-to-reel tapes, reels of film, slides and photographs of staff, students and events.The photographs and slides have been placed in an archival album.

Women's Studies Program, Faculty of Arts

Reminiscences on audio tape about Canberra University College

  • AU ANUA 20
  • Series
  • 1988 - 1997

The cassette tapes record Tom Owen reminiscing about his time as Registrar of Canberra University College. There are also copies of recordings of events such as the laying of the foundation stone for the Haydon-Allen building, and the opening of the RG Menzies Building and the Chemistry building, and tapes relating to his early life, the Richmond Hoyts Cinema, and oral histories recorded in the 1990s. Some tapes are annotated with file references (ANUA 53).

Owen, Thomas Miles

Oral history interviews with Diane Kirkby

  • AU NBAC N416
  • Deposit

Oral history interviews recorded for the book Voices from the ships : Australia's seafarers and their union, 2008, by Diane Kirkby.

Kirkby, Diane

Paddy Troy collection

  • AU NBAC N388
  • Deposit
  • 1904 - 1977

Correspondence, minutes, slides, greeting cards, papers relating to the Trades & Labour Council (WA), Coastal Dock Rivers and Harbour Works Union of Western Australia and the Communist Party of Australia; photographs, and printed material. Includes a large number of pamphlets, leaflets and publications relating to communism, politics and trade unionism in Australia, Russia, Germany, Hungary, China and Korea.
Some serials removed from deposit and added to serials collection.

Troy, Patrick (Paddy) Laurence

New South Wales Farmers' Association deposit 3

  • AU NBAC N384
  • Deposit
  • 1983 - 1997

Correspondence, reports, submissions, working papers and research papers relating to the Australian dairy industry, specifically the industry in New South Wales and the "milk war" between the Victorian and New South Wales industries. Much of the material relates to the review of the national industry and the New South Wales Dairy Industry Act 1979. The majority of material belonged to Winston Watts AM, Executive Director of the New South Wales Farmers' Association Limited.

New South Wales Farmers' Association

Early Australian maps

  • AU ANUA 289
  • Series
  • 1848 - 1947

This small collection of folded maps is attributed to Professor Spate who acquired them for the cartographic collection in the Department of Human Geography. Some are annotated with catalogue numbers. There is also a map of France and one of Lahore in India.

Spate, Oskar Hermann Khristian

Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies photographs

  • AU ANUA 653
  • Series
  • 1994 - 2004

These photographs were taken by ANU photography staff, mainly Darren Boyd, to commemorate and publicise activitities, events and people in the Research School.

Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies

Ann Curthoys papers

  • AU ANUA 762
  • Series
  • 1978 - 2000

This series contains various documents relating to Ann Curthoys' involvement in the Australian Bicentennial History Project and in teaching and researching Women's Studies at the Australian National University.

Curthoys, Ann

CSR Limited Head Office deposit

  • AU NBAC 142
  • Deposit
  • 1847 - 1970

The bulk of these records consist of Head Office correspondence between 1855 and 1947. Until 1947, Head Office outward letters were copied in press copy letter books. Most have detailed indexes, including the inward letters received from 1903. Where gaps exist in the Head Office series, or the material is damaged or fragile it is sometimes possible to locate the same content in the Branch or Mill end of the correspondence.

The deposit also consists of annual reports, share records, New Zealand Sugar Company Limited board minutes, legal documents re lands in Fiji (1885-1970), chemical records, technical reports and data re sugar production, circulars, price lists, photographs (1868-1961) and press cuttings. Items 3619-4100 consist of photographs, series of photographs and albums.

These records contain information on CSR refineries in Australia and New Zealand, raw sugar mills in Australia and Fiji, sugar marketing, distilleries, ocean vessels, pineapple canning in Fiji, the beginnings of the divisions of building materials and industrial chemicals, mining, and defence projects 1939-1945. Also includes correspondence and records of the Australasian Sugar Company, and Robey and Company.

Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited

Music scores of Harold Allen's compositions

  • AU ANUA 266
  • Series
  • 1962 - 1982

The scores include choral works, including music for poetic works, and works for instrumental ensembles and solo instruments. There are some works written specifically for schools such as those for percussion bands. The music scores are manuscript, commonly on transparent sheets, with printed copies, spiral-bound photocopies, and some published copies.

Allen, Harold Wesley

Rev Alf Clint Collection

  • AU NBAC N152
  • Deposit
  • 1919 - 1989

Published material on co-operatives and the co-operative movement in Australia and internationally. Includes printed material on the Australian Labour Movement.

Clint, William Alfred

National Association of People Living with HIV/AIDS deposit

  • AU NBAC H20
  • Deposit
  • 1991 - 1993

Classified files including Executive Committee minutes, reports, correspondence, funding submissions, newsletters of member organisations, conference papers and printed material.

National Association of People Living with HIV/AIDS

Lorraine and Michael Ovington collection

  • AU ANUA 480
  • Series
  • 1976 - 1992

Correspondence, personal diaries, copy of a calendar, newspaper clippings and photographs relating to the Ovingtons' time in New Caledonia and Vanuatu, 1978-1980, photographs of Independence celebrations, official invitations, course papers on human development, and publications. Includes sound recording ANUA 480/18: Traditional music of Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides) from the Cultural Centre Archives, recordings made by anthropologist Kirk Huffman in the 1970s. The recordings relate to cultural practices. Side 1: Aoba; Ambrym ; Mota Lava (Banks) ; Side 2: Pentecost ; Malekula ; Tanna ; Erromango ; Aneityum

Ovington, Lorraine

Collection of miscellaneous issues of Pacific newsletters from Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides) and the Solomon Islands

  • AU ANUA 631
  • Series
  • 1970s - 1990s

Small collection of miscellaneous issues of Pacific newsletters, including: 'Vanuaaku Pati Seli Hoo' (5 issues, 1993-94) ; 'Solomons News' (1 issue, 15 May 1986) ; 'Tam Tam' (1 issue, 4 January 1982) ; 'Vanuaaku Viewpoints' (5 issues, 1978 - 83) ; 'Nabanga' (New Hebrides), 4 issues 1979, including a 'Special elections' issue ; 'Vanua Scope' (3 issues 1993) ; 'Seli Hoo' (Vanuatu), 7 issues, 1977 - 80 ; and 'Corail' (New Caledonia) I dependence issue 31 July 1980. Includes two political posters from the New Hebrides ('Major Key Policies', 1979) and the North Solomons Province (Representative Assembly Election, List of Candidates, 14 November 1979).

University Library


  • AU NBAC S873
  • Serial
  • Mar 1981 - Nov 1989 (incomplete)

Sydney. Official publication of the Clothing and Allied Trades Union

Clothing and Allied Trades Union of Australia

Australasian Insurance & Banking Record

  • AU NBAC S819
  • Serial
  • 1911 - 1931 (incomplete)

Melbourne. A monthly journal of Insurance, Banking and Finance. Printed and published by McCarron, Bird & Co, Collins Street, Melbourne. Years held: 1911 - 1919, 1923 - 1924, 1926 - 1928, 1930 - 1931

Professional Update

  • AU NBAC S1137
  • Serial

Official Journal of the Association of Professional Engineers & Scientists, Australia. Incorporating The Professional Engineer (S60), The Professional Scientist (S1136)

Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers Australia

ABEU Newsbrief

  • AU NBAC S79A
  • Serial

Melbourne. Australian Bank Officials' Association - Federal Executive

Bank Officials' Association

PATEFA Quarterly

  • AU NBAC S113B
  • Serial

St Leonards. Journal of the Printing and Allied Trades Employers Association of New South Wales. Supersedes Graphic Arts Bulletin

Printing and Allied Trades Employers Association of New South Wales

Alternative Viewpoint, ACOA Reform Group

  • AU NBAC S13A
  • Serial
  • 1978 - 1982

Issues 10, 11, 13, 15-20, 22-26, 29, 31-34, 36.

Administrative and Clerical Officers' Association, Commonwealth Public Service

CSR Construction News

  • AU NBAC S889A
  • Serial

North Sydney. Published by the Readymix Group CSR Limited. Incorporates Hume News which was last published in Vol 66 no 4 Sep 1989 (S69)

Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited

FAUSA (Executive Minutes)

  • AU NBAC S653B
  • Serial

Melbourne. Federated Australian University Staff Association

Federated Australian University Staff Association

APTU News, then Communication Workers Union

  • AU NBAC S333A
  • Serial
  • Jun/Jul 1979 - Nov 1991

Melbourne. Issued by the Victorian Branch of the Australian Postal and Telecommunications Union. Vol 1 No 1 - Vol 7 No 3 held, with gaps

Australian Postal and Telecommunications Union

Victorian Public Service News

  • AU NBAC S439A
  • Serial
  • Feb 1976 - Nov 1981

Melbourne. Official organ of the Victorian Public Service Association. Vol 1 No 1 - Vol 6 No 10 held, with gaps

Victorian Public Service Association

FAUSA (Newsletter)

  • AU NBAC S653A
  • Serial

Melbourne. Federated Australian University Staff Association's newsletter

Federated Australian University Staff Association

Education Gazette NSW (Administration)

  • AU NBAC S570A
  • Serial

Sydney. Published fortnightly by the NSW Department of Education for information of officers and employees of the Department

Results 301 to 400 of 3340