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Federal Capital Design Competition material

  • AU ANUA 129
  • Series
  • 1911 - 1923

This collection consists of a bound volume of papers and glass lantern slides and negatives. The volume includes instructions to competitors in the 1911 Federal Capital Design Competition, the report of the Federal Capital Designs Board and other parliamentary papers relating to Walter Burley Griffin’s winning design, including correspondence relating to AJ Macdonald’s temporary transfer ‘to assist Mr Griffin’, and reports of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works on ‘Dams for Ornamental Waters – Canberra’ and the erection of the Provisional Parliament House, Canberra. The lantern slides are of AJ Macdonald’s entry (no. 9) in the Federal Capital Design Competition which was one of the 46 short-listed designs (see The lantern slides (8 x 8 cm) are:
•Drawing 1, Map of Contour Survey of the Site
•Drawing 2, Perspective view overlooking the Administrative Centre
Two additional lantern slides labelled A and B relate to another project for a site south of the Flinders Street station in Melbourne. There are also two glass plate negatives (22 x 17 cm) of Drawings 1 and 2 with a label ‘AJ Macdonald’s design for Federal Capital, DW Crawford’s perspective view thereof’.

Macdonald, Alexander James

Health Inspectors' Association of Australia, Federal Office deposit

  • AU NBAC A10
  • Deposit
  • 1918 - 1958

Rules, minute books, agenda and meeting papers (federal conference), correspondence, financial and membership records, arbitration material, reports, annual reports of Federal executive and branches, printed and roneoed material and photographs.

Health Inspectors' Association of Australia

Papers of Geoffrey Brennan

  • AU ANUA 765
  • Series
  • 1977 - 1997

This series consists of speeches and articles on philosophy and economics by Professor Brennan. One exam paper is included.

Brennan, Geoffrey

Australian Securities Exchange deposit

  • AU NBAC Z718
  • Deposit
  • 1875 - 1998

This deposit has not been processed. It is an accession from the ASX that will gradually be converted into deposits. It contains publications, minutes, reports, financial records, member files and correspondence. Includes material from the Sydney Stock Exchange, Stock Exchange of Melbourne, Stock Exchange of Perth, Brisbane Stock Exchange, Stock Exchange of Adelaide, and the Australian Associated Stock Exchanges. Most records for Stock Exchanges other than Sydney have been moved to separate deposits.

Australian Securities Exchange

The Clarion

  • AU NBAC S116
  • Serial
  • 1955 - 1980

Australian Journalists' Association

Jill Matthews papers

  • AU ANUA 424
  • Series
  • 1966 - 2018

The records include teaching and course material from history and women’s studies courses at ANU and other universities; correspondence; conference material; publications on feminism and sexuality; recorded lectures on audio cassettes and posters. Later additions contain research notebooks of research undertaken in libraries and archives to support Jill Matthews publications; transcripts of interviews with Lois Quarrel Hendry and Olga Varonas; research notes and manuscript for chapter in 'The thing she loves' ed. Kerry Greenwood; research notes and newsclippings for research on women and sport, women in film.

Matthews, Jill Julius

Matthew Spriggs papers

  • AU ANUA 742
  • Series
  • 1954 - 2021

In addition to the Spriggs papers, this donation also contained the papers of Richard Shutler, Les Groube, and Aubrey Parke, which have been removed and are now ANUA 765, 766, and 767, respectively.

Spriggs, Matthew

Film and video received from the College of Asia and the Pacific

  • AU ANUA 760
  • Series

This collection of films was given to the ANU Archives by staff from the College of Asia and the Pacific in 2022. College staff found these films in a cupboard with no documentation so their context is not known as at 2022.

College of Asia and the Pacific

National Union of Railwaymen of Australia, Head Office deposit 1

  • AU NBAC E80
  • Deposit
  • 1887 - 1949

Rules, minutes, arbitration and financial records, correspondence, benefit fund records, registration and amalgamation material, membership records, reports, parliamentary papers, press cuttings, printed material and photographs. Includes records of predecessors the NSW Railway Permanent Way Association, NSW Mechanical Branch Association, Department of Main Roads Employees' Union, Government Tramways Electrical Branch Workers' Association.

National Union of Rail Workers of Australia

Raymond O'Dea Collection deposit 2

  • AU NBAC P113
  • Deposit
  • 1914 - 1973

Arbitration case files and legal opinions on industrial matters, personal memorabilia, Law School notes, published papers, photographs of the 1967 Journalists' Strike and printed material.

O'Dea, Raymond John

Australian Timber Workers' Union, New South Wales Branch deposit 1

  • AU NBAC N78
  • Deposit
  • 1909 - 1986

Photographs, certificates and other display items from the NSW Branch's Board Room in the Sydney Trades Hall on the retirement of J A Weir as Secretary in March 1986. Includes one photograph of Saw Mill and Timber Yard Employees' Union 1909.

Australian Timber Workers' Union

Corona Station (Queensland) deposit

  • AU NBAC 68
  • Deposit
  • 1918 - 1945

'Some experiences of a Queensland station manager' and other articles in The Pastoral Review (1943-1945), written by Mr Thomas L Armstrong as manager, Corona Station, 1917-1941, and photographs of the Armstrong family members and various station activities over the same period. The photographs show the homestead, family pets, horse-riding, swimming in the creek, family holidays at Manly, station jackeroos, Aboriginal stockmen, the Chinese cook, a governess, the dog-trapper, race meetings, horse sales, cattle, drought feeding sheep, lamb marking, bullock teams (1919), Mitchell grass after rain, loading 'bush hay', travelling to Headingly by car, a storm-damaged windmill, and other facets of station life, mainly during the 1920s and 1930s.

Corona Station (Queensland)

Sheet Metal Working, Agricultural Implement & Stovemaking Industrial Union of Australia, New South Wales Branch deposit 1

  • AU NBAC E196
  • Deposit
  • 1888 - 1972

Rule books, minutes, correspondence files, financial records, membership records, arbitration material, printed material and photographs. Includes records of predecessors the Stove & Piano Frame Moulders' & Stovemakers Employees' Union; Federated Agricultural Implement & Stovemakers' Porcelain Enamellers' & Ironworkers' Association of Australia; Federated Stovemakers' & Porcelain Enamellers Association of Australia; and the NSW Amalgamated Tinsmith, Sheet Iron Workers and Meter Makers Trade Society.

Sheet Metal Working Agricultural Implement and Stovemaking Industrial Union of Australia

Annual Report, Monthly Report, and Monthly Journal

  • AU NBAC S44
  • Serial
  • 1851 - 1967

Annual reports 1851 - 1857, 1861 - 1866, 1896 - 1897 (box 1), Monthly Report 1851 - 1886, 1890 - 1896 (boxes 1 - 5). From 1897 to 1902 the ASE published the Engineers Journal and Monthly Record of Facts, Figures, and Fancy relating to the Engineering Trade, Unionism and Industrialism generally (boxes 5 - 6), but from c. 1905 the were two publications, the 'Report and Monthly Record' (1905 - 1912, boxes 6 - 7) and the 'Monthly Journal' (1908 - 1912, boxes 7 - 8). Between 1913 and 1921 these two separate publications were renamed the 'Monthly Journal and Report' (boxes 8 - 9), before the name changed to the Monthly Journal in May 1921 (when the ASE joined with other unions to become the Amalgamated Engineering Union), issues held from 1921 - 1964, and 1966 - 1967 (boxes 9 - 17). There is also a set of unbound duplicate Monthly Journals covering the years 1921 - 1933 (boxes 17 - 18), 1948 - 1959 and 1961 (boxes 19 - 20).

Amalgamated Society of Engineers, Machinists, Millwrights, Smiths, and Pattern Makers

Aircraft Engineer

  • AU NBAC S51
  • Serial
  • 1965 - 1967 (incomplete)

Sydney. Official journal of the Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association

ANU photographs (envelope series)

  • AU ANUA 15
  • Series
  • 1948 - 1974

The black and white photographs document the early development of the University: the Easter Conference of 1948, the laying of foundation stones in 1949, the opening of buildings, the conferring of degrees, and visits by dignatories. Throughout the 1950s and 1960s many staff and buildings were photographed as well as visitors, Creative Arts Fellows, exhibitions and other events. Most of the photographs were taken by the Commonwealth Department of Information, then the Commonwealth News and Information Bureau, and bear a number with a UN (University) prefix. The photographs were originally held in numbered manila envelopes and have now been placed in archival albums. Some envelopes were top-numbered into the later series, photographs of people and subjects (ANUA 225 and ANUA 226).

Office of the Registrar

Albums of photographs of the ANU campus

  • AU ANUA 12
  • Series
  • 1948-1961

There are four albums of black and white photographs, and additional album pages of photographs in 11 folders, starting with the 1948 Easter Conference and showing the construction of early buildings on campus (such as University House, the Physics building, and the Menzies Library) and residential housing.

Office of the Registrar

Dalgety News

  • AU NBAC S53
  • Serial
  • 1960 - 1980

Dalgety and Company Limited

Dalgety Farmers Staff News

  • AU NBAC S54A
  • Serial
  • 1984 - 1991

1968 - 1983 was titled Dalgety Staff and Management News (see S54). From Dec 1983 to Jun 1991 was Dalgety Farmers Staff News.

Dalgety and Company Limited

Dalgety Staff and Management News

  • AU NBAC S54
  • Serial
  • 1968

Titled Dalgety Staff and Management News 1968 - 1983. From Dec 1983 to Jun 1991 was Dalgety Farmers Staff News (see S54A)

Dalgety and Company Limited

Dalgety's Review

  • AU NBAC S55
  • Serial
  • 1894 - 1916

Issues for Dec 1914, Oct & Nov 1915 and Jul & Sep 1916 are held in S56 (Dalgety's Wool Review), being bound into the volume for 1915-1922 of that publication. Issues for the period Jan to Sep 1916 are also held in one bound volume.

Dalgety and Company Limited

Mavis and Alec Robertson papers

  • AU NBAC N437
  • Deposit
  • c. 1900 - 2019

Papers of Mavis and Alec Robertson relating to their work, activism and interests in journalism, communism, women’s liberation, the anti-Vietnam war movement, Papua New Guinea independence, the peace and anti-nuclear movement, Chile, and superannuation. Material includes correspondence, diaries, notebooks and travel diaries, photographs, speeches, grey literature such as reports and travel ephemera. Also includes some papers of Alec Robertson (Senior) and some family history material.

Some books and pamphlets are unprocessed (as at Oct 2022).

Robertson, Mavis

News and views (ARU Tasmania)

  • AU NBAC S34
  • Serial
  • 1957 - 1967

Launceston. Australian Railways Union, Tasmanian branch. ARU News issues held for 1957 to 1959. Renamed the News Letter in 1959, issues held for years 1959 to 1960. In 1961 it was retitled 'News and Views', issues held for 1961 (nos. 2 - 9), and vol. 1 no. 1 (c. 1967) of the newly designed journal.

Australian Railways Union

Papers of Robert Parker

  • AU ANUA 327
  • Series
  • 1951 - 1976

The files relate to Professor Parker’s membership of the Board of the Institute for Advanced Studies and his administration of the Department of Political Science in the Research School of Social Sciences. The files have been divided into two sequences on this basis as ANU or RSSS files. The files contain correspondence and memos, copies of minutes and comments by other staff on various proposals.

Parker, Robert Stewart

Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London and Australian Offices deposit

  • AU NBAC 162
  • Deposit
  • 1863 - 1977

This deposit consists of records from the London Office; the Department of the General Manager for Australia; the Sydney Office; Bligh Development (Sydney) Ltd; Bligh Management (Sydney) Ltd and J Manning Pty Ltd. Records of the Department of the General Manager for Australia comprise of minutes; annual reports; reports from branches; general ledgers; records re Pension Fund for London staff 1934-1971; correpondence; office files; financial records; station records re wool clip returns and stock returns; registers re employee superannuation plan; and trust deeds for pension and provident fund. AML&F Sydney office records comprise of Local Board meeting minutes; correspondence; financial records; records relating to staff pension and provident funds 1901-1956; security registers and documents; photographs c. 1921-1971; maps 1891-1969; miscellaneous records re Bligh Street buildings; working file of Sydney Office Manager, James Kidd 1918; staff training notes 1965-1971 and printed material. Records of Bligh Development (Sydney) Ltd include office files 1962-1972, specifications and architect plans, photographs and newspaper clippings. Bligh Management (Sydney) Ltd records comprise of office files 1963-1971. Records of J Manning Pty Ltd comprise of minutes 1949-1962, share register and financial records. Also includes records of Gyra River Pastoral Company Pty Ltd.

Australian Mercantile Land and Finance Company Limited

Robert Mitton papers

  • AU ANUA 620
  • Series

This deposit has not been processed. Collection largely consisting of materials on mining in Irian Jaya.

Mitton, Robert

Hope Hewitt's teaching material and correspondence

  • AU ANUA 662
  • Series
  • 1954 - 2007

Typescript copies of lectures relating to the teaching of English literature particularly drama. These are arranged in folders by author with notes and reviews of books and theatre productions. There is also correspondence with academic staff including Alec Hope and Dorothy Green, students and others, and references provided for students.

Hewitt, Alison Hope

Goldsbrough Mort and Company Head Office and station records

  • AU NBAC 2
  • Deposit
  • 1855 - 1955

This deposit contains records of head office and of various station properties connected with the company. Records from head office include board minutes, correspondence, acount books, papers relating to shares, legal papers and press cuttings. Records from stations include correspondence, returns, reports of stations, acount books, papers relating to land matters and maps. A small sub-group consists of papers relating to property owned by the company in the Northern Territory from which a live cattle business was carried on between Darwin, Batavia and Singapore in the 1880s and 1890s.

Goldsbrough Mort and Company

Sir John Gunther papers

  • AU ANUA 321
  • Series
  • 1947 - 1984

Part 1 - These papers mainly relate to Gunther’s time as Vice-Chancellor of the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG), and include some papers relating to Gunther’s time as the Director of Public Health and Assistant Administrator in Papua New Guinea. The main subject categories are:

  1. Political papers dealing with the period before independence in Papua New Guinea (folders 1-13)
  2. Political papers pertaining to independence (folders 14-17)
  3. Economic papers – Waigani papers (folders 18-20)
  4. Economic papers – Bougainville papers (folders 32-34)
  5. Education papers (folders 35-110)
  6. Personal papers (folders 112-118)
  7. Administrative papers (folders 119-136)

Part 2 - These papers document many aspects of Gunther’s administration of public health in Papua New Guinea (folders 137-239). They include Gunther’s files on various health issues, including malaria, leprosy, scrub typhus, nutrition, kuru and tuberculosis. Also includes papers on medical education, the Mount Lamington volcanic eruption and the South Pacific Commission.

Gunther, John Thomson

Dr Roy Scragg papers

  • AU ANUA 773
  • Series
  • 1922 - 2022

Includes government, scientific, and medical reports and papers relating to Dr Scragg's work, mostly in Papua New Guinea, the majority circa 1950-1970. Contains files on medical staff in PNG serving under Dr Scragg which may be restricted. One box of photographs.

Scragg, Roy

Victoria River Downs records deposit 1

  • AU NBAC 42
  • Deposit
  • 1909 - 1955

Includes station returns, financial records, correspondence, ledgers, maps and papers relating to the employment of Aboriginal people. Some records relate to other stations owned by Bovril Australian Estates Ltd: Carlton Hill, Walgra, Legune and Ning Bing Stations.

Victoria River Downs

Actors and Announcers' Equity Association of Australia

  • AU NBAC E241
  • Deposit
  • 1940 - 1973

Subject files (389 files, including Actors Awards, correspondence with Australian Broadcasting Commission, theatres and film production companies), Correspondence Files (31 files), printed material (31 items), photographs (2).

Actors' Equity of Australia

Papers of Alfred Ernest Grounds

  • AU NBAC N363
  • Deposit
  • 1878 - 1935

Papers, reports and photographs of The Amalgamated Glass Bottle Workers' Union, The Zetland Glass Bottle Works Ltd, The Australian Glass Manufacturers Company and other glass making information.

Grounds, Alfred Ernest

Amalgamated Postal Workers' Union deposit 2

  • AU NBAC E129
  • Deposit
  • 1918 - 1964

Correspondence with branches and Public Service Board, subject and arbitration files, annual conference papers, newspaper cuttings, photographs of mobile lunch unit, and printed material.

Australian Letter Carriers' Association

Amalgamated Postal Workers' Union Victorian Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC T16
  • Deposit
  • 1912 - 1958

Australian Telegraph and Telephone Construction and Maintenance Union/Australian Postal Linesmen's Union: minutes of Victorian Branch (1912-1925), financial records and membership registers; Postal Sorters' Union of Australia: minutes of Victorian Branch (1913-1925) and roll books; Australian Letter Carriers' Association: minutes of Victorian Branch (1915-1925), financial records and membership register; Amalgamated Postal Workers' Union: minutes of Victorian Branch (1925-1943) and annual conferences (1925-1939), financial records, rules, membership records (1925-1928, 1954), correspondence files, arbitration material, photographs of mail sorting and mobile lunch room, drawing of steel clothes lockers and printed material. Also includes small quantity of Victorian Plasterers' Society material.

Amalgamated Postal Workers' Union of Australia

Australasian Coal and Shale Employees' Federation, Edgar Ross collection

  • AU NBAC E165
  • Deposit
  • 1874 - 1965

The records in this deposit were gathered by Edgar Ross, editor of the Federation's Common Cause, and used by him in the writing of his history of the Miners' Federation. Central Council: minutes of meetings (1917-1929), rules, reports of miners' conventions (1913-1965), material relating to 1949 Coal Strike, printed material, photographs and sketches. Southern District, Illawarra: minutes of Mount Pleasant (1902-1923) and Coledale (1922-1927) lodges, correspondence, arbitration material, membership lists (1916-1932) and financial records. Northern Branch, Newcastle: minutes of the Coal Miners' Mutual Protective Association of the Hunter River District (1874-1880), press cuttings (1893-1955) and 1938 Cessnock Strike material. Western District, Lithgow: minutes of Vale of Clwydd (1878-1881), Lithgow (1886-1899), Zig Zag, Hartley Vale, Mount Victoria, Oakey Park and State Mine lodges. Queensland District, Bundamba: minutes of the West Moreton Coal Miners' Union and Queensland Colliery Employees' Union meetings (1902-1940) and Mafeking Branch (1907-1910), membership register (1906-1910). Tasmanian Division: minutes of the Tasmanian Coal Miners' Association (1913-1926).

Amalgamated Miners' Association of Australasia

Australasian Society of Engineers South Australian Branch deposit 1

  • AU NBAC E113
  • Deposit
  • 1905 - 1962

Minutes of South Australian executive and branch meetings (1924-1954), financial records, arbitration material, rules and photographs from Adelaide, Quorn, Prospect, Sydney, Meadowbank, Newcastle, Broken Hill and Goldfields Branches.

Australasian Society of Engineers

Australasian Steamship Owner's Federation and Commonwealth Steamship Owners' Association deposit

  • AU NBAC E217
  • Deposit
  • 1893 - 1971

The deposit consists of Australasian Steamship Owners' Federation minutes 1901-1959; Branch minutes 1939-1959; Industrial Sub-Committee minutes 1927-1966; Commonwealth Steamship Owners' Association minutes 1920-1958; Association of Employers of Waterside Labour minutes 1944-1958; New South Wales Interstate Steamship Owners' Association minutes1939-1950; Maritime Industry Commission minutes 1944-1958; Stevedoring Industry Commission minutes 1946-1948; CSOA members registers 1905-1930; ASOF annual reports 1904-1906; 1922-1940; ASOF circulars 1938-1959; CSOA circulars 1938-1960; Victorian Steamship Owners' Association minutes 1893-1899; correspondence; Central Committee subject files; Central Committee arbitration files and transcripts 1934-1965; newscuttings 1923-1954; papers and transcripts of inquiries 1929-1969; financial records 1904-1962.

Commonwealth Steamship Owners' Association

Hitchcock slides of Papua New Guinea and Nauru

  • AU ANUA 293
  • Series
  • 1962-1963, 1967
  1. The first group of slides – Pari, Eastern Highlands New Guinea (slides ANUA 293-1 1-51); Kaparoka (slides ANUA 293-2 1-30); marriage in the Sinnga Valley, Eastern Highlands, New Guinea (slides ANUA 293-3 1-32) relate to the publication published by the South Pacific Commission - 'Studies of Dietary Intake and the Expenditure of Energy by New Guineans. Technical Paper No. 147' by Eben H Hipsley and Nancy E Kirk (Hitchcock), 1962. These slides are a record of food selection and preparation in Papua New Guinea during this time period.
  2. The second group of slides - Rabia Camp - A Port Moresby migrant community (slides ANUA 293-4 1-20) relate to the publication in the New Guinea Research Unit Bulletin, No. 14 - 'Rabia Camp: A Port Moresby Migrant Settlement' by Nancy E Hitchcock and N D Oram, 1967. These slides are a record of the people and their living conditions in a migrant camp in Port Moresby.
  3. Slides of Nauru and Ocean Island/Banaba (slides ANUA 293-5 1-31) relate to the report 'Dietary Survey of the UN Trust Territory Nauru' by Nancy E Kirk, 1957. These slides are a record of the people, their living conditions and the landscape on Nauru and Ocean Island/Banaba.

Hitchcock, Nancy Eva

Operative Stonemasons' Society of Australia New South Wales Branch deposit 1

  • AU NBAC T46
  • Deposit
  • 1856 - 1958

Minutes of meetings of Sydney Lodge and central committee (1856-1958), financial records, rule books, certificates, photographs, ballot box and other realia. Some records of the following branches included: Balmain, Barker's Creek, Bathurst, Bowral, Lithgow Valley, Mudgee, Nattai, Newtown, Northern, Rookwood, Waterloo, and West Maitland. Also includes records of the Marble and Slate Workers' Union of New South Wales (1901-1920), the Monumental Workers' Union of New South Wales (1902-1913) and the Quarrymen's Union of New South Wales (1942-1958).

Operative Stonemasons' Society of New South Wales

Jean Martin papers

  • AU NBAC N132
  • Deposit
  • 1942 - 1979

Correspondence, essays, lecture notes, research papers, press cuttings, reports, ethnic community publications and a multicultural data bank. Records of research projects, files and working papers on displaced persons and the education of migrants arranged by project: Goulburn re displaced persons, 1950-1953; Adelaide re displaced persons, 1964-1970, Melbourne and Sydney re education of young women and migrants, 1971-1975, Melbourne re child migrant education in schools of high migrant density, 1972-1973; Sydney secondary student survey, 1974-1979. Includes material re publication of Refugee Settlers.

Martin, Jean Isobel

Tooth and Company leased hotel files

  • AU NBAC N178
  • Deposit
  • 1975 - 1990

Managerial files of leased hotels, city and country, in New South Wales. Metropolitan files are arranged alphabetically by name of hotel in two runs, 1975-1985 and 1985-1990, and country files are arranged alphabetically by name of town, also in two runs. Contents include correspondence, legal papers, leases, valuations, inventories, building plans and photographs.

Tooth and Company Limited

Manchester Unity, Victorian Country Districts deposit

  • AU NBAC Z227
  • Deposit
  • 1830s - 2000

Minutes, reports, financial records, membership and admissions registers, night books, pence books, contribution books, records of sickness, records re declaration of marriage, age health and conformity, hospital fund registers, degree books, widows and orphans fund registration books, investment ledgers, letter books, photographs and certificates, and printed material re rules and laws in Victoria.

Bairnsdale District records include Cunninghame Lodge; Lindenow Lodge; Mitchell Lodge; Omeo Lodge; Orbost Lodge; Swifts Creek Lodge; Tambo Lodge.

Bendigo District records include Albert Lodge; Bendigo Lodge; Catherine Lodge; Darling Lodge; Earl of Hopetoun Lodge; Echuca Lodge; Goldminers Pride Lodge; Heart of Friendship Lodge; Heathcote Lodge; James Roe Lodge; Kerang Lodge; Kyabram Lodge; Marcorna Lodge; Pyramid Lodge; Sir Henry Barkly Lodge, Huntly; Sir Walter Scott Lodge, Elmore; Strangers Refuge Lodge; Swan Hill Lodge.

Castlemaine District records include A H Nicholl Jnr Lodge; Alexandra Lodge; Amhurst Lodge; Campbell’s Creek Lodge; Castlemaine Lodge; Carisbrook Lodge; Chewton Lodge; Clune Lodge; Coliban Lodge; Daylesford Lodge; Garibaldi Lodge; Hand of Friendship Lodge; Hepburn Lodge; Kyneton Lodge; Maldon Lodge; Maryborough Lodge; Newstead and Strangways Lodge; Prince of Wales Lodge; Strathlodden Lodge; Talbot Lodge; Woodend Lodge.

Corio District (Geelong) records include Apollo Bay Lodge; Barwon Grove Lodge; Belmont Lodge; Colac Lodge; Deans Marsh Lodge; Geelong Lodge; Inverleigh Lodge; Lara Lodge; Meredith Lodge; Norlane Lodge; Queenscliff Lodge; Southern Cross Lodge; Southern Star Lodge.

Hamilton District records include Border Lodge; Branscholme Lodge; Coleraine Lodge; Lake Wallace / Edenhope Lodge; Marquis of Lorne Lodge; Princess Alexandra / Penshurst Lodge; Princess Alice / Hamilton Lodge.

Ovens & Murray District include Beechworth Lodge; Benalla Lodge; Corryong Lodge; Euroa Lodge; King Valley Lodge; Loyal Shepparton Lodge; Mansfield Lodge; Myrtleford Lodge; Nagambie Lodge; Numurkah Lodge; Prince of Wales Lodge; Rutherglen Lodge; Seymour Lodge; Standard Lodge, Granya; Tallangatta Lodge / Tatonga Lodge; Walwa Lodge; Wangaratta Lodge (Junction); Wodonga Lodge; Yackandanah Lodge; Yarrawonga Lodge.

Port Fairy District records include Farmers Rest / Orford Lodge; Koroit / Prince Alfred Lodge; Port Fairy Lodge; Prince Albert Lodge; Prince of Wales / Portland Lodge; Villiers / Yambuck Lodge.

Sale District records include Diamond Jubilee / Rosedale Lodge; Latrobe / Sale Lodge; Loyal Heyfield Lodge; Maffra Lodge; Stratford Lodge; Toongabbie Lodge; Traralgon Lodge.

South Gippsland District records include Bass Valley / Nyora Lodge; Colliery / Korumburra Lodge; Foster Lodge; Leongatha Lodge; Lord Kitchener / Wonthaggi Lodge; Yarram Lodge.

St Arnaud District records include Berriwillock Lodge; Charlton Lodge; Culgoa Lodge; Prince Alfred / Dunolly Lodge; Sea Lake Lodge.

Sunraysia District records include Cardross Junior Lodge; Cardross Lodge; Diggers / Red Cliffs Lodge; Irymple Lodge; Merbein Lodge; Mildura Lodge; Murrayville Lodge; Ouyen Lodge; Robinvale Lodge; Underbool Lodge; Walpeup Lodge; Werrimull Lodge.

Warrnambool District records include Allensford Lodge; Mortlake Lodge; Timboon Lodge; Wimmera District; Dimboola Lodge; Horsham Lodge; Kaniva Lodge; Nhill Lodge; Pleasant creek / Stawell Lodge; Rainbow Lodge; Rupanyup Lodge; Stawell Lodge.

Manchester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows

Tooth and Company deposit 2

  • AU NBAC N60
  • Deposit
  • 1854 - 1980

Records documenting different parts of Tooth and Company Limited's operations including some large record series.
Items 1 to 117 cover Mittagong Maltings c 1916 to 1980.
Items 820 to 3007 are City Manager's office hotel files.
Items 3033 to 5544 are Country manager's office hotel files.
Items 5545 to 7654 are Property Office city hotel files.
Items 7655 to10051 are Property Office country hotel files.
Items 434 to 819 are Property Office architects files.

Tooth and Company Limited

Australian Agricultural Company (Australian Office) deposit 1

  • AU NBAC 1
  • Deposit
  • 1824 - 1958; 1992

All types of company records including minutes, correspondence, despatches, annual reports, financial and legal records, employment and employee records; colliery stores books, records for Warrah, Corona, Bladensburg, Caldervale and Brewon stations; miscellaneous material relating to land, wool, railways, cultivation of silk and agriculture; maps and plans; photographs and posters.

Australian Agricultural Company

Research material on postwar migration

  • AU ANUA 392
  • Series
  • 1956 - 1962

The material relates to two projects undertaken by Zubrzycki: the Nuffield Project on immigration to Australia after World War II, based on the 1954 census, and a study of displaced persons, based on International Refugee Organisation nominal rolls and records of the Department of Labour and National Service. There are statistical tabulations, correspondence, press clippings, and summaries of departmental files made by Lilian Wilson, as well as original material from the files retained as examples.

Zubrzycki, Jerzy

Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union, National Office deposit 2

  • AU NBAC Z628
  • Deposit
  • 1963 - 2002

Rules, minutes, minutes of the board of directors of the Industry Fund Service Pty Ltd, correspondence, financial records and industrial files. Includes files of predecessors the Automotive Food Metals and Engineering Union, the Food Preservers Union of Australia, the Confectionery Workers Union of Australia, the Printing and Kindred Industries Union, the Printing Industry Employees Union of Australia, the Amalgamated Metal Workers Union, and the Metals and Engineering Workers Union.

Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union

The Painters and Allied Trades Journal

  • AU NBAC S338
  • Serial
  • 1968-1985, 1991

Washington. The official journal of the Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers of America

International Union of Painters and Allied Trades

Fred Ward and ANU Design Unit drawings for furniture

  • AU ANUA 439
  • Series
  • 1951 - 1969

The drawings are for furniture particularly for University House, but there are also photographs of chairs and other furniture at University House, the John Curtin School of Medical Research and Bruce Hall. Two stained glass designs by G Kellock of Ballarat have been retained though their significance is unclear.

Ward, Frederick

Australian Agricultural Company (Australian Office) deposit 8

  • AU NBAC Z241
  • Deposit
  • 1824 - 1993

All types of company records of the Australian Agricultural Company and Peel River Land & Mineral Co including minutes, annual reports, despatches and correspondence, financial records, property valuations and staff returns, legal documents, seals, seal presses, printing plates for dividend and share certificates, keys, exhibition medals, newspaper cuttings, printed material, photographs and maps; station records consisting of monthly station reports, Goonoo Goonoo office files, papers relating to Mt House and Glenroy stations; and Muttama station records consisting of wool clip records, paddock book, daily journals and staff journals and diaries. Also in this deposit are financial records and papers relating to company subsidiaries.
Includes records relating to Aboriginal workers.

Australian Agricultural Company

Photographs, scrapbooks and audiovisual material from the ANU North Australian Research Unit

  • AU ANUA 240
  • Series
  • 1974 - 1997

This collection is of photographs, press cuttings and audiovisual material from the North Australia Research Unit (NARU), an ANU facility located in Darwin. It comprises mostly photographic prints, with some negatives, in five albums, two scrapbooks of material about NARU as well as the Northern Territory generally, and two films taken in 1974 (after Cyclone Tracy) and 1976, along with an audiotape commentary. The photographs range in subject from official visits and fieldwork to social functions, and many are not individually listed.

ANU North Australia Research Unit

Papers of Andrée Rosenfeld

  • AU ANUA 690
  • Series
  • c. 1984-1996

Records relating to excavations in Buang Merabak, New Ireland, Papua New Guinea. Includes field notebooks, correspondence, notes, reports, slides, photographs, negatives, audio cassettes, drawings and maps. Additional notes, photographs and reports by Jack Golson relating to Lasigi, New Ireland, Papua New Guinea.

Rosenfeld, Andrée Jeanne

Richard Eves Collection

  • AU NBAC N358
  • Deposit
  • c. 1980 - 1987

Subject files, created by Dr Richard Eves, on various peace and anti-nuclear organisations and campaigns in Australia and overseas, as well as publications, leaflets, posters, newsletters, stickers and badges. The collection also includes correspondence, minutes and printed material of Campaign Against Nuclear Energy (CANE) and South Australia and Communist Party of Australia (South Australian branch) together with press cuttings and handbooks concerning the Roxby Downs blockade and the Franklin River blockade.

Eves, Richard

Australian Natives Association records

  • AU NBAC N407
  • Deposit
  • c. 1854-2019

Board of Directors papers; branch membership registers; minute books; correspondence; rules and laws; charters; branch memorabilia; insurance papers; annual reports; financial papers; directories; journals; serials; pamphlets; publications; books; photographs; certificates.
Includes records relating to the Manchester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows, Grand United Order of Oddfellows, Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society and Independent Order of Rechabites.

Australian Natives Association

Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association collection

  • AU ANUA 487
  • Series
  • c. 1942 - 1974

Press clippings from Hawaiian and other US press on the Pacific Islands, articles and reports. The files are arranged by the following subjects: American Samoa, American Polynesia, Anglo-American Rivalry for Pacific Islands, Arno Atoll (Marshall Islands), the Bounty and genetics, Canton Island and Enderbury Island, Caroline Island, Christmas Island, Clipperton Island, Easter Island, Falcon Island, Fanning Island, Fiji, French Polynesia (Tahiti, Marquesas, Tuamotus, Australs), Gilbert and Ellice Islands, Guam, Hawaii, Hoorn Islands, Howland Island, Hull Island, Japanese Mandate Islands, Jarvis, Howland and Baker Islands, Johnston Island, Kapingamarangi Atoll, Kingman Reef, Lord Howe Island, Mangareva, Mariannas Island, Marquesas Islands, Marshall Islands (Kwajalein Island), Michener and the Pacific, Micronesia, Midway Island, Nauru and Ocean Island, New Caledonia, New Hebrides (now Vanuatu), New Zealand, Palau, Palmyra Island, Papua New Guinea, Pearl and Hermes Reef, Pitcairn Island, Ponape, Rose Island, Saipan and Tinian, Solomon Islands, Swains Island, Tonga, Torres Strait, US Trust Territory, Vostok Island, Wake Island, Washington Island, Western Samoa, World War II. Also loose press cuttings on Micronesia Independence, nuclear testing and strategic policy.

Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association

Te Rangi Hiroa papers

  • AU ANUA 568
  • Series

Collection of administrative records 1966 - 1984, including applications for research grants, minutes of meetings, correspondence and the essays submitted, 1970 - 1984.

Te Rangi Hiroa Fund

Australian School of Pacific Administration records

  • AU ANUA 415
  • Series
  • 1946 - 1992

The collection consists of reports, minutes of some ASOPA Council meetings, correspondence and internal documents relating to the School's administration, courses, staff, reviews and restructures. There are also documents relating to aspects of Australian administration in Papua New Guinea and the Northern Territory.

Australian School of Pacific Administration

Editorial and administrative records of the Bicentennial History project

  • AU ANUA 1
  • Series
  • c. 1976-1988

This series has not been processed. Boxes received from Alan Atkinson (1-3), Bill Gammage (4), Ann Curthoys (5), Peter Spearritt (6-16), Stephen Foster (17-35, 37, 52-56), Ken Inglis (36), Allan Martin (38-48), Graeme Davison (49-50) and JW McCarty (51).

Bicentennial History Project, Research School of Social Sciences

Builders' Labourers' Federation Federal Office deposit

  • AU NBAC N130
  • Deposit
  • 1910 - 1990

Minutes of Federal Council (1923-1984) and Federal Management Committee (1940-1985 with gaps), rules, general files (1947-1986), industrial files (1913-1990) with index, files relating to the Royal Commission into the activities of the BLF and deregistration proceedings, balance sheets, press cuttings (1970-1989), printed material, posters, photographs, cartoons and sketches by C Stokes and Coxsedge.

Australian Building Construction Employees' and Builders' Labourers' Federation

Marie Reay anthropology collection

  • AU ANUA 440
  • Series
  • 1940 - 2006

Research papers and notes on PNG elections, Kuma, Aboriginal Australians and gender relations; fieldwork notebooks, correspondence, draft manuscripts and completed MA thesis, sketches of kinship diagrams, reports and publications, financial records, newspaper clippings, photographs, maps, sound cassettes and reel tapes. Includes material from the Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies (AIAS).

Reay, Marie Olive

Correspondence and unpublished manuscripts of Sione Latukefu

  • AU ANUA 523
  • Series
  • 1962 - 1995

Correspondence, reports, press cuttings, research materials, contracts and employment documents, lecture notes and student essays, conference programs, manuscripts and publications, and interview tapes. Also includes records related to the Tongan History Association.

Latukefu, Sione

W G Davies and Company deposit 2

  • AU NBAC N375
  • Deposit
  • 1930 - 1975

Station records, correspondence, financial files, stock and rainfall returns, notebooks and diaries, maps, and inspection and manager's reports relating to Landsdowne Pastoral Co and Malvern Hills Pastoral Co, including Athol, Mount Edinburgh, Southlands, Comfort Hill, Bayrick, and Tambo stations. Personal correspondence and financial records of WG Davies and MG Davies.

W G Davies and Company

Charles Morris Woodford papers on the Solomon Islands and other Pacific countries

  • AU ANUA 481
  • Series
  • 1886 - 1918

The collection was compiled by Charles Morris Woodford, naturalist and First Resident Commissioner of the British Solomon Islands Protectorate from 1896 - 1915. The collection includes diaries, photographs, correspondence, sketches and research notes related to the natural history, geography and ethnography of the Solomon Islands and other Pacific Islands from 1884 - 1915, as well as family papers and documents related to the administration of Solomon Islands Protectorate. There are documents about relations between the missionaries and the traders, matters associated with labour and the alienation of land, economic activity and tourism. The collection includes Woodford's 'Journal of a voyage from Suva Fiji to the Gilbert Group' from 4 March 1884 - 22 June 1884 ; Woodford's diaries from 1886 - 1889 ; 140 photographs taken on the voyage to and residence in the Solomon Islands in 1886 ; photographs of Rennell Island and inhabitants signed by Northcote Deck c1909. Of significance are ten large photographs of various scenes of the Solomon Islands, c1901, some published in The discovery of the Solomon Islands by Alvaro de Mendana in 1568, by Lord Amherst of Hackney and Basil Thomson (1901).

ANUA 481 is a consolidated collection of all four parts of the Woodford donation:
ANUA 481/1 is a photograph album containing 140 photographs taken in from April - October 1886 ;
ANUA 481/1 - 282 are items from 'bundles 1 - 30' ;
ANUA 481/ 283 - 317 relate to the second donation (ie PMB 1381) ;
ANUA 481/318 - 322 and 324 - 327 are eight large format photographs c1884 ;
ANUA 481/323 is a presentation plaque given to Woodford in 1905 ;
ANUA 481/329 is a collection of 126 photographs [ie PMB Photo 58]

Woodford, Charles Morris

Edward Adley Owen photographs

  • AU ANUA 571
  • Series
  • circa 1909- 1910

Photographs of Fiji from an employee of the Colonial Sugar Refinery at Labasa, Fiji, originally in two albums. Removed from the original albums for conservation purposes. Items 1-65 are photographs from a 'Postcard album' and most are printed to be postcards. Items 66-89 were in a separate photograph album.

Owen, Edward Adley

James F Weiner collection

  • AU ANUA 432
  • Series
  • 1979 - 1999

Notebooks relating to fieldwork with the Hegeso people of Papua New Guinea, and cassette tapes of recordings of music, Foi stories, stories in pidgin, meetings, arbitration cases, lectures, radio recordings, interviews, and discussions.

Weiner, James F

New Zealand and Australian Land Company stations deposit

  • AU NBAC N262
  • Deposit
  • 1926 - 1964

Photographic slides showing properties in New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia, including Till Till Station, Balranald; Wingadee Station, Coonamble; Willandra Station, Hillston; and Oakwood Station, Charleville, managed by Robert Webster for the New Zealand and Australian Land Company. Photocopy of Jacob Feilen's diary for Dromore station, May - July 1926.

New Zealand and Australian Land Company Limited

H B Selby Australia Limited deposit 2

  • AU NBAC N220
  • Deposit
  • 1904 - 2000

Minutes of Directors’ Meetings – H B Selby & Company Pty Ltd, 1932-1981, Selby-Wilton Scientific Ltd, 1962-1981, Analite Pty Ltd, 1947-1981, H B Selby Australia Ltd, 1948-1982; Memoranda and Articles of Association – H B Silberberg & Company Pty Ltd, H B Selby & Company Pty Ltd, H B Selby Australia Ltd, Proprietary Drug Trades Association of Australia, Analite Pty Ltd; scrip book - HB Silberberg & Company, 1912; share registers – H B Selby & Company Pty Ltd and H B Selby Australia Ltd, 1932-1982; financial records – H B Silberberg & Company, H B Selby & Company, H B Selby Australia Ltd, 1911-1982; managers conferences and marketing committee meetings, 1953-1981; reports on executive overseas trips and visits to other Selby’s offices, 1949-1982; correspondence between company offices and with overseas instrument manufacturers and chemicals suppliers, 1942-1982; stock books, price books and ordering procedures, 1911-1969, marketing and sales, 1950-1982; construction of offices and warehouses (includes drawings and plans), 1915-1978; staffing matters, functions and events, 1937-2000; company development and re-organisation, 1948-1982; annual reports, 1949-1982; Warburton O’Donnell Ltd, 1975-1983; scrap books, photographs and memorabilia, 1904-2000; printed material and staff publications.

H B Selby Australia Limited

Australian Journalists' Association, New South Wales Branch deposit 1

  • AU NBAC N59
  • Deposit
  • 1907 - 1982

The deposit consists of minutes of the NSW Institute of Journalists, AJA NSW Branch committee and sub-committees, Federal Executive and Branches (duplicates only), correspondence, arbitration case files, transcripts and research material, financial material, membership records, photographs, serials and printed material.

Australian Journalists' Association

James Conner collection

  • AU ANUA 636
  • Series
  • 2003 - 2014

Slide Folders: Approximately 3,005 slides arranged in 10 countries.

Conner, James Rex

Brij Lal papers on Fijian politics, society and the Constitution

  • AU ANUA 378
  • Series
  • 1988 - 2012

Papers relating to the Fiji Constitution Inquiry and Advisory Committee held in 1988-1989 and the Fiji Constitution Review Commission (FCRC) held in 1995-1996. Papers include meeting agenda, minutes, submissions, correspondence and consultation reports. Professor Lal was the Commissioner for the FCRC. Papers added in 2013 include papers on politics in Fiji, in particular, political unrest, the Indian Diaspora in Fiji, personal correspondence, Fijian local and family histories. Of significance is a file on the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone (1996-2000) belonging to Graeme Dobell, Foreign Affairs Correspondent for ABC Radio until 2008.

Lal, Brij Vilash

The Reporter

  • AU NBAC S1196
  • Serial
  • 21 Jan 1983 - 10 Nov 1995

Contains issues from 21 Jan 1983 - 17 May 1985 (gaps), and 24 March 1995 - 10 Nov 1995 (gaps).

Papua New Guinea University of Technology

Staccato: The Official Organ of the Musicians' Union of Australia

  • AU NBAC S1194
  • Serial
  • 1960 - 1962

March 1960 (2 copies), June 1960 (2 copies), September 1960, March 1961, June 1961, september 1961, December 1961, March 1962 (2 copies), June 1962 (2 copies). Also includes 1 copy of the November 1962 edition of The Australian Bandsman: a monthly journal for brass bands., official organ of the New South Wales, South Australian and Queensland Band Associations; a minority report on proposed amalgamation bt F Kitson (circa 1929) and a flyer on judicious spending to ease Australia's financial position by employing live musicians rather than 'canned music' and 'talkies'.

Musicians' Union of Australia

Australian Century Farm and Station Awards applications

  • AU NBAC N355
  • Deposit
  • 2014 - ?

Applications to the Century Farm and Station Awards include details of current and past owners, original land grant or purchase, buildings and improvements, accompanied by copies of family histories, photographs and maps.

Australian Century Farm and Station Awards National Co-ordinator

Australian Agricultural Company (Australian Office) deposit 4

  • AU NBAC 131
  • Deposit
  • 1824 - 1952

All types of company and station records including annual reports, financial records, parliamentary papers, deeds and related papers, legal records, industrial arbitration and court papers, General Superintendent's correspondence, ledgers, journals, cash books, wages records; wool, livestock and land returns for Bladensburg, Corona, Warrah, Sandycamp, Brewon, Caldervale and Headingly stations; land, leasing and valuation records for Newcastle Estate, Hamilton, Platt's Estate, Port Stephens Estate, Warrah Estate and Queensland pastoral leaseholds; miscellaneous printed material, photographs and plans. The deposit includes papers and transcript of proceedings of the Northern Collieries' Conciliation Board and Chairman's decision during the Hebburn Colliery dispute in 1909. Also in this deposit are directors' reports, minutes, financial records and correspondence, memorandum and articles of association, shareholder records, correspondence, lease agreements, mortgages, shares and wages records, station stock and staff returns for the following companies: Hebburn Limited, James McLeish Estates Ltd, Connor Doherty & Durack Ltd, Ivanhoe Grazing Company Ltd, Dark's Ice & Cold Storage Ltd and other associations involved with the Australian Agricultural Company.

Australian Agricultural Company

Results 3001 to 3100 of 3340