- AU NBAC S1119
- Serial
Sydney. Former titles: Labor News; Daily Mail. Later title: Daily News
Australian Labor Party
216 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Sydney. Former titles: Labor News; Daily Mail. Later title: Daily News
Australian Labor Party
Perth. ACOA WA Branch
Administrative and Clerical Officers' Association, Commonwealth Public Service
ACOA WA Branch
Administrative and Clerical Officers' Association, Commonwealth Public Service
ACO SA Branch. Later, official journal of ACOA and APSA, SA
Administrative and Clerical Officers' Association, Commonwealth Public Service
Brisbane. Official publication of the Queensland Branch Administrative & Clerical Officers' Association Commonwealth Public Service.
Administrative and Clerical Officers' Association, Commonwealth Public Service
Stevedoring Industrial Disputes - Nature of Issue and Extent; Industrial Disputes - Operational Employees of Stevedoring Companies. Published by Department of Transport, Canberra
Stevedoring Statistics: Labour and Industrial Disputes
Published annually by Department of Transport and Communications, Canberra
Stevedoring Statistics: Stevedoring Labour Review
Published quarterly by Department of Transport and Communications, Canberra
Sea Transport Statistics: Manhours Worked by Waterside Workers by Employment Status at Each Port
Published by Department of Transport, Canberra
Published by Department of Transport, Canberra
ASIA Monthly Report on Industrial Stoppages and Delays
Published by Australian Stevedoring Industry Authority, Sydney
Stevedoring Industry Statistics
Association of Employers of Waterside Labour
Stevedoring Industry Statistics
Association of Employers of Waterside Labour
AITEA New South Wales Branch Newsletter
Association for Tertiary Education Management Incorporated
Also AITEA National Bulletin, AITEA Newsletter
Association for Tertiary Education Management Incorporated
Journal of Tertiary Educational Administration
Association for Tertiary Education Management Incorporated
Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee Development Bulletin
Australian Vice-Chancellors’ Committee
Association of Professional Scientists of Australia
Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers Australia
Newsletter of the Ergonomics Society of Australia and New Zealand
Ergonomics Society of Australia
Professional Officers' Association Newsletter
Professional Officers' Association, Australian Public Service
Discussion journal on the documents for the 21st National Congress of the CPA held in Sydney June 1967
Communist Party of Australia
Federated Ship Painters & Dockers Union Sydney Branch Bulletin
Federated Ship Painters' and Dockers' Union of Australia
News Sheet: An official organ of the Flight Stewards' Association of Australia
Flight Stewards' Association of Australia
Engineers News: An official organ of the Australian Airline Flight Engineers' Association
Australasian Airline Flight Engineers' Association
Ergonomics Society of Australia and New Zealand Victorian Branch Newsletter, then Vic News
Ergonomics Society of Australia
Sydney. Official organ of the original old-age and invalid pensioners association of NSW. Combined Pensioners' Association of NSW. Vol 1 No 1 to October 1976 held, with many gaps in later years.
Combined Pensioners' Association of New South Wales
The Australian Aboriginal Call: The Voice of the Aborigines
Statistical Register of New South Wales
Registrar General's Office of New South Wales
Photocopy of the originals in the Archives Office of NSW. The Returns of the Colony ('Blue Books'), NRS 1286 consist of sets of statistical returns of the Colony of New South Wales and of areas under its jurisdiction compiled annually from 1822 to 1857 by the Colonial Secretary for transmission to the Secretary of State for the Colonies in London. New South Wales Census - 1851 held with 1853 volume.
Colonial Secretary's Office (New South Wales)
NSW Farmers Association Annual Reports
New South Wales Farmers' Association
Liquor, Hospitality Gaming Review
Liquor Trades Review (Tasmanian Branch)
Canberra. A monthly bulletin of events, information and reviews
Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations
The official newsletter of the Federated Ironworkers' Association of Australia.
Federated Ironworkers' Association of Australia
Advance Australia (Australian Natives Association)
An official newsletter of the Australian Natives Association.
Australian Natives Association
Education Gazette NSW (Administration)
Sydney. Published fortnightly by the NSW Department of Education for information of officers and employees of the Department
Melbourne. Federated Australian University Staff Association's newsletter
Federated Australian University Staff Association
Melbourne. Official organ of the Victorian Public Service Association. Vol 1 No 1 - Vol 6 No 10 held, with gaps
Victorian Public Service Association
APTU News, then Communication Workers Union
Melbourne. Issued by the Victorian Branch of the Australian Postal and Telecommunications Union. Vol 1 No 1 - Vol 7 No 3 held, with gaps
Australian Postal and Telecommunications Union
Melbourne. Federated Australian University Staff Association
Federated Australian University Staff Association
North Sydney. Published by the Readymix Group CSR Limited. Incorporates Hume News which was last published in Vol 66 no 4 Sep 1989 (S69)
Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited
Alternative Viewpoint, ACOA Reform Group
Issues 10, 11, 13, 15-20, 22-26, 29, 31-34, 36.
Administrative and Clerical Officers' Association, Commonwealth Public Service
St Leonards. Journal of the Printing and Allied Trades Employers Association of New South Wales. Supersedes Graphic Arts Bulletin
Printing and Allied Trades Employers Association of New South Wales
Graphic Arts Bulletin, then PATEFA News, then The Bulletin, then Print 21
St Leonards. Journal of the Printing and Allied Trades Employers Association of New South Wales
Printing and Allied Trades Employers Association of New South Wales
Melbourne. Australian Bank Officials' Association - Federal Executive
Bank Officials' Association
Official Journal of the Association of Professional Engineers & Scientists, Australia. Incorporating The Professional Engineer (S60), The Professional Scientist (S1136)
Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers Australia
Newsletter (Australian Association for Research in Education Inc)
Armidale. Published by the Australian Association for Research in Education
Australian Association for Research in Education Incorporated
The Australasian Insurance and Banking Record
Australasian Insurance & Banking Record
Melbourne. A monthly journal of Insurance, Banking and Finance. Printed and published by McCarron, Bird & Co, Collins Street, Melbourne. Years held: 1911 - 1919, 1923 - 1924, 1926 - 1928, 1930 - 1931
Waterside Workers Federation Branch News (Port Adelaide)
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
Sydney. Official publication of the Clothing and Allied Trades Union
Clothing and Allied Trades Union of Australia
Waterside Workers Federation Branch News (Fremantle)
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
Waterside Workers Federation Branch News (Melbourne)
Good holdings for period 1963 - 1971
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
Small collection of miscellaneous issues of Pacific newsletters, including: 'Vanuaaku Pati Seli Hoo' (5 issues, 1993-94) ; 'Solomons News' (1 issue, 15 May 1986) ; 'Tam Tam' (1 issue, 4 January 1982) ; 'Vanuaaku Viewpoints' (5 issues, 1978 - 83) ; 'Nabanga' (New Hebrides), 4 issues 1979, including a 'Special elections' issue ; 'Vanua Scope' (3 issues 1993) ; 'Seli Hoo' (Vanuatu), 7 issues, 1977 - 80 ; and 'Corail' (New Caledonia) I dependence issue 31 July 1980. Includes two political posters from the New Hebrides ('Major Key Policies', 1979) and the North Solomons Province (Representative Assembly Election, List of Candidates, 14 November 1979).
University Library
Lorraine and Michael Ovington collection
Correspondence, personal diaries, copy of a calendar, newspaper clippings and photographs relating to the Ovingtons' time in New Caledonia and Vanuatu, 1978-1980, photographs of Independence celebrations, official invitations, course papers on human development, and publications. Includes sound recording ANUA 480/18: Traditional music of Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides) from the Cultural Centre Archives, recordings made by anthropologist Kirk Huffman in the 1970s. The recordings relate to cultural practices. Side 1: Aoba; Ambrym ; Mota Lava (Banks) ; Side 2: Pentecost ; Malekula ; Tanna ; Erromango ; Aneityum
Ovington, Lorraine
National Association of People Living with HIV/AIDS deposit
Classified files including Executive Committee minutes, reports, correspondence, funding submissions, newsletters of member organisations, conference papers and printed material.
National Association of People Living with HIV/AIDS
Published material on co-operatives and the co-operative movement in Australia and internationally. Includes printed material on the Australian Labour Movement.
Clint, William Alfred
Music scores of Harold Allen's compositions
The scores include choral works, including music for poetic works, and works for instrumental ensembles and solo instruments. There are some works written specifically for schools such as those for percussion bands. The music scores are manuscript, commonly on transparent sheets, with printed copies, spiral-bound photocopies, and some published copies.
Allen, Harold Wesley
CSR Limited Head Office deposit
The bulk of these records consist of Head Office correspondence between 1855 and 1947. Until 1947, Head Office outward letters were copied in press copy letter books. Most have detailed indexes, including the inward letters received from 1903. Where gaps exist in the Head Office series, or the material is damaged or fragile it is sometimes possible to locate the same content in the Branch or Mill end of the correspondence.
The deposit also consists of annual reports, share records, New Zealand Sugar Company Limited board minutes, legal documents re lands in Fiji (1885-1970), chemical records, technical reports and data re sugar production, circulars, price lists, photographs (1868-1961) and press cuttings. Items 3619-4100 consist of photographs, series of photographs and albums.
These records contain information on CSR refineries in Australia and New Zealand, raw sugar mills in Australia and Fiji, sugar marketing, distilleries, ocean vessels, pineapple canning in Fiji, the beginnings of the divisions of building materials and industrial chemicals, mining, and defence projects 1939-1945. Also includes correspondence and records of the Australasian Sugar Company, and Robey and Company.
Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited
D'Arcy Ryan papers on the Mendi in the Southern Highlands of Papua New Guinea
Papers, photographs, slides, field notes made by D'Arcy Ryan in the Mendi Valley, Papua New Guinea, 1954 - 1964 and papers related to his role as a lecturer in anthropology at the University of Western Australia until 1988.
Ryan, D'Arcy James
This series contains various documents relating to Ann Curthoys' involvement in the Australian Bicentennial History Project and in teaching and researching Women's Studies at the Australian National University.
Curthoys, Ann
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies photographs
These photographs were taken by ANU photography staff, mainly Darren Boyd, to commemorate and publicise activitities, events and people in the Research School.
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
This small collection of folded maps is attributed to Professor Spate who acquired them for the cartographic collection in the Department of Human Geography. Some are annotated with catalogue numbers. There is also a map of France and one of Lahore in India.
Spate, Oskar Hermann Khristian
New South Wales Farmers' Association deposit 3
Correspondence, reports, submissions, working papers and research papers relating to the Australian dairy industry, specifically the industry in New South Wales and the "milk war" between the Victorian and New South Wales industries. Much of the material relates to the review of the national industry and the New South Wales Dairy Industry Act 1979. The majority of material belonged to Winston Watts AM, Executive Director of the New South Wales Farmers' Association Limited.
New South Wales Farmers' Association
Correspondence, minutes, slides, greeting cards, papers relating to the Trades & Labour Council (WA), Coastal Dock Rivers and Harbour Works Union of Western Australia and the Communist Party of Australia; photographs, and printed material. Includes a large number of pamphlets, leaflets and publications relating to communism, politics and trade unionism in Australia, Russia, Germany, Hungary, China and Korea.
Some serials removed from deposit and added to serials collection.
Troy, Patrick (Paddy) Laurence
Oral history interviews with Diane Kirkby
Oral history interviews recorded for the book Voices from the ships : Australia's seafarers and their union, 2008, by Diane Kirkby.
Kirkby, Diane
Thomas Watson ephemera on Papua New Guinea
Pamphlets, leaflets, newsclippings and other ephemera related to Papua New Guinea circa 1970-1995.
Watson, Thomas
Reminiscences on audio tape about Canberra University College
The cassette tapes record Tom Owen reminiscing about his time as Registrar of Canberra University College. There are also copies of recordings of events such as the laying of the foundation stone for the Haydon-Allen building, and the opening of the RG Menzies Building and the Chemistry building, and tapes relating to his early life, the Richmond Hoyts Cinema, and oral histories recorded in the 1990s. Some tapes are annotated with file references (ANUA 53).
Owen, Thomas Miles
ANU Women's Studies Program audiovisual material and photographs
The series includes cassette tapes of seminars and lectures, reel-to-reel tapes, reels of film, slides and photographs of staff, students and events.The photographs and slides have been placed in an archival album.
Women's Studies Program, Faculty of Arts
Tom Triffit's tape recordings of international aid seminars [Fiji]
The audio tape recordings, typescript copies of seminar papers and an index relate to a series of seminars presented by the Development Studies Centre in 1977–1978.
ANU Development Studies Centre
Audiotapes of Energy and Australia lectures
The tapes are of four evenings of lectures: Professor Sir Ernest Titterton and Dr SM Hamberger (26 March – including morning radio interview), Professor Ted Ringwood and Professor GHJ Taylor (2 April), Professor SF Harris and Dr TB Millar (9 April) and Dr B Selinger and Professor S Kaneff (16 April).
Hazlehurst, Cameron
Audio tapes of medical practice conference
The reel-to-reel audio tapes record the sessions of the international conference ‘Medical Practice and the Community’ held at the John Curtin School of Medical Research 26-30 August 1968. Among those who spoke at the conference were the Chancellor Dr HC Coombs and the Vice-Chancellor Professor JG Crawford.
John Curtin School of Medical Research
Department files and audiovisual material
Includes annual reports, correspondence, meeting minutes and other administrative papers relating to the Department of Human Geography. Also includes, interviews with Professor Oskar Spate.
ANU Department of Human Geography
This series has not been processed yet.
Australian National University
Asia behind the News recordings
A public affairs programme produced by the Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University at the Instructional Resources Unit, ANU.
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
Justice Paul Munro papers - second consignment
This deposit contains speeches, addresses and records of public commentay. It also contains decisions of Justice PR Munro as a single member, decisions of Full Benches of which Justice Paul Munro was a member. Documents relate to the Conciliation and Arbitration Commission, Australian Industrial Relations Commission, Industrial Relations Society, Australian Institute of Employment Rights and the Papua New Guinea Association of Australia. Other documents are personal. Justice Munro included in his donation information about the papers of Francis Norman Wellford (Norm) Ross that were donated to the Fryer Library at the University of Queensland.
Munro, Paul Robert
The Institute of Brewing - Asia Pacific Section deposit
Minutes, subject and convention files, convention proceedings, membership records, brewery books, printed material, photographs, and audiovisual material.
The Institute of Brewing - Asia Pacific Section
Barry McGowan's research papers on Chinese in Australia
Research materials relating to Barry McGowan's research on the Chinese in Australia, especially in New South Wales. Includes correspondence, photographs, conference papers and articles by Barry McGowan and by others, conservation and heritage reports and plans, and photocopies of newspapers and archival material.
McGowan, Barry
ANU Emeritus Faculty Histories
This series consists of personal accounts of the University’s activities, developments and achievements. from members of the ANU Emeritus Faculty.
ANU Emeritus Faculty
Minutes of the Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law
Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law
The collection was formed during 1969 and 1970 by John R Baker, Economist to the Government of Tonga and resident in the capital of Nukualofa from August 1969 to May 1970. Baker was employed by the British Ministry of Overseas Development and was seconded to the Government of Tonga as an Economist to undertake the preparation and drafting of the Tonga Development Plan 1970 - 1975, which was Tonga's second development plan. He was employed partly on the strength of his having worked in the Solomon Islands in 1964 and 1965 under the Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) Scheme. He was the first economist employed by the Tonga Government to work on development planning.
Baker, John R
CSR Limited Pilbara Iron Ltd deposit
The deposit consists of board papers, reports, correspondence, legal documents, plans and drawings, reports from the Pilbara Iron Technical Group Office, printed material, agreements and deeds, and records re employee housing scheme.
Pilbara Iron Limited
A.P.O. : the Australian Post Office magazine
Melbourne. Official journal of the Postal Institute. Issues held: Vol. 1 No. 2 Aug-Sept 1954; Vol. 1 No. 6 Apr-May 1955; Vol. 2 No. 2 Aug-Sept 1955; Vol. 2 No. 3 Oct-Nov 1955; Vol. 2 No. 4 Dec 1955-Jan 1956; Vol. 2 No. 5 Feb-Mar 1956; Vol. 2 No. 6 Apr-May 1956; Vol. 5 No. 5 Feb-Mar 1959; Vol. 5 No. 6 Apr-May 1959; Special Royal Visit Issue Apr-May 1963; 50th Anniversary Issue Feb-Mar 1968; Vol. 15 No. 1 Jun-Jul 1968; Vol. 15 No. 2 Aug-Sept 1968; Vol. 16 No. 4 Dec 1969-Jan 1970; Vol. 17 No. 2 Aug-Sept 1970
Australian Postal Institute
Sydney. Published by the Transport Workers' Union of Australia, NSW Branch. New series No 1 - Vol 25 No 1 held, with gaps
Transport Workers' Union of Australia
Correspondence, published and unpublished papers by Arthur Burns, papers by others
Burns, Arthur Lee
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia, Federal Office deposit 6
Federal Council and All-Ports meetings, 1967-1981; financial statements (Branches and Federal Office), 1964-1987; ACTU Executive meetings, 1985-1987; ACTU Congress, 1979-1985; correspondence/subject files, 1947-1983; sound recordings, 1950s; newspaper clippings, miscellaneous ACTU bulletins and newsletters, 1980s; printed material, 1903-1916; photographs, 1899-1989; reports of the Australian Stevedoring Industry Board (later the Australian Stevedoring Industry Authority), 1980s; Port News, 1970-1981; Australian Foremen Stevedores' Association Review, 1981-1984
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
Moscow. A Soviet weekly journal of world affairs, appearing in Russian, English, French, German, Spanish, Polish, Czech, Rumanian and Swedish
Research papers on AIDS in Australia
These records have not yet been processed.
Ballard, John Addison
University of New England, Armidale; Australian National University; Monash University. A bulletin of social history devoted to the year of grace, 1838. Also titled 'The Push from the bush'. Nos 1 - 3, 5 - 30 held.
Partnership in Islamic Education Scheme (PIES) program records
The Partnership in Islamic Education Scheme (PIES) program and its predecessors brought selected participants from the Indonesian higher education sector to the Australian National University for two semesters of study and skills training between 2004 and 2019. Records include a history of the establishment of the scheme by Emeritus Professor Virginia Hooker, early grant proposals, funding agreements, applications from successful cohorts of participants, evaluation and completion reports, books published by each cohort, copy of the PIES website, and administrative records.
The program was an initiative of Professor Virginia Hooker who worked with Professor Merle Ricklefs to develop the Partnership in Education and Training of Regional Islamic Institutions (PETRII) scheme, known as the ‘sandwich’ program. Funded by AusAID, the scheme ran from 2004-2006. It was followed by PIES which operated under the umbrella of the Australia-Indonesia Institute in collaboration with the Directorate of Higher Islamic Education and Indonesia’s Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA), with funding from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. PETRII and PIES were developed to provide opportunities for higher education teachers and academics to undertake overseas study, advance or complete their Indonesian degrees and build academic networks. The initial PIES program ran over two semesters 2008-2009 with Professor Hooker as Director. PIES II, PIES III and PIES IV operated under the Directorship of Associate Professor Greg Fealy with Dr Sally White continuing as academic mentor. A grant application for PIES V to operate from 2020, was unsuccessful and the scheme closed in 2021 with a final farewell event held on 8 September 2021 via zoom teleconference due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
College of Asia and the Pacific
Now and then : journal of the National Museum of Labour
To celebrate a history of working people in Australia it was proposed that a museum might be built in Canberra where historical items and iconography from all around the country could be displayed, in one central location. The journal 'Now and Then' was developed in 2010 to support the campaign, launched by UnionsACT in 2009, for the establishment of this National Museum of Labour. The museum never eventuated. The journal ceased in 2014.
This series is not processed yet.
ANU Marketing and Communications Division
Drill Hall Gallery administrative records
Contains press clippings and information about some exhibitions held at the gallery.
Drill Hall Gallery