Australian Workers' Union (AWU) letter book, Hughenden
- AU NBAC E161A-17
- Item
- Oct 1906 - Aug 1907
Part of Australian Workers' Union Longreach and Charleville deposit 2
Index at front of volume.
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Australian Workers' Union (AWU) letter book, Hughenden
Part of Australian Workers' Union Longreach and Charleville deposit 2
Index at front of volume.
Part of Australian Workers' Union Longreach and Charleville deposit 2
2 clippings from The Worker newspaper in folder - Report of proceedings for Labour-in-Politics Convention, and Report of the Central Political Executive of the Queensland Labour Party with balance sheets for Jul 1901.
May have been part of Item 8 Amalgamated Workers' Union minute book.
Medical History of Papua New Guinea - Robert Black, Medical Strategy
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Includes index cards, correspondence and handwritten notes, as well as photocopied paper by N.D. Oram, "Health, Housing and Development", Papua and New Guinea Medical Journal, vol. 8, no. 2, August 1965; also includes Pamela Denoon, "The Evolution of Medical Sociology".
Medical History of Papua New Guinea - Robert Black's Papers
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Includes the following papers by Robert Black: "Dr Bellamy of Papua", Medical Journal of Australia, 10 Aug 1957;
"Differential Distribution of Disease Between Indonesia and PNG", Papua and New Guinea Medical Journal, Vol. 9, no. 1, 1966; "Health of Patrol Officers in the TPNG", Medical Journal of Australia, 26 Sep 1959; also letters between Black and Norma MacArthur, 1958; R.L. Bellamy, "Enquiry into Vital Statistics - Trobriand Group", December 1926.
Australian Workers' Union (AWU) committee meetings and minute book, Hughenden
Part of Australian Workers' Union Longreach and Charleville deposit 2
Also contains tally sheet of ballots for secretary.
Medical History of Papua New Guinea - Other People's Papers
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Includes J. Richardson, "Health and Health Care in Papua New Guinea: Problems and Solutions", draft paper for the National Centre for Development Studies, Australian National University, 1986; Langmore, Diane, "'Exchanging Earth for Heaven': Death in the Papuan Mission Fields", Journal of Religious History; Terence H. Hull and Valerie J. Hull, "Health Care and Birth Control in Indonesia: Links Through Time", Research Note, no. 53, 20 March 1986.
Australian Workers' Union (AWU) minute book, Hughenden
Part of Australian Workers' Union Longreach and Charleville deposit 2
Also contains lists of members and delegates.
Australian Workers' Union (AWU) committee meetings and minute book, Hughenden
Part of Australian Workers' Union Longreach and Charleville deposit 2
Also contains loose papers of election representatives and polling places in back of volume.
Amalgamated Workers' Union (AmWU) letter book, Hughenden
Part of Australian Workers' Union Longreach and Charleville deposit 2
Index at front of volume.
Contains lists of workers.
Amalgamated Workers' Union (AmWU) minute book, Hughenden
Part of Australian Workers' Union Longreach and Charleville deposit 2
Contains Amalgamated Workers' Union inaugural and annual general meetings for Hughenden branch from Apr 1892 to Jan 1905.
2 typeset documents in separate folder - Report of proceedings for Labour-in-Politics Convention, and Report of the Central Political Executive of the Queensland Labour Party with balance sheets for Jul 1901.
Also contains loose Shearer's ticket number 526 from September 26, 1903.
Amalgamated Workers' Union (AmWU) letter book, Hughenden
Part of Australian Workers' Union Longreach and Charleville deposit 2
Index at front of volume.
Contains advertisements, telegrams, and a list of workers.
Part of Australian Workers' Union Longreach and Charleville deposit 2
Index of industrial and political meetings at back of volume.
People's Parliamentary Association meetings for Hughenden branch from Apr 1892 to Oct 1893, and Amalgamated Workers' Union Hughenden committee meetings from Aug 1903 to Apr 1908.
Also contains tally sheets for ballot papers sent to sheds from 1910 - 1920.
Amalgamated Workers' Union (AmWU) committee meetings minute book, Hughenden
Part of Australian Workers' Union Longreach and Charleville deposit 2
Amalgamated Workers' Union Hughenden branch
Part of Australian Workers' Union Longreach and Charleville deposit 2
Index at front of volume.
Letters from Queensland Labourers' Union Comet branch and Springsure from Jan 1891 to May 1892, and Amalgamated Workers' Union in Longreach from Oct 1895 to Jan 1903.
Part of Australian Workers' Union Longreach and Charleville deposit 2
Contains meeting minutes of Queensland Labourers' Union Comet branch at Springsure on Feb 7, 1892.
Petty cash sundries from Jan - Feb 1892.
Barcaldine head office tickets, and People's Parliamentary Association (PPA), United Pastoralists' Association (UPA) funds for 1892.
Queensland Shearers' Union (QSU), Queensland Labourers' Union (QLU) minute book
Part of Australian Workers' Union Longreach and Charleville deposit 2
Queensland Labourers' Union head office in Barcaldine from Mar 1891 to Jun 1892.
Also contains details of meeting between Queensland Shearers' Union and Queensland Labourers' Union at Longreach to form the Amalgamated Workers' Union in Apr 1892.
Queensland Labourers' Union (QLU), Barcaldine minute book
Part of Australian Workers' Union Longreach and Charleville deposit 2
Contains details of appointed positions
Medical History of Papua New Guinea - Evolution of Nutrition, Psychiatry, etc.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Includes Wilfred Moi, “Experiences in Psychiatry as a GP in PNG over a period of 15 years”; “Life History of Dr Wilfred Keina Moi”, 1983; Jock McCulloch, “Colonial Science and Revolutionary Psychology: Frantz Fanon and Octave Mannoni”, paper for African Studies Conference, ANU, August 1985; Eben H. Hipsley, “The Nutritional State of the Population of PNG” in C.O. Bell (ed), “The Diseases and Health Services of PNG: a basis for National Health Planning”, Department of Public Health, Port Moresby, 1985.
Medical History of Papua New Guinea - Gillespie, Lambert and Heiser
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Includes photocopies of the following papers: James Gillespie, “The State and Medicine: the failure of National Health Planning in Australia:, ANU seminar paper, July 1986; S.M. Lambert, “A Doctor in Paradise”, 1942; Victor Heiser, “A Doctor’s Odyssey: Adventures in Forty-five Countries”, 1937; together with part of Heiser’s trip diary, April 1916, and letter from Heiser from J.H. Waite in Samarai, August 1917, Rockefeller Archive Centre.
Medical History of Papua New Guinea - Roy Scragg's Papers
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Includes photocopies of paper by Roy Scraggs: "Specialists and Spraymen", Papua and New Guinea Medical Journal, vol. 11, no. 2, July 1968; Papua New Guinea Science Society Annual Report, 1961.
Medical History of Papua New Guinea - Edward G. Tscharke - A Quarter of a Century of Healing
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Photocopy of Tscharke, Edward G. "A Quarter of a Century of Healing" [a history of Gaubin Hospital, Karkar Island], 1973.
Medical History of Papua New Guinea - Burt Speer
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Includes "Una Voce News Letter", Retired Officers' Association of Papua New Guinea, 1984; letter to Donald Denoon from Burt Speer with attached photocopied material about Stan Christian.
Australian Labour Federation (ALF), Central District Council (CDC) Strike Committee, Barcaldine
Part of Australian Workers' Union Longreach and Charleville deposit 2
Index at front of volume
Contains correspondence from H. J. Jackson to W. Hamilton
Medical History of Papua New Guinea - Sydney Health Conference 1935
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Second International pacific Health Conference, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Sydney, 3-6 September 1935: part of report from Australian Archives.
Medical History of Papua New Guinea - Part 1, Chapter 5 - Political Economy of Papua New Guinea
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Includes Annual Reports to League of Nations on New Guinea, 1921-24; "Recommendations - Medical Service", extract from report on New Guinea by L.F. East, Oct 1922; notes and drafts.
Queensland Shearers' Union (QSU), Blackall and Amalgamated Workers' Union, Longreach letter book
Part of Australian Workers' Union Longreach and Charleville deposit 2
Index at front of volume
Queensland Shearers' Union, Blackall from Jun 1891 to May 1892 and Amalgamated Workers' Union, Longreach from Jun 1892 to May 1896. Also contains correspondence from H. J. Jackson of Longreach to the journal The Worker.
Queensland Shearers' Union (QSU), Blackall letter book
Part of Australian Workers' Union Longreach and Charleville deposit 2
index at front of volume
Medical History of Papua New Guinea - Loose Papers
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Includes transcript from Refshauge interview, 22 Jun 1982; notes from Disher War Diaries at University of Melbourne Archives; S. MacPherson, “The PNG Health Plan 1974-1978”, Maev O’Collins, “Family Planning Programs in PNG and the Solomon Islands”, 1979; Margaret Angus “The Kainantu Family Planning Program” Yagl-Ambu, vol. 2, no. 1, March 1975; annotated “Bibliography IUDs”.
Medical History of Papua New Guinea - Malaria
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Includes photocopies of published articles; Quarterly Report of the Territory of Papua New Guinea Malaria Service, 31 March 1971; photocopies of articles by G. Crane and letter from him on effects of malaria on people of the Upper Watut Valley.
Medical History of Papua New Guinea - Stan Christian
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Includes Autobiography; Notes on interviews with Mr Stan Christian and Mr Chris Christian, 20 Oct 1982; second interview with Mr Stan Christian, 12 Nov 1982; letters from Stan Christian, 1 Oct and 28 Nov 1983, 3 jan 1984.
Medical History of Papua New Guinea - Ian Maddox Papers
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Medical History of Papua New Guinea - Tuberculosis
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Includes Territory of Papua New Guinea, Department of Public Health, "The Story of TB", May 1963; Wigley, S.W., "Tuberculosis and New Guinea"; handwritten notes.
Medical History of Papua New Guinea - Part 2, Chapter 7 - Primary Health Care
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Includes photocopies of published articles; Anthony Regan, "Health - The Division of Powers and Functions between the National and Provincial Governments", incomplete paper for a seminar on Provincial Governments' health powers, Rabaul, 1984, and attachments: Bryant Allen, "Primary Health Care - A Request for Information"; Nancy C. Frith, R.G. Hausfeld and P.M. Moodie, "The Coasttown Project - Action Research in Aboriginal Community Health", Australian Government Department of Health, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, University of Sydney, Service Publication No. 11; Parsons, Luise, "Aid Posts in Enga Province", Papua New Guinea Journal of Medicine, Volume 25, No. 3, September 1982; Kandapaki Limange, Candy, "A Study of Aid Post Orderly Performance in the Wapi Valley in the Enga Province, Papua New Guinea", unknown publication; Crouch, Paul R., The Changing Role of the Health Extension Officer in Papua New Guinea", Papua New Guinea Medical Journal Voume 25, No. 2, June 1982; Halstead, Peter J., “A District Medical Office in West New Britain, Papua New Guinea”, Papua New Guinea Medical Journal, Volume 25, No. 4, December 1982; Hall, Andrew J., “A Provincial Health Officer in Papua”, Papua New Guinea Journal of Medicine, Volume 25, No. 1, March 1982; Lennox, Christopher E., “A Medical Superintendent in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea”, Papua New Guinea Journal of Medicine, Volume 25, No. 2, June 1982; The World Health Organisation North Fly Clinico-Epidemiological Pilot Study, The Department of Health, the PNG Institute of Medical Research, and the University of Papua New Guinea.
Medical History of Papua New Guinea - J.T. Gunther
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Includes Gunther's CV; transcript of Sir John Gunther's taped replies to questions, NOv, 1982; and Gunther, "Kuru and a Nobel Prize: A Participant's View".
Medical History of Papua New Guinea - Part 3. Cap. 2, Campaigns
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Includes R.W. Hornabrook (ed.), "Essays on Kuru", 1976; Shirley Lindenbaum "Kuru Sorcery, Disease and Danger in the New Guinea Highlands", Mayfield (no date); Harold Attwood and R.W. Horne (eds.), "Patients Practitioners and Techniques", Second National Conference on Medicine and Health in Australia, 1984; correspondence and notes by Denoon.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Includes newspaper clippings and the following papers: Peter Calvert, “The Rural Health Worker”, Papua and New Guinea Medical Journal, No. 1, March 1970; Robert L. Pulsford, “The Teaching of the Behavioural Sciences at the Papuan Medical College”, Papua and New Guinea Medical Journal Vol. 11, No. 2, July 1968; Robert H. Black, “Health Education in Papua New Guinea”, South Pacific, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1959; World Health Organization Assignment Report, Papua New Guinea, 18 March 1974.
Medical History of Papua New Guinea - Medical Personnel General - Scragg's History of Doctors
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Includes various handwritten and photocopied notes, as well as papers: R.F.R. Scragg, "Presidential Address. The Medical Profession in Papua New Guinea, 1884-1984", Papua New Guinea Science Society Annual Report, 1984; John Davies, "Medical Specialists in Papua New Guinea, 1989: The Planned Use of Doctors and Allied Health Workers", Papua New Guinea Medical Journal, Vol. 25, No. 3, September 1982; John Biddulph, "Doctors in Papua New Guinea - Current and Future Supply", Papua New Guinea Medical Journal, Vol. 26, Nos. 3 and 4, September/December 1983.
Medical History of Papua New Guinea - Medicine correspondence
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Correspondence between Denoon and (Robert?) Attenborough, John Biddulph, Paul Garner, Fedora Fisher, Charles Newman, Stanley Goulston, Albert Speer, Sister V. Bignold, Roy MacLeod, Bill Gammage, John Kolia, Andrew Strathern, V.H. Wallace, E.P. Wolfers, Sister Ellen Kettle, Michael Roe, Roy Scragg, Sir William Refshauge, B.G. Burton-Bradley, R.W. Black, R.A. Douglas, Stewart MacPherson, Kathy Dugan, Peter Heywood, Peter Strang, Carol Freeman, P.J.H. Strang, D.M.L. Finlay, E. Kettle, Hugh Laracy, Jan Reid, S.J. Frankel, Margaret Spencer, Helga Griffin, Michael Alpers, R.L. Pulsford, and others.
Medical History of Papua New Guinea - various articles on Pacific Islands epidemiology
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Includes articles and extracts on Pacific Islands epidemiology: Paul Zimmet and Sunny Whitehouse, "Pacific Islands of Nauru, Tuvalu and Western Samoa", chapter 15 of "Western Disease - their emergence and prevention" by Trowell, H. and Burke, H.D., Edward Arnold, London; Paul Zimmet, “Epidemiology of Diabetes and Its Macrovascular Manifestations in Pacific Populations: The Medical Effects of Social Progress”, Diabetes Care Vol. 2, No. 2, March-April 1979; P. Zimmet, S. Faaiuso, J. Ainuu, S. Whitehouse, B. Milne, and W. DeBoer, “The Prevalence of Diabetes in the Rural and Urban Polynesian Population of Western Samoa”, Diabetes, Vol. 30, January 1981; Julie Wicking, Helen Ringrose, Sunny Whitehouse and Paul Zimmet, “Nutrient Intake in a Partly Westernized Isolated Polynesian Population: The Funafuti Survey”, Diabetes Care, Vol. 4, No. 1, January-February 1981; B. Boettcher, G.H. Voss and Judith Hay, “The Rh Antigens of Anthropoid Apes in Relation to Rh “Deletion” Phenotypes”, American Journal of Human Genetics, Vol, 17, No. 4 (July) 1965; Paul Zimmet, Alesana Seluka, James Collins, Philip Currie, Julie Wicking and William DeBoer, “Diabetes Mellitus in an Urbanized, Isolated Polynesian Population, The Funafuti Survey”, Diabetes, December 1977; Paul Zimmet, Richard Taylor, Livia Jackson, S.L. Whitehouse, S. Faaivaso and J. Ainuu”, Medical Journal of Australia, 1980; P. Zimmet, M. Arblaster and K. Thoma, “The Effect of Westernization on Native Populations. Studies on a Micronesian Community with a High Diabetes Prevalence”, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine, 1978; Paul Zimmet, “Paradise Lost? Aspects of Epidemiology of Diabetes in South Pacific Populations”, International Diabetes Federation Bulletin, May 1978.
Medical History of Papua New Guinea - history of the Fiji School of Medicine by Dr. Margaret Guthrie
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Includes Margaret W. Guthrie: "Misu Itu: Dr D.W. Hoodless and the Development of Medical Education in the South Pacific", Institute of Pacific Studies, University of the South Pacific, 1979; together with "History and Graduates of the Medical School known as Suva Medical School, 1887-1927, Central Medical School, 1928-1960, Fiji School of Medicine 1961-present", printed by Fiji Times, no date (c. 1979).
Richard Eves collection on health in the Pacific
Largely consists of material on HIV/AIDS in the Asia/Pacific region. Also contains materials on other health and governmental issues. See box list for more details.
Eves, Richard
Documents relating to McGrath's work as a land consultant, particularly regarding regions in Micronesia.
McGrath, William Adrian
Medical History of Papua New Guinea - Territory Health Bulletin
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Territory Health Bulletin Vol. 1, No. 2, Territory of Papua New Guinea Department of Public Health.
Colebatch papers on Papua New Guinea
Includes materials about elections and the public service.
Colebatch, Peta
Specht pre-doctoral research and related materials
Items related to pre-doctoral research undertaken by Jim Specht at ANU, including correspondence, materials relating to the Department of Prehistory, materials relating to fieldwork including diaries, reports, data sheets, photographs, negatives, and slides.
Specht, James Richard
Edward Freeman Paton Memorial Hospital collection
Dr Edward (Ted) Freeman OAM served with his wife, Dorothy, as a medical missionary under the Presbyterian Board of Missions in the New Hebrides from 1963 - 1970. During this time he worked as a medical superintendent at the Paton Memorial Hospital, under difficult situations. He established a blood bank, updated anaesthetic procedures, taught family planning and supervised the training of many local and expatriate doctors and nurses while working in the New Hebrides. Collection includes correspondence, diaries, printed memorabilia, menus from the Compagnie des Messageries Maritimes, slides of the New Hebrides taken between 1963 - 1970 and slides of Papua New Guinea (Port Moresby) taken in 1963.
Freeman, Edward (Ted)
Medical History of PNG - National Planning Office Health Policy Review
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Papua New Guinea Department of Health, National Planning Office, 1983 Health Policy Review, August 1983.
Medical History of PNG - Policy Briefings for 1979-1982
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Includes National Planning Office, "Policy Briefings for the 1979-1982 NPEP", Department of Health; also includes Appendix A, "Setting the Scene - The Need for a Food and Nutrition Policy".
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Includes Imbun, Benedict Y., "Trade Unions or Tribal Organisations?" The Genesis of Porgera Mining and Allied Workers Union in Papua New Guinea; Hess, Michael and Paska, John, "'False Hopes and Desperation'? Understanding the History of the PNG Trade Union Congress", paper for the Labour History Conference, ANU, April 2001.
Medical History of PNG - A Bibliography for Provisional Nutrition Workers in Papua New Guinea
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Paper by Christine Sinclair, provisional nutritionist, Enga Province. April 1979.
Medical History of PNG - D.G.Frodin paper
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Paper by D.G. Frodin, "Rudolph Schechter: His Life and Travels", Science in New Guinea Vol. 3, No. 2, August 1975.
Medical History of PNG - Health Services Objective
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Draft paper by Taureka, "Health Services Objective."
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Correspondence concerning Hindsight: a retrospective workshop on decolonisation and independence in Papua New Guinea, November 2002.
Reviews of Denoon et al., "A History of Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific"
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Contains reviews of Denoon, Mein-Smith, Phillipa, with Wyndham, "A History of Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific", Oxford: Blackwell, 2000: Don Garden in Australian Historical Studies, 117, October 2001; T. Smith in History (no date or publication info available); Erik Olssen, New Zealand Journal of History , Vol. 36, No. 2, 2002; also includes press cutting from unidentified publication, 2002. Folder is mis-labelled "1980".
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Material collected by Denoon on governance in the Pacific. Includes: Four papers by Peter Lamour, “Westminster Constitutions in the South Pacific: ‘A Policy Transfer’ Approach”, Australian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 10 No. 1, 2002; “Policy Transfer and Reversal: Customary land registration from Africa to Melanesia”, Public Administration and Development, No. 22, 2002; “Conditionality, Coercion and other Forms of ‘Power’: International financial institutions in the Pacific”, Public Administration and Development No. 22, 2002; “Custom and Democracy in the Pacific Islands”, background paper for the Commonwealth Democracy Roundtable, Challenges for Democracy in the Pacific; Daniel Oakman, “The Politics of Foreign Aid: Counter-Subversion and the Colombo Plan, 1950-1970:, Pacifica Review Vol. 13, No. 3, October 2001; Bronwen Douglas, “Weak States and other Nationalisms: Emerging Melanesian Paradigms?” State Society and Governance in Melanesia discussion paper 00/3, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies.
Pacific Islands Economic Statistics
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Includes Satish Chand, "An assessment of the proposal for a Pacific Economic and Political Community", Pacififc Economic Bulletin, 18:2, Nov 2003; Review of Rodney Cole (ed.), Pacific 2010: Challenging the Future; and other economic statstics 1980-1992
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Department of Immigration, Australian Immigration Consolidated Statistics, No. 21, 1990-2000.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Loose papers collected by Denoon, including: Australian International Development Assistance Bureau (AIDAB), “Structural Adjustment in Papua New Guinea”, supplementary submission to the Joint Committee n Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Inquiry into Australia’s relations with Papua New Guinea, 1990; Donald Denoon, “Never a Colony? Australians and Melanesians in Papua and New Guinea”; Max Jessup, “PNG: A special report on the first anniversary of independence”, supplement to The Australian, 16 Sep 1976; PNG Banking Corporation, “A Unique History: commemorating 25 years of commitment to the people of PNG”, Special Feature, The National, 22 April 1999; John Greenwell, “The Australian political context of PNG and constitutional change”, Hindsight: a retrospective workshop for participants in the decolonisation of PNG, ANU, 3-4 Nov 2002; R. Gerald Ward, “Contract Labour Recruitment from the Highlands of PNG, 1950-1974”, International Migration Review, 24: 2, 1990.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Papers collected by Denoon: Peter G. Sack, “’Decolonisation’ and ‘Independence Constitutions’ in the Pacific”, paper for Workshop on Decolonisation, African Lessons and Pacific Experience, ANU, 20-23 Aug 1982; Isabelle Merle, “Le Journal de Watkin Tench of the Marines”, Dossier, 43, Jun 2001; Isabelle Merle, “Watkin Tench’s fieldwork: The journal of an ‘ethnographer’ in Port Jackson, 1788-1791?”; Donald Denoon, “Black Mischief: The Trouble with African Analogies”, Journal of Pacific History, 34:3, 1999; Barrie Macdonald, “Decolonisation and ‘Good’ Governance: Precedents and Continuities”; Chris Ballard, “Policy paralysis in Papua”, Council for Security Co-operation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP) Newsletter; Chris Ballard, “Melanesia in Review: Issues and Events, 2001 – West Papua/Irian Jaya”, Contemporary Pacific; John McFarlane, “Deterring and Defeating Coups in the Asia Pacific: the Role of Security Forces – Training and Use of Police”; John McFarlane, “Criminal Threats and the Pacific Island States”, 2003, incomplete.
Loose papers by Jack Golson and others
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Jack Golson, “The Making of the New Guinea Highlands”; Peter Fitzpatrick, “Transformations of law and labour in PNG”; in Snyder and Hay (eds.), Labour, Law and Crime: An historical perspective, 1987; H.N. Nelson, “New Guinea Nationalism and the Writing of History”; J.A. Ballard, “Wantoks and Administration”, University of Papua New Guinea public lecture, 26 May 1976; John V. Langmore, “A critical assessment of Australian economic policy for PNG between 1945 and 1970”, University of Papua New Guinea Economics Department Discussion Paper No. 1, Aug 1972; Jack Golson, “Australian Aboriginal Food Plants: Some Ecological and Culture-Historical Implications”, reprinted from Mulvaney and Golson (eds.), Aboriginal Man and Environment in Australia, 1971; Jack Golson, “The Remarkable History of Indo-Pacific Man: missing chapters from every world prehistory”, 5th David Rivett Memorial Lecture, 1971; Jack Golson, “Foundations for New Guinea Nationhood”, presidential address, Anthropology section, ANZAAS, Port Moresby, Aug 1970; Jack Golson “The Last 10,000 Years in the New Guinea Highlands and Beyond”, May 1976; Donald Denoon “An Untimely Divorce: Western Medicine and Anthropology in Melanesia”, History and Anthropology, 1999; PNG Independence Celebrations, State Welcome to the Distinguished Guests and the Ceremony for the Lowering of the Australian Flag, Sir Hubert Murray Stadium, September 15, 1975; PNG Independence Celebrations, Sports and Cultural Programme, Sep 1975; “The Cause of the People of Papua New Guinea is a Just Cause – It Enjoys Abundant Support!!”, Melbourne, Communist (Marxist-Lenninist) publication, Feb 1972.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Photocopy of papers from the Department of External Territories regarding the Papua New Guinea Investment Corporation.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Draft paper by Peter Bayne, "The Constitution", Faculty of Law, ANU.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Copies of material from the Australian Archives, papers from the Territory of Papua New Guinea regarding national unity and Bougainville.
National Unity Cabinet Submission
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Copies of material from the Australian Archives regarding national unity, papers from the Papua New Guinea House of Assembly, and submissions to the Australian cabinet.
Papers on mining policy and foreign investment, 7th Waigani Seminar
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Loose documents on mining policy and foreign investment from the 7th Waigani Seminar, 1973.
Kennecott Explorations Pty Ltd
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Australian Archives material on Kennacott Explorations Pty Ltd and their operations in Papua New Guinea; "Lessons for B'ville from NZ", newspaper clipping from The National, 1999; "Historic Signing" print out from, 31 Aug 2001; "House passes Bougainville's bills of destiny", print out from The National 28 Mar 2002; "Bougainville women's group awarded international peace prize", print out from The National 13 Mar 2001; "Don't give autonomy to Bougainville", print out from, 26 April 2000; "Bougainville conflict far from over" print out from, 28 June 2000.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Contains seminar/speech, perhaps by Denoon, titled "Conflict in the Southern Highlands, PNG"; O'Faircheallaigh, Ciaran, "Mining in the Papua New Guinea Economy, 1880-1980", Occasional Paper in Economic History No. 1, University of Papua New Guinea.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Various press reports about the future of the Papua New Guinea Defence Force, mostly from The National and ABC news.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Various material, including: Joe Ketan, PNG Magazine, Mar 1999; Wolfer's review of Siaguru's "In-House in PNG", The Independent, 21 march 2002; Bill Standish, "PNG Reflects", Journal of the Pacific Society, Oct 2000; Sir Mekere Morauta, "Last Chance", speech in Parliament 10 Aug 1999; and photocopies of various press articles.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Two press articles from The National, accessed in 2004. "Doubts raised over provincial accounts" and "Wani sacked, giving report a touch of irony".
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Material from the Australian Archives regarding negotiations with Indonesian delegations over the boundaries between Papua New Guinea and indonesia. Presumably gathered as research by Denoon for chapter nine of a book.
Published material and research papers, reports and statistics relating to Papua New Guinea.
May, Ronald James
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Loose papers collected by Denoon, as follows: PNG Decolonisation - List of Foreign Affairs files; Peter Bayne, "The Constitution"; Hank Nelson, "The Talk and Timing: reputations and reality, and the grant of self-government to PNG"; "Australia's difficulties in New Guinea as seen by J.D.B. Miller in 1965" Journal of Pacific History, Vol. 39, No. 3, 2004; Ward, Voutas, Jinks et al., "The Hasluck Years: Some observations on the administration of PNG 1952-63", Research Centre of South West Pacific Studies, La Trobe University Discussion paper 1/79; and others.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Press articles by Hugh White, Barnabus Orere, and others; T. Duke, "Slow but steady progress in child health in PNG", Journal of Paediatric Child Health (2004); E.K. Fisk, Hardly Ever a Dull Moment (1995), chapter 23, "Papua New Guinea"; Graeme Dobell, "The South Pacific - Policy Taboos, Popular Amnesia and Political Failure", 2003; Helen Hughes, "Aid has failed the Pacific, May 2003; Gosareski, Hughes and Windybank, "The Pacific is Viable", Feb 2004; Windybank and Manning, "PNG on the Brink", March 2003.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Includes a 2002 letter to Denoon from Whitlam; list of Whitlam's trips to Papua New Guinea; extracts from Whitlam's "My Italian Notebook" and "The Whitlam Government 1972-1975".
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Interview with Ted Wolfers, 22 March 2001.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Curtin, P.W.E., "West on PNG", comment published in Current Affairs Bulletin, August 1972.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Interview with David Stine by telephone, 6 June 2001.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Includes obituaries for Sir Les Johnson from The Sydney Morning Herald, September 5th 2000, and The Canberra Times (no date).
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Contains O.H.K. Spate, "The Road to Waigani: Siting the University of PNG", reprint from Shafi and Raza (eds.), The Spectrum of Modern Geography, 1986; untitled essay on Papua New Guinea by Spate, 1953; Spate, "The Pacific as Artefact" in Gunson (ed.), The Changing Pacific: Essays in Honour of H.E. Maude.
Address by Sir Anthony Siaguru
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Sir Anthony Siaguru, "The Great Game: Politics of Democracy in PNG", Annual Address at the Centre for Democratic Institutions, 18 June 2001.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Summary of interview with Paul Ryan, Mosman, January 2001.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Biographical notes on former Pauline Hanson biographer John Pasquarelli; Johns, Gary's review of Pasquarelli's book "The Pauline Hanson Story... by they man who knows", The Age, 6th June 1998.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Paper given by Nick O'Neill, "Administration of Justice: Law and Order" for the Hindsight: Retrospective Workshop, Decolonisation and Independence in Papua New Guinea, University House, ANU, 2002.
Sir Niwia Ebia Olewale interview
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Summary of interview with Sir Niwia Ebia Olewale, Canberra, 2001.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Letters from Bill Morrison to Donald Denoon, and related papers; National Archives of Australia Guide to the Papers of William (Bill) L. Morrison.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Includes a profile on Michale Moir Bussy; his C.V.; and chapter 1 "Plane Trips I Have Made" from his Forty Years in Paradise (unpublished?).
J.D.B. Miller, "Australia's Difficulties in New Guinea"
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Paper by J.D.B. Miller, 15pp.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Summary of interview with Don Mentz, at ANU, 29 November 2000.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Summary of an interview with Tos Barnett, Port Moresby, 18th March 2001.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Summary of interview with Peter Bayne, interviewed at ANU, 25 May 2001.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Summary of an interview with David Beatty, Toronto, August 2001.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Inteview with Pat Galvin, Prahran, Melbourne, 7 September 2001.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Interview with Ross Garnaut in his ANU office, 5 June 2001.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Summary of interview with Christine Mary Goode, ComSuper, Canberra, 15th June 2000. Also includes a sumamry of conclusions of her thesis, "Preparation and Negotiation: the transfer of power from Australia to PNG 1970-1975".
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Interview with John Greenwell at his home in Aranda, October 2000; together with other papers including Greenwell's "PNG: Administration of Justice", annotated draft.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Summary of interview with Paul Kelloway, Lyons, 12 November 2000.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Summary of interview with Alan Kerr, Lyneham, 8 November 2000.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Summary of interview with John Langmore, interviewed on the train in New York State, 25 August 2001.
Part of Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975
Summary of interview with John Ley at his home in Hawker, 9 December. No year given, can be presumed from dates of other interview summaries to be the early 2000s.