Includes Garruto, Ralph M., "Disease Patterns of Isolated Groups", chapter 17 of Henry R. Rothschild (ed) "Biocultural Aspects of Disease", Academic Press, New York, 1981; Mitchell, William E., "Culturally Contrasting Therapeutic Systems of the West Sepik: The Lujere", in T.R. Williams (ed), "Psychological Anthropology", 1975; May, Robert M., "Parasitic Infections as Regulators of Animal Populations", American Scientist, Volume 71, 1983; Australian Archives School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Research file Dr Heydon in New Guinea, 1933-1936 "Observations in the Mandated Territory of New Guinea, December 1934 to February 1935"; John Lourie, Tukutau Taufa, Jackie Cattani and Bill Anderson, "Preliminary Results of the OK Tedi Medical Survey", paper presented at the Annual Symposium, PNG Medical Society, Lae, 10th September 1983; Hallpike, C.R., "Bloodshed and Vengeance in the Papuan Mountains - The Generation of Conflict in Tauade Society", Oxford, 1977; B.J. Allen, "Infection, Innovation and Resistance: Illness and Misfortune in the Torricelli Foothills from 1880", draft chapter for a book on changing patterns of response to illness in Papua New Guinea, edited by Stephen Frankel, University of Cambridge, November 1984.