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Amalgamated Textiles (Aust.) Ltd. Audit Report and loose papers

Oct 1956 audit report created by W. D. Scott & Co. Pty. Ltd. in relation to the sales, management, and equipment for the Albury, Orange, and Goulburn wool mills. Also contains loose papers of a Mar 1973 report and recommendations from an unknown date for the mending department at the Albury mill.

The Graziers' Annual (NSW)

  • AU NBAC S264
  • Serial
  • 1915 - 1968

Sydney. Issued by the Graziers' Association of New South Wales and the Pastoralists' Association of West Darling

Graziers' Association of New South Wales

Graziers' Annual

Contains legal, employment, and general advice on industrial and general matters affecting graziers. Appendix contains The Federal Pastoral Award 1965, State Awards, Woolclassers and Shearing Staff Award.

Graziers' Annual

Contains a report of what the Graziers' Association is working to achieve in various sectors, as well as legal and general advice on industrial and general matters affecting graziers.

Graziers' Annual

Contains legal and general advice on industrial and general matters affecting graziers. Includes in the Appendix The Federal Pastoral Award 1956 and Pastoral Employees (State) Award.

Graziers' Annual

Contains legal and general advice on industrial and general matters affecting graziers. Includes in the Appendix the Woolclasser's Award 1950 (as amended June, 1954).

Encyclopaedia of the Australian People files

  • AU ANUA 381
  • Series
  • 1983 - 1988

The collection contains material related to the compiling and publishing of the Encyclopaedia of the Australian People. It includes correspondence with the Australian Bicentennial Authority, the ANU Research School of Social Sciences, various immigration and ethnic groups, publishing and marketing arrangements, copyright clearances, Project & Management Committee minutes, annual reports, articles and information submitted by contributors.

Jupp, James

Graziers' Annual

Contains legal and general advice on industrial and general matters affecting graziers. Includes as an Appendix the Federal Pastoral Award 1950.

Graziers' Annual

Contains legal, wage, and general advice on industrial and other matters affecting graziers. Included in the Appendix, the Federal Pastoral Award 1948.

Medical History of Papua New Guinea - Disease and Death in South East Asia

Papers from conference on Disease, Drugs and Death in Modern Southeast Asian History, Canberra, May 1983. Includes J. Norman Palmer, "Health and Medicine in the British Empire in the 1920s: The Case of Estate Workers in Malaya"; Frank Fenner, "Smallpox in Southeast Asia"; Terence H. Hull, "Plague in Java", Reynaldo C. Ileto, "Cholera and Colonialism in Southwestern Luzon, 1902", draft paper; Lado T. Ruzicka and Peter F. McDonald, "Mortality Transition in South East Asia"; Colin Brown, "The 1918 Influenza Pandemic in Indonesia"; Peter Gardiner and Mayling Oey, "Morbidity and Mortality in Jave 1880-1940: Some Observations Based on the Colonial Reports"; Susan Abeyasekere, "Disease and Death in Batavia in the Nineteenth Century: The Age of Epidemics"; Lenore Manderson, "Theoretical Approaches to Policy Formulation and the Implementation of Medical Services in Colonial Malaya"; Ulrich Schweinfurth, "Landscape Change and Geomedical Consequences in the Highlands of Sri Lanka (Ceylon)".

Graziers' Annual

Volume is incomplete missing pages 3 - 14 before volume was received by the archive. Contains award and legal advice on industrial and other matters affecting graziers.

Graziers' Annual

Contains President's Address for the Twenty-eighth Annual Conference, report of the Annual General Meeting, with legal, taxation, and general advice on industrial and other matters affecting graziers.

Graziers' Annual

Contains President's address for the Twenty-seventh Annual Conference, with legal, taxation, and general advice on idustrial and other matters affecting graziers.

Graziers' Annual

Contains President's Address from the Twenty-sixth Annual Conference, report of the Annual General Meeting, with legal and general advice on industrial and general matters affecting graziers.

Graziers' Annual

Contains President's Address from the the Twenty-fifth Annual Conference, report from the Annual General Meeting, typed list insert of NSW Shearing Contractors 1943, with legal and general advice on idustrial and general matters affecting graziers.

Graziers' Annual

Contains reports from the Annual General Meeting, with legal and general advice on industrial and other matters affecting graziers.

Graziers' Annual

Contains insert of the report of the Annual General Meeting, legal and general advice on industrial and other matters affecting graziers. Pages 15 - 58 were removed before item came to the archive.

Australian Workers' Union Longreach and Charleville deposit 2

  • AU NBAC E161A
  • Deposit
  • 1888 - 1956

Minute books, letterbooks and some financial records of the Queensland Shearers' Union, Blackhall, the Queensland Labourers' Union, Barcaldine and Springsure, and the Amalgamated Workers' Union and Australian Workers' Union, Hughenden, Longreach and Charleville, including some records of the Australian Labor Federation, Barcaldine and the Workers' Political Organisation, Charleville and Warrego. AWU records of the 1956 shearers strike were microfilmed and then returned.

Queensland Shearers' Union

Graziers' Annual

Contains President's Address from the Twenty-third Annual Conference, report from the Annual General Meeting, with legal and general advice on industrial and other matters affecting graziers.

Graziers' Annual

Contains President's Address from the Twenty-Second Annual Conference, report from the Annual General Meeting, with legal and general advice on industrial and other matters affecting graziers.

Graziers' Annual

Contains report from the Annual General Meeting, President's Address from the Twenty-First Annual Conference, award and legal advice on industrial and other matters affecting graziers.

Graziers' Annual

Contains report from the Annual General Meeting, Presidental Address from the Twentieth Annual Conference, awards and legal advice on industrial and other matters affecting graziers.

Australian Workers' Union (AWU) newspaper clippings book, South Western District

The title written on front cover is "Ticket Register 1919 - 1920", but contains pasted clippings from The Worker newspaper from Jul 1936 to 1943, and The Charleville Times from Nov 1943. Clippings relate to Australian Workers' Union actions and Awards, and worker disputes throughout Queensland.
There is a ballot tally at the back of the volume.

Workers' Political Organisation (WPO) and Australian Workers' Union (AWU) account and minute book, South Western District, Warrego, Charleville

Contains Workers' Political Organisation account book for Charleville branch from Feb 1904 to Mar 1906, and membership roll for Warrego from 1909 to 1915.
Also contains Australian Workers' Union political fund ledger for Charleville branch from 1907 to 1911, and South Western District minutes from Jun 1930 to Dec 1931.

Graziers' Annual

Contains report for the Annual General Meeting, with awards and legal advice on industrial and other matters affecting graziers.

Graziers' Annual

Contains report from the Eighteenth Annual Conference, and the Annual General Meeting, with awards and legal advice on industrial and other matters affecting graziers.

Graziers' Annual

Contains report from the Seventeenth Annual Conference, and the Annual General Meeting, with awards and legal advice on industrial and other matters affecting graziers, with insert of Wage Tax (NSW only).

Graziers' Annual

1915 - 1916 was called The Pastoralists' Union of New South Wales Annual Report. Contains Annual Report and awards affecting graziers.
1917 - 1919 called the NSW Graziers' Annual. Contains reports from Annual Conference and Annual General Meeting, awards and industrial agreements affecting graziers

Graziers' Annual

Contains report from the Sixteenth Annual Conference, and the Annual General Meeting, with awards and legal advice on industrial and other matters affecting graziers.

Graziers' Annual

Contains report from the Fifteenth Annual Conference, and the Annual General Meeting, with awards and legal advice on industrial and other matters affecting graziers.

Graziers' Annual

Contains report from the Fourteenth Annual Conference, and the Annual General Meeting, with awards and legal advice on industrial and other matters affecting graziers.

Graziers' Annual

Contains report for the Thirteenth Annual Conference, and the Annual General Meeting, with awards and legal advice on industrial and other matters affecting graziers.

Graziers' Annual

Contains report from the Twelfth Annual Conference, and the Annual General Meeting, with awareds and industrial agreements affecting graziers.

Graziers' Annual

Contains report from the Eleventh Annual Conference, and the Annual General Meeting, with awards and industrial agreements affecting graziers.

Graziers' Annual

Contains report from the Tenth Annual Conference, and the Annual General Meeting, with awards and industrial agreements affecting graziers.

Graziers' Annual

Contains report from the Ninth Annual Conference, and the Annual General Meeting, with awards and industrial agreements affecting graziers.

Graziers' Annual

Containg report from the Eighth Annual Conference, Annual General Meeting, with awards and industrial agreements affecting graziers.

Graziers' Annual

Contains reports from Annual Conferences and Annual General Meetings, with awards and industrial agreements affecting graziers.

Medical History of Papua New Guinea - South Africa Medical History

Includes manuscript notes on index cards, handwritten notes and the following papers: Maynard W. Swanson, "The Sanitation Syndrome: Bubonic Plague and Urban Native Policy in the Cape Colony, 1900-1909", Journal of African History , XVIII, no. 3, 1977; J.H. Louw, "Background: South Africa. Cape Town.", and "Background: Medical Affairs:, two chapters of "In the Shadow of Table Mountain: A History of the Cape Town Medical School:, Cape Town 1969; M. Minde, "The History of Mental Health Services in South Africa, Part I. In the Days of the Dutch East India Company", South African Medical Journal, 15 June 1974; M. Minde, "The History of Mental Health Services in South Africa, Part III. The Cape Province", South African Medical Journal, 2 November 1974; A.S. Nethercott, "Forty Years of Malaria Control in Natal and Zululand", South African Medical Journal, 2 November 1974; E.H. Burrows, "Rise of Medical Organisation", chapter 18 of "A History of Medicine in South Africa", Cape Town, 1958; "A Nineteenth Century Encounter Between European and Zulu Medicine:, author unknown; "Industrialization, rural health, and the 1944 National Health Services Commission in South Africa", author unknown.

Australian Workers' Union (AWU) minute book, Longreach

Australian Workers' Union minute book of committee and special general meetings from Jun 1906 to Feb 1909. Contains lists of agents and delegates from committee elections, and a newspaper clipping of committee decisions.
Also contains loose papers at back of volume including: An advertisement for Miss H. F. Powell's "The Story of Socialism", with copies of commendation letters from the Political Labour Council (PLC) and Trades & Labor Council from Sep 1907; a Federal Labour Party pledge form from Jul 1905; misc letters and receipts.

Medical History of Papua New Guinea - German New Guinea

Includes notes and photocopies of published articles and extracts: S.S. MacKenzie, extract from "The Australians at Rabaul - The Capture and Administration of the German Possessions in the Southern Pacific", Angus and Robertson, 1937; various authors, extract from "The Australian Army Medical Services in the War of 1914-1918", volume 1, Australian War Memorial, Melbourne, 1938; C.D. Rowley, "The Promotion of Native Health in German New Guinea", A History of Medicine in Papua New Guinea discussion paper no. 1, reproduced from South Pacific IX, 1957; Peter G. Sack and Dymphna Clark (trans. and eds.), "Albert Hahl, Governor in New Guinea", ANU Press Canberra, 1980.

Medical History of Papua New Guinea - Part 1, Chapter 1 - Pre-Colonial Health and Disease

Includes Garruto, Ralph M., "Disease Patterns of Isolated Groups", chapter 17 of Henry R. Rothschild (ed) "Biocultural Aspects of Disease", Academic Press, New York, 1981; Mitchell, William E., "Culturally Contrasting Therapeutic Systems of the West Sepik: The Lujere", in T.R. Williams (ed), "Psychological Anthropology", 1975; May, Robert M., "Parasitic Infections as Regulators of Animal Populations", American Scientist, Volume 71, 1983; Australian Archives School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Research file Dr Heydon in New Guinea, 1933-1936 "Observations in the Mandated Territory of New Guinea, December 1934 to February 1935"; John Lourie, Tukutau Taufa, Jackie Cattani and Bill Anderson, "Preliminary Results of the OK Tedi Medical Survey", paper presented at the Annual Symposium, PNG Medical Society, Lae, 10th September 1983; Hallpike, C.R., "Bloodshed and Vengeance in the Papuan Mountains - The Generation of Conflict in Tauade Society", Oxford, 1977; B.J. Allen, "Infection, Innovation and Resistance: Illness and Misfortune in the Torricelli Foothills from 1880", draft chapter for a book on changing patterns of response to illness in Papua New Guinea, edited by Stephen Frankel, University of Cambridge, November 1984.

Results 2601 to 2700 of 258865