Record of former members of the Australian National University
- AU ANUA 145
- Series
- 1948 - 1967
The forms headed ‘Record of former member of University’ record name, department, file number, ‘if married to another member of ANU, husband’s/wife’s name’, degree conferred, country of birth, country from which recruited, scholarships and posts at ANU, date left ANU and posts held subsequently. Most relate to students but also to students who became staff members. It appears that the forms were to be the basis of a research project using punch cards to analyse where students were recruited from, when they left (either 1948-57 or 1958-67) and their subsequent career. This appears to be an attempt to evaluate the success of recruitment and scholarship programs for ‘early scholars’. The data seems to go to 1960 when the ANU and Canberra University College amalgamated. There are three separate runs of forms with no apparent reason for this.
Office of the Registrar