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Record of former members of the Australian National University

  • AU ANUA 145
  • Series
  • 1948 - 1967

The forms headed ‘Record of former member of University’ record name, department, file number, ‘if married to another member of ANU, husband’s/wife’s name’, degree conferred, country of birth, country from which recruited, scholarships and posts at ANU, date left ANU and posts held subsequently. Most relate to students but also to students who became staff members. It appears that the forms were to be the basis of a research project using punch cards to analyse where students were recruited from, when they left (either 1948-57 or 1958-67) and their subsequent career. This appears to be an attempt to evaluate the success of recruitment and scholarship programs for ‘early scholars’. The data seems to go to 1960 when the ANU and Canberra University College amalgamated. There are three separate runs of forms with no apparent reason for this.

Office of the Registrar

ANU convocation register

  • AU ANUA 142
  • Series
  • 1951 - 1952

This suede-bound volume contains a handwritten Roll of Convocation, listing members 1 to 201 from 1951 to 1952. It is not clear why it was not maintained for later years. There are numerous corrections to the numbering, spelling of names and the order of entries. There is a typed ‘Convocation List’ in the front cover and many of the names on this list are not in the volume, so it may be that the formal list in the volume was abandoned when further errors were discovered.

Office of the Registrar

Ethel Tory papers

  • AU ANUA 139
  • Series
  • 1912 - 2003

This collection includes teaching materials, publications, material relating to the theatre and travel, as well as family photographs and objects, including items of academic dress.

Tory, Ethel Elizabeth

Plan of Canberra City and Environs

  • AU ANUA 138
  • Series
  • 1912 - ?

There are two versions of this plan of Walter Burley Griffin’s design for Canberra City which shows the proposed site for the National University. There is a negative of a lithograph (570 x 500mm) identified as 70/CAN/174A and printed copy (940 x 670mm) identified as 70/CAN/176. Griffin's design is overlain on a 1910 contour map provided to participants in the Federal Capital Design Competition.

Federal Capital Office

Minutes of ANU Library Committees

  • AU ANUA 135
  • Series
  • 1951 - 1960

These are hard-bound volumes of the original signed minutes of the Library Committee.

Canberra University College

Canberra University College Council minutes

  • AU ANUA 133
  • Series
  • 1930 - 1960

These are leather-bound volumes of the original signed minutes of the Council. Agenda papers such as reports from committees are also included.

Canberra University College

Draft articles about Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific

  • AU ANUA 131
  • Series
  • c. 1973 - c. 1974

The typescript articles about Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific appear to be chapters for a proposed publication, as a published compilation has not been identified. Authors include Keith Sinclair (University of Auckland), Mary Boyd (University of Wellington), Deryck Scarr (ANU), M P K Sorrenson (University of Auckland), Joseph Jones (University of Texas), L F Crisp (ANU), Geoffrey Sawer (ANU), Sir John Crawford (ANU), C G F Simkin (University of Sydney), F W L Wood (University of Wellington), Norman Harper (Melbourne University).

Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies

Memoirs of Samuel Schumack

  • AU ANUA 128
  • Series
  • 1939 - 1941

This is a typescript version of Shumack’s memoirs which relate to the early days of Canberra. He lived at ‘Duntroon’ from 1856 and then at ‘Springvale’ in Weetangera from 1866 to 1940. There is additional material such as obituaries, copies of death notices and letters at the back of the volume relating to Shumack, other family members and John Gale (1831–1929), Queanbeyan journalist.

Shumack, Samuel

Articles on Old Canberra House and British High Commission

  • AU ANUA 127
  • Series
  • 1993 - ?

There are three articles: Early British diplomatic representation in Australia, Old Canberra House and the British Connection, and Canberra House – Westminster House, 1931–1993.

Barder, Jane

ANU Library Statistical records

  • AU ANUA 126
  • Series
  • 1967 - 1980

The seven notebooks record statistical details of accessions and monograph orders.

University Library

Canberra University College and ANU Library accession registers

  • AU ANUA 125
  • Series
  • 1930 - 1974

The registers record all accessions of books to the Canberra University College Library and from 1960, to the ANU Library. Details recorded include: title, author, publisher, and when received. The D prefix in item 1 refers to books related to the course in Diplomatic Studies. The G prefix refers to Gifts – the donor’s name is also recorded. The microfiche are of a card catalogue which continued the earlier accession registers.

Canberra University College

ANU Library Committee files

  • AU ANUA 124
  • Series
  • 1952 - 1957

These files contain reports and correspondence relating to the Canberra University College Library Committee. The amalgamation with the ANU Library is one subject covered.

Canberra University College

ANU Library accession lists

  • AU ANUA 123
  • Series
  • 1962 - 1968

The lists were compiled to show new acquisitions to the Library. Up to September 1966, separate monthly lists were compiled for the Institute of Advanced Studies and the School of General Studies libraries, then a joint monthly list from Oct 1966 to August 1967, and then a mostly fortnightly list.

University Library

ALG McDonald correspondence files

  • AU ANUA 122
  • Series
  • 1948 – 1961

These folders contain correspondence, agenda and minutes of committees and reports relating to the early development of the University Library including accommodation at the University of Melbourne, building of the Menzies Library, association with the Canberra University College and relations with other University Librarians. Copies from McDonald’s diary 1948-1950 relating to the establishment of the library and his study tour to the United Kingdom and the United States of America are also included.

McDonald, Arthur Leopold Gladstone

Research materials on John Dunmore Lang and Canadian education

  • AU ANUA 121
  • Series
  • 1960s - 1978

These research materials were created or gathered by Trevor Wigney and reflect two of his research interests. The collection includes rare copies of the publications of John Dunmore Lang.

Wigney, Trevor John

JJ Graneek papers and publications

  • AU ANUA 120
  • Series
  • 1926 - 1978

There are folders of draft papers and lectures, some correspondence, photographs, a copy of Graneek’s Master of Arts thesis and a book prize presented to him in 1926.

Graneek, Jacob Jack

Richard van der Riet Woolley's correspondence files

  • AU ANUA 117
  • Series
  • 1925 - 1956

The correspondence files are organised into an alphanumeric subject system and cover addresses and visits by the Commonwealth Astronomer, visits to the Observatory, meetings of the Board of Visitors (Advisory Board) and annual reports. There are some staff files and photographs of observations, eg comets, on some files.

Woolley, Richard van der Riet

ANU Library accession registers

  • AU ANUA 115
  • Series
  • 1948 - 1961

The leather-bound registers record all accessions to the ANU Library. Details include: author, title, publisher, date of publication, whether purchased or presented, and price.

University Library

ANU Press minutes, subject files and author files

  • AU ANUA 114
  • Series
  • 1980 - 1993

The minutes are in the form of the Manager’s working files and cover the period 1980–1991 for the ANU Press Management Committee and the later Division of Publishing and Printing Management Committee and the ANU Press Editorial Committee. The subject and author files date mainly from 1984 when Permagon Press bought the ANU Press and had a representative on campus. The subject files cover submission, adoption and rejection of manuscripts, editing and graphic design, distribution, promotion and sales. Author files include biographical information, reviews, negotiations, contracts and royalty payments.

ANU Press

Papers on international trade

  • AU ANUA 113
  • Series
  • 1946 - 1958

This single folder contains copies of papers written by Webb: ‘World Trade and Employment’, September 1946, ‘The Future of International Trade’, Economic Society of Australia and New Zealand, October 1951, and ‘International Commodity Problems’, statement by Chairman of the Australian delegation to the General Assembly, Dr ER Walker, December 1958.

Webb, Leicester Chisholm

Reviews of Research Schools at the ANU

  • AU ANUA 112
  • Series
  • 1976 - 1991

These three binders include reports of review committees and comments by Faculty Boards on them for reviews of Research Schools and departments and centres within Research Schools.

Board of the Institute of Advanced Studies

GE Caiden publications

  • AU ANUA 111
  • Series
  • 1961 - 1966

This is a small collection of articles, speeches and reports written by Caiden who was a research fellow in Political Science, Research School of Social Sciences from 1961 to 1966.

Caiden, Gerald Elliot

Microfilm of Royal Astronomical Society minutes and signature book

  • AU ANUA 110
  • Series
  • 1951 - ?

The rolls of microfilm include copies of minute books of the Royal Astronomical Society in London (books 1–14) and a signature book, pages 1–114, the last signature being Francis Birch (1903–1992).

Royal Astronomical Society

Doctoral theses

  • AU ANUA 109
  • Series
  • 1962 - 1992

These are bound copies of theses written by students in the Departments of Experimental Pathology and Immunology. The majority are for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Australian National University; exceptions to this are noted in the item title.

ANU Department of Experimental Pathology

Literary papers and lectures

  • AU ANUA 108
  • Series
  • 1901 - 1961

This series includes original poems by LH Allen, translations from Latin, Greek and German into English, translations from English into Latin, lectures on English and Classical literature, and scrapbooks.

Allen, Leslie Holdsworth

Notes and extracts on international affairs and Victorian politics

  • AU ANUA 107
  • Series
  • 1950s

This series of binders contain typescript pages which may be a manuscript for a proposed publication on international affairs between 1919 and 1948. Each binder appears to contain material for a chapter with later binders including information on dates, notes on books, and transcripts of documents. Item 9 is missing. The last item consists of annotated typescript ‘confidential notes’ about Victorian politicians, public servants and newspapers.

Eggleston, Frederic William

ANU Press releases

  • AU ANUA 105
  • Series
  • 1958 - 1981

This is a master set of press releases which were called ‘For the Press’, ‘Information for News Media’ and ‘Media Releases’ at various times. Most of the annual binders are indexed. The early press releases include a small amount of related correspondence, draft releases, press cuttings, the text of addresses given to special ceremonies and honour citations. Releases for 1999–2000 are not included and there are gaps for 2001–2002.

Office of the Registrar

ANU Department of Experimental Pathology publications

  • AU ANUA 104
  • Series
  • 1952 - 1986

Off-prints and photocopies of articles and papers written by staff and students of the Department of Experimental Pathology are bound into annual volumes, dating from the Department’s establishment.

ANU Department of Experimental Pathology

Teaching and research materials for ANU Economic History courses

  • AU ANUA 103
  • Series
  • 1950s - 1970s

This collection includes material gathered by Professor Tucker including lecture notes and outlines, tutorial topics, reading guides, student essays and a bibliographic index on the history of economic thought, before and during his time as Professor of Economic History 1961–1979.

Tucker, Graham Shardalow Lee

Records relating to 50th anniversary celebrations of ANU Department of History

  • AU ANUA 100
  • Series
  • 1999 - 2000

There are two folders: one contains invitation lists, correspondence, photographs and other documentation of the celebrations held at Melville Hall on 3 December 1999, and the other contains completed ‘Graduate Survey Forms’ giving details of the careers of History graduates, some with formal curriculum vitae attached.

ANU Department of History

Papers relating to the report on Lord Lindsay's complaints

  • AU ANUA 8
  • Series
  • 1955-1961

This collection of papers relates to Lord Lindsay of Birker's complaints against the University contained in the manuscript 'A Study of Academic Standards: International Relations at the Australian National University' which he sent to the Vice-Chancellor, Sir Leslie Melville, on 19 June 1961. It includes copies of the confidential report written by a Committee appointed by Council and the personal files of the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Keith Hancock, Professor Roy Wright and Sir John Crawford relating to the report.

Office of the Registrar

Geoffrey Sawer papers

  • AU ANUA 7
  • Series
  • 1948-1976

This series consists primarily of correspondence with judges and academics, but also includes copies of Sawer's satiric poetry including his 'Carmina Canberriensia' and his personal diaries which include draft poems and other personal observations.

Sawer, Geoffrey

Brisbane Stock Exchange Limited records

  • AU NBAC N199
  • Deposit
  • 1892 - 1986

Includes minutes, Brisbane Stock Exchange Official Lists, quote sheets, circulars, correspondence files circulars and member firm files.

Brisbane Stock Exchange Limited

Woodlands Pharmacy deposit

  • AU NBAC N216
  • Deposit
  • 1916 - 1980

The prescription books are registers recording medications dispensed by the pharmacy on a daily basis. The details recorded include date dispensed, name and address of customer, and the pharmaceutical preparation or drugs dispensed. There are name indexes in the front of each volume. From 1952 to 1963 there is a second run of registers for medications dispensed under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Act.

Woodlands Pharmacy

Bruce Mitchell research papers

  • AU NBAC Z550
  • Deposit
  • 1970s

Material used in the preparation of the book Teachers Education and Politics by Dr Bruce Mitchell (1975). Includes file of the National Association of Labor Teachers.

Mitchell, Bruce Arthur

Alaric Holdings deposit

  • AU NBAC Z520
  • Deposit
  • 1974 - 1990

Financial and legal records, including wage books and motel bookings.

Alaric Holdings Proprietary Limited

Peter Dobrijevic Collection

  • AU NBAC N169
  • Deposit
  • 1992 - 2005

Files on media companies including prospectuses, annual reports and investment reports prepared by Dobrijevic while working for stockbroking companies including BZW Australia Limited, ABN AMRO Australia Limited, BNP Equities Australia Limited and Salomon Smith Barney, later Citigroup Global Markets Australia

Dobrijevic, Peter

Minute Book of the Factory Employees Union of Australasia

  • AU NBAC N82
  • Deposit
  • 1908, 1909 - 1910; 1935

Minute Book of the Factory Employees Union of Australasia December 1909 - December 1910; also containing letters and notices of meetings, ballot count for election of officers January 1908 (pp 114), newspaper cuttings and photographs of Alf Carter, General Secretary (pp 111-113), pamphlet and postcard.

Factory Employees' Union of Australasia

Counselling notes

  • AU NBAC H22
  • Deposit
  • 1983 - 1986

Notes made by Terry Goulden during his work at St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney.

Goulden, Terry

Clerk of Works Institute of Australia deposit

  • AU NBAC N175
  • Deposit
  • 1958 - 2002

The collection includes the Memorandum and Articles of Association, an early minute book, a membership list and various publications, including some of the Institute of Clerks of Works of Great Britain on which the Australian equivalents were based. Records of Jack Roberts include a memoir and correspondence relating to the Sydney Opera House project.

Clerk of Works Institute of Australia

Stock Exchange of Hobart records

  • AU NBAC N197
  • Deposit
  • 1970 - 1988

This deposit contains member files and an incomplete set of circulars to members from 1974 - 1988.

Stock Exchange of Hobart

Ron McGann Collection

  • AU NBAC Z588
  • Deposit
  • 1979 - 1989

Records relating to the dispute concerning the non-payment of untaken sick leave to ex-employees of the Sydney County Council by the Electricity Commission of NSW as collected by Ron McGann. Includes correspondence, notes and transcripts of legal cases.

McGann, Ron

Company prospectuses

  • AU NBAC N66
  • Deposit
  • 1890 - 1966

Printed prospectuses and some reports of Australian companies including gold and oil mining companies in Australia, Papua New Guinea and Fiji. Most of the prospectuses are from the 1930s-1950s.

J B Were and Son

F H Bauer Collection

  • AU NBAC N31
  • Deposit
  • 1873; 1933

Copy of the diary of R McGregor Watson re settlement of the Gulf Country, 1873; and Charles Edward Flinders, 45 Years in the Great Nor-West of Western Australia, 1933.

Bauer, Francis Henry

CSR Limited maps and plans deposit

  • AU NBAC Z626
  • Deposit

Aperture cards, maps and plans of CSR properties and machinery. Includes plan indexes for Pyrmont Refinery. All maps and plans are catalogued using CSR Limited's original cataloguing numbers.

Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited

South Pacific and Oceanic Council of Trade Unions

  • AU NBAC Z582
  • Deposit
  • 1988 - 1998

Correspondence and reports of steering committees, conference and projects files, country files including correspondence with national unions and projects carried out in those countries, correspondence with affiliated organisations, issue files and media files.

South Pacific and Oceanic Council of Trade Unions

Geoffrey Luck Collection

  • AU NBAC N170
  • Deposit
  • 1972 - 1976; 2007

Digital recordings on compact disc of ABC radio program, The Week in Business. The program started in 1969 and was presented by Geoffrey Luck from 1972-1976. A number of ABC journalists, both local and overseas correspondents, presented segments on the program including Paul Lyneham, Ben Sandilands, Shane O'Connor, Terry Brown, Neville Petersen, Roger Allebone, Warwick Blood, Peter Barnett, Colin Rudd, Jeff McMullen and Des Power. Includes a 2007 index to the recordings.

Luck, Geoffrey

Tooth and Company photographs

  • AU NBAC N185
  • Deposit
  • c. 1930

Photographs of the Tooth and Company brass band which operated from 1927 to 1932 at the Kent Brewery in Sydney.

Tooth and Company Limited

Publications of the Builders' Labourers' Federation

  • AU NBAC N238
  • Deposit
  • 1961 - 1983

Chronological set of publications including notices, leaflets, posters and newsletters printed by the Builders' Labourers' Federation, many authorised by Norm Gallagher, General Secretary.

Australian Building Construction Employees' and Builders' Labourers' Federation

Fred Paterson collection

  • AU NBAC Z589
  • Deposit
  • c. 1975

Audio tapes with biographical interviews of Fred Paterson. The Fred Paterson Story [sound recording]: Rhodes scholar, theologian, atheist, town councillor, first Communist to be elected to an Australian parliament: a life of service, East Perth : Grand Specialities - Round & Round Cassettes

Paterson, Frederick Woolnough

Stock Exchange of Perth records

  • AU NBAC N198
  • Deposit
  • 1961 - 1987

Committee and Annual General Meeting minutes and agenda papers, newspaper clippings and financial papers.

Stock Exchange of Perth

Federated Coopers of Australia Victorian Branch deposit 2

  • AU NBAC N265
  • Deposit
  • 1882 - 1953

Financial records and membership address books of the Victorian Society of Coopers and the Victorian Branch of the Federated Coopers of Australia.

Victorian Society of Coopers

Barbara Reed professional papers and teaching notes

  • AU NBAC N266
  • Deposit
  • 1993 - 2006

The deposit consists of records covering Barbara Reed's involvement with the IT 21 committees, teaching at Monash University's School of Librarianship Archives and Records, and other professional development. Includes teaching materials, workshop papers and reading materials, and committee records.

Reed, Barbara

Margaret Jennings papers

  • AU NBAC Z507
  • Deposit
  • 1973 - 1993

Papers relating to her professional life. Working files re Australian Society of Archivists, Business Archives Council, Records Management Association of Australia (Victoria), Melbourne University Records Management Papers, cassette tapes on appraisal.

Jennings, Margaret Jean

Charles Louis Mobbs papers

  • AU NBAC Z620
  • Deposit
  • 1929 - 1968

Draft chapters of, and sources for, Conciliation Can Work: A History of the Commonwealth Bank Officers’ Association; manuscript of Commonwealth Bank of Australia in the Second World War.

Mobbs, Charles Louis

F B Smith collection

  • AU NBAC Z590
  • Deposit
  • 1975 - 1985

Records relating to the proposal for an Undergraduate Medical School at the Australian National University and of a National Institute of the History of Medicine; papers relating to an adjudication by Dr F B Smith in reference to Indentured Labour in the British Empire, 1834–1920 [published by Croom Helm Ltd, 1984].

Smith, Francis Barrymore (Barry)

Institute of Public Affairs deposit 1

  • AU NBAC N136
  • Deposit
  • 1941 - 1992

Industrial Committee minutes (1944-1947), Director's correspondence files, Secretary's correspondence files, completed questionnaires (1943), distribution lists, speeches, press clippings, reports and printed material.

Institute of Public Affairs

Alexander Roby collection

  • AU NBAC N164
  • Deposit
  • 1960 - 1984

Diaries and superannuation files relating mainly to the amalgamation of OT Lempriere and Company Ltd with HH Webb and Company Ltd. Papers relating to subsidiaries and related companies included: Balcomb Industries Pty Ltd, Associated Tin Smelters Pty Ltd, Midmetals Pty Ltd, Labor Funerals Ltd, Motor Funerals Ltd and Waratah Memorial Parks Ltd. Diaries include press clippings, correspondence, reports and extracts from Board minutes.

Roby, Alexander

Daphne Gollan collection

  • AU NBAC N154
  • Deposit
  • 1915 - 1991

A collection of international publications relating to Communism including material published in Australia, China, Ceylon and the USSR. Includes a 1964 publication by Daphne Gollan.

Gollan, Daphne Eileen

Stock Exchange of Adelaide records

  • AU NBAC N200
  • Deposit
  • 1887 - 1989

This deposit contains the Official Record from 1922 - 1971, circulars from 1969 to 1989 and official lists from 1952 - 1954.

Stock Exchange of Adelaide

Salmond and Spraggon (Australia) deposit

  • AU NBAC N196
  • Deposit
  • 1927 - 1996

Minutes of meetings of directors, certificate of incorporation, register of use of the common seal. The deposit includes minutes of Alberto Culver (Australia) Pty Ltd from 22 February 1990.

Salmond and Spraggon (Australia) Proprietary Limited

Sudlow papers

  • AU NBAC N299
  • Deposit
  • 1933 - 1956

History of the relationship between the Orient Line and Australian National Airways, typescript extracts and summaries of documents in the records of the Orient Line concerning its interests in ANA (later Ansett), and correspondence.

Sudlow, Richard

Malcolm Robertson Collection

  • AU NBAC N313
  • Deposit
  • 1911 - 1957

Correspondence, minutes, notebooks, cash & expenditure books, transcript of interview, and printed material relating to the Australian Labor Party (Vic Branch), Australian Workers’ Union (Mildura Branch), and Trades Hall Council (Mildura).

Robertson, Malcolm

Keith Sutton papers

  • AU NBAC N316
  • Deposit
  • 1982 - 1988

Annual reports of TAL Holdings Limited and IPEC Holdings Limited and publications of the Federal Hotels Group collected during research for Blueprint for the casino industry: Federal Hotels and Wrest Point. Sutton’s publication was commissioned by the Federal Pacific Hotels and Casinos, and explores the history of the legislative development of its casino at Wrest Point, Tasmania and the history of the company since its formation in 1885.

Sutton, Keith Ashley

Superannuated Commonwealth Officers' Association Victoria deposit

  • AU NBAC N352
  • Deposit
  • 1966 - 2016

Minutes of Executive and general meetings, rules, records of incorporation, correspondence with members, incoming and outgoing correspondence and newsletters.

Superannuated Commonwealth Officers' Association

Gunnible Station account book

  • AU NBAC N335
  • Deposit
  • 1924 - 1930

The journal dates from 2 June 1924 when the property of Gunnible was acquired by RA Staughton from Thomas and Percival Willsallen and ends on 30 June 1930.

Gunnible Station

Rules of the Sydney Stock Exchange

  • AU NBAC N209
  • Deposit
  • 1872 - 1986

Rules of the Sydney Stock Exchange including drafts and amendments.

Sydney Stock Exchange

Intercolonial Investment, Land and Building Company deposit

  • AU NBAC 23
  • Deposit
  • 1885 - 1957

Annual reports, financial records, correspondence, ledgers, journals, wages journals, building accounts, register of properties offered for sale, agreements for sale of land, loans applications book, paid out securities, real estate maps (Sydney and Perth), photographs, posters, illustrations and press cuttings from newspapers, pamphlets and printed materials.

Intercolonial Investment, Land and Building Company Limited

Australian Telephone and Phonogram Officers' Association New South Wales Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC Z320
  • Deposit
  • 1915 - 1988

Records of the New South Wales Branch: minutes (1943-1985), copies of Federal Council minutes, subject files including minutes, Telecom Consultative Council material, occupational health and safety issues, files for all NSW town exchanges, outwards correspondence, incoming and outgoing telexes, questionnaires, circulars, arbitration material, photographs, and gadgets to assist Repetition Stain Injury sufferers.

Australian Telephone and Phonogram Officers' Association

Barbara Reed papers

  • AU NBAC Z747
  • Deposit
  • 1993 - 2006

The deposit consists of records covering Barbara Reed's involvement with the IT 21 committees, teaching at Monash University's School of Librarianship Archives and Records, and other professional development. Includes teaching materials, workshop papers and reading materials, and committee records.

Reed, Barbara

Building Workers' Industrial Union South Australian Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC Z679
  • Deposit
  • 1948 - 2006

Records of the South Australian Branch of the Builders' Labourers' Federation and the Building Workers' Industrial Union: minutes of general, Executive and shops' stewards meetings (1974-2001), membership registers (1948-1984), newscuttings (1970-1992), arbitration files and workplace agreement files, files relating to CFMEU amalgamation, circulars, photographs and printed material including building trade journals, histories, awards and rules. Also includes members' contribution book of Operative Bricklayers' Tilers' and Tuckpointers' Society of South Australia (1958-1961).

Building Workers' Industrial Union of Australia

Federated Mining Mechanics' Association of Australasia NSW Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC Z405
  • Deposit
  • 1910 - 1987

Membership and financial records, rule books, branch and sub-branch minutes (Southern Sub Branch and Federated Mining Mechanics and Surfacemen’s Mutual Protective Association, Lithgow Branch), industrial records, case files and transcripts. Includes records of predecessor the Colliery Mechanics Mutual Protective Association, Hunter River District.

Federated Mining Mechanics' Association of Australasia

Australian Council of Professions deposit

  • AU NBAC Z440
  • Deposit
  • 1975 - 1997

Minutes, agenda and position papers of meetings and teleconferences, policy issue files re competition policy files, files of the Education Sub-Committee and Professional Liability Committee, subject files, correspondence files, reports of constituent bodies, Master & Day files, and printed material. Also includes meeting papers of the Telecom Small Enterprise Policy Panel.

Australian Council of Professions

G S Mol Collection

  • AU NBAC N89
  • Deposit
  • 1925 - 1961

Maps, plans and working files of Cessnock No.1 and No.2 Colleries, Neath Colliery, Stanford Main No.2 Colliery and Stanford Colliery. Also includes correspondence, reports, drawings of equipment and returns of work stoppages.

Mol, Gerardus S

Labor Council of New South Wales Building Trades Group deposit

  • AU NBAC Z431
  • Deposit
  • 1956 - 1990

Records of the Building Trades Group of New South Wales including minutes, subject files, site and dispute files, site agreements, and framed life membership certificate from Operative Painters' and Decorators' Union, NSW Branch issued to A de Vere (1929).

Labor Council of New South Wales

Australian Council of Salaried and Professional Associations deposit 2

  • AU NBAC E215
  • Deposit
  • 1946 - 1973

Minutes of Federal Executive (1956-1967), conference reports, correspondence and files of Melbourne office and Victorian Division, arbitration material, and printed material. Also includes one bundle of ACSPA material sent to Australian Bank Officials Association (1961-1965) and several files of the Federation of Scientific and Technical Workers (1946-1953). A McD Richardson, ACSPA Assistant Federal Secretary was also General Secretary of the Federation of Scientific and Technical Workers.

Australian Council of Salaried and Professional Associations

Walter Freeman collection

  • AU NBAC N295
  • Deposit
  • 1893 - 1956

Publications relating to employment by CSR, agriculture and the sugar industry, and Indian residents in Fiji. Includes language publications and historical publications.

Freeman, Walter Frank Harcourt

Federal election material

  • AU NBAC P118
  • Deposit
  • 1975

Printed material relating to the 1975 Federal election including newsletters, leaflets, press releases, speeches, how-to-vote cards, cartoons, and posters from the Australian Labor Party, the Liberal and National Country Party, the Socialist Workers' League, the Australia Party and other organisations.

Noel Butlin Archives Centre

Oral history collection

  • AU NBAC P114
  • Deposit
  • 1975 - 2000

Transcripts and audio recordings of oral history interviews donated to the Archives.

Noel Butlin Archives Centre

H R Edwards Collection

  • AU NBAC P108
  • Deposit
  • 1917 - 1958

Amalgamated Engineering Union membership and contribution cards, award and printed material.

Edwards, H R

C H Fitzgibbon collection

  • AU NBAC P102
  • Deposit
  • 1929 - 1989

Manuscript of an unpublished autobiography, personal correspondence, subject files, photographs, and printed material re the Waterside Workers Federation of Australia.

Fitzgibbon, Charles Henry

Regional history publications

  • AU NBAC P97
  • Deposit
  • c. 1914 - 1972

A small collection of printed material relating to the history of regional areas in New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland.

Noel Butlin Archives Centre

George Ashton memoir

  • AU NBAC P91
  • Deposit
  • c. 1960s

Memoir written by George Ashton of the events of his life in New Zealand and Australia (including near Braidwood, New South Wales), before and during the First World War and later in the Commonwealth Public Service of Australia.

Ashton, George

Results 2501 to 2600 of 3340