- AU ANUA 574
- Series
- 1955 - 1975
This set of annual reports belonged to Don Faulkner, a Fellow at Mount Stromlo from 1965 and acting Director 1992 - 1993. Included is a list of students 1951 to 1990.
ANU Department of Astronomy
216 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
This set of annual reports belonged to Don Faulkner, a Fellow at Mount Stromlo from 1965 and acting Director 1992 - 1993. Included is a list of students 1951 to 1990.
ANU Department of Astronomy
Correspondence and minutes in bound volumes relating to Brown's role as undergraduate representative on the ANU Council, Chairman and member of the Governing Body of Graduate House, student member of the Faculty of Law and President of the ANU Law Society. Includes material on student accommodation, compulsory membership of student organisations, and ANU Law Society publications and events, and posters for events on campus.
Brown, Jonathan Graham
Records of the Research School of Social Sciences
This series has not been processed yet.
ANU Research School of Social Sciences
Research material for chapters, interviews, slides, photographs and images used in the production of the publication.
Canberra School of Art
Correspondence, notes and reports on matters concerning the internal governance of the Australian National University created by Professor Low and relating to the more sensitive and confidential matters he had to deal with as Vice-Chancellor from 1975 to 1982.
Subjects include academic staffing and research positions, graduate education, students’ organisations, tertiary education fees, government funding, the University’s budgetary position, a review of the University’s Research Schools (Institute of Advanced Studies) 1976-1982, ANU conferences and seminars 1980-1981, proposed Australian Institute of Development Studies and the development of the University of Papua New Guinea.
Also included are speech notes, invitations and letters of appreciation relating to various functions including conferring of degrees ceremonies and official visits, reports of overseas visits and the Vice-Chancellor’s reports to the Australian National University 1976, 1978, 1979 and 1982.
Low, Donald Anthony
Records of the Director, Research School of Social Sciences
In the period covered by this series the position of Director was held by Professor Max Neutze (1980–1985), Professor Paul Bourke (1985–1991), Professor Geoffrey Brennan (1991–1996) and Professor Ian McAllister (1997– 2004). Includes files on Vice-Chancellor's Advisory Group meetings, Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee of Academic Standards, University House review, files from departments and centres including Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology and Demography, History, History of Ideas, Australian Dictionary of Biography, Sociology, Law, Urban Research, Social Psychiatry, Encyclopedia of Australian People, Centre for Information Science Research, Federalism Research School, Centre for Research on Federal Financial Relations, National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, Pacific Studies, Statistics, Statistics Consulting Centre, Centre for Democratic Institutions, Social Science Data Archive, Archives, ANU Press, Public Policy Program, Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, Centre for Economic Policy Research, Centre for Immigration and Multicultural Studies, Centre for Social and Political Theory and the Archives of Business and Labour/Noel Butlin Archives. Also files from committees, councils, projects and other initiatives including the National Social Science Survey, Policy Advisory Committee, Public Policy Program, Middle Australia Project (part of the Economic Rationalism and Citizenship Project), Ethics in Human Experimentation Committee, Australian Family Project, Australian Science and Technology Council, Committee on General Policy Board of the Institute of Advanced Studies, the Max Crawford Chair of History, John Clive Fellowship Fund (set up at Harvard University with a contribution from ANU), American Studies Centre (set up at the University of Sydney) and the Automated Reasoning Project.
ANU Research School of Social Sciences
ANU Division of Society and Environment records
Contents include minutes of meetings, newsletters and advertising material explaining the purpose of the division.
ANU Division of Society and Environment
Photographic, teaching and administrative records
This deposit comprises photographs and negatives relating to field studies, research and publications; glass lantern slides of trees and forests in ACT, NSW and overseas, c. 1950s; draft and roneoed lecture notes, correspondence and notes on field and laboratory exercises by N W Jolley, C E Lane Poole and M R Jacobs, 1941-45; publications and miscellaneous papers collected by M R Jacobs, 1939-1957; reports, calculations, plans and photographs relating to a long-term study of the Murray River Red Gum at Mathoura State Forest, New South Wales; files related to Malayan and Polish students, 1950-52;
Australian Forestry School
Enrolment and academic records
Enrolment and academic records of students. Each entry has birth date and place, secondary education, tertiary qualifications, practical experience, forestry school exam results and year in which Diploma was awarded.
Australian Forestry School
Reports from students on field studies taken while on vacation employment. Includes reports on particular forests, overseas trips by prize-winning students, maps, diagrams and photographs.
Australian Forestry School
Undergraduate awards committee minutes and agenda papers
The black binders contain minutes and agenda papers for meetings of the Undergraduate Awards Committee which considered a range of prizes such as the University Medal. There are some gaps and overlaps; in particular no papers for the period mid-1985 to 1986.
ANU Undergraduate Awards Committee
Adelaide Forestry School Postgraduate records
Personal and career records of graduate foresters covering graduates from the Adelaide Forestry School, the Australian Forestry School and other forestry schools (mostly overseas). The information about foresters includes secondary and tertiary education, postgraduate research school, professional qualification details of employment and publications.
Australian Forestry School
Reports on students' academic records and progress, letters from students requesting statements of academic records, letters from sponsors, copies of statements of academic records, and photographs.
Australian Forestry School
Examination papers and results
Draft examination papers, copies of roneoed examination papers, schedules of students' marks signed by examiners, copies of roneoed schedules of marks and results and also correspondence with students about results and 'posts'.
Australian Forestry School
Correspondence files arranged in subject group areas. The subject groups are Ass. (Associations, Colleges, Universities), B. (Buildings), Cal. (School Calendar), Camps (School Camps), Club, Cur. (School Curriculum), Dip. (Diploma), Employment, Eq. (Equipment, Plant, Maps, Books, Photographs), Exam. (Examination papers and results), Exh. (Exhibits, Donations), Not. (Notices), Pol. (Policy), Pubs. (Publications), Public. (Publicity), Rep. (Reports), Sch. (Scholarships, Prizes), Soc. (Social - staff-student functions), Sport, Sta. Qld (State of Queensland), Sta. NSW (State of New South Wales), Sta. Vic. (State of Victoria), Sta. S.A. (State of South Australia), Sta. W.A. (State of Western Australia), Sta. Tas. (State of Tasmania), Sta. N.Z. (New Zealand), Sta. N.I. (Norfolk Island), Sta. Philippines, Sta. Burma (Burma), Stu. (Students).
Australian Forestry School
The collection includes photographs; video and audio tapes; published papers; research notes, diaries and log books; construction notes and manuals; correspondence and a diorama of the foundations of the Cockcroft Building. The series is not yet processed.
Department of Particle Physics
Files relating to the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health
John Curtin School of Medical Research
Humanities Research Centre publications
This series contains copies of the Humanities Research Centre Bulletin (1975 - 1980) and brochures called The Humanities Research Centre: A Description (1978 - 1995).
Humanities Research Centre
Papers relating to the Chemistry Library
This series has not been processed yet.
Research School of Chemistry
Exchange with Moscow State University files
Records documenting the exchange agreement between the Australian National University and Moscow State University in the Soviet Union.
Australian National University
This series has not been processed yet.
Central Records
This series contains research files on subjects including hospital figures, public debt in Australian states and employment.
ANU Department of Economic History, Research School of Social Sciences
Research papers of Jill Waterhouse
This series has not been processed yet.
Waterhouse, Jill
Legal Workshop and Committee of Management minutes, agenda and correspondence, marketing records, historical material, administrative files, reports, GDLP results, staff records, and course programs material.
ANU College of Law
Papers documenting Max Neutze's involvement with the Victorian Urban Land Council, Canberra Commercial Development Authority and the Australian Population and Immigration Council.
Neutze, Graeme Max
Brian Galligan research papers
Research papers for 'Beyond the Protective State: The Policital Economy of Australia's Manufacturing Industry Policy' by Ann Capling and Brian Galligan, and for his book 'Utah and Queensland Coal' published in 1989 on the acquisition and development of central Queensland coal resources by the US company Utah International. The records include material on the Utah/General Electric merger in 1975 obtained through US Freedom of Information procedures from the United States Department of Justice, Anti-Trust Division, which had investigated the merger, as well as tape recordings, transcripts of interviews, photographs and printed material. Also includes papers of the Committee of Inquiry into the Assets and Public Debt of the Australian Capital Territory, on which Galligan served as a member.
Galligan, Brian John
Research material, including manuscripts, notes and copies of documents; published papers and related correspondence; work diaries, 1982–1991; copy of a Master of Arts Thesis, 1979.
Tsokhas, Kosmas
Research papers relating to professionally trained displaced persons who migrated to Australia from Europe after the Second World War. Includes passenger lists, questionnaires and printed material for some of his published books.
Kunz, Egon Francis
CRC for Greenhouse Accounting records
Research files, minutes of Board and Management team meetings, annual reports and strategic plans, publications and media files, correspondence, agreements and legal material. Also includes files relating to the Australian Greenhouse Office and partnerships.
Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Accounting
Report on proposed John Curtin School of Medical Research building
The report by architects Mussen, Mackey and Potter includes colour sketches and plans of the proposed building, as well as cost estimates.
John Curtin School of Medical Research
Aging and the Family Project records
Hal Kendig correspondence files (1981 - 1985), D. Rowland correspondence files (1980-1985), project correspondence, computer printouts of statistical results (1982-1985) with computer coding files included, chapters from the project book, Australian Institute of Multicultural Affairs (AIME) Ethnic Aged Survey 1984. This deposit also holds records of the Adelaide Housing Survey (1977-1979) which was conducted by the ANU Urban Research Unit, a project which Hal Kendig directed.
ANU Aging and the Family Project
This small collection of files relates to various legal issues including drafting of leases, contracts and agreements, and legal opinions on University powers in relation to the site.
Boardman, Ellis Russell
The folder contains indexes to committee meeting agenda and minutes by year
University Education Committee
Index to meeting agenda and minutes
These folders contain indexes to Board of the Institute of Advanced Studies meeting agenda and minutes by topic and date
Board of the Institute of Advanced Studies
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies departmental records
Departmental records re New Guinea Research Unit houses, policy material re New Guinea School Services, reports, handbook and guide, manuals, inventory of research materials, correspondence, photographs of staff and properties in Northern Territory and Papua New Guinea, plans and records relating to the HC Coombs Building.
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
Joint Quality and Standards Committee Minutes and Agenda Papers
Joint committee meeting agenda and minutes.
University Quality and Standards Committee
Committee minutes and agenda papers
Agenda and minutes of committee meetings.
ANU Access and Equity Committee
University Research Committee minutes
Bound minutes and agenda papers of the University Research Committee (2001-2010)
University Research Committee
Summaries of ethnic newspapers
The summaries are translations into English of articles appearing in ethnic newspapers published in Australia. There are three runs: the 1927-1939 set are from the Italo-Australian Weekly Journal only (item 1), those from mainly 1964 are from newspapers in European languages (items 2-18), and those from 1982-1984 are in European, Arabic and Asian languages (items 19-44). The 1982-1984 set were sent weekly from the Department of Immigration to the Sociology Department in The Faculties at the Australian National University and were then sent on to the Demography Department in the Research School of Social Sciences.
ANU Department of Demography
Manuscript of 'The Structure of Accounting'
The manuscript of 'The Structure of Accounting' dated 25 August 1947 was written by Tom Owen and entered in the Commonwealth Institute of Accountants' Accounting Treatise Competition under the pseudonym 'Fontes'. It was awarded a cash prize c. 1949. It was rescued from the fire at the Melbourne Building in April 1953 and is charred at the edges but readable. There are several copies: part 1 is about 69 pages and part 2 135 pages. It has been retained because of its association with the fire.
Owen, Thomas Miles
Papers relating to Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) including transcripts of interviews for the Inquiry into the Use of Pituitary Derived Hormones in Australia and CJD (1993-1997) and other animal studies, correspondence, transcripts, reports and submissions, publications, arbitration material, medical records, working diaries, obituaries, CV and press cuttings. Items 137-175 contain APQ legal documents, and mainly transcripts of interviews for the Inquiry into the Use of Pituitary Derived Hormones in Australia and Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (referred to here as the CJD Inquiry).
Whitten, Wesley Kingston
Certificates, medals, family photographs, printed material and correspondence. Includes a slide collection.
Crawford, Janet Elspeth
Papers relating to the ANU-CUC association
This is an artificial compilation of records which relate to the amalgamation (formally known as the association) of the Australian National University and the Canberra University College. There are often several folders about the same committee combined into one file. Some papers are from the Registrar, some from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Dale Trendall, and some probably from Thomas Owen, Registrar of the Canberra University College.
Office of the Registrar
Includes student and lecture notes, reports, correspondence, material relating to Cambridge Australia Trust, ANU Investment Advisory Committee agenda and reports, financial records, research papers, news clippings, publications and newsletters.
Barton, Allan Douglas
Files and correspondence, Pacific Research newsletters and files relating to volumes of the newsletter.
Peace Research Centre, Research School of Pacific Studies
Examination registers containing name of degree, date of examination, name of subject, student name and examination number and result,
ANU School of General Studies
This series has not been processed yet.
Coppel, William Andrew
Subject files of correspondence and reports
These files appear to have been assembled for the ANU History Project as early original and duplicated correspondence and reports have been placed in more recent ANU file covers.
ANU History Project
Student enrolment information and results
Folder containing student name, age, marital status, whether full-time or part-time, occupation, assistance (eg Colombo Plan, cadetship, Commonwealth scholarship holder, CPS free place), year of course, whether doing the honours or pass course and course results.
ANU Faculty of Economics
Index to meeting agenda and minutes
Board of the ANU School of General Studies
Papers relating Ted Steele’s academic career, 1981-2003; scientific research and publications, 1993-2003, mainly pertaining to his reassessment of Lamarck’s evolution theories; alleged scientific misconduct by John Curtin School of Medical Research director, Professor Kevin Lafferty, 1977; plagiarism dispute with British scientist, Professor John Cairns, 1981-1992; criticism of the University of Wollongong’s academic standards and the assessment of honours students in Department of Biological Sciences, 1989-2001; dismissal from the University of Wollongong, 26 Feb 2002, and the involvement of the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) following this event. Includes the campaign against proposed changes to the administrative and financial control of the John Curtin School of Medical Research at the Australian National University, 1991-1993; Senate Inquiry into the capacity of public universities to meet Australia’s higher education needs, 2001. Also contains photographs, audio visual material and books.
Steele, Edward John
Correspondence files of Dr Susan Bambrick as Master of University House
The files were maintained in alphabetical order by Dr Susan Bambrick as Master of University House. While some are subject files most are organised by the person, position or body that she corresponded with, and include original correspondence and copies of her correspondence to others.
University House
This series includes Burton's administrative files relating to the Canberra University College, some student papers, photographs of events and folders of research papers, including correspondence with Professor Hancock.
Burton, Herbert
Governing Body/Board of Fellows meeting files
The files contain agenda and minutes of meetings, correspondence, financial statements and other reports considered at the meetings.
University House
Subject files of Dr Richard Rafe Champion de Crespigny as Master of University House
The files were maintained in alphabetical order by subject by Dr de Crespigny while Master of University House. They include correspondence with senior University administrators in Chancelry, members and staff, and deal with policy issues, financial management, reviews, events, artworks and the general management of the House.
University House
Addresses presented to other universities
Addresses from the Australian National University to other universities celebrating significant events such as the installation of Chancellors or anniversaries.
Australian National University
3 folders of correspondence documenting part of Professor Carver's time as acting Deputy Vice Chancellor and Director of the Institute of Advanced Studies at the ANU.
Carver, John
Commonwealth Reconstruction Training Scheme student files
Post-war reconstruction training files of Canberra University College students. Files contain correspondence and a small number of files include photographs.
Canberra University College
This is the main correspondence file series of the Canberra University College before it amalgamated with the Australian National University in 1960. Most of the files were top-numbered into the ANU multiple number Central Files series (ANUA 53) or destroyed. The remnant of the series are files relating to housing assistance to staff members and staff files.
Canberra University College
The Making of The Australian National University: 1946-1996
Stephen Foster and Margaret Varghese trace the ANU’s history from its wartime origins to its fiftieth anniversary in 1996, featuring many of the prominent Australians who contributed to its making: ‘Nugget’ Coombs, Howard Florey, Mark Oliphant, W.K. Hancock, Douglas Copland, John Crawford, Peter Karmel; and others who stood out in particular fields, such as J.C.Eccles, Arthur Birch, Manning Clark, Russell Mathews, Ernest Titterton, Beryl Rawson, John Mulvaney, John Passmore and Frank Fenner.
The Making of The Australian National University explores many themes in higher education during the last half century, including academic freedom, relations between universities and politicians, recruitment practices, the ‘two cultures’ of science and the humanities, collegial versus managerial structures, equality of opportunity, student politics, academics and architecture and universities in the marketplace.
Varghese, Margaret M
The two binders labelled '1st book Archives 1946-1948' and '2nd book Archives 1946-1948' contain roneoed typescript memos, minutes of meetings, reports and press releases. Each volume is divided into sections by subject, eg Library, Scholarships, and Letters to Vice-Chancellor. It appears to be a deliberate collection of important documents to form the 'archives' of the University in its early days.
Office of the Registrar
Microfiche of proclaimed maps from the Australian Bureau of Statistics
This series has not been processed
ANU Department of Political Science
Minutes and agenda of ANU Faculty of Arts meetings
Minutes and agenda papers of faculty meetings. Note that there is no minute book for 1998 but an index of proceedings.
ANU Faculty of Arts
Research material on immigration
The research material consists of speeches, articles, statistics and reports, many gathered when Hawkins worked in the Department of Immigration as a research officer. There is a copy of Hawkin's draft Masters thesis on immigration policy and practice, 1942-1949.
Hawkins, Len
Commonwealth Immigration Planning Council papers
The papers include agenda papers and minutes of meetings of the Immigration Planning Council from its first to the twelfth meeting, and also meetings of various subcommittees.
Copland, Douglas Berry
The research material includes original statistical tabulations from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, questionnaires completed by Queensland schoolchildren, and population projections. There are also agenda papers and minutes of meetings of the Commonwealth Immigration Planning Council and its committees 1966-1975.
Borrie, Wilfred David (Mick)
Binder of library training material
The binder contains handwritten notes of lectures (by Harold White, CL Drake and others) and summaries of reference books relating to library classification (including the Bliss system), reference work and book production. It appears that the material was used and added to for training purposes within the ANU Library.
Woolcock, Maude Joan
This suede-bound volume is a register of higher degrees including honorary degrees: Doctor of Laws, Doctor of Letters, Doctor of Science, Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Arts and Master of Science. It was signed by the recipient of the degree on the day it was conferred. The first few pages include signatures of notable people including politicians, senior public servants and writers. Most of the entries relate to Doctor of Philosophy degrees from 1954 to 1983 which include the person's full name and their signature.
Office of the Registrar
Research material about Professor WK Hancock
Processing of this series has not been completed.
Davidson, James
Microfiche collection of Australian newspaper cuttings
There is a master copy and a reference set of the microfiche which was produced by the Department of Political Science. The original collection covered 1952-1978, with some earlier content resulting from personal collections of newspaper cuttings (eg NSW trade unions from 1938). Annual supplements were produced from 1979 to 1992.
The cuttings were taken from The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Australian, The Canberra Times and The Australian Financial Review, supplemented by The Courier Mail, The Advertiser, The West Australian, The Mercury, The Examiner, The Northern Territory News, and the weekly National Times and The Sunday Mail (Brisbane). Periodically there are cuttings from other country and suburban papers.
The classification scheme developed over time but the summary published in 1986 gives an indication of the range of topics:
ANU Department of Political Science
Research papers and publications
This series has not been fully processed
Kennett, Brian Leslie Norman
Index to Council and Committee minutes
This typescript volume includes a carbon copy of a subject index to meetings of the Interim Council, the Council and its Committees. Each entry indicates subject, Council/Committee and meeting number, date and paragraph number in the minutes.
Research papers on wool industry
These records document the research undertaken by Dr Barnard into the wool industry and Goldsbrough Mort & Co. The items include original Goldsbrough Mort documentation, client histories, station information as well as Dr Barnard’s analysis and research notes. Also included are the presentations and notes from the ‘Wool Seminars’, a multidisciplinary study which took place at Australian National University 1957-1959.
Barnard, James Alan
Research notes, correspondence and publications. Some material appears to have been created by other people including WEG Salter. Use item 488, index, to find articles in items 450-477 early papers in Australian economics by various authors.
Brown, Horace Plessay
Undergraduate lecture notes and teaching material
This series has not been processed
Wheatley, Joy
This is a guide to presenting written information published by the University. It covers signs, fonts to be used, corporate colours and use of the ANU logo.
ANU Public Affairs Division
This series contains minutes of meetings, agenda and meeting papers, correspondence, reports and submissions, financial records, material relating to the publication of Studying Law in Australia (SLIA), Council of Australian Law Deans website development and handbook.
Council of Australian Law Deans
ANU London Office binders of outward correspondence
The four binders contain carbon copies of letters and cables sent by EH Clark, the Administrative officer to December 1951, then R Mathews the Administrative Officer to January 1953, and then Joan Morrish, Secretary. The correspondence is mainly to ANU staff in Canberra particularly the Registrar RA Hohnen and the Assistant Accountant l Bellingham, members of the Academic Advisory Council located in the United Kingdom, and staff recruited there, and relates to recruitment of staff, accommodation, payment of salaries and allowances, and the purchase of equipment for the University. There is a short history of the London Office at the front of the first binder dated 30 November 1960.
London Office
Documentary on Central Australian totemic ceremonies
The film titled ‘The Honey Ant Ceremonies of Ljaba – North Aranda Group’ was filmed by Theodor Strehlow while he was a Research Fellow at the Australian National University from 1949 to 1951.
ANU Department of Anthropology and Sociology
Most of the videos were produced to promote the ANU and its programs at events such as open days. Some are advertisements produced for television advertising in collaboration with other Canberra tertiary institutions.
Office of the Registrar
Register of attendance at House dinners
This volume has an alphabetical index at the side. Names of people attending University House dinners are noted in the appropriate alphabetical section (by surname or in the case of diplomats, by country) with the dates of the dinners they attended.
University House
Records of the Residents’ Committee
There is both a rough and final minute book of meetings of the Residents’ Committee for 1968-1970, as well as a Suggestion Book in which residents made suggestions for improvements; these are responded to by the Steward.
University House
Press cuttings relating to University House and to its Master Dale Trendall have been placed in the book in chronological order.
University House
The annual folders include copies of all notices and circulars distributed to residents and staff including notices of meetings and events.
University House
Folders relating to University House
The folders include Brazil’s papers as a member of University House and the Governing Board as well as her research into its history.
Brazil, Wendy Marelle Harley
Daily files of the Master’s correspondence
The mostly annual compilations of correspondence include correspondence to the Master of University House and copies of their replies in chronological order. In earlier years the correspondence is in binders and in later years loose in folders.
University House
Administrative files of University House
Administrative files of University House relating to artworks, building, furniture, accommodation, functions including dinners and wine symposia, membership, residents, library, music program, Old Canberra House, visiting fellows and other visitors.
University House
The papers cover many aspects of Ms Griffin’s career as a social worker and personnel manager, and later as an industrial relations commissioner and ANU Pro-Chancellor and member of the ANU Council. They include correspondence, speeches, reports, photographs and two audiotapes of presentations.
Griffin, Pauline Marcus
Results of student examinations
ANU Faculty of Law
Examination booklets containing questions set for Law students.
ANU Faculty of Law
Constitution, statutes and regulations of the Australian National University Students' Association
The constitution, statutes and regulations of the Australian National University Students' Association.
ANU Students' Association
Index to Lyttelton-Taylor collection
These records are 20cm x 13cm cards. Each contains information about an item in the Lyttelton-Taylor Collection. The cards contain the item identification number, accession number, a description of the item including dimensions and condition. The cards also give the location of the item and its source. Most cards contain a photograph of the item. The information does not appear to be updated since the records were created except to say if Mrs Lyttleton-Taylor wanted it back.
University Art Collection
Minutes and agenda of general meetings and financial committee, clubs and societies committee and cultural affairs committee meetings.
ANU Students' Association
Annual reports and appendices summarising Research School activities each year.
Research School of Biological Sciences
This file of papers contains draft minutes, motions, correspondence, some financial records, and the newsletter The Crucible (‘a publication for burning issues’). Members contributing articles include Ross Garnaut, Tony Whitlam and Craddock Morton. There are also papers relating to the 1966 Australian Student Labor Federation Conference and various other newsletters such as Spies for Peace, Purge (ANU Arts Society) and the newsletter of the Vietnam Action Committee.
ANU Labor Club