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Papers of Niel Gunson

  • AU ANUA 799
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Gunson, Walter Niel

Ombudsman Commission of Papua New Guinea publications

Publications from The Ombudsman Commission of Papua New Guinea. Includes "Leadership Manual Pocket Edition", issued by The Ombudsman Commission of Papua New Guinea, Boroko, 1991; "The Independent State of Papua New Guinea, Organic Law on the Duties and Responsibilities of Leadership", issued by The Ombudsman Commission of Papua New Guinea, Boroko [no date]; "Ombudsman Commission of Papua New Guinea Annual Statement", issued by The Ombudsman Commission of Papua New Guinea, Boroko, 1999.

The University of Papua New Guinea papers - Student Charter and other papers

Includes various papers from The University of Papua New Guinea: "The UPNG Student Charter"; Office of Pro Vice Chancellor Planning and Development, Memorandum, "Major Works Completed, in Progress and Planned", March 21, 2001; The Registrar, Memorandum, "Conferring of Honorary Degree in Economics", 22 March, 2001; Order of Proceedings for Graduation Ceremony [no date]; papers from The University of Papua New Guinea Council Meeting No. 1/2001, "Formal Establishment of Office of the Chancellor and Office of the Executive Officer to Council", March 22, 2001; Bursar's Report to Council, Qualified Audit Report 1995 and 1996, 22 March 2001; The University of Papua new Guinea, University Finance Committee Meeting No. 1/2001, 20 March 2001.

The University of Papua New Guinea papers - Graduation program and other papers

Various papers and booklets published by or regarding The University of Papua New Guinea, including: "Revised criteria for appointment, re-appointment and promotionof academic staff: Waigani, Tuarama and Goroka", no date; program for The University of Papua New Guinea 43rd Graduation Ceremony, 17th April 1998; program, "Official Opening of the New Faculty of Creative Arts Building Wednesday, 15 April, 1998, The Beier Creative Arts Haus", University of Papua new Guinea; University of Papua New Guinea Alumni Association Inc., "Constitution July 1998".

The University of Papua New Guinea Council papers - letters of protest and other papers

Includes papers from The University of Papua New Guinea Council, including: papers from the Special Meeting of Council No. 2/99, 12 March 1999; petition from the Office of the SRC, "Restructure and the abolishment of some faculties in light of the resignation of the Vice Chancellor, 11 March 1999; memorandum from the Papua New Guinea Government National Executive Council, "Status on implementation of budget directives for outstanding national agencies and review of NEC decisions on training, research and inspection of institutions", 24 February 1999; various letters and supporting documents from the SRC protesting the resignation of Vice Chancellor Yakali Malipu and the prospective employment of a non-native of Papua New Guinea to the position, 1999; letters of protest about various university decisions from student and industry bodies, 1999.

The University of Papua New Guinea papers - Superannuation Plan, financial reports and other papers

Includes Nonggorr and Associates Lawyers, "The University of Papua New Guinea Staff Superannuation Plan"; The University of Papua New Guinea, "Report on the Working group on the Review of Motupore Island Research Department", commissioned by the Academic Board Meeting No. 153, 7 May 1997, published december 1997; University of Papua New Guinea, "Draft 1995 Financial Statements, National Staff Superannuation Fund, University Bookshop; The University of Papua New Guinea, Council Meeting No. 134 (02/97), Agenda and Minutes.

The University of Papua New Guinea papers - Reports from Nonggorr and Associates lawyers and other papers

Includes report by Nonggorr and Associates Lawyers, “The University of Papua New Guinea Restructure Legislation Review”; University of Papua New Guinea Council Meeting No. 133 (01/97), Agenda and Minutes; University of Papua New Guinea Council Meeting No. 132 (3/96), Agenda and Minutes.

The University of Papua New Guinea papers - reports to the Vice Chancellor and other papers

Includes Report to the Vice Chancellor, “Deliberations and Conclusions of the SAAC on the Report of the Working Group on Transitional Arrangements to the New Degree Structure for Continuing Students”; The Working Group on UPNG Home Ownership Scheme, “Brief to the University Council by the Working Group on UPNG Home Ownershiop Scheme”, June 1998; School of Law and Business Studies, “General By-Laws Governing the School of Law and Business Studies”; The University of Papua New Guinea “44th Graduation Ceremony, Friday 23rd April 1999, 44th Graduation Theme: “UPNG – Yumi Go We???””; The University of Papua New Guinea “Meeting No. 139”; Duty Statement by the Pro Vice Chancellor (Planning and Development); Report of the Ad-Hoc Investigation Committee’s investigation into allegations of financial mismanagement and procedural irregularities in the buildings and estate department of the University of Papua New Guinea and into other related matters”, March 1993.

The University of Papua New Guinea papers - reports on restructure and other papers

Includes bound report by Watters, Winn, Lovai, et al., “A Review of Unisearch, Consultancy and Private Practice at UPNG”, Review of Unisearch Pty Ltd; Report on the Working Group on Academic Restructure, “Restructure of The University of Papua new Guinea”, July 1995; memorandum from Rodney Hills, Vice Chancellor, “The Status of the University’s Cashflow as at July 27 1998” July 1998; draft 1 of the Report of the Student Academic Affairs Committee Working Group on Transitional Arrangements to the New Degree Structure for Continuing Students”, June 23, 1998; University of Papua New Guinea, “Minutes of the Academic Board Meeting no. 158”, July 1998; The President, National Academic Staff Association (NASA), “NASA’s Reply to Restructure”.

What happens when you hurt a woman?

Public health poster for World Aids Day 2004. Advocating against sexual and family violence, and violence against women. Poster image depicts 6 women looking solemn, with text describing the consequences family violence and HIV/AIDS from the first person perspective.

What happens when you hurt a woman?

Public health poster for World Aids Day 2004. Advocating against sexual and family violence, and violence against women. Poster image depicts 6 women looking solemn, with text describing the consequences family violence and HIV/AIDS from the first person perspective.

What happens when you hurt a woman?

Public health poster for World Aids Day 2004. Advocating against sexual and family violence, and violence against women. Poster image depicts 6 women looking solemn, with text describing the consequences family violence and HIV/AIDS from the first person perspective.

What happens when you hurt a woman?

Public health poster for World Aids Day 2004. Advocating against sexual and family violence, and violence against women. Poster image depicts 6 women looking solemn, with text describing the consequences family violence and HIV/AIDS from the first person perspective.

Zero heroes Episode 2: Zero Drug Abuse (b)

Public health poster advocating for safe sexual health practices and against drug abuse. Poster image is done in a comic pop art style, and depicts a green villainous Drug Abuse Monster grinning while four men surf on boards designed like pills. List of supporting government agents and organisation included.

Zero heroes Episode 3: Zero hopelessness

Public health poster advocating for safe sexual health practices and against drug abuse. Poster image is done in a comic pop art style, and depicts two men posing at the beach, while another two men walk behind them with surfboards emblazoned with 'HIV testing'. List of supporting government agents and organisation included.

Zero heroes Episode 2: Zero Drug Abuse (a)

Public health poster advocating for safe sexual health practices and against drug abuse. Poster image is done in a comic pop art style, and depicts a green villainous Drug Abuse Monster embracing an intoxication man who is imagining himself as a super hero. List of supporting government agents and organisation included.

Eittss… katakan tidak

Public health poster advocating for safe sexual health practices and minimising HIV/AIDS exposure from the Kabupaten Mimika district Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS (AIDS Prevention Commission). Poster image depicts a young couple using.

Em I No inap Kamap long Mi!

Public health poster promoting safe sexual health practices and minimising the risk of HIV/AIDS from the PNG National Aids Council. Poster image depicts 4 people gesturing to the camera, with a picture of a condom at the bottom.

Em I No inap Kamap long Mi!

Public health poster promoting safe sexual health practices and minimising the risk of HIV/AIDS from the PNG National Aids Council. Poster image depicts 4 people gesturing to the camera, with a picture of a condom at the bottom.

A person with AIDS is just like You and Me

Public health poster aiming to destigmatise HIV/AIDS infection produced by the PNG Aids Council. Poster image includes 7 people of various ages, genders, and cultural backgrounds standing in a forest, with text describing how HIV/AIDS infection is indiscriminate and advocating for good quality of life for HIV-positive people

Champions play safe

Public health poster advocating for safe sexual health practices and condom use from Karamap brand condoms. Poster image depicts Australian rugby league champion Mal Meninga promoting the use of condoms to protect against HIV/AIDS.

Play safe… Stay safe

Public health poster advocating for safe sexual health practices from the PNG National AIDS Council. Poster image depicts Captain of the Australian Kangaroos rugby league football team Brad Fittler, with personal message supporting safe sexual health practices superimposed as text.


Public health poster advocating an end to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The image depicts a red shoe stomping down with a link to

The world has aids

Public health and political messaging poster from Poster image depicts a line drawing of the world with the a red plus superimposed over the top. The text calls on world leaders to stop the HIV/AIDS epidemic


Public health poster. Advocating against family and sexual violence. Poster image depicts a woman running away with a hand out of frame grabbing her wrist. Poster text explains the purposes of post-exposure prophylaxis, when to take it and where to find it. List of supporting government agents and organisation included.


Public health poster. Advocating against family and sexual violence. Poster image depicts a woman running away with a hand out of frame grabbing her wrist. Poster text explains the purposes of post-exposure prophylaxis, when to take it and where to find it. List of supporting government agents and organisation included.

Women have rights! Women have power!

Human rights poster. Advocating for rights of women's rights. Poster depicts cartoons of women achieving political, economic, educational, and community prosperity, with text describing the how these rights can be demonstrated. List of supporting government agents and organisation included.

Women have rights! Women have power!

Human rights poster. Advocating for rights of women's rights. Poster depicts cartoons of women achieving political, economic, educational, and community prosperity, with text describing the how these rights can be demonstrated. List of supporting government agents and organisation included.

PNG men say no to violence

Human rights and public health poster. Advocating against sexual and family violence, and violence against women. Poster image depicts the white ribbon symbol to end violence against women, with text explaining the symbolism of the white ribbon and supporting an end to violence against women. List of supporting government agents and organisation included.

PNG men say no to violence

Human rights and public health poster. Advocating against sexual and family violence, and violence against women. Poster image depicts the white ribbon symbol to end violence against women, with text explaining the symbolism of the white ribbon and supporting an end to violence against women. List of supporting government agents and organisation included.

PNG men say no to violence

Human rights and public health poster. Advocating against sexual and family violence, and violence against women. Poster image depicts the white ribbon symbol to end violence against women, with text explaining the symbolism of the white ribbon and supporting an end to violence against women. List of supporting government agents and organisation included.

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