Bank of Adelaide Annual Report 1881
- Deposit
- 1881
Microfilm copy of annual report.
Bank of Adelaide
197 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Bank of Adelaide Annual Report 1881
Microfilm copy of annual report.
Bank of Adelaide
Western Australian Labor Leaders photographs
Microfilm copy of photographs of Western Australian Labor leaders (trade unionists).
J S Battye Library of West Australian History
Burns Philp and Company microfilm deposit
Microfilm copy of minutes of Directors' meetings, minute books 1-14.
Burns Philp and Company Limited
Resch's Limited microfilm deposit 2
Microfilm copy of Resch's Ltd minutes of board meetings, cellar list books, brewing books, property (hotels) register and financial records of Wilcannia Lion Brewery.
Resch's Limited
CSR Limited microfilm deposit 2
Microfilm copies of presscopy letterbooks containing correspondence between CSR Head Office and Fiji. Includes correspondence with Fiji Colonial Secretary, Rarawai Mill, and about immigration of Indian labour.
Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited
Australian Agricultural Company microfiche deposit
Microfiche copy of despatches from General Superintendent in New South Wales to the Court of Directors in London.
Australian Agricultural Company
Flour Millers' Council of Australia deposit
Minutes of the Flour Millers' Council of Australia (1983-2008), the Flour Millers' Council of Victoria (1986-2006) and Victorian Flour Mills Products Pty Ltd (1927-1993), constitution, articles of association and other documents.
Flour Millers' Council of Australia
Research papers collected while working on a history of Burns Philp & Co Ltd.
Buckley, Kenneth Donald
Australian Transport Officers' Federation Airlines Division deposit 1
Minutes of Airlines Division Executive (1980-1982), subject files arranged by airline and including membership records, rules, and printed material.
Australian Transport Officers' Federation
H E Holland Collection microfilm deposit 1
This is a microfilm copy of part of the H E Holland collection NBAC P5, made for the Alexander Turnbull Library, New Zealand. The items copied are manuscript material listed in Patrick O'Farrell's biography, 'Harry Holland: The militant socialist' on page 222 plus annotated pamphlets held in the collection.
Holland, Henry Edmund
Australian Agricultural Company microfilm deposit 1
Microfilm copies of correspondence and despatches between the New South Wales Office and the London Office of the Australian Agricultural Company 1824 - 1916, including confidential despatches 1876 - 1899. Also includes annual reports 1825 - 1949.
Australian Agricultural Company
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia, Mackay Branch deposit
Minutes, 1911-1980; membership badges (9).
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
Australian Council of Salaried and Professional Associations deposit 1
Copies of minutes of Federal Executive, Victorian and New South Wales Division, rules, correspondence files, arbitration material and printed material.
Australian Council of Salaried and Professional Associations
Australian Railways Union, Tasmanian Branch deposit 2
Office files containing correspondence of State Secretary, notes, reports, circulars, arbitration and industrial material, copies of awards, minutes, pamphlets, press cuttings and printed material. Includes records relating to Burnie, Conara, Devonport, Hobart and Launceston Sub-Branches.
Australian Railways Union
Australian Railways Union, Queensland Branch microfilm deposit
Branch and state council minutes, reports, financial records, conference material, photographs and journals. Includes records of predecessor Queensland Railways Union.
Australian Railways Union
New South Wales Nurses Association deposit 1
Constitution and rules, minutes, financial records, arbitration material re transcripts of proceedings, and roneoed material. Includes records of the Trained Mental Nurses' Association of New South Wales.
New South Wales Nurses and Midwives' Association
Photocopies of documentary material and notes on the 1946-1949 Pilbara pastoral workers' strike. Includes a transcript of a book on shipping problems by Rupert Lockwood.
Hess, Michael
Includes bulletins on the Public Sector Campaign, flextime and triennial elections. Various dates with many undated and only a few with issue numbers.
Administrative and Clerical Officers' Association, Commonwealth Public Service
Issues held are; Nos. 3, 7, 9, 11 (1985), 1-3, 6 (1986), and 1-4 (1987).
Administrative and Clerical Officers' Association, Commonwealth Public Service
Tocsin, alternative ACOA journal
Issue no. 2 Oct 1984, no. 3 Mar 1985 and no. 4 May 1985.
Administrative and Clerical Officers' Association, Commonwealth Public Service
Australian Council of Salaried and Professional Associations Victorian Division deposit
Records of the Victorian Division of ACSPA including rules, minutes of meetings, subject files and correspondence. The AISF records consist mainly of material received from ACSPA such as copies of minutes, circulars and reports. R D Williams was both Federal and Victorian Secretary 1956-1972, when B J (Wes) Hall became Victorian Secretary to ACSPA while also serving as the Australian Insurance Staffs' Federation National Secretary and their delegate to ACSPA.
Australian Council of Salaried and Professional Associations
Clothing and Allied Trades Union, South Australian Branch deposit 3
State Secretaries' correspondence 1961-1978, office and administrative papers, arbitration papers 1956-1977, equal pay campaign papers 1957-1963, membership forms 1930-1933, 5 photographs 1972-1973 and printed material.
Clothing and Allied Trades Union of Australia
F H Gruen Collection deposit 2
Subject files relating to issues investigated as Economic Consultant to the Federal Government, 1973- 1976.
Gruen, Fred Henry George
A microfilm copy of Armstrong's article, "Some Experiences of a Queensland Station Manager" published in the Pastoral Review and Graziers Record.
Armstrong, Thomas Scott Lorraine
This deposit consists of material related to CSR Limited including photographs, a file on 'Methods of work simplification'; and a 2005 calendar, 'Celebrating 150 years: 1855-2005.
Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited
Australian Telephone and Phonogram Officers' Association deposit
Files including New South Wales, South Australian, Tasmanian, Victorian and Western Australian Branch minutes, records of Telecom Consultative Committee sub-committee, financial records, arbitration and dispute material, branch membership lists, reports, incoming and outgoing telexes and telegrams, and files about working conditions.
Australian Telephone and Phonogram Officers' Association
National Farmers' Federation deposit 2
Files relating to the Mudginberri dispute against the Australian Meat Industry Employees' Union, including transcripts of evidence, telex messages, financial records, and legal papers.
National Farmers' Federation
Elder Smith and Company Head Office deposit 3
Minutes of board meetings and annual general meetings; board memoranda; share registers; correspondence files; staff registers; annual reports; minute book of Elder Smith and Co Limited ladies staff welfare fund; and records of Elder Smith rifle club and rowing club.
Elder Smith and Company
Financial records, wages books, newspaper cuttings, photographs, oil painting, staff provident fund records including minutes of trustee meetings, journal, ledgers and cash book.
Younghusband Limited
Australian Mercantile Land and Finance Brisbane and Townsville Offices deposit
This deposit consists of records from the Brisbane and Townsville Offices of the Australian Mercantile Land and Finance (AML&F) Company Limited and records from The Australian Estates Co Ltd Brisbane Office relating to Warrong Station. The AML&F Brisbane Office records include general office ledgers 1908-1940, a cheque register 1952-1955, and from the Wool and Produce Department, general ledgers 1925-1940, Individual Ledgers 1920-1940 and cash books 1931-1941. The Townsville Office collection comprises general ledgers 1924-1938 and a securities register 1920-1941. Records relating to Warrong Station consist of Journals 1917-1929, ledgers 1917-1929 and statements of cheques drawn, correspondence and invoices 1925-1929.
Australian Mercantile Land and Finance Company Limited
Elder Smith Goldsbrough Mort deposit
Financial records, memorandum and articles of association of Elder Smith Goldsbrough Mort and correspondence files.
Elder Smith Goldsbrough Mort and Company Limited
Australian Public Service Association New South Wales Branch records
Correspondence files.
Australian Public Service Association
Sydney Stock Exchange circulars to members
Information circulated to all members of the Sydney Stock Exchange. Includes Private and confidential circulars from 1963 - 1987.
Sydney Stock Exchange
Australian Farmers' Federation deposit 2
Arbitration material relating to basic wage cases, national wage cases and other proceedings in the Commonwealth Court of Arbitration and Conciliation. Collection is not fully listed and may contain other material from the Victorian Employers' Federation and the Victorian Chamber of Commerce collected by David Plowman.
Australian Farmers' Federation
Dalgety and Company Limited Longreach Branch deposit
The deposit consists of ledger cards of accounts, profits estimates and reports, property sales and valuations registers, and stock sales registers. Also includes Aramac sub-branch ledger cards.
Dalgety and Company Limited
Dalgety and Company Limited Charleville Branch deposit
The deposit consists of deeds and documents, correspondence, manager's reports and financial papers, ledgers, journals, cash books, salaries book, wages record sheets, drovers book, stock sales registers, and records of the Cunnamulla Agency. Also in the deposit is a stock transaction register of the New Zealand Loan & Mercantile Agency Company Limited Charleville sub-branch (1959-1962).
Dalgety and Company Limited
Dalgety and Company Limited Brisbane Branch deposit
The deposit consists of departmental and annual reports, superintendent's reports, branch reports from Townsville, Rockhampton and Toowomba sub-branches, correspondence files with indexes, letterbooks, minutes, financial records, property and equipment ledger, wool statistics and catalogues, securities documents and records of the Toowoomba Sub-branch and subsidiary company Dalgety's Properties (Qld) Pty Ltd. Also included are the memorandum and articles of association of Queensland Meat Export Company Limited (1915) and Australian Stock Breeders Company Limited (1915).
Dalgety and Company Limited
Elder Smith and Company Perth Office deposit
Balance books, ledgers, salaries and wages books, share material and code books.
Elder Smith and Company
Elder Smith and Company Head Office deposit 2
Notes relating to the history of Elder Smith and Co Ltd giving information about the development of the company, its management and staff and other matters including some reproductions of photographs.
Elder Smith and Company
New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company Australian Board deposit
Minutes of meetings of the Colonial Committee and the Australian Board; minutes of meetings of the Australian Board dealing with station accounts 1903-1915; and minutes of the New Zealand Land Association Limited 1912-1913.
New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company Limited
New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company Longreach Branch deposit
The deposit consists of annual reports; financial records re stock lists and staff returns 1955-1958, ledgers, journals; registers of cheques drawn; and stock transactions register 1956-1962
New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company Limited
Federated Miscellaneous Workers' Union Queensland Branch deposit
Federated Miscellaneous Workers' Union: minutes of Queensland State Council (1957-1964, 1977-1982), Queensland Branch (1921-1930, 1940-1971, 1983-1986), Ambulance Branch (1972-1976), Foodstuffs and Allied Industries Branch (1969-1978), Leather and Allied Trades Branch (1968-1975), correspondence, financial records and copies of Amalgamated Shearers' Union tickets (1890-1895); Federated Jewellers, Watchmakers and Allied Trades Union of Australia: minutes of Queensland Branch (1934-1983); Australian Leather and Allied Trades Employees' Federation: minutes of Queensland Branch (1946-1964); Milling, Baking, Cooking and Allied Trades Employees' Union of Queensland, then Amalgamated Foodstuffs Union of Queensland: minutes (1919-1939, 1949-1950, 1955-1957) and printed material.
Federated Miscellaneous Workers' Union of Australia
Australian Liquor Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers' Union National Office deposit 4
Records documenting disputes, negotiation of agreements and awards.
Australian Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers' Union
Australian Liquor Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers' Union National Office deposit 6
Records documenting disputes and negotiation of agreements and awards.
Australian Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers' Union
Australian Liquor Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers' Union National Office deposit 5
Records documenting disputes and negotiation of agreements and awards.
Australian Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers' Union
Employers' Federation of New South Wales deposit
Newspaper files containing press clippings on various subjects, items of correspondence, copies of press releases, leaflets, pamphlets, addresses, booklets, maps, arbitration transcripts, and other printed material.
Employers' Federation of New South Wales
Australian Liquor Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers' Union National Office deposit 2
Records documenting disputes, negotiation of agreements and awards.
Australian Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers' Union
Australian Finance Conference deposit 2
Subject files including minutes, correspondence, speeches, reports on legislation, submissions, press releases, photographs and printed material.
Australian Finance Conference
Australian Liquor Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers' Union National Office deposit 7
Records documenting disputes and negotiation of agreements and awards
Australian Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers' Union
Elder Smith Goldsbrough Mort, Melbourne Branch deposit
This collection of records consists of press cuttings, company publications, ephemera (stickers) & photographs of wool stores, staff and those used in the staff magazine, Teamwork.
Elder Smith Goldsbrough Mort and Company Limited
Undertakers' Assistants and Cemetery Employees' Union of Australia, Victorian Branch deposit
Minutes of committee and general meetings, membership registers and contributions books, industrial papers, financial records and photographs of memorial plaque for Henry Bessell.
Undertakers' Assistants and Cemetery Employees' Union of Australia
Peel River Land & Mineral Company (Australian Office) deposit 1
The deposit contains Peel River Land & Mineral Company Ltd records held at Goonoo Goonoo: correspondence, financial records, ledgers and daybooks, journals, wages records, stores and rations records, sheep and wool records, stock records, general land and fencing records. Also includes records of Avon Downs, Currawillinghi, Eagle Grange, Moorlands, Mount Alfred and Mount Margaret stations: ledgers, correspondence, financial records, general station and household records, wages books and employee's records.
Peel River Land and Mineral Company
United Bank Officers' Association deposit
Records of the NSW United Bank Officers' Association and the NSW Division of the Bank Officials' Association/Australian Bank Employees' Union including minutes of meetings, subject files, membership records (1978-1979), transcripts of evidence and a small collection of photographs. There is also a small collection of Henry Foord Rawson's private papers relating to the formation of the United Bank Officers' Association.
United Bank Officers' Association
Station records including financial records, day books, wages books, correspondence, returns to the Company's Head Office (Melbourne), wool press books, maps and plans.
Eremeran Station
Davies and Baird Proprietary Limited deposit 1
Articles of association, minutes, correspondence, financial records, wages and tax papers, newspaper cuttings, printed matter and blueprints of patterns.
Davies and Baird Proprietary Limited
Wright Heaton and Company deposit
Memorandum and articles of association, incorporation records, minutes, annual reports, financial and share records, correspondence, mortgages and lease registers, photographs, press cuttings, and printed material. Includes minutes of subsidiary companies Wright McCulloch Pty Ltd, Wright Heaton Rural Pty Ltd, and Wright Heaton Stores Pty Ltd.
Wright Heaton and Company Limited
Minutes, financial records and correspondence of the Steel Pipe and Lining Company, WR Hume Limited, Concrete Constructions Proprietary Limited, Hume Pipe Company (Australia) Limited, Hume Pipe (Far East) Limited (formerly Singapore Hume Pipe Company), Rheem Hume (Far East) Limited and Hume Steel Limited.
Humes Limited
Australian Agricultural Company (Australian Office) deposit 3
Despatches from London and copies of despatches to London (1916 - 1939) with index; register of correspondence between the London office and the General Superintendent, Australian office (1936 - 1939); land ledger (1921 - 1926); register of improvements for Bladensburg, Corona, Headingly, and Highfields stations (1911 - 1933); correspondence about purchase of Caldervale station and General Superintendent Holloways' correspondence from Goonoo Goonoo to London, Newcastle, Warrah, Corona, Bladensburg and Headingly (1932 - 1934).
Australian Agricultural Company
Australian Agricultural Company (Australian Office) deposit 2
Despatches from London (1856-1916) and copies of despatches to London (1860-1916) with index (1978-1916); private letters from London (1910-1914); letterbook of confidential despatches (1876-1899); general letterbooks (1836-1838, 1850-1852); index prepared for Parry to correspondence concerning establishment and administration of Company before his arrival (1824-1829).
Australian Agricultural Company
Company registration papers, personal and station correspondence, station returns, registers of quotations and sales, stock records, financial records and related papers.
Guthrie, James Francis
The Western Assurance Company deposit
Correspondence, financial records, statistical returns, and agency application forms.
The Western Assurance Company
Australian Broadcasting Corporation Staff Union Federal Office deposit 2
This deposit contains Federal Council minutes (1938-1978), Federal Conference minutes (1948-1978), subject files and arbitration files relating to ABC and SBS employment.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation Staff Union
CSR Limited Export Marketing Group deposit
Files relating to the 1974 long-term sugar contract with Japan.
Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited
Federation of College Academics deposit 2
Federation of College Academics: minutes of Council (1973-1975), NSW Council (1984-1989) and committees, subject files about conditions of employment and NSW Colleges of Advanced Education; Union of College Academics: NSW Branch minutes (1987-1990) and correspondence; University Academic Staff Association (NSW Division of the Federated Australian University Staff Association): minutes of Executive and Council (1979-1989), correspondence and subject files; Academics' Union of New South Wales: Council minutes (1989-1990).
Federation of College Academics
Commonwealth Steamship Owners' Association deposit
The deposit consists of Commonwealth Steamship Owners' Association classified industrial files 1948-1963; transcripts of proceedings of the Committee of Inquiry into the Stevedoring Industry 1955; transcripts of proceedings for the Waterside Workers Federation Award Amendments to Award re Constitution of Boards of Reference 1954; reports of Royal Commissions; newspaper cuttings; printed material; legal records; and also includes records of the Keilsoil Company. The deposit contains bound industrial files re Waterside Workers Federation of Australia 1913-1945; Federated Shipwrights & Ship Constructors Association of Australia 1935-1938; Federated Ship-painters and Dockers' Union of Australia 1935-1943; Federated Marine Stewards and Pantrymen's Association of Australasia 1909-1942; Australasian Institute of Marine Engineers 1909-1929; Merchant Service Guild / Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers 1908-1942; Marine Cooks Bakers & Butchers Association of Australasia 1908-1942; Federated Shipwrights, Ship Constructors, Naval Architects, Ships Draughtsmen and Boat Builders Association of Australia1922-1923 (1930); The Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners of Australia 1936-1942; Merchant Service Guild of Australasia 1906-1931; Federated Clerks Union of Australia 1936-1942; Federated Seamen's Union of Australasia 1911-1946; Sydney Wharf Labourers' Union1911; Permanent and Casual Wharf Labourers' Union of Australia 1930-1932; North Australian Workers Union 1948.
Commonwealth Steamship Owners' Association
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia, Fremantle Branch deposit 2
Minutes of meetings - Federal Council, 1946-1960, Committee of Management, 1978-1981, Finance and Trustees, 1965-1974, Stop Work, 1962-1987, biennial conference, 1948-1956; Returning Officers’ files, 1966-1983; industrial agreements and awards, 1936-1982; arbitration material, 1976-1981; correspondence/subject files, 1951-1980; financial records, 1975-1980; Co-operative Bulk Grain Handlers files, 1957-1986; Fremantle Lumpers’ Union and Fremantle Tally Clerks' Union conference, 1947; press clippings, 1951-1969; printed material, 1966-1973.
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union, National Office (Gilbert Stead) deposit
Records of Gilbert Stead (AMWU commonwealth finance and records officer) and of AMWU predecessors including minutes, rule books and constitution, amalgamation files, correspondence, membership and financial records, subject files, reports, position papers, photographs, leaflets and publications. Includes records of Alan Wilson (Amalgamated Engineering Union commonwealth councillor), AMWU national returning office files and predecessors Amalgamated Engineering Union, Stove and Piano Frame Moulders and Stove Makers Employees Union, Tinsmiths and Sheet Iron Workers Trade Society, Sheet Metal Working, Agricultural Implement and Stovemaking Industrial Union of Australia, NSW Branch and the Boilermakers' & Blacksmiths' Society of Australia.
Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union
Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association Tasmanian Branch deposit
Minutes of Management Committee meetings (1956-1992), correspondence and subject files, and workers' compensation files.
Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association of Australasia
Automotive, Metals and Engineering Union, ACT Branch deposit
Minutes of Branch Executive and Council meetings, reports, register, newsletters, outgoing mail, federal conference papers and some minutes. This deposit holds records of both the General and Technical and Supervisory Divisions of the ACT Branch of the AMEU, and the records of its predecessor, the Association of Draughting, Supervisory and Technical Employees, ACT Branch.
Association of Draughting Supervisory and Technical Employees
Australian Timber Workers' Union, Tasmanian Branch deposit 2
Correspondence, subject files, arbitration files, membership registers (1939-1988) and press cuttings (1940-1950).
Australian Timber Workers' Union
Australian Public Sector and Broadcasting Union New South Wales Branch deposit
Files relating to Commonwealth government agencies in New South Wales including Department of Defence, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Australian Electoral Commission, Department of Administrative Services, Attorney-General's Department, Telecom, the Special Broadcasting Service, the Australian Taxation Office and the Department of Veterans' Affairs.
Administrative and Clerical Officers' Association, Commonwealth Public Service
Evans Deakin Industries Limited deposit
Annual reports and balance sheets, company magazine (1971)
Evans Deakin Industries Limited
Diaries, ACT Teachers Federation materials (minutes and notes of Sexism Committee, election campaign material, publications), papers about the ACT Trades and Labour Council (including notes on campaign for recognition as equivalent of a state labor council), personal conference papers, annotated training material, and subject files on general left campaigns.
Corbett, Joan Lorna
Jaques Brothers Proprietary Limited deposit
Memorandum and articles of association, financial records, wages books and registers, sales records, plant and tools book, apprentice indentures, and a history of the company.
Jaques Brothers Proprietary Limited
Australian Agricultural Company (London Office) deposit 2
Correspondence including despatches, unofficial letters, confidential letters and telegrams between the company's General Superintendent in New South Wales and the London Court of the Australian Agricultural Company.
Australian Agricultural Company
Peel River Land & Mineral Company (London Office) deposit 2
Correspondence including despatches, unofficial letters and telegrams between the company's General Superintendent in New South Wales and the Chairman of the Peel River Land & Mineral Co Ltd in London.
Peel River Land and Mineral Company
Peel River Land & Mineral Company (Australian Office) deposit 3
All types of company and station records including capital and stock records, deeds and certificates of incorporation and registration, annual reports, financial records, and correspondence. Station records for Goonoo Goonoo, Eagle Grange, Moorlands, Currawillinghi, Avon Downs, Caldervale, Mount Margaret and Mount Alfred include station reports, financial records, wages book, wool and stock records and general statistical and land information. There are accounting files of Thomas Davis & Co, formerly Thomas Davis, Sheedy & Co re taxation files on Peel River Land & Mineral Company income. The deposit includes maps and records created by G B Gidley King (General Superintendent 1904-1910).
Peel River Land and Mineral Company
Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Memoranda and articles of association, with alterations (1863 - 1963), reports of the company's annual general meetings, with balance sheets and profit and loss accounts (1863-1969); financial papers (1946-1962); station records (1893-1969), registers, correspondence, maps, newspaper cuttings, deeds and papers relating to early history of the company (1863 onwards).
Australian Mercantile Land and Finance Company Limited
Makower McBeath and Company deposit 2
Trading records
Makower McBeath and Company Proprietary Limited
Australian Mercantile Land and Finance Australian Office deposit 4
Sample forms, newspaper cuttings, and printed material.
Australian Mercantile Land and Finance Company Limited
Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union Construction and General Division deposit 2
Federated Brick, Tile and Pottery Industrial Union: minutes of the Federal Council (1963-1997), NSW Branch (1920-1969), rules, correspondence, and awards files (1909-1999); Construction and General Division award and enterprise bargaining agreement files, and logs of demand and logs of claims (1991-1998).
Federated Brick, Tile and Pottery Industrial Union of Australia
Australian Rail, Tram and Bus Industry Union, National Office deposit 2
Dispute and award files.
Australian Rail, Tram and Bus Industry Union
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia, Federal Office deposit 7
Applications to vary rules, 1947-1990; Australian Shipping and Shipbuilding Statistics, 1957-1964; two Council seals
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
The Bodalla Company Limited deposit 1
The material consists mainly of volumes relating to the running of the Bodalla Estate, its farms, cheese and milk factories and co-operatives and the firms licensed to cut timber on the Estate. Included are letter books, journals, wages and cash books, day books, milk books and miscellaneous correspondence and papers (1894 - 1900) received by the resident manager. These were received by the ANU Archives from the Bodalla Office of the Company. Further material was received from the Sydney Office and these include the minute books of the Company, ledgers, journals, cash and account books. There is also material dealing with the work of the Executors and Trustees of the Will of Thomas Sutcliffe Mort.
The Bodalla Company Limited
James Robertson and Company deposit
Minute book, share register, station records of Jandra and Wapweelah stations including letter books, stock and wool books, working diaries, journals, day books, ledgers and financial records.
James Robertson and Company Proprietary Limited
Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen, Tasmanian Division deposit 2
Minutes, rules, membership records, correspondence, merger and industrial papers, reports and manuals. Records include minutes of Central, Southern, Wynyard and Devonport branches.
Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen
Modern Permanent Building and Investment Society deposit
Minutes, letter books, annual reports, share and financial records.
Modern Permanent Building and Investment Society
Aberdare Railway Company deposit
Minute book, correspondence, agreements and financial records
Aberdare Railway Company
James Paterson and Company deposit
Private ledgers, cash book and files relating to shipping, particularly in relation to the Associated Steamship Owners and employees.
James Paterson and Company Proprietary Limited
Australian Coking and By-Products Company deposit
Agreements, minute books, correspondence, financial and legal records, shipping documents, map (Great Northern Railway), and plan of works of the Australian Coking Company
Australian Coking and By-Products Company Limited
Company prospectus, financial and sales records, notebook of wages and addresses of staff (Sydney Branch).
B J Ball Limited
Federation of College Academics deposit 1
This deposit contains correspondence files, reports, rules, minutes of Executive meetings (1974-1983) and Women's Committee, submissions to government, reports, printed material and material relating to the registration of the Union of Australian College Academics.
Federation of College Academics
Australian Services Union deposit 2
This deposit is mainly of records of predecessors to the Australian Services Union - material dated after the amalgamations of 1991-1993 was created by the Australian Services Union. Railway and Tramway Officers' Association minutes of Federal Council (1916-1924) and printed material; Federation of Salaried Officers of Railway Commissioners minute book (1935-1940); Australian Transport Officers' Federation Federal Council minutes (1924-1992), NSW Division minutes (1956-1965), National Executive minutes (1971-1989), 'history' files, national conference papers, arbitration material and printed material; Australian Shipping and Travel Officers' Association 'history' files and printed material; Australian Social Welfare Union administrative and 'history' files including minutes of Federal Council and Executive, correspondence with Branches, arbitration material and printed material.
Australian Transport Officers' Federation
Robert Reid and Company Limited deposit 2
Financial records of the Robert Reid Staff Superannuation Plan Provident Fund for Sydney and Brisbane offices: cash book, ledger and journal, correspondence, claims, bank statements, auditors reports, and register of benefactors
Robert Reid and Company Limited
Sydney Meat Preserving Company deposit 2
Minutes, directors' reports, financial and share records, transcript of High Court appeal case, correspondence files re land sales, and working papers.
Sydney Meat Preserving Company Limited
New Zealand and Australian Land Company Sydney Office deposit
This deposit comprises records of the Sydney Office, subsidiary companies and stations. It includes lists of stockholders, debenture holders and proprietors; office files; station files; property and land sales records; financial records; wool and shearing records; correspondence; returns and reports; station ledgers 1899-1961; private ledgers 1909-1940; investment ledger 1953-1969; station journals 1952-1970; land registers; station earmarks 1925. Also included are records of other pastoral companies (Merino Estates Pty Ltd, Gunbar Pastoral Co Pty Ltd, Freehold and Leasehold Pty Ltd, Wooroma West Pastoral Co Pty Ltd, Tchelery Pty Ltd) and comprise of memorandum and articles of association; minutes; share registers; stock reports; financial records; legal records; station maps and plans.
New Zealand and Australian Land Company Limited
CSR Limited Publicity Department deposit 4
This deposit consists of 170 glass negatives from the CSR Limited Publicity Department illustrating the company's refineries and mills in Australia, Fiji and New Zealand; shipping and transport; cane research stations; distilleries; farming equipment and planting; Fiji pineapples; and buildings.
Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited
John Danks and Son Head Office (Melbourne) deposit 1
Minutes, correspondence, ledgers, directors' reports, salary and wage records, financial records
John Danks and Son Proprietary Limited
Dalgety and Company Limited Holbrook Branch deposit
The deposit includes customers half-yearly balances, reports and memoranda re Albury and Wagga Branch.
Dalgety and Company Limited
Cash book , ledger and wages book.
W Harry Wiles