- AU NBAC S427
- Serial
- Oct 1966 - Mar 1972 (incomplete)
Melbourne. Published by the Industrial Research Publishing Co Ltd. Vol 1 No 2 - Vol 8 No 1 held, with gaps
197 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Melbourne. Published by the Industrial Research Publishing Co Ltd. Vol 1 No 2 - Vol 8 No 1 held, with gaps
Indianapolis. Official publication of the United Mine Workers of America
Unity (Builders' Labourers' Victorian branch)
Melbourne. Official organ of the Victorian Branch of the Australian Builders' Labourers' Federation. Issued by the Builders' Labourers' Federation 'Defend the Union Committee' (Victoria) Jun-Aug 1952. Some gaps in holdings
Australian Building Construction Employees' and Builders' Labourers' Federation
Sydney. A magazine of Jewish affairs. Vol 1 No 1 - Vol 3 No 4 held, with some gaps
Unity News (Sydney Technical College Union)
Sydney. Official organ of the Sydney Technical College Union. Incorporating Technichem, Transmission and Pinion. Vol 1 No 11 - Vol 10 No 1 held, with gaps
Melbourne. Published by the Victorian Chamber of Manufactures. To Oct 1973 as VCM Weekly Service Bulletin. Vol 5 No 16 - Vol 27 No 21 held, with gaps
Victorian Chamber of Manufactures
Melbourne. Published by the Victorian Employers' Federation. Was VEF Weekly Service Letter
Victorian Employers' Federation
Melbourne. Issued by the Victorian Branch of the Vehicle Builders Employees' Federation of Australia. Vol 2 No 4 - Nov/Dec 1985 held, with gaps
Vehicle Builders Employees' Federation of Australia
Vestes, then Australian Universities Review
Sydney. The Bulletin of the Federal Council of University Staff Associations of Australia. Vol II No 1 - Vol 49 Nos 1-2 held, with gaps
Federated Australian University Staff Association
Victorian Employers' Federation Report
Hawthorn. Free enterprise in action. Vol 1 No 5 - Vol 10 No 43 held, with gaps
Victorian Employers' Federation
Public Service Journal (Victoria)
Melbourne. Official organ of the Victorian Public Service Association. Vol 53 No 9 - Vol 63 No 11 held
Victorian Public Service Association
Parkville. Published by Vietnam Co-ordinating Committee. No 17 - Vol 2 No 3 (undated) held, with gaps
Sydney. Published by the Convenor, R Gould, Vietnam Action Committee
Rangoon. Issued by the Vietnam Newsagency, Rangoon, Burma. No 6/65 - No 14/68 held, with gaps
AIM (Australian Independent Monthly) then Voice
Sydney. Published by AIM then VOICE Publishing Co, An Australian Monthly Review
Levien, Harold
Voice of the Clothing Trades Union
Melbourne. Official organ of the Clothing and Allied Trades Union
Clothing and Allied Trades Union of Australia
Brisbane. Published by the Australian Communist Party. Agrarian Committee
Communist Party of Australia
Broken Hill. Official organ of the Council for Membership Control of AWU
Waterside Workers Federation Branch News (Sydney)
Sydney. Printed by the Waterside Workers' Federation, Sydney Branch. Title changed to Sydney Port News in Jul 1991.
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
Melbourne. Published by W Kelly for the Waterfront Branch, Australian Labor Party Industrial Groups of Victoria. Vol 1 No 1 - unnumbered (probably Dec 1971) held, with gaps
Australian Labor Party
Melbourne. Bulletin of the Council for Civil Liberties
Australian Council for Civil Liberties
Combined Pensioners' Association News
Melbourne. Official organ of the Combined Pensioners Association of Australia
Melbourne. Official organ of the Federated Municipal and Shire Council Employees' Union of Australia, Victorian Division
Federated Municipal and Shire Council Employees' Union of Australia
The Counsellor (New South Wales)
Melbourne. Official organ of the Federated Municipal and Shire Council Employees' Union of Australia, NSW Division. Some overlap between this title and S241 - check both.
Federated Municipal and Shire Council Employees' Union of Australia
Melbourne. Official organ of the Federated Municipal and Shire Council Employees' Union of Australia. Some overlap between this title and S242 - check both.
Federated Municipal and Shire Council Employees' Union of Australia
Melbourne. Independent forum for the discussion of social, cultural, economic and political issues
Official quarterly journal for the Victorian Operative Bricklayers Society, the Victorian Plasterers' Society, the Slaters, Rooftilers, Shinglers and Roof Finers Union [and] the Federated Fodder and Fuel Trades' Industrial Union.
Victorian Operative Bricklayers' Society
Melbourne. Published by the Australian Labor Party, Victorian Branch
Australian Labor Party
Labor Council of New South Wales Authorised Report
Sydney. Published by the Labor Council of NSW
Labor Council of New South Wales
Sydney. Published by I. Wymer, c/o Painters & Dockers Union
Federated Ship Painters' and Dockers' Union of Australia
Tel Aviv. Published by the General Federation of Labour in Israel
Melbourne. Published by the Jewish Council to Combat Fascism and Anti-Semitism, 1956-1959
Jewish Council to Combat Fascism and Anti-Semitism
Melbourne. Published by the Jewish Council to Combat Fascism and Anti-Semitism, 1948-1951
Jewish Council to Combat Fascism and Anti-Semitism
The Journal of Industrial Relations
Sydney. Published by the Industrial Relations Society of Australia
Industrial Relations Society of Australia
London. Published by the proprietors, The Trinity Trust
Liquor and Allied Industries Union Journal
Melbourne. Official organ of the Federated Liquor & Allied Industries Employees Union of Australia, Victorian Branch
Federated Liquor and Allied Industries Employees' Union of Australia
Melbourne. Official organ of the Transport Workers' Union, Victorian Branch
Transport Workers' Union of Australia
Sydney. Official journal of Health and Research Employees' Association of Australia
Health and Research Employees' Association of Australia
Melbourne. Official organ of the Hospital Employees' Federation of Australia (Branch No. 1)
Hospital Employees' Federation of Australia
Geneva. Published by the International Labour Office
International Labour Office
Sydney Stock Exchange stock and share lists
These are large format bound volumes of the official lists that were posted up for the public to see - 3 times a day - forenoon, noon and afternoon - at the close of the trading session in the call room at the Sydney Stock Exchange. The closing prices of stocks and shares were entered in by hand on pre-printed sheets.
Sydney Stock Exchange
Ballarat United Friendly Societies' Medical Association and Dispensary deposit
Minute books, journals, ledgers, auditors' reports, cash books, doctors lists ( Manchester Unity, Ballarat Lodge and Hand of Friendship Lodge), registers, members' addresses, staff time books, copies of letters, rules and regulations.
Ballarat United Friendly Societies’ Medical Association and Dispensary
Manchester Unity, South Melbourne District deposit
Records of the South Melbourne District Mordialloc Lodge consisting of minute books, disbursement book, registration book, contribution book, circulars, auditor's records, cash book, membership application forms, printed material and calendars.
Manchester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows
Manchester Unity, Ballarat District deposit
The deposit consists of minutes, reports, letter books, ledgers, cash books, degrees books, correspondence, night books, contribution books, chemist and doctors list, declaration of marriage records, sickness records, sick and funeral fund books, registration books, trustee records, rules and ritual books, printed material, photographs and certificates. Includes records from Ballarat District; Albert Lodge; Alfred Lodge; Ballarat Lodge; Birthday Lodge; Blackwood Lodge; Buninyong Lodge; Beaufort Lodge; Cosmopolitan Lodge; Durham Lodge; Good Samaritan Lodge; Gordon Lodge; Gorong Lodge; Hand of Friendship Lodge; Hope of Ballarat Lodge; Juvenile Lodge; Kerrit Bareet Lodge; Learmouth Lodge; Linton Lodge; North Star Lodge; Past Grands Lodge; Peace & Plenty Lodge; Prince Alfred Lodge; Pyrenees Lodge; Rose of Allendale Lodge; Sebastapol Lodge; Sir Charles Darling Lodge; Smythesdale Lodge; Victoria Lodge.
Manchester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows
Ancient Order of Foresters, United Ballarat District
Minute books, treasurers book, cash book, ledgers and contributions book.
Ancient Order of Foresters
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia, Fremantle Branch deposit 1
Minutes of the Fremantle Lumpers' Union and the Waterside Workers' Federation Fremantle Branch, 1891-1962; minutes of Casual Section of Fremantle Wharf meetings, 1942-1947; financial records, 1898-1959; office files, 1928-1960; Branch Secretary’s letter book, 1919-1921; membership records, 1920-1955; accident and death books, 1903-1955; Discipline Committee decision record book, 1937-1948; Board of Reference decision record book, 1939-1947; Vigilant Officers Committee agenda book, 1944; office diaries, 1954-1957; Stevedoring Industry report, 1945; correspondence/subject files (including strike of 1956 and 1959 election material), 1929-1959; printed material 1912, 1946.
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
Builders' Labourers' Federation Victorian Branch deposit
Minutes of meetings (1923-1994), subject files, membership records (1934-1936, 1941-1950, 1984-1986), financial records, printed material, photographs, posters, audiovisual material, badges, drawing by Rick Amor, portrait of Norm Gallagher and banner.
Australian Building Construction Employees' and Builders' Labourers' Federation
This is a copy of the original journal held by the Archives of the University of New England. It is attributed to William Telfer the younger describing life at Tamworth and surrounding districts. The journal was published in 1980 as the Wallabadah Manuscript: the early history of the Northern Districts of New South Wales. The author who compiled the introduction and notes is Roger Milliss.
Telfer, William
Syd Butlin research papers deposit 1
A small collection of papers relating to Paul and Gray Limited (1902-1930), Tooth and Company prospectus (1888) and Orient-Royal Mail Line timetable and map (1907-1908).
Butlin, Sydney James Christopher Lyon
Tarong and Nanango Stations deposit 1
Offprints of microfilm strips. Includes station records, correspondence, diary, financial records and agreements.
Tarong Station
Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union Australian Capital Territory Branch and predecessors
Includes Operative Painters’ and Decorators’ Union (OPDU) and Building Workers’ Industrial Union (BWIU) membership records 1950 - 1984, meeting minutes, rules, and enterprise agreements negotiated by the union. There are also papers relating to branch elections, amalgamations and finances; disputes, including some legal files; occupational safety including work site safety, drug and alcohol use and asbestos; training; national and international union and political campaigns including the 1998 maritime dispute; and publications, photographs, CDs, DVDs, videos and posters. Some material relates to infrastructure projects and social issues in the Australian Capital Territory including New Parliament House, the Canberra Casino, self-government, school closures, Old Canberra Hospital, the Folk Festival, and the proposed very fast train.
Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union
Melbourne. Issued by the Department of Labour and Industry, Victoria
Department of Labour and Industry, Victoria
Brooklyn, NY. Official organ of the Socialist Labor Party. 5 issues held
Berlin. Verlag der Weltbuhne. Holdings: 1948 - 1969 (incomplete)
The Western Australian Meat Worker
Perth. Official organ of the Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union. Published quarterly. Vol 6 No 3 - Vol 9 No 3 held, but not Vol 7 No 2
Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union
Sydney. A communist publication. For Peace, Trade, Socialism. Issued by the Wharfies Branch of the Australian Communist Party. Many gaps in holdings. Includes souvenir copies of Wharfie celebrating 40th anniversary of Communist Party of Australia (Sep 1960)
Communist Party of Australia
Newcastle. Issued by the Waterfront Branch, Newcastle District of the Communist Party of Australia. Single issue held
Communist Party of Australia
Brisbane. Issued by the Waterfront Branch of the Australian Communist Party. Only three issues held 1945 - 1967 (14 Mar 1945, 18 Oct 1945, 6 Sep 1967), good holdings for 1968 - Aug 1978.
Communist Party of Australia
Melbourne. Issued by the Waterfront Branch of the Australian Communist Party. Some 1970s issues are held as photocopies only.
Communist Party of Australia
Johannesburg. Published by the Amalgamated Society of Woodworkers of South Africa
Wool Review (and World Wool Review)
Sydney. Published by the National Council of Wool Selling Brokers of Australia
Melbourne. Published by the Australian Peace Council. 2 issues held: 6 Sep 1950 and 17 Nov 1950
Prague. English edition distributed by Central Books Ltd, London, of Problems of Peace and Socialism. To Jul 1963 as World Marxist Review. Sep 1963 to Dec 1969?, 1973 + as Peace Freedom and Socialism. Vol 1 No 1 - Vol 6 No 3 held, with gaps, and Vol 19 No 8
International Press Correspondence, then World News and Views, then World News
London. Published by H G Jefferson then W N Clark
War! What for?, then World Peace
Sydney. Published by the National Committee, Australian Movement against War and Fascism. Ed JN Rowling
Paris, London, Prague. A monthly review of the world trade union movement
Vienna, London. Bulletin published by the World Federation of Trade Unions
World Federation of Trade Unions
Melbourne. Issued by the AEU Melbourne District Youth Committee
Amalgamated Engineering Union
Melbourne. Monthly newspaper of the Eureka Youth League of Victoria
Eureka Youth League
New York. An independent radical magazine, affiliated with no party. One issue only held
Warsaw. A monthly review published under the auspices of the Polish Institute of International Affairs. One issue only held
London. Issued by the Press Office of the Polish Embassy London
Moscow. Published by the State Literary-Art publishing house 1931-. To 1945 as International Literature. From 1946 as Soviet Literature (title of Russian ed: Sovetskaia Literatura)
Industrial and Labor Relations Review
Ithaca, New York. Published by New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations
Infant Welfare Section Newsletter - RVC of Nursing
Melbourne. Published by the Royal Victorian College of Nursing, Infant Welfare Section
Royal Victorian College of Nursing
Helsinki. Published by Trades Union International of Workers of the Building, Wood and Building Materials Industry
Melbourne. The Employers Monthly Review published by the Victorian Employers Federation
Victorian Employers' Federation
Industrial and Labour Information, then Industry and Labour
Geneva. Published by the International Labour Office. Nos 1 - 74 (Jan 1922 - 1940) as Industrial and Labour Information. Incorporates in part the office's Monthly Record of Migration. Absorbed into International Labour Review. Resumed publication in 1949 under title of Industry and Labour. Vol 1 - 16 (1949 - 1961): supersedes Industrial and Labour Information. Incorporated in the office's Official Bulletin
International Labour Office
Information and Research Bulletin
Melbourne. Published by the Trades Hall Council
Melbourne Trades Hall Council
Peking. Published by All-China Federation of Trade Unions
Information Bulletin (Melbourne)
Melbourne. Published by the Department of Labour and Industry, Apprenticeship Commission of Victoria
Information Bulletin (Croatian)
Melbourne. Published by the Croatian Cultural and Welfare Association
Prague. Published by the Trade Unions International of Metal and Engineering Industries, Trade Department of WFTU
World Federation of Trade Unions
Paris. Published by the World Federation of Trade Unions
World Federation of Trade Unions
Information Service (Spanish Relief)
Sydney. Published by the Spanish Relief Committee to aid the Spanish victims of Fascism
Sydney. Australian Section of the Fourth International
International (English Edition)
Printed in various countries, first number printed in Paris. English-language edition of the theoretical organ of the International Executive Committee of the Fourth International
New York. Published by Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Division of Intercourse and Education
International Peace Campaign - Newsletter
London. Issued by the British National Committee of the International Peace Campaign
The International Socialist Review (Chicago)
Chicago. A monthly journal of international socialist thought. May 1905 absorbed Comrade. Five issues held: Nov 1905, Dec 1905, Nov 1909, Oct 1910, Feb 1915
International Socialist Review (New York)
New York. Published by the International Socialist Review Publishing Association. Supersedes New International. May 1940 to Spring 1956 as Fourth International. May to Nov 1940 published by Socialist Workers Party
Washington. Official magazine of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America
International Trade Union Movement
Paris etc. Official organ of the International Federation of Trade Unions
Nottingham. Information bulletin of the Secretariat of the Fourth International
London. Industrial Research & Information Services Ltd. A Review of trade union affairs
Minutes, reports, correspondence, letter books, night books, financial records, conference papers, rules and ritual books, membership books and registers, funeral registers, contributions books, dispensary books, certificates, badges, photograph and printed material.
Grand United Order of Oddfellows records (1855-1977) from Pride of Ferndale Branch, Tighes Hill; Minter Home Branch, Wallsend; Pride of Kogarah Branch; Manilla Lodge No.10801; City of Newcastle Lodge No.1086; Federal Lodge No.3296; Star of Carrington Lodge No.3297; Belmont Lodge; Pride of Cardiff Lodge No.5392; GUOOF New South Wales; GUOOF Victoria; Hunter River District; Rose of Hamilton Lodge No.1846; Flower of Arncliffe Lodge No.8854; Princess of Wales Lodge No. 6768; Cumberland Lodge; Pride of Dandenong Lodge.
Manchestor Unity Indpendepent Order of Oddfellows records (1846-1982) from Prince of Wales Lodge, Newcastle; Loyal Bondi Lodge No.303; Goulburn District; Loyal Alexander Lodge, Penrith; Loyal Coffs Harbour Lodge No.243; Loyal Coffs Harbour Jetty Lodge No.439; Loyal Coffs Harbour Jetty Junior Lodge No.146; Loyal Woolgoolga Lodge No.891; Sawtell Lodge No.804; Loyal Star of the South Lodge, Kiama No.68; Loyal Home Hill Lodge, Nth Queensland; Past Grands Lodge No.60, Queanbeyan District; Central Southern Past Grands Lodge No.62; Loyal Coronation Lodge No.16, Goulburn District; Port Melbourne Dispensary; Friendly Societies Medical Institutes and Dispensaries Association of New South Wales; Loyal Hope of Charleville Lodge; Rose of West Lodge; Loyal Katoomba Lodge No.356; Happy Home Lodge No.18, Goulburn District; Pride of West Wallsend Lodge No.156; Loyal Paterson Union Lodge No.12 and No.4225; Loyal Cobargo Lodge; Loyal Prince Alfred Lodge.
United Ancient Order of Druids records (1902-1927) from Victoria.
Ancient Order of Foresters records (1861-1950) from Victoria; Court Clarendon No.3545; Court Perserverance; United Melbourne District.
Includes a history of PAFSOA (Protestant Alliance Friendly Benefit Society of Australia), formed in 1867, but no records are held for this society or the lodges, but many of the lodges are named in the history (box 63).
Grand United Order of Oddfellows