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CSR Limited microfilm deposit 2

  • AU NBAC M90
  • Deposit
  • 1880 - 1947

Microfilm copies of presscopy letterbooks containing correspondence between CSR Head Office and Fiji. Includes correspondence with Fiji Colonial Secretary, Rarawai Mill, and about immigration of Indian labour.

Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited

Ken Buckley papers

  • AU NBAC N260
  • Deposit
  • 1970s

Research papers collected while working on a history of Burns Philp & Co Ltd.

Buckley, Kenneth Donald

H E Holland Collection microfilm deposit 1

  • AU NBAC M62
  • Deposit
  • c. 1880 - c. 1937

This is a microfilm copy of part of the H E Holland collection NBAC P5, made for the Alexander Turnbull Library, New Zealand. The items copied are manuscript material listed in Patrick O'Farrell's biography, 'Harry Holland: The militant socialist' on page 222 plus annotated pamphlets held in the collection.

Holland, Henry Edmund

CSR Limited Publicity Department deposit 4

  • AU NBAC Z695
  • Deposit
  • 1860 - 1984

This deposit consists of 170 glass negatives from the CSR Limited Publicity Department illustrating the company's refineries and mills in Australia, Fiji and New Zealand; shipping and transport; cane research stations; distilleries; farming equipment and planting; Fiji pineapples; and buildings.

Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited

Edwin Roy Barker Collection

  • AU NBAC P116
  • Deposit
  • 1950s

Samples of share certificates, receipts and correspondence of gold, silver and copper mining companies in Australia, New Guinea and South East Asia. Most of these records are in the names of Edwin George Barker, Edwin Roy Barker or John Charles Dunn.

Barker, Edwin Roy

Ross Martin collection

  • AU NBAC Z556
  • Deposit
  • 1910 - 1973

Newspaper cuttings (organised by subject), Research paper re Papua New Guinea and New Zealand including pamphlets, circulars, correspondence, newspaper cuttings, articles, course notes, manuscripts and published material.

Martin, Ross Murdoch

Herbert William Burkitt Collection

  • AU NBAC N315
  • Deposit
  • 1957 - 1958

Slides and film of Mackay Bulk Sugar Terminals, flood at Mackay, and bulk sugar terminals in Hawaii.

Burkitt, Herbert William

C H Campbell collection

  • AU NBAC P81
  • Deposit
  • 1944 - 1947

Correspondence and press cuttings related to Campbell's positions as an official in the Australia-India Association (1944 - 46), as Indonesian Trade Commissioner in Australia (1946 - 47), and his interests in the Indonesian independence movement. Also includes correspondence and printed material re conditions of Papuan seamen, operation of his companies, and photographs.

Campbell, Clarence Hart

H I Jensen collection

  • AU NBAC P29
  • Deposit
  • 1957 - 1959

This is a xeroxed copy of Jensen's manuscript, Reminiscences of a Geologist, written about 1957. The original was kept in Dr Jensen's possession.

Jensen, Harald Ingemann

Brigadier General Evan Wisdom records

  • AU NBAC P66
  • Deposit
  • 1914 - 1937

Correspondence, photographs, press cuttings and printed material about the mandated Territory of New Guinea.

Wisdom, Evan Alexander

Walter Freeman collection

  • AU NBAC N295
  • Deposit
  • 1893 - 1956

Publications relating to employment by CSR, agriculture and the sugar industry, and Indian residents in Fiji. Includes language publications and historical publications.

Freeman, Walter Frank Harcourt

CSR Limited deposit 5

  • AU NBAC Z598
  • Deposit
  • 1925 - 1992

CSR Limited Raw Sugar Marketing Division financial records, sugar industry circulars and inquiries, statistical records, marketing and general records concerning sugar production in Australia and Fiji. Historical files in this deposit include Miss Hollingworth's memoirs 1974, Industry Assistance Commission (IAC) reports and agreements, CSR and Queensland Government Contract, Cane Prices Board history, and the international sugar industry.

Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited

British New Guinea Development Company deposit 1

  • AU NBAC M37
  • Deposit
  • 1910 - 1948

Prospectus (1910), memorandum and articles of association (1922), notices of meetings (1910 - 1942), Directors' reports and accounts (1910 - 1948), General Manager's reports (1914 - 1918) and reprints from the Financial Times and Investor's Chronicle (1911 - 1939).

British New Guinea Development Company Limited

Gavan Daws Pacific research papers

  • AU ANUA 306
  • Series
  • 1961 - 1975

Research papers, notes and drafts on the Pacific Islands. Papers particularly relate to Daws’ book A Dream of Islands and his research into various Europeans involved in the Pacific.

Daws, Alan Gavan

Peace Research Centre files

  • AU ANUA 453
  • Series
  • c. 1984 - c. 1997

Files and correspondence, Pacific Research newsletters and files relating to volumes of the newsletter.

Peace Research Centre, Research School of Pacific Studies

David Lawrence research papers on Charles Morris Woodford

  • AU ANUA 585
  • Series

Research collection compiled by David Russell Lawrence while writing the book, The Naturalist and his 'Beautiful Islands, Charles Morris Woodford in the Western Pacific, Canberra: ANU Press, 2014

Lawrence, David Russell

Papers of Ian Scales on the Western State Movement (Solomon Islands)

  • AU ANUA 637
  • Series
  • 1999 - 2001

Papers relating to the Western State Movement, Solomon Islands, 1999 - 2001 (items 1 - 36), papers relating to Solomon Islands Government Provincial Government Review Committee (items 32 - 37), report of the State Government Task Force 2001 (items 38 - 44) and newspaper cuttings related to the Western State Movement 1999 - 2001 (item 45).

Scales, Ian A.

Australian People for Health, Education and Development Abroad (APHEDA) deposit

  • AU NBAC N346
  • Deposit
  • 1981 - 2010

Reports to the Board, files about the Australian Council for Overseas Aid, AusAID Australian-NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) projects, education and training programs and fundraising, personnel files, files for projects in Africa, the Middle East, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines and the South Pacific, scholarships, support committees files, travel itineraries, and correspondence with trade unions. Includes records of Oliver Tambo and Nelson Mandela's visit to Australia. Items labelled Jill's Files are files kept by Jill Gutteridge, APHEDA Project Officer/Overseas Program Manager. Includes African National Congress (ANC) Support Committee Archives, items 396-471; Australia-Kampuchea Support Committee Archives (AKSCA) also known as Australia-Cambodia Support Committee (ACSC), items 472-506.

Australian People for Health, Education and Development Abroad

Commonwealth Trade Union Council deposit

  • AU NBAC N379
  • Deposit
  • 1986 - 1997

London correspondence and meeting files; conference papers; correspondence with associated organisations; country files for Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Tonga, Vanuatu and Western Samoa; course files for regional workshops, Kiribati, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Western Samoa, Tuvalu, Tonga, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and miscellaneous files including Clyde Cameron College course material.

Commonwealth Trade Union Council

Michael Easson collection

  • AU NBAC Z514
  • Deposit
  • 1973 - 1994

Correspondence, photographs, personal files, printed material and subject files re labour movement collected during university career, pacific interests, Trotskyism, and subsequent employment including the Labor Council of NSW, the Australian Labor Party, the Australian Council of Trade Unions, EPAC, TUTA, etc.

Easson, Michael Bernard

Burns Philp and Company Head Office deposit

  • AU NBAC N145
  • Deposit
  • 1883 - 1983

All types of company records including minutes, correspondence, reports, legal and financial records, share records, shipping records, staff record cards and photographs. Includes records of head office, branches and subsidiaries.

Burns Philp and Company Limited

Vanuatu Resource Information System (VANRIS)

  • AU ANUA 605
  • Series
  • 1967 - 1997

Aerial topographical photographs, 1986 - 1987, together with related printed material on Vanuatu geology, forestry, agriculture and land use, 1967 - 1997.
'In June 1990, the Australian International Development Assistance Bureau (AIDAB) contracted the Queensland Forest Service (QFS) and the CSIRO, Division of Tropical Crops and Pastures to undertake the Vanuatu Forest Resource Survey Project. The principal aim of the project was 'to contribute to the national objective of the Vanuatu Government to plan and manage the country's forest and agricultural resources in conjunction with appropriate land use development and conservation strategies for the economic benefit of the Vanuatu people'. During the project a geographically-referenced micro-computer based planning tool called the Vanuatu Resource Information System (VANRIS) was developed. VANRIS integrates spatially referenced information for the entire country concerning the type, distribution and current use of the natural resources with population distribution'. This Abstract was taken from Bellamy, J A (Ed), VANRIS Handbook, CSIRO (Qld), 1993

Bellamy, Jennifer A

Alan Ward research papers on Pacific Island land matters

  • AU ANUA 272
  • Series
  • 1945 - 1997

Almost half of this record group is concerned with PNG. These papers were gathered when Ward was Lecturer in History at the University of Papua New Guinea and adviser to the Land Evaluation and Demarcation Project Study (LEAD). The collection includes correspondence, notes, articles and papers, draft legislation and press cuttings.

A small portion of these papers relate to politics and land matters in Australia, New Zealand, Solomon Islands, Africa, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, Vanuatu, Banaba, French Polynesia and Guadeloupe.

The remainder of the documents are mainly concerned with New Caledonia between 1947 and 1990 and were assembled by Ward at La Trobe University, Melbourne, through the 1980s, particularly during the years of political uncertainty in the French Territory from 1984 to 1990

Ward, Alan Dudley

Map of Taveuni, Fiji

  • AU ANUA 294
  • Series
  • c. 1890s - 1930s

Map shows plantations that existed on Taveuni in the 1890s and relates to Brookfield’s research for the publication – ‘Tavenui: land, population and production’, Canberra: Development Studies Centre, ANU for UNESCO, 1978.

Brookfield, Harold Chillingworth

Papers relating to the Methodist Church in Papua New Guinea and Rev Threlfall’s research on Papua New Guinea

  • AU ANUA 305
  • Series
  • 1875 - 1985

Documents and research notes relating to the Methodist Church in Papua New Guinea and Reverend Threlfall’s research on Papua New Guinea.

Items 1 - 14 : Methodist Mission Papers: Minutes and reports of New Britain District Synods, 1896 to 1941; including Study Papers presented to the 1932 Synod.
Items 15 - 24 : United Church Papers: Minutes of the New Guinea Islands Regional Synod of the United Church of New Guinea and the Solomon Islands, 1969, 1971-75 and 1979-82.
Items 25 - 40: Early Contacts and Settlements: Including extracts from New Bedford Whalers’ Logs notes from the memoirs of Eduoard Hernsheim, etc.
Items 41 - 78: German New Guinea: Official reports and other documents. Chinese settlers (Cahill, Wu).
Items 79 - 88: World War I. The Expropriation of German Properties (including Pat Hopper’s thesis, 'Kicking out the Hun').
Items 89 - 99: The Australian Mandated Territory, between World Wars 1 and 2.
Items 100 - 119: Extracts from Albert Hahl, 'Governor in New Guinea'. More notes from the between-wars period.
Items 120 - 129: Geological and volcanic history, especially the 1937 and 1941-43 eruptions.
Items 130 - 142: Post-WWII material; in particular land claims and disputes on the Gazelle Peninsula; Gazelle Peninsula/Rabaul. Problems over land & multi-racial Gazelle Peninsula Local Government Council, murder of District Commissioner Jack Emanuel, the trial and notes on the Tolai situation and the establishment of provincial government.
Items 143 - 172: Gazelle Peninsula/Rabaul and the problems over land and the multi-racial council.
Items 173 - 200: Pre World War 2 material: defence arrangements in Rabaul 1939 - 1941, the Japanese invasion in January 1942, personal memoirs, interviews from persons from 1910 - post World War 2.
Items 201 - 225: Chronology of prisoners' movements, civilians and soldiers, the Chinese in Chinatown until 1943.
Items 226 - 278: Methodist and United Church Papers, notes on New Britain/New Ireland from church papers in the PNG Collection, University of Papua New Guinea Library.

Threlfall, Neville A

Richard Gilson Pacific Research papers on Samoa

  • AU ANUA 308
  • Series
  • 1830 - 1954

Research papers, drafts and notes on the Pacific Islands, with particular focus on the Cook Islands and Samoa relating to the publications Samoa 1830-1900, 1970 and The Cook Islands 1820-1950, 1980. Including material on Fiji, French Polynesia, Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony (Kiribati), Niue and PNG. Papers relating to the German Administration of Western Samoa, translated into English by Mrs Trudi Newbury, and collected by R.P. Gilson from Archives New Zealand.

Gilson, Richard

Brian William Brogan papers relating to development programs

  • AU ANUA 310
  • Series
  • 1978 - 2008

Most of the papers are proposals and reports on particular development programs from Brogan’s role as Director of the Asia Program in the National Centre for Development Studies and the National Graduate School of Management. They relate to projects in Vietnam, Mozambique, Papua New Guinea, South Africa, India, East Timor and China, particularly under the China Australia Governance Program. There are also some photographs of course participants and training materials. Also contains research and government papers relating to the Papua New Guinea government and economy.

Brogan, Brian

Papers of Diana Howlett

  • AU ANUA 328
  • Series
  • 1970 - 1980

Pacific research papers on human geography including research materials on population, agriculture and natural resources in the Pacific Islands. Includes census data and government reports for Kiribati, Samoa, Vanuatu and Niue; newspaper articles, government and academic papers relating to Solomon Islands, New Caledonia, Cook Islands, Fiji, Nauru, Tuvalu, Western Samoa, Micronesia, Tonga, including topics on nuclear testing, colonialism/postcolonialism and economic development.
Also contains records documenting of aspects of Diana Howlett's education and research.

Howlett, Diana Rosemary

Murray Groves Papers

  • AU ANUA 330
  • Series
  • nd

This series has not been processed.

Groves, Murray Charles

Linguistic recordings

  • AU ANUA 350
  • Series
  • 1960 - 1984

This series has not been processed.
Recordings of language data (narratives, myths, wordlists, conversation) and of music from Papua New Guinea, the North Moluccas (Indonesia) and the Solomon Islands.

Voorhoeve, Clemens Lambertus

Linguistic recordings

  • AU ANUA 351
  • Series
  • 1958 - 1972

This series has not been processed

Laycock, Donald Clarence

Jai Ram Reddy papers relating to politics in Fiji

  • AU ANUA 365
  • Series
  • 1988 - 2000

The Reddy collection contains material relating to Jai Ram Reddy’s involvement in Fijian politics as leader of the National Federation Party (NFP) and leader of the Opposition.
Includes, correspondence, Fiji Government reports and papers, material relating to a review of the Fiji constitution, National Federation Party (NFP) of Fiji papers, parliamentary speeches, material relating to the Agricultural Landlord and Tenant Act (ALTA) and papers relating to women’s issues in Fiji.

Reddy, Jai Ram

Robert Norton Pacific research papers relating to Fijian politics

  • AU ANUA 366
  • Series
  • 1955 - 1997

The collection relates to Fiji politics, covering the following topics:
• National Federation Party
• Indian Political Bodies
• General Elections
• Alliance Party
• Fijian Political Bodies
• Labour Party
• All National Congress (ANC)
• Fiji Elections, 1963 – 1985
• Constitution
• Economy
• Unions and Industrial Conflict
• Education
• Local Government
• Indian Organisations
• 1987 Elections
• Interviews with Indo-Fijian politicians

Norton, Robert

Papers on the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and the Seychelles

  • AU ANUA 368
  • Series
  • 1943 - 1992

Contains research papers, academic articles, speeches, diaries, correspondence and government publications on the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and the Seychelles. Papers re general Pacific Islands matters, including Fiji, Samoa, New Zealand and the South Pacific Commission, constitutional development, and press cuttings. The collection was compiled by Allan during his time as an administrator in these Islands and as a researcher.

Allan, Colin Hamilton

Marion Ward papers relating to transport systems in Papua New Guinea

  • AU ANUA 376
  • Series
  • 1955 - 1971

Items 1 - 31: Research papers and research data on transport systems in Papua New Guinea, includes sea, air and road transport systems. While conducting this research Marion Ward was the Field Director of the New Guinea Research Unit, Australian National University, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. Her research assistant was Barbara Mainsbridge.
Items 32 - 35: Field data from East Sepik District Field Trip, Mar 1969. The field trip was to collect data on transport in the East Sepik District. Accompanied on field trip by Amirah Inglis. Other data collected and field data processed by Barbara Mainsbridge, Research Assistant to Marion Ward at the New Guinea Resarch Unit (NGRU).
Items 36 - 45: Field Data from visit to Milne Bay District. The visit was to collect data on transport in the Milne Bay District. Accompanied by Barbara Mainsbridge, Research Assistant, who collected and processed other data and processed the field data.
Items 46 - 52: Transport information bulletins.
Items 53 -58: Reports on fresh food production and transport in the Port Moresby Hinterland. While conducting this research Marion Ward was the Field Director of the New Guinea Research Unit, Australian National University, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
Items 59 - 65: Economic papers, maps and data relating to Ward's study.

Ward, Marion Wybourn

Peter Sack collection on land and related matters in Papua New Guinea

  • AU ANUA 485
  • Series
  • 1960 - 1979

These reports were gathered by Dr Peter Sack as part of his research on land ownership systems and cultural patterns of inheritance and ownership which effect land tenure in Papua New Guinea. Includes Magistrates Land Law Survey 1968; reports on land matters on the Gazelle Peninsula and on administration of justice, law and order issues; photocopies of maps and plans.

Sack, Peter Georg

Papua New Guinea newspaper cuttings

  • AU ANUA 404
  • Series
  • 1960 - 1980

The collection forms part of the newspaper cutting service run by the Political Science Program, Research School of Social Sciences and consists of cuttings from various Australian and Papua New Guinean newspapers, relating to government and politics in Papua New Guinea. Guide files from 1962-1966 document the early newspaper service and other holdings of the Political Science and International Relations Departments.

ANU Department of Political Science

Pacific History Records Room collection

  • AU ANUA 406
  • Series
  • 1792 - 1982

Printed material and copies of historical publications on the South Pacific, Micronesia, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Hawaii, Samoan Islands, Philippine Islands; copies of correspondence, photocopies of ship logs, maps, thesis material, administrative papers relating to the management of the Department of Pacific and South East Asian records room, and sound reel tapes of interviews relating to the Rorovana Land Crisis, Bougainville Island, 1969.

Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies

Australian School of Pacific Administration printed material

  • AU ANUA 409
  • Series
  • 1916 - 1979

Printed material including course materials, Territory of Papua New Guinea education curriculum and syllabus materials, school readers and magazines, research papers and other rare publications relating to education in Papua New Guinea.

Australian School of Pacific Administration

Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975

  • AU ANUA 411
  • Series
  • 1972 - 1975

Collected papers on Papua New Guinea history, mining, and independence including interviews with spokesmen of the Highlands Liberation Front, research papers and reports. Includes papers relating to the University of Papua New Guinea Council, transcripts of interviews with Papuan Defence Force personnel and Papuan Chinese on their experiences.

Denoon, Donald John Noble

Ian Hossack papers

  • AU ANUA 412
  • Series
  • 1964 - 1975

Reports and papers relating to educational policy, TPNG Department of Education curricula, publications of the Manpower Planning Unit, Apprenticeships Board of PNG and University of PNG.

Hossack, Ian

Papers and publications relating to population studies in the Pacific Islands

  • AU ANUA 416
  • Series
  • 1961 - 2001

Contains research papers, census and statistical reports, correspondence, published and unpublished reports relating to population studies in the Pacific Islands. Includes material on American Samoa, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Guam, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, New Caledonia, Northern Mariana Islands, Pitcairn Islands, Tokelau, Palau, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Samoa.

Booth, Heather

Files relating to the administration of the Division of Pacific and Asian History

  • AU ANUA 418
  • Series
  • 1951 - 1990

Administration and general staffing of the Division, annual reports, correspondence, minutes, funding and conference papers. Includes records of predecessors the Department of Pacific History, Department of Pacific and Southeast Asian History, and Department of Far East Asian History.

ANU Division of Pacific and Asian History

Division publications

  • AU ANUA 419
  • Series
  • 1956 - 1991

Contains files relating to publications and films the Division of Pacific and Asian History were involved with, theses and monograph series, correspondence, bibliographies, newspaper clippings, and material relating to the film Angels of War.

ANU Division of Pacific and Asian History

Basil Shaw's research papers for a biography of Sir Michael Somare

  • AU ANUA 447
  • Series
  • 1966 - 1986

The collection contains research files compiled by Basil Shaw to write a biography on the former Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, Michael Somare. Includes correspondence, interview material, drawings by Captain Yukio Shibata, photographs, press cuttings, maps and photocopies of printed material.

Shaw, Basil John

Robert Norton research papers on Fiji politics

  • AU ANUA 448
  • Series
  • 1966 - 2006

The collection consists of reports, correspondence, press clippings, minutes of Fijian parliamentary committees, memoranda, parliamentary legislation documents and submissions, election material, press translations and published material.

Norton, Robert

Frank Gosson's collection of photographs from the Astrolabe mineral field (the Laloki and Dubuna Copper Mines) Papua New Guinea

  • AU ANUA 450
  • Series
  • 1918 - 1924

1 album of 40 black and white photographs taken by a miner associated with the Astrolable mineral field and the Laloki and Dubuna Mines near Port Moresby. The photographs were taken between 1918 and 1924 and include images of mining operations, storage facilities and a tramway, staff housing for the New Guinea Copper Mine, as well as the general images of the landscape and everyday events, including Rouna Falls, Bootless Bay, farming, harvesting and ploughing, a coconut plantation at Bautama (Bootless Inlet) and a funeral procession.

Gosson, Francis John

Robert Kent Wilson research papers, correspondence and publications on economic development and industrialisation in Papua New Guinea

  • AU ANUA 459
  • Series
  • 1961 - 1974

The archive comprises correspondence, lectures, notebooks, papers and other research records relating to the economic development and industrialisation in Papua New Guinea from 1961-1974. The documents cover such subjects as building and construction, fishing, gas, coconut and village industries, the labour market, migration and over-urbanization in Papua New Guinea.

Wilson, Robert Kent

George Gadbois papers relating to a Papua New Guinea House of Assembly research project.

  • AU ANUA 460
  • Series
  • 1974 - 1978

This series contains interview recordings, transcripts and research papers. They include transcripts of interviews with backbenchers in the Papua New Guinea House of Assembly, 1974; a code book interview schedule and research committee paper; lists of the members of the House of Assembly, 1964-1976; research files and publications.

The interviews were conducted in English, Tok Pisin and Motu; written (typescript) versions are all in English. Most of the interviews were conducted by University of Papua New Guinea students with the interviewers frequently identified in the written version. A memorandum from Gadbois to an (unspecified) research committee provides a rationale for the form of the study.

Gadbois, George Harold Jr

Teacher training material for the Papua New Guinea 'E' Course

  • AU ANUA 461
  • Series
  • 1960 - 1972

Post World War II the need for education in Papua New Guinea was listed as essential in the Provisional Administration Bill of 1945. In the late 1950s, W C Grove, as Director of Papua New Guinea Education, saw that education for local students was hampered in that the Territory did not have staff to run schools while indigenous teachers were being trained. The 'E' or Emergency Crash Teacher Training Course was implemented. The aim was to recruit Australians, quickly train them and post them to primary schools. The first "E" course began at Malaguna Technical Centre in 1960. On 1 April 1961 the first E course graduates were posted to districts throughout PNG. The courses ended in December 1971. This compilation is in two parts. The first describes the courses, the second is a list of lecturers, trainees who graduated from the three training colleges at Malaguna, Madang and Port Moresby, and selected events.

Houston, Bernard W

New Guinea Society, Canberra Branch papers

  • AU ANUA 462
  • Series
  • 1957 - 1965

The records comprise New Guinea Society papers presented at meetings in Canberra, records relating to membership and activities, correspondence, constitution, minutes and notices of meetings. The collection also includes some documents relating to the Papua and New Guinea Society, a group formed in Port Moresby in 1962.

New Guinea Society

Marjorie Bull papers

  • AU ANUA 482
  • Series
  • 1948 - 1995

Reprints of academic papers by Margaret Mead, newsclippings and copies of publications, correspondence, and a copy of biographer Jane Howard's CV and talk 'Flyovers, Quiddities, Pledges'.

Bull, Marjorie

David Moorhouse papers

  • AU ANUA 486
  • Series
  • 1955 - 1996

Papers documenting David Bruce Moorhouse's career in Papua New Guinea as a patrol officer, administrator, and land consultant. Includes patrol reports, field officer's journal, mining consultancy papers, correspondence, papers relating to border crossings and territory intelligence, newspaper articles re royal visit by Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, publications and maps.

Moorhouse, David Bruce

Papers of Arthur Braisby

  • AU ANUA 500
  • Series
  • 1922 - 1945

Correspondence, memoranda and report, evacuation lists, defence plans and notes.

Braisby, Arthur L

Papua New Guinea aerial photographs

  • AU ANUA 502
  • Series
  • 1942 - 1973

Aerial photographs of the Rabaul area, Papua New Guinea, including Sortie Works, defence areas, forests, Keravat, Kokopo, and Ataliklikun Bay.

Granger, Ken

Joe Barr's collection of Pacific disaster management publications and research material

  • AU ANUA 503
  • Series
  • 1970 - 2013

The collection consists of disaster and research reports, disaster preparedness workshop training manuals, seminar papers, consultancy management files, newspaper clippings, small publications and ephemera, a large number of SOPAC (Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission) and United Nations reports, and documents created when Joe Barr was engaged as a consultant in relation to disaster management in the Pacific Islands. Of particular significance are the photographs and slides taken immediately following disasters in Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Samoa and Cambodia, Turkey, Afghanistan, India and Indonesia.

Barr, Joseph

Nancy Lutton papers on John Alexander Kolia

  • AU ANUA 521
  • Series
  • 1978 - 1993

Correspondence, press cuttings, journal articles and reviews, unpublished verse, theatre programmes and poster, 1981; photograph and other documents; Thesis: Lyn Baer, In Between: Cultural Ambivalence in the Novels of John Kolia, 1982; audio recordings on cassette tape, duplicated typescripts, and publications.

Collier, John Alexander

Indenture research papers of K L Gillion

  • AU ANUA 522
  • Series
  • n.d.

Research papers of K L Gillion, publications re Fiji press, material relating to CSR, Methodist papers and miscellaneous papers (not yet processed).

Gillion, Kenneth L

Bronwen Douglas Pacific research papers

  • AU ANUA 524
  • Series
  • c. 1966 - 2012

Conference and seminar papers; PhD thesis; course material; field work tapes, notes and interview; correspondence; drafts; collection of articles and chapters on Pacific women, Christianity in Melanesia, Australian Aboriginal history and Aboriginal women, anthropological theory and miscellaneous theory, New Caledonia and Polynesia.

Douglas, Bronwen

Michael Monsell-Davis journals, diaries, fieldnotes and research files on the Roro

  • AU ANUA 545
  • Series
  • 1965 - 2000

The collection includes significant language and genealogical data. The records include research files, letters, journals and diaries compiled by Davis while working as a social anthropologist in Papua New Guinea :-
Items 1 - 59 - Journals (1965 - 2000)
Items 60 - 111 - Research Files
Items 112 - 115 - Publications

Monsell Davis, Michael Dunmore

John Gordon-Kirkby Papua New Guinea Field Officer's Journals

  • AU ANUA 559
  • Series
  • 1964 - 1972

Carbon copy of journal from the commencement of service on 1 June 1964 to or 14 February 1965, including stations at Rabaul, Kokopo, Messawa, Manus (Lorengau), Balluan and Rambutso. Also includes papers related to the creation of the Enga Cultural Centre and the story of the Enga Provincial Flag.

Gordon-Kirkby, John William

Frank Ryan's Papua New Guinea slide collection

  • AU ANUA 561
  • Series
  • 1956 - 1970

The series consists of 395 images of people, families, villages, social life and customs as well as images taken in the course of Frank Ryan's work as a District Agricultural Officer.

Ryan, Francis Xavier

David Henry Lewis papers on Pacific navigation

  • AU ANUA 563
  • Series

Collection includes field notes, newspaper clippings, research reports, photographs and maps:
Items 26 - 31: Field notebooks - Simpson Desert, Papunya, Indonesia.
Items 4 - 11: Map of the 1977-1978 voyage to Antartica in the 'Solo', including several photographs and newspaper clippings.
Items 1, 14, 17, 20: Details about the navigational techniques used by the Prahu Captains of Indonesia.
Item 21: Draft article on the Prahu Captains for 'Playboy'.
Items 22 - 24: Route-finding techniques of Aboriginal people in the Western Desert of Australia.

Lewis, David Henry

John Duffield's Papua New Guinea manuscript collection

  • AU ANUA 564
  • Series
  • 1962 - 1976

The collection covers the period 1962 to 1976, when John Duffield was a Patrol Officer, Political Education Officer and District Government Liaison Officer with the Australian Public Service in Papua New Guinea. Included are Field Officer Journals from 1972 to 1976; several Patrol Reports and a very large collection of letters, circulars, reports, telegrams, ephemera, patrol instructions and comments on patrol reports; declarations of Local Government Council elections; as well as many personal records including his appointment as a Local Government advisor; an acceptance letter to ASOPA (the Australian School of Pacific Studies); his appointment letter as a Cadet Patrol Officer and appointment as a Magistrate for Native Matters. There are copies of the 'Black and White Magazine' and posters and ephemera relating to self-government and Independence. Rare publications include: the Western Highlands District Agricultural Society Mount Hagen Show Handbook for the Fourth District Show, dated 1967; Recipe book - 'Entertaining in Papua and New Guinea', published by the Boroko Branch of the Country Women's Association, 2nd Edition, 1968; and the Third South Pacific Games Souvenir Cookery Book, c.1969.

Of particular significance are booklets produced for the Independence celebrations in Port Moresby in 1975, including booklets on the 'State Welcome & Flag Lowering', 'Sport & Culture', 'Royal Tour', 'Guriguri Hebou', 'Bikpela Lotu, 'Flag Raising', 'Installation & Constitutional Ceremonies', 'State opening of the First National Parliament', 16 September 1975, 'Official Programme'.

The collection includes one album of photographs covering the period.

Duffield, John

Personal papers of George Whittaker

  • AU ANUA 567
  • Series

Notes, newspaper articles, personal correspondence, letters by Whittaker, diaries, photographs, letters and documents in relation to his business as an optometrist in Papua New Guinea, documents relating to Awilunga Plantation Limited, legal and financial records.

Whittaker, George

Tok Pisin publications on the New Guinean dialect of English

  • AU ANUA 587
  • Series
  • 1955 - 1973

Eighty five publications by various Tok Pisin authors. Includes publications on agriculture, health, education and literacy, government, religious texts, children’s books, grammars and phrase books, etc. Also some publications in local indigenous languages (Tok Ples) such as Fore and Atzera, some English publications concerning Tok Pisin, and one short typescript manuscript in Tok Pisin on an account of a first time visit to Port Moresby.

Balint, Andras

Joanne Wodak collection of Ombisusu stories (folklore) from Papua New Guinea

  • AU ANUA 597
  • Series
  • 1968 - 1970

Ombisusu stories is a collection folk stories gathered through oral history and research conducted by Joanne Wodak in mid 1969 while a tutor in literature at the University of Papua New Guinea from 1968 - 1970. The collection consists of stories by inhabitants of Ombisusu that were mostly translated into English, some left in the original language and written down or typed by the researcher after recording them on tape. The aim of collecting stories was to keep them for the benefit of the children of Ombisusu villagers and for people in Papua New Guinea. The collection contains stories on history, origins and clans.

Wodak, Joanne

Report on coastwatching activity on Bougainville Island 1941 - 1943

  • AU ANUA 601
  • Series
  • 1941 - 1943

Photocopy of original transcript, Parts I-XI and appendices A-L, includes detailed contents list, 148pp. Part 1 Introduction: Australian administration in the northern (mandated) Solomons on the outbreak of war with Japan ; Part 2: The evacuation of Kieta - Read takes over civil administration - The Japanese bomb Buka Passage and Kieta ; Part 3: The Japanese invasion ; Part 4: Awaiting allied offensive ; Part 5: American attack in Solomons ; Part 6: Victory in Guadalcanal ; Part 7: Suspension of coastwatching on Bougainville Island ; Part 8: Evacuation ; Part 9: Recommendations ; Part 10: Techniques of coastwatching ; Part 11: Miscellaneous

Read, William John (Jack)

Minutes of meetings and related papers Wahgi Local Government Council, Papua New Guinea

  • AU ANUA 603
  • Series
  • 1962 - 1976

Nangamp [Nangamb] Native Local Government Council, Kerowil, minutes of meetings, Jan 1962-Feb 1965, in Pidgin;
Minj and Nangamp Local Government Councils, Kerowil, minutes of meetings, Apr-Aug 1965, in Pidgin;
Documents re amalgamation of Minj and Nangamp LGCs to form Wahgi LGC, 1965;
Wahgi Local Government Council, Kerowil, minutes of meetings, Jul 1966, Jul 1973-May 1976, in English;
Territory of Papua and New Guinea, Local Government Council Conference - Highlands Region, Mt. Hagen Council Chambers, 28-30 Mar 1967.
Wahgi Tuale Association, Aims and Policies; and other documents.

Wahgi Local Government Council, Papua New Guinea

Reverend Harry T. Williams, Megalithic art structures found on Normandy Island, Papua.

  • AU ANUA 606
  • Series
  • c1940

Reverend Henry Williams was a Methodist Missionary on Normandy Island 1930 - 1945. In December 1940, during a pastoral and medical patrol to Sewa Bay, the inhabitants spoke of strange stones with unusual markings, which prompted Reverend Williams to record the site and conduct further research. The paper is in three parts, with varying contents including: Introduction ; The site of the stones ; General observations on the site ; The story of the stones ; A curious cave terminal ; The engravers and their tools ; Features in the designs ; The builders from whence? ; Primitive engravers. Includes text, maps, plates and hand-drawn illustrations.

Williams, Harry T

Peter White archaeological research papers on Lake Kopiago, Papua New Guinea

  • AU ANUA 611
  • Series
  • 1964 - 2001

The collection includes papers, photographs, slides, negatives and contact prints relating to archaeological fieldwork in Papua New Guinea: in Lake Kopiago, Western Highlands District, Papua New Guinea (1967 and 1973) ; Kosipe, Central District (1964 and 1967) ; Irian-Jaya (May - June 1983) ; Brooker Island, Louisade Archipelago (1967) ; New Ireland (1969 - 1990) ; Balof 1 (1988) ; Balof 2 (1990) ; New Ireland (1988 - 1994) ; New Britain (2001).

White, J Peter

University of Papua New Guinea household baseline surveys of rising expectations 1986

  • AU ANUA 622
  • Series
  • 1986

1 large box of field data sheets, with codes and reports from a UPNG survey conducted by four teams of students on Normandy and Fergusson Islands in 1986. The survey was undertaken to identify the monetary needs of householders to 'live well' and to establish baseline data for future comparison.

University of Papua New Guinea

Jeff Doring collection of documentary material on the Bedamini people of Papua New Guinea

  • AU ANUA 632
  • Series
  • 1970s

The collection was created by Jeff and Su Doring in c1972. The film (videocassette) 'Tidikawa and Friends' is a 50 minute documentary of the daily lives of the Bedamini speakers of PNG through the eyes of Tidikawa, a spirit medium who communicate with ancestral spirits. The film was awarded the AFI Gold Award for Best Documentary ; the Australian Cinematographic Society, Best Documentary ; and the Gold Award for Best Documentary in the 15th American Film Festival, 1973. The collection also includes seven large folders of 35mm colour and black and white negatives, together with contact prints; three small files of 5.5cm Panchromatic black and white negatives, and Kodak colour 5.5cm negatives ; plus some field notes on the Bendamini.

Doring, Jeff

Suva House records

  • AU ANUA 701
  • Series


Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies

Kevin Kerley's papers on the Bougainville conflict and peace process

  • AU ANUA 600
  • Series
  • Nov 1988 - 1997

Diaries and documents (government notices, private letters, newspaper clippings) maintained by Father Kerley during the Bougainville crisis from November 1988 until 1997. The material was collected by Father Kerley at the time or added to later. The hand written diaries (Roman Catholic calendars or diaries used for recording the sacraments - births, deaths and marriages in the rural parishes) are written by him in a kind of code to avoid scrutiny, as he held a position of trust between the waring factions - the Bougainville Revolutionary Army, the 'rascals', the Papua New Guinea Police and external military forces. He has spent many years since transcribing his coded diaries out in full and adding other documents to support his notes.

Kerley, Kevin

Images of Banaba (Ocean Island)

  • AU ANUA 296
  • Series
  • 1960 - 1975

Images are of Banaba (Ocean Island) in the Pacific near Kiribati. They show island scenes and views of the phosphate mining that occurred on Banaba.

Hardman, Lillian

Images of Banaba (Ocean Island) series 2

  • AU ANUA 297
  • Series
  • 1960 - 1974

Photographs compiled in an album on Banaba (Ocean Island) and Nauru including Island workers, company buildings and work areas, church and family photographs.

Edwards, Jack

Petrographic reports

  • AU ANUA 613
  • Series
  • 2016

Petrographic reports prepared as part of Dickinson's collaborative investigations with archaeologists working in the South Pacific.

Dickinson, William R (Bill)

Manuscript of an autobiography written by Des Pike, Crumbs from Memory's Table

  • AU ANUA 623
  • Series
  • 2016 - 2018

Volume 1 of his autobiography from the 1940s - 1960s includes: Early memories; Mount Barker 1940 - 1945; Melbourne 1946 - 1955; Melbourne The Australian School of Pacific Administration (ASOPA) 1956; Port Moresby 1956; Manus 1956 - 57; Australian School of Pacific Administration Long Course 1958; Milne Bay District 1959 - 1964.
Volume 2 of his autobiography covers the period from 1964 to his departure from Papua New Guinea in 1978

Pike, G D (Des)

Vic Faulkner's collection of Lae, Papua New Guinea community and local government papers

  • AU ANUA 598
  • Series
  • 1959 - 1974

The collection is the personal collection of Vic Faulkner who was a councillor on the Lae Town Council from the inaugural meeting in 1971 until 1974. The collection includes the Lae Town Council inaugural election political material for 1971 ; Lae Town Council, Standing Orders Committee - references and resources for 1971 ; Inaugural meeting, Lae Town Council, 1971 and Minutes (including some Executive Finance Minutes) from April 1971 - 7 August 1974 ; the 15th and 17th Morobe District Councils Conferences, Lae ; Minutes of the Lae Chamber of Commerce, 26 January - 9 February 1971 ; Establishment of Area Authority - Morobe District Area (Province), 21 December 1972 - 13 December 1972.

Faulkner, Victor

Results 1 to 100 of 239